Browsing UW-Madison Department of Geography Master's Theses by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 104
An Adaptive Traffic Vehicle Routing Framework During Big Public Events
(2016)One of the most ubiquitous transportation problems is real-time vehicle routing. Previous work leveraged both real-time (e.g. vehicle location and velocity) and historical traffic data (e.g. street traffic count within a ... -
Application of Objective Visual Complexity Measures to Binary Dasymetric Maps
(2011)Dasymetric maps have been shown to be an improvement over more common mapping techniques in terms of spatial and attribute accuracy. This research is a step towards evaluating dasymetric maps in terms of their effectiveness ... -
Assessing the Pattern of Error in a Predictive Soil Map
(2010)SoLIM is a predictive soil mapping application employing fuzzy logic and expert knowledge to model the relationship between landscape and soil type. The end result of SoLIM's predictive approach is a hardened map of soil ... -
Between Place: Food Consumption and Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion in Montpellier, France
(2011)?If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast,? wrote Ernest Hemingway about his time there in the 1920s.1 ... -
Buffer zones in the Peruvian Amazon bring conservation benefits despite ambiguous rules and uncertain authority
(2015-03-24)Many geographers have tested whether protected areas save forest, but they usually focus on parks and reserves, management units that have internationally recognized standing and familiar objectives. Buffer zones have ... -
(C)art Therapy: Sketch Mapping Workshops for Early Teens as a Case Study in Post-representational Cartography
(2019)In this study, I considered the process of mapping as art intervention programming for individuals to uncover the important role that place plays in life’s experiences (affective geographies), specifically the emotions ... -
Cartographic Design for Mobile Devices: a Case Study Using the UW-Madison Interactive Campus Map
(2014)Despite their omnipresence in today’s society, mobile map design is poorly understood. Very few scholars have put solid research into what is now one of the most popular ways for mobile phone users to understand where they ... -
The Certainty of Change: Flood, Drought, and the Genre of Environmental Prophecy in California's Central Valley, 1987-2015
(2015)Disaster studies, a field that gained prominence in the 1970s in response to growing research on environmental hazards, has now become a robust nexus for geographers, anthropologists, historians, and cultural critics. In ... -
Chronology of Late Holocene Glacier Recessions in the Cascade Range and Deposition of a Recent Esker in a Cirque Basin, North Cascade Range, Washington
(1987)Recessional events over the past 800 years between 23 glaciers of varying size, elevation and aspect in the North Cascades and on Mount Rainier were found to be broadly synchronous. Eight periods of recession were identified ... -
Client-side versus Server-side Geoprocessing: Benchmarking the Performance of Web Browsers Processing Geospatial Data Using Common GIS Operations
(2014)Web-based GIS and mapping applications are traditionally based on a client-server model, where most of the data processing work is placed on the server, but current trends in web applications are moving towards more ... -
Cocoa and Forests: Smallholder Incentives in Sustainable Cocoa Production
(2019)I provide background information on the history of cocoa production in Côte d’Ivoire and describe the study area. I also provide some preliminary results on land access and tenure systems, land use history, and cocoa ... -
Color Perception and Preference Among Older Map Readers
(2012)Research outside of cartography suggests that color perception changes as one ages. The goal of this study is both to explore and to acquire a better understanding of how individuals of advanced ages understand and perceive ... -
Contemporary Professional Practices in Interactive Web Map Design
(2016-06-06)It is time for cartographic research to catch up to the technology and practice of interactive web mapping. Here, I investigate the interactive web map creation process through the lens of those who spend their professional ... -
Dance, Precarity & Covid-19 in Two Global Art Cities
(2021)During time in isolation and quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, professional dancers have had little interaction with their careers amidst the global health crisis. While technological innovations have been creatively ... -
Data Mining For Knowledge-Based Approach for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
(2018)Statistical approaches to landslide susceptibility mapping can be an effective tool for determining areas of high risk, but have also had problems with portability, reliability, stability, and impracticality as they often ... -
Data-Mining Social Media for Spatiotemporal Patterns of Negative Opinion
(2013)Given that political and natural events cause unrest in social media, the research of this thesis serves to address the following question: Using census demographics and the geographic signature of social media content, ... -
Dead Zones, Weed Nests, and Manure Mishaps: How Gardeners Cultivate Collective Place in Eagle Heights Community Gardens
(2011)The garden plots of Eagle Heights Community Gardens stretch for eight acres up a hillside on the west side of the University of Wisconsin at Madison's campus. Individual gardeners shape much of the space in this allotment-style ... -
Decontaminating Memory: Governmentality, Networks and Relational Enactment Through Policy Development at the Badger Army Ammunitions Plant, Wisconsin
(2011)In 1997, the US Army announced that the Badger Army Ammunition Plant (BAAP) in Sauk County, Wisconsin would be decommissioned, marking the end of the site?s complicated history and sparking extensive debate over proposed ... -
Designing an Experience: Maps and Signs at the Archaeological Site of Troy
(2016-06-29)Here, I discuss ways of enhancing the visitor experience at the archaeological site of ancient Troy near Çanakkale, Turkey, by redesigning the current maps and signage. Maps and signage are essential for visitors to ... -
Detecting Change in Urban Areas at Continental Scales with MODIS Data
(2014)Urbanization is one of the most important components of global environmental change, yet most of what we know about urban areas is at the local scale. Remote sensing of urban expansion across large areas provides information ...