Menacing Waters: The City of Chippewa Falls and the Flood of 1884
In 1884 the city of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin was vibrating with economic growth because of its location along the Chippewa River and Duncan Creek. The logging and lumber industry was at its peak, and Chippewa Falls was emerging as a town on the rise. In mid September disasters struck in the form of severe flooding caused by intense precipitation north of the city. Dams on both the Chippewa River and Duncan Creek broke sending a wall of water and logs towards the city. The flood caused massive destruction to businesses, homes, and structures in the city. As a result of the catastrophic damage caused by the flood, and the economic instability which ensued the city and community was forced to reform their way of life.
Floods--Wisconsin--Chippewa Falls
Chippewa Falls (Wis.)--History--19th century
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