dc.description.abstract | Historically vocational teachers and guidance counselors have taken an active role in preparing and coaching students in career development and decision making. Teachers from the other academic subject areas, however, have not had the same educational focus or training on the importance of a School-to-Career (STC) guidance process. The purpose of the study was to examine changes in educator STC knowledge and attitudes as a result of a STC/career development training process at Badger High School in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. A STC knowledge and attitude survey instrument was used to measure high school educators’ STC knowledge and attitudes before and after the completion of a variety of staff development and training experiences. Survey questions focused on six STC areas: school based learning, work based learning, connecting activities, parental involvement, professional development, articulation and access. After completing the first STC survey in November 1999 to establish a knowledge and attitudes baseline, a community career advisory team (CCAT) was organized to act as a steering committee to develop the overall STC staff development or training program for Badger High School. Teachers at every level were given STC and Career Guidance information and training including, historical background on the purpose of Carl Perkins Vocational Education legislation, School-to-Work fundamentals, Tech Prep initiatives and fundamentals of the Wisconsin Developmental Guidance Model (WDGM). The post training survey was again completed on Sept. 2000 the following fall to identify the impact of the STC staff development on teachers, counselors and administrators and identify critical gaps and barriers for implementing an effective STC programming at Badger High School. The ultimate goal of the study was to measure the change in the attitudes and knowledge level of the high school staff, identify current weaknesses in the present STC program and create the impetus for an effective action plan to motivate more of the educators to get involved in the career developmental process for all students at Badger High School. | |