George L. Mosse Audio Lectures: European Cultural History 1500-1815
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Recent Submissions
Lecture #1 - Europe in 1500
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #2 - The Italian Renaissance
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #3 - Machiavelli
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #4 - Popular Culture and Humanism in Northern Europe
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #5 - Martin Luther
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #6 - John Calvin
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #7 - The Catholic Reformation
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #8 - The Nation State
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #9 - Emperor Charles the Fifth
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #10 - The Crisis of the Nation State
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #11 - The Thirty Year's War
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #12 - Louis XIV
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #13 - The System of Absolution
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #14 - England Before the Revolution
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #15 - The English Revolution Part 1
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #16 - The English Revolution Part 2
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #17 - The Mercantilist System
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #18 - The Rise of Prussia
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #19 - The Rise of Russia
(2009-06-10) -
Lecture #20 - The Rise of Science