Dr. Williams has provided materials that he has used over the years in his geology classes. These materials include his comic book "Adventures in Geology", video and web-based materials. They can be used without charge so long as credit is given to the author, including his affiliation with the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

Recent Submissions

  • The History of Geology Teaching at Public Higher Education Institutions in River Falls Wisconsin. 

    Williams, Ian (2021-01-28)
    A history of the teaching of geology, as it has been practiced, from 1847 to 2020 at a succession of institutions of higher learning located in River Falls, Wisconsin. This document describes the individuals involved in ...
  • Continents in collision 

    Williams, Ian Stephen (2006-04)
    Continents in collision is a graphic textbook that is intended to be an introduction to geology. Continents in collision was created in April 2006 by Professor Ian Williams, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, as a ...