Browsing Land Tenure Center Tenure Briefs by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Review of tenure terminology
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998) -
Land and ethnicity in Dagestan
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998) -
Conceptos sobre tenencia de la tierra
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000) -
Control of land and life in Burma
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001)The most significant land problems in Burma remain those associated with landlessness, rural poverty, inequality of access to resources, and a military regime that denies citizen rights and is determined to rule by force ... -
Gender and shifting water governance : differential effects of privatization, commodification, and democratization
(Land Tenure Center, Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 2007)Trends in water governance emphasize devolution to local users and market-oriented policies. These trends influence how donors, policymakers, and international lending institutions approach water management. This LTC Brief ... -
Ecological complexity and the management of common property resources
(Land Tenure Center, Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 2007)Many community-based conservation programs are designed without carefully considering goals, community capacities, and the ecology of the common property resource. This LTC Brief outlines factors that can improve common ... -
Collaborative land use planning : zoning for conservation and development in protected areas
(Land Tenure Center, Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 2007)Participatory zoning projects promise to balance conservation and development at a landscape scale, but such efforts face serious political and institutional challenges. Case studies from Bolivia, Philippines and Peru ... -
Balancing the needs of people and wildlife : when wildlife damage crops and prey on livestock
(Land Tenure Center, Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 2007)This LTC Brief draws from experience on three continents to outline recent advances in understanding and managing human-wildlife conflicts, with twin objectives of biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. -
Mantenimiento del equilibrio entre la fauna y las necesidades de la gente: cuando la fauna perjudica los cultivos y se alimenta del ganado
(Land Tenure Center, 2007-08)Este informe LTC se basa en la experiencia en tres continentes para describir progresos recientes en la comprension y administracion de conflictos entre el hombre y la fauna, con objetivos paralelos de conservacion de ... -
Designing pro-poor rewards for ecosystem services: lessons from the United States?
(Land Tenure Center, Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 2008-03)The United States has experimented with its version of rewards for ecosystem services for close to 80 years. In general, market forces are used to reward land users for protecting the environment. This LTC Brief examines ... -
Incentivos a cambio de servicios ambientales y colectividad de la tenencia de la tierra: Lecciones de Ecuador e Indonesia
(Land Tenure Center, 2008-09)En un intento por ayudar a proteger el ambiente y estimular el desarrollo economico, los programas que otorgan incentivos a cambio de servicios ambientales a ofrecen ventajas teoricas sobre otros mecanismos usados en el ... -
Rewards for Ecosystem Services and Collective Land Tenure: Lessons from Ecuador and Indonesia
(Land Tenure Center, 2008-09)In an attempt to help protect the environment and spur economic development, programs that provide rewards in exchange for ecosystem services offer theoretical advantages over past mechanisms but also pose challenges, ... -
Planificacion Colaborativa para Uso del Suelo: Zonificacion para la Conservacion y Desarrollo en Areas Protegidas
(Land Tenure Center, 2009-05)Los proyectos de zonificacion participativa prometen equilibrar la conservacion con el desarrollo a una escala de paisaje, pero tales esfuerzos enfrentan serios retos politicos e institucionales. Estudios de caso en Bolivia, ... -
Market Financing for Biodiversity Conservation and Strategic Tradeoffs for Wildlife-friendly Eco-labels
(Land Tenure Center, 2009-10)Consumers buying products labeled "eco-friendly" may hope to help conserve the environment, yet the credibility of eco-labels varies. Wildlife conservation poses special challenges for eco-label claims because wild animal ... -
Financiamiento de mercado para la conservación de biodiversidad y ventajas y desventajas estratégicas de las eco-etiquetas amigables con la vida silvestre
(Land Tenure Center, 2009-10)Los consumidores que compran productos "eco-etiquetados" podrían tener la esperanza de ayudar a conservar el medio ambiente, sin embargo, la credibilidad de las eco-etiquetas varía. La conservación de vida silvestre plantea ... -
Impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services on Deforestation in Mexico: Preliminary Lessons for REDD
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, 2010-09)The brief summarizes an evaluation of the environmental effectiveness of Mexico's national Payments for Hydrological Services program, which compensates rural landowners for avoided deforestation. The evaluation found that ... -
Tropical Land Use Change and Soil Carbon: Implications for REDD Policies
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, 2010-10)The release of soil carbon due to changes in land use can be a major source of greenhouse gases. This brief illustrates the distribution and scale of soil carbon in the humid tropics, an area with high concentrations of ...