Creating engaging and effective eLearning experiences for art and design courses that enhance students' learning experiences
Design students are required to learn both soft design skills like--design principles,
complexity, and change--and hard design skills or technical skills. Given the limited amount of contact hours during a semester, design faculty find it challenging to teach both type of skills in a balanced way. A research project was undertaken to come up with ways to integrate ELearning components with traditional face-to-face teaching in order to achieve the desired equilibrium. The paper starts by acquainting the readers about the needs and requirements for the research project. Then it informs about the techniques and methods used to create and assess the teaching components developed during the research project.
Art and design--Study and teaching (Higher)--Technological innovations
Art and design--Computer-assisted instruction
Graphic arts--Study and teaching (Higher)--Technological innovations
Graphic arts--Computer-assisted instruction
Instructional systems--Design
Teaching--Computer network resources
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