Oral History Interview: Kathryn Clarenbach (466)
International Women's Year Conference
Wisconsin Governor's Commission on Status of Women
Women's Movement
National Organization for Women (NOW)
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Recording, oral
Family background; Early education; Experiences at UW; Reactions to WWII; Work at War Production Board in Washington, D.C.; Graduate school; Marriage; Teaching at Purdue; Work on Henry Wallace's 1948 political campaign; Teaching and daily life at Olivet College in Michigan; Work at Encampment for Citizenship; Experiences at Edgewood College and on Board of Trustees at Alverno College; Work with Martha Peterson's continuing education program for women; Formation of Wisconsin's Governor?s Commission on Status of Women and important accomplishments during tenure as chair; Foundation of National Organization for Women (NOW); Early conflicts and problems in NOW, including issue of lesbians and her working relationship with Betty Friedan; Importance of state commissions on status of women for development of women's organizations like NOW; Changes in NOW; Tenure as executive director of 1977 International Women's Year Conference in Houston; International travels, including Cuba and Virgin Islands; Advances and setbacks of women's movement.
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