The effects of criterion referenced feedback on intrinsic motivation of students with learning disabilities
Students with learning disabilities (LD) tend to have less intrinsic motivation than their
counterparts who are not considered to have LD. This project examines the role criterion
referenced feedback has on the intrinsic motivation of four students with LD in a 7th grade self-contained math class. It asks the question, will providing criterion-referenced feedback, through differentiated instruction increase the intrinsic motivation of 7th grade students with LD in their self-contained math class? Surveys were given to the students and their parents before and after a
Connected Math Project (CMP) book was completed to determine if intrinsic motivation
increased. This project found that there were no significant gains in intrinsic motivation from the
beginning of the project to the time it was concluded. The relatively small sample size combined with a brief implementation period may have resulted in there being no change. Results from this project highlight the need to research the need for more understanding on how to increase
motivation in students with LD.
Learning disabled children--Education
Intrinsic motivation
Criterion-referenced tests
Permanent Link
Project Report
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