Browsing Research Centers--College of Engineering by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 525
21st century workforce development summit
(National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-09)The transportation workforce will be facing severe strains over the next decade as the baby boom generation begins to retire. These strains will be made worse by the relatively small numbers of workers entering the ... -
2k-q Experiments with Binary Response Sampling Until a Fixed Number of Defects
(1997-01)In this article we will discuss the use of two-level factorial and fractional factorial experiments with binary responses (defectives/non-defectives) where the purpose is to reduce the rate of defectives. Contrary to a ... -
3D design terrain models for construction plans and GPS control of highway construction equipment
(National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2010-03)Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to guide earth-moving equipment is quickly becoming common place in transportation facilities construction because it speeds project delivery and cuts costs. A requirement ... -
Accelerated construction decision-making process for bridges
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2006-04)The decision making process for selecting appropriate construction plan for rehabilitation/reconstruction of bridges involves evaluating plans for their performance on qualitative and quantitative metrics. The decision ... -
Activity-based travel-demand analysis for metropolitan areas in Texas: CEMDAP models, framework, software architecture and application results
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2006-10)This report describes the modeling and software enhancements of the earlier version of CEMDAP (the activity-travel simulator that simulates the detailed activity-travel patterns of the population), and presents the application ... -
Adsorption and activated carbon
(1992) -
An Adversarial Viewpoint of Human and Organizational Factors in Computer and Information Security: Final Report
(2006-08)This report presents a multi-dimensional examination of the human and organizational factors that effect computer and information security (CIS) and explains how human and organizational factors contribute to CIS ... -
Analysis of a Large Scale Solar Water Heater
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992) -
Analysis of concrete pavement joints to predict the onset of distress
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2007-10)This report documents the investigation of a 15-mile segment of doweled plain jointed concrete pavement located on Interstate 90/94 in Juneau and Sauk Counties in the State of Wisconsin. This section has experienced a ... -
Analysis of Fractional Factorials
(1986-06)Statistically designed experiments, particularly fractional factorial designs, are key tools to use when the object is to screen a large number of variables in order to identify those with the most influence. -
Analysis of Incomplete Data from Highly Fractionated Experiments
(1991)An iterative method is proposed that provides a simple and flexible way to consider many models simultaneously. The method can be implemented with existing software, results in computational savings and promotes experimenter ... -
Analysis of Intake Charge Temperature and EGR Stratification Effects on HCCI Combustion
(2009-07-08)HCCI combustion is characterized by a near homogeneous composition and temperature mixture of air, fuel and post-combustion products. HCCI related research work around the world defines different strategies for achieving ... -
Analysis of Liquid-Desiccant Systems and Component Modeling
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988)