Browsing by Title
Now showing items 35322-35341 of 35349
Z-Structures and Semidirect Products with an Infinite Cyclic Group
(2018-08-01)Z-structures were originally formulated by Bestvina in order to axiomatize the properties that an ideal group boundary should have. In this dissertation, we prove that if a given group admits a Z-structure, then any ... -
Zapotec Community Actions Building Healthy Watersheds and Sustainable Livelihoods in Oaxaca, Mexaco
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2008-12)Watershed management in poor countries has been a top-bottom process. It is usually imposed without input from either local inhabitants or interest groups. By contrast, the Global Environmental Management Education ... -
Zayandehrud River Speaks Reading the Riverine Landscapes of Seventeenth-Century Isfahan
(2018-05-01)Along with London, Rome, Paris, Istanbul, St. Petersburg, Beijing and other celebrated cities that dotted the landscape of early modern world, 17th-century Isfahān has been acknowledged for its impressive urbanity. As such, ... -
Zebra Mussel Habitat Selection, Growth and Mortality in Lakes of Northeastern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2013-12)Invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) have been anthropogenically transported to various inland locations in the midwestern United States from the Laurentian Great Lakes. In northeastern Wisconsin and the Upper ... -
Zebrafish as a Model for Determining the Mechanisms Causing Deafness in MYH9-Related Disease
(2014-08-01)Approximately 1 in 500 infants are diagnosed with hearing loss, and about half of these cases can be traced to genetic defects. Several hundred genes have been implicated in deafness, including MYH9, which codes for the ... -
Zebrafish functional genomics development at UW-Stout
(2007)Since the completion of the human genome sequencing project, morpholino phosphorodiamidate oligonucleotide (MO) knockdown in zebrafish has been increasingly used to elucidate human gene function. As part of the effort to ... -
Zebrafish, C. elegans and Human Polycystic Kidney Disease
(2017-12-08)The focus of this project is to identify the downstream effects of mutations in the causative genes (PKD1 and PKD2) of polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). ADPKD is responsible for 5% of all endstage renal disease and ... -
Zebrafish, Genes, and Human Kidneys : Gene Mapping in Zebrafish Mutants May Help Uncover Genetic Roots of Polycystic Kidney Disease
(2019-05)Patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) suffer from disrupted kidney function due to large, fluid-filled cysts that form in the collecting ducts and kidney tubules. Current treatments for the ... -
The Zero Forcing Polynomial of a Ladder Graph
(2019-05)Zero forcing is a graph infection parameter which allows vertices of a graph to be colored using the color-change rule. Vertices of a graph are initially colored either blue or white. The color-change rule states that if ... -
ZETA Networks
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1983) -
Zhvillimi I Teknologjive te Reja ne Rilevimin e Tokes dhe Hartezim: Rasti Shqiptar
(2000-02-28)The Project Management Unit (PMU) was created by Government in 1993 to implement the Land Market Action Plan. A part of this plan involves the systematic preparation of maps of all immovable properties, public and private, ... -
Zinacanteco women, prediction for change in a Mexican village
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979-01) -
(1983-07-21)The following are results of acidified water samples received from the ERL-0 for zinc analysis (acid-exchangeable). Analysis was performed according to guidelines in ''Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes11 ... -
Zinc Chemical Biology: The Pursuit of the Intracellular Targets of Zinquin
(2013-08-01)Fluorescent sensors have been a main microscopic tools used to understand Zn2+ physiology on a cellular level. The use of the fluorescent Zn2+ sensor Zinquin (ZQ) and its analogues have revealed that transient Zn2+ is a ... -
Zinc Proteomics: Interactions of Zn2+, Cd2+, and Metal-binding Ligands with Zn-Binding Sites in the Proteome
(2020-05-01)Cadmium ion causes toxicity in humans, most prominently in the kidney. This thesis focuses on mechanisms by which Cd2+ harms kidney proximal tubule cells. Previous experiments have shown the time-dependent distribution of ... -
Zip Code 53206: Numbers Driving Change
(2008-01-01)A feature article by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee News Service detailed Employment and Training Institute research in Milwaukee zipcode 53206, one of the most economically challenged neighborhoods in the state. -
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison, 2010) -
Zoning for Urban Agriculture: The Politics of Institutionalizing Community Gardens in Madison, WI
(2010-12-14)The growing popularity of urban agriculture calls for the need for formal recognition in the Madison zoning code rewrite. To understand the politics of this process, we interviewed key actors: city planners and community ...