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dc.contributor.advisorShumate, Stephenen_US
dc.contributor.authorCooper, Lauraen_US
dc.descriptionPlan Ben_US
dc.description.abstractFamilies with an alcoholic member are characterized by a number of structural dysfunctions, including chaotic or rigid patterns of adaptability and low levels of life satisfaction marked by characteristics of codependency. The subjects of this study are the significant others or spouses of alcoholic members who were involved in the New Journey Family Night Program at Luther/Midelfort Hospital in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The Luther/Midelfort Family Recovery Scale measured their levels of involvement in recovery and overall life satisfaction. The results indicate that the significant other or spouse’s recovery and participation in the New Journey Family Night Program is related to the completion and depth of involvement of the alcoholic member in treatment.
dc.publisherUniversity of Wisconsin--Stout
dc.subject.lcshAlcoholics--Family relationshipsen_US
dc.titleOutcomes of involvement and overall life satisfaction for family members with a member in treatment at Luther/Midelfort's New Journey outpatient AODA programen_US
dc.typeThesis and Counseling

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  • UW-Stout Masters Thesis Collection - Plan B
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