Browsing RSCA Day by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Self-efficacy and performance in English language learners
(2005-04)Previous researchers have indicated that the perceived self-efficacy level in students may have an effect on their performance and achievement. In this study, the relationship between self-efficacy and the performance of ... -
Hosoya Index, Lucas Numbers and QSPR
(2005-04)The number of different molecules with the formula C64H130 is more than one hundred million billion times greater that the number of different molecules of all types and formulas cataloged in all of human history. Therefore, ... -
Making the transition : we can't control everything, but we can control some things
(2005-04)Following class discussion of two photo journalism articles sourced from “Mother Jones” magazine on physical rehabilitation in the aftermath of soldiers’ return from serving in Iraq, research was conducted regarding a ... -
Efforts to establish a GFP-ERV env expression vector using trophoblast cell cultures as target gene source.
(2005-04)The purpose of this project is to clone the envelope gene of human endogenous retrovirus-W (hERV-W) into a commercial GFP containing expression vector. This is being pursued in order to generate a fusion gene for use as ... -
Evaluating for susceptibility to stem rust in irradiated Hordeum vulgare
(2005-04)Several pounds of barley seed were irradiated with fast neutrons. Second generation seed following irradiation was planted in Rosemont, Minnesota and inoculated with rust in hopes of finding a naturally resistant plant ... -
Operation free Iraq: a gendered content analysis of newspapers
(2005-04)Women have been historical underrepresented in the field of journalism, and it is journalists we mostly rely upon when hearing information concerning war. With the gendered imbalance that exists in journalism, it leads us ... -
Growth of Streptomycetes on various nutrients
(2005-04)The streptomycetes, a group of bacteria significant for their production of antibiotics, are commonly found in the rhizosphere where they feed off nutrients exuded from plant roots. Previously, the antibiotic activity of ... -
Reviewing for exams: do crossword puzzles help in the success of student learning?
(2006-04)The goal of this project was to further our understanding of how students learn. Does reviewing for exams using certain teaching methods actually enhance students' learning of course material? Through a comparative analysis ... -
Walking exploration of the pilgrimage route El Camino de Santiago
(2006-04)In the fall of 2005, I walked the pilgrimage route El Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. During my time on the Camino, I interviewed fellow pilgrims to discover why people want to complete this pilgrimage, as well as ... -
MINDS@UW: a digital institutional repository service
(2006-04)In spring 2005, Chalmer Davee Library took the first steps towards sponsoring a presence for the University of Wisconsin-River Falls in the MINDS@UW project. MINDS@UW is a digital institutional repository service that is ... -
Research internship at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
(2006-04)Through a USDA Challenge Grant, tissue culture, Cedrus germination, and propagation of new plant material was researched at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. Field trips to study the management structures of local gardens ... -
Calculating discharge energies needed to transport largest boulders within eskers
(2006-04)One main sediment transport feature within glaciers is eskers created by water from melting glacial ice. During times of rapid melt the amount of sediment that can be transported is at a maximum as well as the size of ... -
Determination of reinforcer value in rats with an adjusting-delay choice procedure involving a correspondence between location and amount of reinforcement
(2006-04)Many models of reinforcement value predict that an animal should value a large delayed reinforcer more than a small immediate reinforcer. However, as the delay between choices and presentation of the large reinforcer ... -
Using DNA fragments to measure genetic variability within a natural stand of wild rice in northwestern Wisconsin
(2007-05)Understanding site criteria for the preservation of genetic variability in American wild rice (Zizania palustris) is necessary if healthy wild rice populations are to remain viable. Leaf samples were collected on a single ... -
Effects of temperature and photoperiod on flowering and plant quality of potted Ranunculus Asiaticus
(2007-05)Ranunculus asiaticus is an important horticultural crop, both in cut flower and potted plant production; however a thorough production method for potted ranunculus has not yet been fully established. This experiment ... -
Impact of cooperative guided reflection on student learning: the case of optimization problem solving in Calculus I
(2008-04)We examine the influence of Cooperative Guided Reflection (CGR) on student learning in the optimization unit in Calculus I. The investigation uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies: pre and post surveys of ... -
Case for using locally grown food on campus
(2008-04)As The University of Wisconsin River Falls has made the decision to be at the forefront of sustainable community development in the region, it becomes very important to look at all aspects of campus. Since our current ... -
Supplementing fatty acids to improve sperm characteristics
(2008-04)Research was conducted to determine whether the supplmentation of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to the diets of miniature stallions would affect the motility and viability of their sperm following cooling and freezing. ...