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dc.contributor.advisorMilanesi, Louisen_US
dc.contributor.authorLor, Kevin C.en_US
dc.descriptionPlan Ben_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper examines some of the elements that lead youth to join gangs. A questionnaire developed by the investigator was distributed to gang members and at-risk Hmong youth in two northern states. This questionnaire was developed in an attempt to assess some of the factors that have a high probability of leading youth to join gangs to compensate for what is lacking in Hmong youths' life. A 12-item questionnaire was developed and distributed to at-risk Hmong youths residing in two northern states. The questions were examined by calculating the percentage of males and females responding to different targeted areas. The questions were also examined to determine the internal validity between male and female subjects in responding to the different targeted areas.
dc.publisherUniversity of Wisconsin--Stout
dc.subject.lcshHmong American teenagersen_US
dc.titleFactors leading Hmong youths to join gangsen_US
dc.typeThesis and Counseling-Mental Health Programen_US

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  • UW-Stout Masters Thesis Collection - Plan B
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