Browsing Wisconsin Highway Research Program by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 91
Minimum pavement lift thickness for Superpave mixtures
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2001-12)The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of lift thickness as it relates to the density of Superpave Hot Mix Asphalts. The study consisted of two phases: (1) a laboratory study and (2) a field study. In the ... -
Determining a temperature-density relationship after completed rolling of HMA
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2002-01)During the past few years, the implementation of the nuclear gauge method of testing hot mix asphalt for desired compaction has proven a on-destructive and timesaving option. However, discrepancies between contractors' and ... -
Assessment and rehabilitation strategies/guidelines to maximize the service life of concrete structures
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2002-02)This report presents a spreadsheet tool for evaluating life-cycle maintenance strategies for existing concrete bridge decks that have deteriorated as a result of chloride-induced corrosion. The spreadsheet tool construct ... -
Field measurement of water-cement ratio for Portland cement concrete. Phase II, Field evaluation and development
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2002-06)The water-cementitious material ratio (w-cm) is defined as the ratio by mass of free water to cementitious material in a concrete mix. The microwave oven method (AASHTO provisional standard TP23-93) and the nuclear ... -
Non-destructive testing of Wisconsin highway bridges
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2003-03)The management of in-service bridges throughout the United States is an important task. An effective assessment of the condition of these bridges is an essential requirement for this task. Nondestructive evaluation can be ... -
Effects of aggregate coatings and films on concrete performance
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2003-04)Coarse aggregates containing surface coatings were collected throughout Wisconsin and characterized to determine composition. Based on the results of these tests, a subset of the sample aggregates was selected to further ... -
Evaluation of the extent of HMA moisture damage in Wisconsin as it relates to pavement performance
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2003-05)The objectives of this study were to evaluate the relationship between the performance of asphalt pavements in the field and the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) values measured in the laboratory on the original asphalt mixtures ... -
Performance of shoulders adjacent to concrete pavements: final report to the Wisconsin Highway Research Program
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2003-07)The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) maintenance staff in both the Districts and Central Office discussed the less-than-optimum performance of the current asphalt shoulder design and standard being constructed ... -
Estimating soil/pile set-up
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2003-09)Abstract Soil/pile set-up is time-dependent increase in pile capacity, and can contribute significantly to long-term pile capacity. If it were possible to incorporate the effects of set-up during design, it may be possible ... -
Rapid strengthening of reinforced concrete bridges
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2003-10)An innovative technique for repairing reinforced concrete beams (or slabs) by attaching FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) strengthening strips to the underside of the beam using powder actuated fasteners and mechanical anchors ... -
The effect of fine aggregate angularity, asphalt content and performance graded asphalts on hot mix asphalt performance
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2003-10)The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has implemented the Superpave recommendations in the 2000 Supplemental Specifications. This research was directed towards better understanding of the influence of ... -
Integrated field and office tools for bridge management
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2004-01)The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Bureau of Structures data consolidation project brings together all bridge-related data into a single Highway Structure Inventory System (HSIS) data warehouse including ... -
Determination of influences on support strength of crushed aggregate base course due to gradational, regional, and source variations
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2004-02)This research investigates the range of load-carrying capability, in terms of resilient modulus (MR), of crushed aggregate base course in Wisconsin and how variables, such as physical characteristics, material type, ... -
Structural analysis of sign bridge structures and luminaire supports
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2004-03)The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has experienced failures of a high-mast luminaire (HML) support structure and a full-span overhead sign support structure. Furthermore, cracking has been found in many sign support ... -
Using gyratory compactor to measure mechanical stability of asphalt mixtures
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2004-10)In this study several asphalt mixtures were produced using four different aggregate sources, different asphalt contents, and different aggregate gradations. Every mixture was compacted using the Superpave gyratory compactor ... -
Development of guidelines for PG binder selection for Wisconsin
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2004-12)In 1997, the Wisconsin DOT made the transition to use PG binders in place of the Penetration and Viscosity graded asphalts that had been historically used. The decision at that time to specify the PG 58-28 as the standard ... -
Health monitoring of bridge structures and components using smart structure technology
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-01)The objective of this research was to synthesize information on structural health monitoring technologies with a specific interest in those having smart-structure attributes. Following a comprehensive information collection ... -
Effects of ground granulated blast furnace slag in Portland cement concrete
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-02)This research examined the impact of cement replacements with Grade 100 ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) on portland cement concrete performance. GGBFS was used to replace 0%, 30% and 50% of cement in a series ... -
Rehabilitation techniques for concrete bridges
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-03)This research project addresses rehabilitation techniques for reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges, focusing primarily on corrosion of prestressed concrete beam-ends. An extensive literature database on repair of ... -
Effect of pavement thickness on Superpave mix permeability and density
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-04)This research study was conducted to determine the influence of maximum aggregate size, lift thickness, and aggregate source on the density and permeability of asphalt mixtures designed according to the Superpave criteria. ...