Browsing by Title
Now showing items 14130-14149 of 35353
G-3 Autopilot Value Analysis
(1951-08) -
G-E'S Value Analysis
(1958-08) -
G-Protein Coupled Receptors as Drug Targets to Treat Schistosomiasis
(2023-05)Different species of schistosomes, primarily Schistosoma haematobium, S. mansoni, and S. japonicum, are responsible for schistosomiasis, which affects over two hundred million people annually in the undeveloped world. ... -
Gabriel and Lucifer
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2005) -
Gabrielle Damian Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020)Gabrielle discusses her Out@Stout experience, working at the Qube, and the personal impact Stout's queer community and organizations have had on her. -
Gaining and/or maintaining employee trust within service organizations
(University of Wisconsin--StoutThe purpose of this study was to determine how to gain and/or maintain employee trust within service organizations. Employee trust has become an important topic in the world of work. This research paper will take a hard look into three primary reasons for a lack of trust within the workplace. Trust-developing strategies other companies have successfully used, along with general ways to develop and/or maintain trust will be studied as well. Service organizations in the Menomonie area known for outstanding employee relations and levels of employee trust will be investigated. Along with this, the research will take a glimpse into the findings of other completed studies of the same nature. Data will be collected using a survey instrument for further information. The survey will be sent to 25 of the 79 service organizations located in the city of Menomonie, Wisconsin. Surveys not returned within the two week time period will be followed up with phone calls and/or a duplicate survey to the particular service organizations. This study begins with the belief that a lack of trust exists within an organization for numerous reasons. A lack of respect shown by upper level employees, too little information shared with the lower level employees, small amounts of employee freedom and low organizational morale/motivation are a few of the many reasons that will be explored. This study hopes to prove that an increase in the trust levels of employees will reduce turnover, increase employee productivity, create a more positive work environment, and motivate employees to truly care about the organization they are employed by., 2002) -
Gains and Losses
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison, 2012) -
Gait and Locomotion Analysis for Tribological Applications
(2013-12-01) -
Gait Parameter Monitoring Using A Wearable Stereo Camera System
(2023)An infrared (IR) stereo camera is mounted on each bracelet and tasked with tracking a marker on the bracelet on the other ankle. Based on the imaged trajectories of both markers, a computer vision algorithm that we developed ... -
Galactic Outflows and Their Correlations with Galaxy Properties at 0.8 < Z < 1.6
(2017-08-01)Out ows have been shown to be ubiquitous in galaxies between z = 1 and z=2, and many models and observations have attempted to correlate the absorption line properties of these out ows with morphological characteristics ... -
The Galapagos Islands Land Bird Conservation and Philornis downsi Projects
(2018-05)As part of the international research program through the biology department I had the opportunity to be involved with research at the Charles Darwin Research Station. Through the Charles Darwin Research Station I was ... -
Galápagos Verde 2050
(2018-05)Galápagos Verde 2050 is a large scale and widespread conservation project that began in January of 2014 through the Charles Darwin Research Station. The two goals of the project include restoring degraded ecosystems, and ... -
Galfenol Nanowires for Touch Sensors and Electroplated Thin Films
(2011-05)The goal of this project was to electroplate and characterize thin films of metal alloys that have not been previously studied. All of the desired thin films were able to be electroplated, but the compositions of the films ... -
Gallivanting Goslings: Post-Hatch Movement Ecology and Behavior of Emperor Geese (Anser canagicus) on the Yukon – Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-05)The emperor goose (Anser canagicus) is a marine species of goose endemic to the Bering Sea region that has been close to or below objectives since the 1960s and are a culturally important species to indigenous communities ... -
Galois Field Hardware Architectures for Network Coding
(2010-05-15)This paper presents and analyzes novel hardware designs for high-speed network coding. Our designs provide efficient methods to perform Galois field (GF) dot products and matrix inversions, which are important operations ...