The importance of music instruction in alternative education settings : curriculum development that supports active learning and dialogue
While a great deal of research exists in both the fields of music education and alternative education, there is very little information available about the inclusion of music courses in alternative educational settings. Research has shown that music instruction is an important part of children's academic and personal growth, and children who seek education in a non-traditional setting are not exempt from this idea. This project examined current practices in both alternative and music education and allowed for the creation of curriculum that would support students in non-traditional school settings, adhere to principles of alternative education, and incorporate core fundamentals of music education. The goal was to create curriculum that was not only meaningful to students and flexible enough to be taught in a variety of settings, but curriculum that was based on sound research and philosophies of alternative education. Overall, by researching and developing this curriculum, some awareness has been raised about significant issues faced in alternative schools and the increasingly important rationale for including music instruction for all students, regardless of the educational setting in which they choose - or are assigned - to learn.
School music--Instruction and study
Education, Secondary--Curricula
Alternative education
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Project Report
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