Wisconsin Highway Research Program
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The Wisconsin Highway Research Program is intended to integrate the highway research efforts of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, academia, and industry representatives to strategically improve Wisconsin’s highways and transportation system.
Recent Submissions
Cone penetrometer comparison testing
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2011-10)To build the best, most durable pavement, designers must have accurate information on the quality of the subgrade the pavement will stand upon. Cone penetrometer testing is a promising method for measuring subgrade strength. ... -
Construction vibration attenuation with distance and its effect on the quality of early-age concrete
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2011-09)Pile-driving, blasting, and other WisDOT construction activities create air- and ground-transmitted vibration forces that can damage existing and in-construction facilities. Wisconsin limits construction-based vibration ... -
Determination of resilient modulus values for typical plastic soils in Wisconsin
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2011-09)A new input Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) must develop for use of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide is resilient modulus of ... -
Bridge integrated analysis and decision support, phase II
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2011-10)In 2004, the Wisconsin Highway Research Program (WHRP) initiated project # 0092-04-15, entitled, ?Bridge Integrated Analysis and Decision Support ? Case Histories (Phase I)? at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) ... -
Rapid bridge construction technology, precast elements for substructures
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2011-06)The goal of this research was to propose an alternate system of precast bridge substructures which can substitute for conventional cast in place systems in Wisconsin to achieve accelerated construction. Three types of ... -
Implementation activities for the Wisconsin Highway Research Program
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2010-03)The Wisconsin Highway Research Program (WHRP) Steering Committee commissioned an implementation pilot program in 2006 to facilitate the incorporation of research results into the programs, standards, and processes of the ... -
Application of electromagnetic geophysics (EMG) technology to subsurface investigations
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-06)A study was performed to investigate current methods for using electromagnetic geophysics (EMG) technology to assess the capabilities, limitations, and costs associated with these methods, and to identify EMG consultants ... -
Implementation of determination of shear strength values for granual backfill material used by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2010-08)Implementation of research results is an emphasis area of the Wisconsin Highway Research Program (WHRP) Steering Committee. The WHRP Geotechnical Technical Oversight Committee decided in their April 11, 2007 meeting to ... -
Effectiveness of geosynthetics in stabilizing soft subgrades
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-12)This report introduced the research begun in 1999 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to further understand aspects of geosynthetic-reinforced subbases in a pavement system. To learn more about how the performance of ... -
Field evaluation performance of subbases constructed with industrial byproducts
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-10)Alternative methods for providing a stable platform over soft subgrades were evaluated using a 1.4-km section along a Wisconsin state highway that incorporated twelve test sections to evaluate nine different stabilization ... -
Equivalency of crushed rock with industrial by-products and geosynthetic-reinforced aggregates used for working platforms during pavement construction
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-10)A study was conducted to define an equivalency criterion for five materials used for working platforms during pavement construction on a poor subgrade: conventional crushed rock (referred to as "breaker run") and four ... -
Investigation of DCP and SSG as alternative methods to determine subgrade stability
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-09)The use of the soil stiffness gauge (SSG) and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) for earthwork property evaluation is investigated in this study. SSG and DCP survey data of natural earthen materials, industrial by-products, ... -
Development of methodology to include the strength contribution of select subgade materials in pavement structure
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-10)This study was conducted to develop a methodology to incorporate the structural contribution of working platforms, including those constructed with industrial by-products, into the design of flexible pavements. Structural ... -
Investigation of standard penetration torque testing (SPT-T) to predict pile performance
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-09)Soil/pile set-up is a time-dependant increase in pile capacity. Incorporation of soil/pile set-up in pile design often has considerable economic benefits, resulting from reduction in pile section, length, and/or size of ... -
Testing methods to determine long term durability of Wisconsin aggregate resources
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005-10)The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) uses approximately 11,000,000 tons of aggregate per year for transportation projects. Being able to select durable aggregates for use in transportation projects is of ... -
Determination of typical resilient modulus values for selected soils in Wisconsin
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2006-05)The objective of this research is to develop correlations for estimating the resilient modulus of various Wisconsin subgrade soils from basic soil properties. A laboratory testing program was conducted on common subgrade ... -
Investigation of vertical members to resist surficial instabilities
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2007-06)This report summarizes the state of the art of using reinforcing structural members to stabilize surficial slope failures. The literature search and review conducted in this study indicated that the use of structural members ... -
Determination of shear strength values for granular backfill material used by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2007-08)This study will determine the correlation of various properties and conditions to the friction angle values. Investigation will also determine the variation in these values and recommend allowable design values for the ... -
Evaluation of bridge approach settlement mitigation methods
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2007-10)Over the past 20 years, extensive research has been conducted to study the causes and mitigation methods of bridge approach settlement or "the bump at the end of the bridge." Many Departments of Transportation are significantly ... -
Comparison of basic lab test results with more sophisticated lab and In Situ test mothods on soils in southeastern Wisconsin
(Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2009-03)This report describes a comparison of basic laboratory test results with more sophisticated laboratory and in situ tests methods on soils in Southeastern Wisconsin. The generated soils data in the Milwaukee Marquette ...