Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Automatic Novel Writing: A Status Report 

      Klein, Sheldon; Aeschlimann, John F.; Balsiger, David F.; Converse, Steven L.; Court, Claudine; Foster, Mark; Lao, Robin; Oakley, John D.; Smith, Joel (University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1973)
      Programmed in FORTRAN V on a Univac 1108, the system generates 2100 word murder mystery stories, complete with semantic deep structure, in less than 19 seconds. The techniques draw upon the state of the art in linguistics, ...
    • Modeling Propp and Levi-Strauss in a Meta-Symbolic Simulation System 

      Klein, Sheldon; Aeschlimann, John F.; Appelbaum, Matthew A.; Balsiger, David F.; Curtis, Elizabeth J.; Foster, Mark; Kalish, S. David; Kamin, Scott J.; Lee, Ying-Da; Price, Lynne A.; Salsieder, David F. (University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1974)
      Tests of the system include an automated generative model for a portion of Levi-Strauss' The Raw and the Cooked, and an automated generative model for Propp's Morphology of the Folktale. Output presented includes fifty ...