Browsing by Title
Now showing items 7610-7629 of 35349
Curriculum Development using GIS in Environmental Education
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2004-07)Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are powerful tools used by numerous industries, government agencies and increasinglyK-12 educators. GIS allows the display, storage, and analysis of spatial data. Educators are realizing ... -
A curriculum in legal, ethical, and business issues of internet marketing
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2000)The purpose of this research is to develop a curriculum for vocational / technical and four-year colleges to teach students about major legal, ethical, and business issues of conducting commerce via the internet. Additionally, ... -
Curriculum project: counting principles
(2013-08-25)The purpose of this project is to provide mathematics teachers with a ready-to-use-activity-based probability and counting principles component of the statistics curriculum, which will help students better understand the ... -
Curriculum revision for customer relations course
(2012)The purpose of this capstone project is to re-design a course that is currently taught at Madison College for students from the machinist program. The Customer Relations course is required for program completion and it ... -
Curriculum-based measurement in mathematics: predicting future performance on state assessments
(2011-03-16)Curriculum-Based Measures (CBMs) in reading and their relationship to state standardized tests have been established and an important feature of CBMs. This study will examine the predictive relationship of CBMs (i.e. ... -
Curriculum-based measurement in written expression at the secondary level
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2003)The use of curriculum-based measurement (CBM) in written expression is becoming more common in today’s schools; however, there is a need for more information pertaining to the technical adequacy of these measures at the ... -
Curse or Cure? Remittances and Corruption in the Developing World
(2014-05-01)This dissertation examines the relationship between migrant remittances, money earned by migrant workers and sent back home, and corruption. Remittances total more $400 billion US a year, making them an important capital ... -
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2003) -
Custom Manure Applicator Training: A Summary
(Land Grant/Sea Grant National Water Quality Conference, 2011-01)A summary of the need, objectives, methods and results of a 3-state voluntary training and certification program targeting for-hire manure applicators in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Participating businesses and ... -
Custom Smartwatch from Open-Source Design: Multi-Application Wifi and Bluetooth-Enabled Smartwatch Built from TTGO T-Display Development Board
(2022-04)The purpose of this project was to build a custom smart watch from an open-source design. Through this project, I was able to construct an affordable and fully programmable and customizable smart watch with WiFi and Bluetooth ... -
Customary land tenure and the development of African agriculture
(Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1971-06) -
Customer intimacy: a new mission for supply chain managers
(2020-06-11) -
A customer perception and satisfaction survey for a Chinese buffet
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2003)This research aims to better understand customer need, and enable the “All-You-Can-Eat Chinese Buffet” operators to respond to customer’s desires. The research objectives were: 1. To determine a demographic profile of ... -
Customer perceptions of critical incidents in service encounters: the role restaurant employee's play in service recovery
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2018)BelAir Cantina restaurants in southeastern Wisconsin have been growing at a rapid rate since their first restaurant opened in 2010. Continued success heavily relies on the experiences that each restaurant delivers to its ... -
Customer satisfaction at Wisconsin's One-Stop Job Centers: development and implementation of a customer satisfaction instrument
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2001)The purpose of this research was to develop and implement a customer satisfaction instrument that examined the satisfaction of walk-in clients using the programs, services, and technical assistance provided by Wisconsin ...