An Offensive Seasonal Analysis of Girls' High School Fast Pitch Softball in Iowa and Michigan (1994-1998)
Offensive softball(SB) statistics were examined for 69 Michigan (MI) and 120 Iowa (IA) teams that had qualified for their respective state SB tournaments to determine the effect of playing seasons on their performance. State qualifying team statistics were organized into groups
according to state, year, and class size. It was concluded that IA teams offered significantly (p < .05) more offensive opportunities. IA teams averaged significantly (p < .05) more games, at bats, hits, and doubles than the MI teams; however the MI teams did significantly better (p
<. 05) in the areas of batting averages, triples, and homeruns. It was determined that due to the lack of previous studies further investigations on defensive statistics are needed to establish the relevance of playing seasons for SB in the Midwest.
High school athletes.
Softball for women --Michigan
Softball for women --Iowa
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