Browsing Midwest Regional University Transportation Center by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 61
Accelerated construction decision-making process for bridges
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2006-04)The decision making process for selecting appropriate construction plan for rehabilitation/reconstruction of bridges involves evaluating plans for their performance on qualitative and quantitative metrics. The decision ... -
Activity-based travel-demand analysis for metropolitan areas in Texas: CEMDAP models, framework, software architecture and application results
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2006-10)This report describes the modeling and software enhancements of the earlier version of CEMDAP (the activity-travel simulator that simulates the detailed activity-travel patterns of the population), and presents the application ... -
An asset management approach for drainage infrastructure and culverts
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2008-06)Drainage infrastructure systems (culvert, storm sewer, outfall and related drainage elements) are mostly buried underground and are in need of special attention in terms of proactive/preventive asset management strategy. ... -
Benefit-cost analysis framework for evaluating inter-city transit investment
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2008-10)This report describes the development and application of a benefit/cost analysis (BCA) model to support the evaluation of investment decisions for intercity bus services. The model recognizes two principle types of intercity ... -
Best practices for linking strategic goals to resource allocation and implementation decisions
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2004-03)The research described in this report assembles a set of tools based on experiences and best practices in a diverse set of states for linking strategic goals to resource allocation and implementation decisions using aspects ... -
Business and site specific trip generation methodology for truck trips
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2005-09)The motivation for this research comes from the recognition that recent developments in supply chain management (SCM) have altered the mechanism of truck trip generation at the individual facility level. This research ... -
Capital preventive maintenance
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2004-02)The purpose of this guidebook is to offer a process for managers to follow that will assist in overcoming various perceived limitations currently preventing initiation or expansion of preventive maintenance efforts at ... -
Compass 2005 data analysis and reporting
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2006-07)This report is intended for operations managers in WisDOT and partner organizations. It is issued annually to provide information on the condition of Wisconsin's State highways. The first section of this report is an ... -
Compass 2006 data analysis and reporting
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2007-07)The Compass Operational Report is issued annually to identify the condition of Wisconsin?s state highway network. The primary audience for this report includes Operations Supervisors and Operations Managers at the Wisconsin ... -
Corrosion protection performance of epoxy-coated reinforcing bars
(Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2008-10)The main purpose of this investigation was to conduct an in-depth study to determine the level of corrosion protection offered by epoxy-coated bars in four bridge decks in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN metropolitan area. ... -
Database development for an HMA pavement performance analysis system
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2008-04)The primary purpose of this report was to develop a database template, using the existing Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) pavement management system, from which to perform pavement performance analysis using ... -
Developing the emerging development pressure index for Wisconsin
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2007-06)Recognizing the importance of consistency in the state's corridor planning activities, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation uses a statewide, systematic process for identifying priority management corridors. As part ... -
Development and layout of a protocol for the field performance of concrete deck and crack sealants
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2009-08)The main objective of this project was to develop and layout a protocol for the long-term monitoring and assessment of the performance of concrete deck and crack sealants in the field. To accomplish this goal, a total of ... -
Development of a guide to statistics for maintenance quality assurance programs in transportation
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2006-04)This report provides maintenance managers and practitioners with knowledge of how to apply statistics in MQA programs. Literature were reviewed and MQA manuals from 10 states were synthesized to understand state-of-practice ... -
Development of a regional pavement performance database for the AASHTO mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2007-05)Optimization of transportation facilities for capacity and pavement condition could be achieved with mechanistic analysis of pavement structures. This report is focused on using the American Association of State Highway ... -
Documenting training opportunities related to transportation asset management
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2005-10)Many public agencies are now seeking training in the concepts, tools and processes of Transportation Asset Management. Some are creating their own training materials. Some are relying on vendors. Others rely on public ... -
Effective implementation of the design-build delivery system on transportation projects
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2008-08)The use of design-build project delivery systems today is popular for delivering commercial, industrial, and institutional construction projects and is increasingly used on transportation projects. While some states have ... -
Estimating cost per lane mile for routine highway operations and maintenance
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2011-01)The disparity between maintenance budgets and maintenance requirements causes agencies to make difficult choices about maintenance priorities. There is a growing need to effectively link maintenance costs and condition to ... -
Evaluation of near-transportation private sector asset management practices
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2002-11)The focus of the transportation industry, both in the public and private sectors, has slowly been changing from construction and expansion to that of preservation because of various factors. The private sector industries ... -
An evaluation of the business attraction module in Montana's highway economic analysis tool
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2007-11)Montana's Highway Economic Analysis Tool (HEAT) was created to forecast the economic benefits of highways projects, including possible growth in employment. Of particular interest is the business attraction module in HEAT, ...