Browsing Programs Multimedia by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 84
Working with the National Student Clearinghouse to Learn about UW-Madison Students
(2007-02-21)Originally created for determining federal student loan eligibility and deferment status, the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is a now massive database of enrollment and degree records submitted by over 2,800 participating ... -
Low-Income Student Access at UW-Madison and Beyond: Problems and Solutions
(2007-02-23)Levels of access and success in higher education depend on the policies pursued by colleges and universities and the characteristics of applicants, enrollees, and graduates. These often controversial issues are closely ... -
Meditations on the Ideology of Inquiry in Higher Education Research
(2007-02-28)In his presidential address to the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) two decades ago, Professor Conrad challenged the conventional beliefs that guide higher education research. In this brown bag forum, ... -
Results from UW-Madison's 2006 Undergraduate Student Survey
(2007-03-28)In spring 2006, the Office of the Provost sponsored the ninth UW-Madison Undergraduate Survey. Responses from a random sample of 1,300 undergraduates were used to assess student attitudes, engagement, and satisfaction with ... -
Stirring the Lions: Strategy and Tactic in the Global Higher Education Wars
(2007-04-17)In this presentation, Susan Robertson, Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Bristol, examines the United States' and Australia's responses to the European Union's regionalizing and globalizing strategies ... -
Engaging the Wisconsin Experience
(2007-04-18)The Offices of the Dean of Students (ODOS) is expanding its role as the central "connector" for students' experiences across campus. Two ODOS leaders will share details of the office?s new mission, vision, and cross-campus ... -
A Comparative Look at Stratification and Inequality in U.S. Higher Education
(2007-04-25)Higher education in the has expanded dramatically into a diverse system, including a strong vocational component. Yet students from more privileged families continue to have an advantage in gaining access to and persisting ... -
China's Higher Education on an Overpass of Four-Fold Transitions
(2007-04-30)Through an analysis of graduate employment and the decline of quality and equity following dramatic enrollment expansion, Professor Wang of the University of Zhejiang will discuss the deep-seated conflicts facing higher ... -
Some Consequences of Differential Undergraduate Tuition Increases at UW-Madison
(2007-05-02)Annual percentage increases in UW-Madison tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state undergraduates have typically been almost identical. But beginning in 1999, increases for the two rates were significantly different ... -
The Wisconsin Idea and the Marketing and Branding of UW-Madison
(2007-06-04)Tricia Dickinson, marketing director at University Communications, will describe the UW-Madison's branding and marketing efforts. Discussion will focus on how science outreach programs can welcome the public to campus as ... -
Science at the Crossroads: The New Union South and the WID/MIR
(2007-06-11)Mark Guthier, director of the Wisconsin Union, will describe plans for the New Union South and the "Science at the Crossroads" part of the WID/MIR building. Discussion will center on how science outreach programs can enhance ... -
Hard Times in America's Laboratory for Democracy: Wisconsin Legislative Politics 1966 and Now
(2007-09-11)As a higher education policy analyst at the National Center for Higher Education, Jacob Stampen learned that the health of political systems greatly influence the quality of higher education. However, as a teacher and ... -
Who Ever Thought Need-Based Grants Would Increase Low-Income College Enrollment?
(2007-09-18)When Congress established the Basic Education Opportunity Grant (BEOG) program in 1972, research predicted need-based grants would remove an important financial barrier to college attendance and raise college enrollment ... -
An Inventive Wisconsin: Ingenuity, Enterprise, and the Knowledge Economy
(2007-09-24)Tom Still will talk about the work of the Wisconsin Technology Council, which serves as the independent science and technology advisor to the governor and the state legislature and addresses Wisconsin's strengths and ... -
Teacher Quality, Opportunity Gap, and National Achievement in 46 Countries
(2007-10)The 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study data from 46 countries showed that, although the national level of teacher quality in the United States was similar to the international average, the opportunity ... -
Balancing Give and Take: Funding and Accountability in Public Higher Education
(2007-10-11)Many of the challenges facing postsecondary education today are rooted in lack of resources and money. As state legislatures wrestle with the growing costs of Medicaid, social services, corrections, and K-12 education, ... -
The Changing Influence of Social Background and Academic Ability on College Aspirations
(2007-10-16)Petr Mateju will share results from his recent work on educational aspirations among students in Eastern European countries. In particular, he will analyze how socioeconomic status and academic ability affect students? ... -
Never Too Young: Science at Madison Children's Museum
(2007-10-22)Madison Children's Museum has a long history of collaboration with UW-Madison researchers in delivering age-appropriate science outreach for young children. Ruth Shelly will direct a virtual tour of the new expanded museum, ... -
The Evolution of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
(2007-10-30)In 2008, construction will begin on the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. These twin centers -- the private Morgridge Institute for Research (MIR) and the public Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) -- will serve as ... -
Designing Facilities to Build Campus and Public Communities
(2007-11-12)This presentation is a part of "The New Constellation" seminar series, sponsored by The Center for Biology Education, the Science Alliance at UW-Madison, and WISCAPE. The title of the series refers to the forthcoming "bright ...