Browsing UW-Madison Department of Geography Master's Theses by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 104
Chronology of Late Holocene Glacier Recessions in the Cascade Range and Deposition of a Recent Esker in a Cirque Basin, North Cascade Range, Washington
(1987)Recessional events over the past 800 years between 23 glaciers of varying size, elevation and aspect in the North Cascades and on Mount Rainier were found to be broadly synchronous. Eight periods of recession were identified ... -
Reconstruction of Late Glacial Discharges in the Upper Mississippi Valley
(1995)This project investigates the link between late glacial hydrologic events in a reach of the upper Mississippi River valley and Glacial Lake Agassiz. The project is divided into three parts: a chronology of the upper ... -
Implementing CAMPFIRE as a Sustainable Land-use Strategy: an Cultural-Historical Analysis of Wildlife in Zimbabwe's Communal Lands
(1998)This thesis addresses the concept of CAMPFIRE, the acronym for Communal Areas Management Program for Indigenous Resources, as a sustainable land-use option in Zimbabwe's ecologically marginal Communal Lands, and in so doing ... -
Narratives of Environmental Change: Mangroves, Shrimp Farming and Artisanal Fishing Communities in Ecuador
(1999)In recent years, many developing nations have reaped an economic windfall from the growth of shrimp aquacultute. Increasing demand for specialty seafood in the industrialized world, as well as a drive to diversify export ... -
Un fiume per Roma Capitale: the socio-political landscape of the Tiber embankment, 1870-1910
(2003)In conclusion, I hope to have convincingly placed Rome's embankment of the Tiber at the end of the nineteenth century as the discursive embodiment of two prominent ideals of the Risorgimento: 'modernity' and national ... -
Historical Floodplain Sedimentation Along the Upper Mississippi River, Pool 11
(2005)Many of the ecologically rich aquatic habitats created by the construction of locks and dams on the upper Mississippi River are now disappearing as a result of increased sedimentation. Sub-aqueous sediment cores were ... -
Finding Space for Elephants
(2007)Shimba Hills National Reserve (SHNR) in coastal Kenya is well known for it great biological diversity and large resident elephant population. However, there is concern that high rates of land use/land cover change (LULCC) ... -
Streamflow response to changes in land cover and climate in Lower Michigan
(2009)Studies of the influence of basin land use on the hydrologic response of streams to climate change are limited, and have generally focused on individual land use types in isolation. Prediction of future hydrologic change ... -
Multi-touch Interfaces and Map Navigation
(2009)Development of multi-touch interfaces over the last 25 years has led to their recent adoption into the marketplace. Multi-touch interfaces now allow users to apply several points of contact to a device, an innovation which ... -
Post-Industrial Imaginaries: Nature, Representation, and Ruin in Detroit, Michigan
(2010)I examine representations made of Detroit, with a focus on images made over the past two years. I do this in order to assess how these images work as material objects that circulate inside and outside of the city, as well ... -
Hydraulic and Geomorphic Impacts of Dam Removal on the Upper Baraboo River, Wisconsin
(2010)Over time, human interaction with space and place has led to shifts in cultural dominance and modes of subsistence. Societies depend on the access to particular natural resources for subsistence, mainly soil, water and ... -
Assessing the Pattern of Error in a Predictive Soil Map
(2010)SoLIM is a predictive soil mapping application employing fuzzy logic and expert knowledge to model the relationship between landscape and soil type. The end result of SoLIM's predictive approach is a hardened map of soil ... -
On Varying the Detectability of Symbols to Encode Data Uncertainty
(2010)Visual variables are properties of an image, such as the size or shape of a mark, that can be manipulated systematically to convey information. However, there is another, more fundamental property of images which has not ... -
Reconfiguring Nation and Diaspora: Self-Identifying Estonians in Estonia as a Diaspora
(2010)I will present the main reasons why this research is important. First, it helps to contest the marriage between nation and state; second, it offers new ways for understanding borderland and diaspora space; third, it offers ... -
Floodplain Response to Historical Land Use Change on the Upper Baraboo River, Wisconsin
(2010)Since the 1840s, Euro-American settlement of Wisconsin's Baraboo River watershed has had lasting effects on the landscape. This study examines the longitudinal and lateral changes in connectivity on the Baraboo River ... -
Between Place: Food Consumption and Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion in Montpellier, France
(2011)?If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast,? wrote Ernest Hemingway about his time there in the 1920s.1 ... -
Livelihood Shifts in Hausa Niger: the Gendered Impacts of Climate and Social Change
(2011)The goal of this thesis is two-fold: 1) to clarify the ways in which households of a village in the climate-volatile Sahel deal with both biophysical stresses and with social change which may or may not be related, and ... -
The Influence of Climate, Cattle Density and Lake Morphology on Sporormiella Abundances in Modern Lake Sediments in the U.S. Great Plains
(2011)Sporormiella, a genus of coprophilous fungus, is increasingly used as a qualitative proxy for megafaunal density. Decreased spore abundances in late-Pleistocene and Holocene sediments are thought to signal prehistoric ... -
Red, Blue, or Purple Produce?: Exploring Liberalism, Conservatism and the Politics of Midwest Farmers' Market Participants
(2011)"Really? Conservatives like farmers' markets?" This was one of the most common responses I heard when telling friends, colleagues, or strangers about my research on what motivates people from different political positions ... -
The Relation of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to Winter Tornado Environments
(2011)Previous analyses of the relationship between tornadoes and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) have been complicated by biases in tornado counts. Here I analyze winter tornado activity across the eastern United States ...