Differential perceptions of business majors in training of job applicants with disabilities versus non disabled job applicants

Dresel-Berg, Shannon
University of Wisconsin--Stout
Vocational Rehabilitation
Rosenthal, David A.
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This research is being conducted to determine if potential business employers have differential perceptions of job applicants with disabilities when compared to a non-disabled job applicant. Research indicates that the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is seventy percent. One possible reason for this may be due to biases in the work place. This study will investigate attitudes of employers-in-training using survey methodology. This research project will be a quasi-experimental design. Prior to research, permission will be gained from Stout Business School faculty to access business students within the business department. Subjects will consist of business students within a specified course at Stout. Participation will be strictly voluntary. Subjects will view information pertaining to a hypothetical job applicant. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the study. No names will be requested of the subjects. The only identifiers will be which condition the subjects has (i.e. disabled versus non-disabled). Packets will be randomly administered with two conditions of physical disabilities (i.e. carpal tunnel syndrome and lower back injury) and one control condition (non-disabled job applicant). Carpal tunnel syndrome and lower back injury were chosen because research indicates they are the most frequently occurring work-related physical conditions. Within the packets will be a consent form, job description, cover letter, resume, and survey. After viewing one hypothetical job applicant, subjects will then rate the job applicant according to their perceptions of the applicant’s vocational potential, dependability, and competence. The hypothesis of interest will not be disclosed until after the survey is complete. After the data collection, the subjects of this study will be debriefed regarding the primary hypothesis under investigation. Results will be provided to the business school and others who are interested. It is hoped that this study may enhance understanding and awareness of employer selection processes pertaining to applicants with disabilities.
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