Browsing UW-Superior Masters Theses by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 94
The Architectural Development of Duluth, Minnesota
(University of Wisconsin-Superior, 1976-09)A thesis paper presented to the Graduate Faculty of the Department of Art at the University of Wisconsin-Superior -
The Impact of Video Surveillance in a Select Tribal School
(2010)Providing for the physical and emotional safety and welfare of children is the highest priority for schools across the country. Districts and administrators face a variety of challenges in developing and implementing ... -
Spiritualty in Modern Art
(2010)This thesis includes the interpretation of art as a religious device in early history that was essentially, exclusively used within the context of spirituality. Art from around the world reveals the deep roots between ... -
The Effects of Graphic Novels on the Reading Comprehension Scores of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
(2011)Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face several challenges in the academic setting. These students often struggle to comprehend what they have read, which makes learning difficult. The purpose of this study was ... -
(2011)This supporting paper discusses how art is the vehicle that has led to a road of personal and artistic discovery. Experiences and concepts in narrative art are explored. Numerous past and recent histories of narrative ... -
The Effects of Student Discipline on School Climate in a School Using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
(2011)This study examines the school climate of a rural school using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. -
Analysis of Writing in Connection to Reading with Primary Students
(2011)The study looked at the success of students who used the strategies of writing to learn. The data in this study strongly suggested that writing in connection to reading, particularly through the activities of journaling, ... -
I Am Not the Same Person, Even Though I Am: Managing Communication and Identity in the Aftermath of Physical Disability
(2011)The following explores changes that occur in communication following the acquisition of a physical disability. Framed by the symbolic interactionism theoretical tradition, I use ethnography and semi-structured interviews ... -
Bloody Savages/White Invaders: Images of the Other in Non-Native and Native Art
(2011)Europeans, from the time of their first arrival in the Americas, documented the New World inhabitants and their "strange" customs via drawings, etchings, and paintings. These invariably inaccurate and stereotypical images ... -
Venus Anadyomene: The Mythological Symbolism from Antiquity to the 19th Century
(2011)This thesis includes reading the chosen artworks as a visual interpretation of the written mythological birth of Venus by the sea. Reading the selected painting as visual novels, the pictorial symbolism helps prove or ... -
What Causes Special Educators to Become Burned Out?
(2012)This research study was designed to determine that causes that lead burn out amongst special education teachers. The study was a study that was compared to a study done in 1987. The researcher administered a survey to ... -
What Effect Does Homeschooling Have on Test Scores and Socialization of Children?
(2012)Homeschooling has grown in popularity in the last decade. While public schools have requirements for attendance and standardized testing, homeschooled children and families have these things as options. There are some ... -
FRIDA KAHLO: An Exploration of Art Themes and Symbols
(2012)This thesis is an exploration of the symbolism and themes in the artwork of Frida Kahlo. It examines and interprets Frida Kahlo's artworks on a more intimate level. The thesis explores the many self-portraits of the artist, ... -
Art as an Expressive Therapy for Adolescents
(2012)Nobody can imagine their life as full and beautiful without art. Art is beauty, play, creation, imagination, expression, inspiration and intuition. I believe that artists express their emotional world through creativity. ... -
The Use of Song Cues for Preschool Students with Autism
(2012)Individuals with autism, while under the same special education label, come into our classrooms with varying skills, differing degrees of deficit, and with a wide range of ability levels. The struggle, and sometimes the ... -
The Hopi Katsina Art and Ritual: Preserving a People of Peace
(2012)This thesis examines the visual culture of the Hopi through Katsinam. The Hopi have survived for thousands of years by maintaining their cultural traditions through their relationships with Katsinam. Katsinam are ... -
A Comparative Study of Literacy Achievement of Kindergarten Students at Pike Lake Elementary School who Enroll in Alternating Full Day Kindergarten Versus Full Day Kindergarten
(2012)A Comparative Study of Literacy Achievement of Kindergarten Students at Pike Lake Elementary School who Enroll in Alternating Full Day Kindergarten Versus Full Day Kindergarten. -
De-escalation Techniques for students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
(2012)This study proposes to look for a relationship between the de-escalation techniques and the amount and severity of aggressive behaviors in students who have an Emotional/Behavioral Disorder. The Crisis Prevention intervention ... -
Interning as an Art Therapist for Children with Emotional Disturbances including Autism Spectrum Disorder
(2012)Interning as an Art Therapist for Children with Emotional Disturbances including Autism Spectrum Disorder -
Andrew T. Mettner Graduate Exhibition
(2012)Visual Arts Graduate Exhibition MA in Studio Art Fall 2012