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dc.contributor.advisorParkhurst, Howarden_US
dc.contributor.authorImdieke, Sharieen_US
dc.descriptionPlan Ben_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research paper was to investigate two different teaching methods to determine which method of science instruction is more beneficial to the elementary science student. This study was conducted during the fourth quarter of the 1999-2000 school year. The subjects were third grade students enrolled in two separate classrooms in a small rural western Wisconsin school district. Data was collected through a pretest and a posttest. Scores were compared to determine the outcome of the study. Statistical analysis of the raw scores was completed by L. Applebaugn. The means, standard deviation and tValue was calculated by using a one-tailed t-test. Overall, the students in the hands-on group achieved higher scores than those in the worksheet group. Conclusions drawn from the data show a significant difference in achievements of the hands-on group with a means score of 94% in contrast to the worksheet group’s means of 82% using the .05 level of statistical significance. Another important difference between the two groups was their the standard deviation scores. The hands-on group’s standard deviation was 5.44 in contrast to the worksheet group’s standard deviation score of 15.3. This difference shows that the majority of the students who learned by using hands-on activities achieved at the higher level when compared to those who learned by using the worksheets.
dc.publisherUniversity of Wisconsin--Stout
dc.subject.lcshScience--Study and teachingen_US
dc.titleA comparison of traditional science instruction with hands-on activities to traditional textbook instruction with worksheetsen_US

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  • UW-Stout Masters Thesis Collection - Plan B
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