Factors that influence the decision of patrons to dine at selected Indian restaurants in the Twin Cities

Monteiro, Prema A.
University of Wisconsin--Stout
Hospitality and Tourism
Buergermeister, James
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This study researched the factors that influence the decision of patrons to dine at selected Indian restaurants in the Twin Cities. The research objectives were: 1. To determine the demographic profile of patrons of Indian restaurants in the Twin Cities. 2. To identify the factors that influence the decision of patrons to dine at Indian restaurants in the Twin Cities. 3. To determine differences in decision-making factors, between patrons of South Asian origin, and those of other ethnic origin, when they dine at Indian restaurants in the Twin Cities. 4. To identify the most important factors that patrons consider when making their decision to dine at Indian restaurants, in the Twin Cities. 5. To determine differences, between patrons of South Asian origin, and those of other ethnic origin, regarding factors they consider most important when they dine at Indian restaurants, in the Twin Cities. The data for this research was collected through the use of a questionnaire, which was given to patrons of selected Indian restaurants during the month of June 2000. The sample size selected was five hundred. The SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) software package analyzed and computed these data, with the exception of the open-ended questions. Basic descriptive statistics (Mean and Standard Deviations) and frequency distributions were computed for each variable to determine the actual response rate for each question. In addition, the data was analyzed by means of crosstabs and multivariate analysis of variance. The findings of the study are summarized below: There were an almost equal number of females (51 percent) and males (49 percent). The average respondent was 32 years old and white American (75 percent). Many respondents had bachelor's degrees (44 percent), and approximately one third of all respondents (33 percent) even had postgraduate degrees. The occupation most frequently selected by respondents was Professional (50.6 percent). Total household income was well distributed across the given choices, ranging from 'Up to $24,999' to '$120,000' or more, with the exception of the $65,000 to $99,999 range. The important factors for the entire sample were quality of food, taste of the food, and hygiene and cleanliness, in descending order of importance, while availability of vegetarian choices, availability of new items, and cultural familiarity were the least important factors for the whole sample. There were several factors, which showed a significant difference between respondents of South Asian origin, and those of other ethnic origin. Quality of food, and taste of the food were the only two significant factors on which respondents of other ethnic origin had higher expectations than those of South Asian origin. The following in order of importance, are the factors on which participants of South Asian origin had higher expectations than those of other ethnic origin: hygiene and cleanliness; cleanliness of restrooms; employee friendliness; value for money; efficient service; spicy food; atmosphere; price; vegetarian choices; availability of new items; and, cultural familiarity. The top three factors influencing the decision to dine at an Indian restaurant for the sample were: taste of the food, quality of food, and hygiene and cleanliness. The top three factors for participants of South Asian origin were: taste of the food, quality of food, and hygiene and cleanliness together with spicy food. Those for participants of other ethnic origin were: taste of the food, quality of food, and aroma/ smell. Analysis of the open-ended questions resulted in some interesting findings, since respondents were able to accurately describe in their own words, the factors that motivate them to dine at an Indian restaurant. A summary of these findings can be found in the Appendix B.
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