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dc.contributor.authorBittner, Jason
dc.description26 p.en
dc.description.abstractThis report details the activities of a small portion of the Library Connectivity Pooled Fund. It builds upon the 2007 Interim report and that served as a record of the formation, major activities and accomplishments of the Transportation Library Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF-5(105), from its launch in October 2004 through its third annual meeting in September 2007. Two subsequent cycles of the Library Connectivity Pooled Fund have produced other documents. State DOTs, 600 transit agencies and nearly 400 metropolitan planning organizations generate a staggering amount of valuable research, yet the transportation sector lacks a systematic approach to effectively manage this information. The Transportation Library Connectivity pooled fund study was formed against the backdrop of this information challenge. For more information on the Pooled Fund Study, please refer to This website is currently sponsored by the second generation pooled fund, TPF-5(237) but selected archived material from TPF-5(105) is available on the site at
dc.publisherNational Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (CFIRE)en
dc.subjectInformation servicesen
dc.titleLibrary connectivity pooled fund administrative and marketing servicesen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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