Feminist Collections, v.5, no.1 (fall 1983)
Subtitle: Women's Studies Library Resources in Wisconsin. 30p.
Women's Studies
Library Resources
Permanent Link
FROM THE EDITORS: Persephone Press folds after eight years and fourteen books.
FEMINlST VISIONS: Debut of a new column on audio-visual resources for women's studies, by Elizabeth Ellsworth.
FEMINIST PUBLISHING: Primipara, Wisconsin's feminist poetry journal, by Diane Nichols.
New presses: Aunt Lute Book Company and Acacia Books.
WOMEN IN PRINT: International report: Plottingham Women in Booktrades Conference.
Midwest update: second midwest conference scheduled for June, 1984.
FEMINIST BOOKSTORES IN WISCONSIN: UPDATE: Milwaukee's Sistermoon Feminist Bookstore to close.
NEWS FROM UW-GREEN BAY: UW-GB's Balanced Curriculum Project, by Jerrold Rodesch.
PERIODICAL NOTES: New Periodicals: The Berkeley Women of Color; Common Ground (Prince Edward Island); Family Studies Review Yearbook; Girls' Own: Sydney
Feminist Newsletter; Incest Survivors' Network News; Lesbian/Lesbienne (Toronto); Onyx: Black Lesbian Newsletter; Women & Performance; Women & the Law Report; Words of Women. Ceased publication: Maenad: A Women's Literary Journal. Special issues on homophobia and education; women poets; and
North American Indian women.
ITEMS OF NOTE: Lesbian Literature Catalog; Newsworthy, a series of bibliographies
on contemporary movements, events and issues; more rare and out of print books for women's studies; Minority Women's Research
Program at Wellesley; Radical Rose Recordings; an annotated listing
of mainstreaming projects in the U.S.; International Institute for Women
and the Visual Arts; Upper Midwest Women's History Center for
Teachers; Ten Years of Title IX in Wisconsin; annotated listing of
women's resources in Madison.
EDITORS' NOTE: WISCONSIN BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN WOMEN'S STUDIES: A new bibliography on American women's history.
NEW REFERENCE WORKS IN WOMEN'S STUDIES: New sources on Native American women, women artists, archival materials on U.S. religious sisterhoods, success strategies for women scholars, women's businesses in Wisconsin, Catalyst's new online database,
and women in development. Reviewed by Susan Searing.
BOOK REVIEWS: Suds Studies, by Susan O'Leary. Recent Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare, by Ruth Abbott Schauer.
The Status of Women in Librarianship, edited by Kathleen M. Helm. Reviewed by Susan E. Searing.