Test re-test reliability of an employment outcomes instrument (EOI)

Hisman, Kristy
University of Wisconsin--Stout
Vocational Rehabilitation
Thomas Dale F.
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Persons with disabilities are one of societies most disadvantaged groups. They experience unfair discrimination and prejudice and are subject to unemployment and poverty. Of working age persons with disabilities, only 27.8 percent are employed, (McNeil, 1993) and approximately 30 percent are living in poverty (Kaye, 1998). The goal of community rehabilitation programs (CRPs) is to provide services to assist individuals with disabilities obtain employment with good pay, benefits, and job satisfaction. While CRPs all work toward a common goal, each program may use different interventions and have varying rates of success in assisting individuals with disabilities to obtain gainful employment. The rates of success of persons served by CRPs are unknown due to a lack of standardized methodology for collecting and reporting these outcomes (McAlees, Menz, & Center Staff, 1998). Therefore, a need exists to develop a standardized method of collecting and reporting employment outcomes of persons served by CRP's. The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary analysis of data collected in previous research completed by the Research and Training Center (RTC), University of Wisconsin-Stout and to examine the reliability of items included in the experimental version of the Employment Outcomes Instrument (EOI). The sample used in this study included 5 community-based rehabilitation programs that are certified by the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) in vocational rehabilitation services leading to community-based employment. Subjects included 51 consumers who were chosen based on having participated in a rehabilitation program and securing community based employment in the previous 3-6 month period. The EOI was developed by Thomas, Menz, and Radtke (1999) of the Research and Training Center at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. The instrument includes questions regarding employment planning and preparation, consumer goals prior to entry in the CRP, employment achieved, work related benefits, satisfaction with services, goals achieved, and benefits lost. The results of the study indicated that the majority of the questions (.70) asked on the EOI elicited consistent responses during the two interviews. Findings will be used to refine the instrument before using it in future outcome studies.
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