MoRePriv: Mobile OS-Wide Application Personalization
We present MoRePriv, a system that combines the
goals of privacy and content personalization in the
browser. MoRePriv discovers user interests and shares
them with third-parties, but only with the explicit per-
mission of the user. We demonstrate how always-on user
interest mining can effectively infer user interests in a
mobile operating system. Inference is based on parsing
and classifying multiple stream of (sensitive) informa-
tion about the user, such as their email, SMS, Facebook
stream, and network communications.
This paper positions MoRePriv as an OS-level ser-
vice that exposes information about the user in the form
of a persona to applications. This provides easy-to-use
APIs and limits the potential for information leaks. Us-
ing a number of cases studies, we demonstrate how var-
ious personalization tasks can be achieved with the help
of MoRePriv.
Personalization, Privacy, Mobile Computing
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Technical Report