Oral History Interview: Kathy Flores (1267)
In her June 11, 2012, interview with Jackie Bolduan, Kathy Flores details her years in Wisconsin after living in California and Michigan. She discusses her coming out journey, which occurred in her 30s and her struggles coming out as an older queer person. She also touches on the Appleton LGBTQ+ scene in the 1990s, workplace rights and harassment in regards to same-sex couples in Appleton, queer advocacy in Appleton, the Fox Valley Conservative Action Group who were against a new LGBTQ+ domestic partnership measure, progressive language and voices in Appleton, and her involvement in Fair Wisconsin. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the LGBTQ+ oral history project in the UW-Madison Archives & Records Management oral history collection.
Wisconsin, LGBT, LGBTQ
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Recording, oral
Wisconsin, LGBT, LGBTQ, Gay, Transgender, Trans, Genderqueer, Pivot Bar, Appleton Wisconsin, Lavender Salon, Michael Nitz, Goodwill Industries, Appleton Family Values, Appleton Taxpayers United, Fox Valley Conservative Action Network, Kimberly Clark, Marty Brown, Shannon Kennevan, GLBT Partnership, Molly Herrmann, Tess Meuer, Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence, WCADV, Fox Valley Anti-Violence Project, Cody Barker, Shiocton Wisconsin, Tim Hanna, LGBT Suicide Prevention Team, Harmony Café, Students and Teachers Advocating for Neenah’s Diversity, ACLU, ARCW, Ellen, Julaine Appling, Family Action Network, Scott Walker, Fair Wisconsin, bullying, Wisconsin Domestic Partnership Registry, GLADD, Post Crescent, trans support group, The Princess Boy, She’s Not the Man I Married, My Husband Betty, Helen Boyd, The PLUNGE, ThedaCare, Affinity Health Systems, The Fox River House, Just Act Natural, Ravens, Oshkosh hate crimes, PJS Bar, Lesbian Mothers, Gay Bars, Gay Straight Alliance, GSA, Union Congregational, United Church of Christ, UCC, Domestic Partnership, Coming Out, Rural, Hate Crime, HIV/AIDS, Divorce. To learn more about this oral history, download & review the index first (or transcript if available). It will help determine which audio file(s) to download & listen to.
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