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dc.contributor.advisorBiggerstaff, Eden_US
dc.contributor.authorMcNary, Brenda Annen_US
dc.descriptionPlan Ben_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study had three parts. First, to analyze the writings of the developmental theorists Erik Erickson, Jean Piaget, and Lawrence Kohlberg. Second, to analyze the research on the relationship between students with learning disabilities and social skill deficits and to connect this relationship to Erickson, Piaget and Kohlberg. Third, to provide recommendations for both parents and teachers on how to teach social skills. Research indicates that there is a correlation between students with learning disabilities and social skill deficits. Results from peer ratings indicated that students with LD were rejected more than their non-learning disabled peers. They were also found to be shy, have fewer friends, be less cooperative and were picked last for activities. Teachers found students with learning disabilities to have inappropriate social skills. Teachers also indicated that students with LD had fewer interactions with peers, and demonstrated withdrawn behavior, distractibility, and hyperactivity.
dc.publisherUniversity of Wisconsin--Stout
dc.subject.lcshSocial skillsen_US
dc.subject.lcshLearning disabled children--Psychologyen_US
dc.titleA study to identify the degree of socialization skills of students with learning disabilitiesen_US

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  • UW-Stout Masters Thesis Collection - Plan B
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