Development of a multichannel far-infrared tangential interferometer/polarimeter for the national spherical torus experiment
Deng, Bihe
Chen, Huang-Chieh
Domier, Calvin W.
Johnson, Michael
Lee, Kwan-Chul
Luhmann, Neville C., Jr.
Nathan, Bryan R.
Park, Hyeon K.
American Institute of Physics Inc
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The following article appeared in Deng, B.H., Chen, H.C., Domier, C.W., Johnson, M., Lee, K.C., Luhmann Jr.,N.C., et al. (2003). Development of a multichannel far-infrared tangential interferometer/polarimeter for the national spherical torus experiment. In Proceedings of the 14th Topical Conference on High - Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Jul 8-11 2002, 74 (3 II), 1617-1620. and may be found at