Browsing Master's Theses--UW-Whitewater by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 123
International news coverage in the United States media
(2003-11-03)United States media has the power to enlighten the American public about other countries. The media, however, chooses to portray a distorted picture. Previous studies have concluded that there is a lack of international ... -
The increased cost of security to the food industry since the events of September 11, 2001
(2004-05-05)The objective of this study is to describe the increased security cost to the food industry after the terrorist events of September 11, 2001. This includes government required initiatives and industry expectations. A ... -
Gender equity as the evaluating tool for middle/junior high school physical education curriculums, facilities & equipment
(2004-05-07)Title IX has had an impact in the sports arena but how has it affected the physical education setting? The purpose of this study was to investigate selected middle/junior high schools across the state of Illinois to determine ... -
Trust formation in global, virtual partnerships : Russia and the United States examined
(2004-12-14)This study looks at trust formation within intercultural, virtual partnerships and how, or if, trust formation is different when all communication takes place via the Internet. Two cross-cultural communication classes were ... -
Modeling Instruction and the Nature of Science
(2005-04-28)High school students hold naïve conceptions about the nature of science (NOS),believing that scientific knowledge is absolute, that science is an objective activity without bias, creativity, or imagination, and that theories ... -
The development of an assessment tool to gather evidence and evaluate the progress of performance skills of students in the Edgerton High School Band
(2005-04-30)Because of the block schedule and the lack of certain basic music skills among the incoming band students at Edgerton High School, it is necessary to create a system to help students establish their basic performance skills. ... -
An investigation of fall protection systems in the roofing industry
(2005-08-18)Construction is one of most dangerous industries in the United States. One of the most hazardous areas within the construction industry is roofing. Concern for safety in roofing construction has continued to spread, as a ... -
Laying the foundation for a new spelling initiative
(2005-08-29)Background and Statement of the Problem "There is no program, no book, no speller, no machine that alone will build language competence in a child. Unfortunately, spelling can’t be isolated from other language processes, ... -
Survivor and other reality T.V. gameshows: the uses and gratifications perspective on a reality sub-genre
(2006-05-03)Ever since the 1930s when different forms of media such as film, radio, and print became a main source/influence of how people obtained information and were entertained, media theorists have questioned the effects of the ... -
The philosophy of education of the orthodox saints: historical and theological perspectives
(2006-05-08)This thesis, presented as a curriculum, discusses the profound and inspiring educational example, which is given to the world by the Orthodox saints, who have completely submitted themselves to God, the Holy Trinity. The ... -
Effect of nicotine and muscle performance using a Wingate Anaerobic Test on collegiate football players
(2006-06-12)Nicotine is a naturally occurring addictive alkaloid and in some cases, a lethal drug. The long-term harmful effects of nicotine have been widely documented through means of publications, commercials and even billboards ... -
Muscular power (upper and lower body) and performance in the hammer throw
(2006-08-31)The relationship between upper body power, lower body power, and performance in the hammer throw was studied. At a late season NCAA track and field meet, nine athletes from Division III universities, with at least one ... -
In search of high fired, oxidation glazes
(2006-10)Artist Statement My work represents an indirect response to the tactile and visual sensations of the natural world. Of particular interest to me are the reproductive privities of flowers as their forms are both erotically ... -
Small/medium market models of newspaper and broadcasting convergence in the midwest
(2006-11-10)There is a large body of research on a recent movement in the news media referred to as convergence. This practice of sharing resources between media organizations takes many forms and is found in major markets. Research ... -
Of crabs and tall poppies: an exploratory study of attitudes and communicative behaviors toward women perceived as successful
(2006-11-27)This exploratory, qualitative study will examine female attitudes and communication behaviors generated in response to women who are perceived as advantaged or "successful". The current study used the Tall Poppy Syndrome ... -
Art and science: an interdisciplinary approach
(2006-12)Artist’s Statement: The work represented in this show was created over an eleven-year time span. The content within the pieces reflect upon three unrelated autobiographical events or themes but there are two points of ... -
Factors contributing to illiteracy among males in Wilson's Run All Age School
(2006-12-12)It is a well-known fact that most boys who drop out of school are likely to have weak or poorly developed literacy skills. These dropouts become vulnerable to a life of underemployment, unemployment and for worse, are at ... -
Power development in hill climbing as a function of bicycle weight
(2007-01-25)The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of differences in the weight of bicycles on power development while riding uphill. Thirteen competitive bicycle racers performed two hill climbs in a single exercise ... -
The affects of forgiveness on the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of sexual trauma
(2007-05-01)This study continues research pertaining to the affects of forgiveness on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms resulting from sexual trauma. The research question asked whether or not the ability to forgive would ... -
College students' perception of self-disclosure in the student-instructor relationship
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2007-12-10)A communication construct that relates to student-instructor interaction, both inside and outside of the classroom environment, is self-disclosure. Self-disclosure occurs when an individual tells another individual about ...