The lunch bunch : an intervention program for at-risk students
The purpose of this study was to develop an intervention program for at-risk students in the fifth and sixth grade at DeForest Area Middle School. The program, called the Lunch Bunch, was designed with the purpose of promoting academic and behavioral success among these students. The group, led by the researcher and a school guidance counselor, filled a void of opportunities for students identified as at-risk to receive extra support and attention from an adult within the school. While it was difficult to prove the success of the program through quantitative evidence, survey and qualitative data indicate that the program was very well-received and appreciated. Reception of the program among staff received mixed reviews primarily because of the short duration and abundance of contributing factors. The program filled a need within the school in terms of promoting a common language among staff as to the definition and identification of an at-risk student, but could benefit greatly from being implemented continuously in the future.
Youth with social disabilities
Children with social disabilities
Compensatory education
Small groups
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Project Report
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