The block schedule : personal perceptions and feelings of success
Research on the block schedule versus the traditional schedule in high school classrooms
suggests that there are benefits and negatives to both schedules, without a majority of conclusive
evidence to readily support one schedule over the other. Most research focuses on qualitative
data to demonstrate the success of the schedule, with less focus on qualitative data in the form of
perceptions, opinions, and feedback from students and teachers learning in these schedules. This
project examines the personal views, and resulting perceptions of educational success, of the
block schedule through survey responses from students and teaching staff at two Wisconsin
schools located near Madison, WI. The project was completed between summer of 2010 and
spring of 2011. It measured perceptions of the block schedule, feelings of student success, and
correlations between these two factors through the use of a survey. Results showed that a
majority of participants felt positively about the block schedule, as well as their levels of
academic success. Suggestions for further research and use of the study data are discussed as well.
Block scheduling (Education)
High schools
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Project Report
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