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dc.contributor.advisorMilanesi, Louis C.
dc.contributor.authorLenio, James A.
dc.description.abstractThe focus of this paper is on the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM). A description of the model, the applications toward modifying health behavior, and the model's criticisms will all be examined. Through research of published literature, the paper concludes that the model does in fact seem to support health behavior change and shows potential for effective, appropriate intervention. More research is necessary in the area of measurement validity, criteria consistency, and application over unique populations to make the model more widely accepted.en
dc.rightsAll rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
dc.subject.lcshHealth education
dc.subject.lcshHealth behavior
dc.subject.lcshBehavior modification
dc.titleAnalysis of the transtheoretical model of behavior changeen

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