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Now showing items 30922-30941 of 35355
T. Reich presentation Exhibit Reception -125 Years of Higher Education UWSP
(2019-10-17)"125 Years of Higher Education in Stevens Point" occurred at the Edna Carlsten Art Gallery Monday, Sept. 16, through Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019. A public reception was held Thursday, Oct. 17, from 4-6 p.m. featuring talks by ... -
T.S. Eliot and Modernism in Urdu Poetry
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2007) -
Tablet manufacturing
(1922) -
Taboo Topics in Close Relationships: An Update
(2016-05-01)This study updates Baxter and Wilmot’s (1985) seminal study that generated a list of taboo topics in close relationships. Their original list included seven topic categories: (a) state of the relationship; (b) extra-relationship ... -
Tackling Chloride Pollution in Southeastern Wisconsin: Halophilic Bacterial Indicators and Policy Alternatives
(2022-05-01)There are few biological indicators for freshwater systems subjected to high chloride levels. Freshwater systems receive many forms of chloride such as road salts (e.g., NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2), fertilizers (e.g., KCl), and ... -
TACS enhancements for the electromagnetic transient program
(Publ by IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1994) -
Tactile Encounters and the Ephemerality of the Graffiti Image
(2020-11-05)The use of new materials such as stickers, posters, and stencils has transformed how graffiti (or if you prefer street art) is made in the public spaces of Barcelona. In this article, I explore the practice of graffiti in ... -
Tadpole Pigmentation and Predation
(Elsevier, Environmental Pollution, 2022-06-09)Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a pervasive pollutant that influences wildlife at both the individual and community level. In this study, we tested the individual-level effects of ALAN on three species of tadpole prey ... -
Tage der Unzufriedenheit: Identitat und Gesellschaftsbild in den Romanen muslimischer Hindischriftsteller (1965-1990)
(Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1996) -
Tagging Nitrogen in Biological Systems
(2014-04)Primary amines often pose a special problem when derivatives are needed. Primary amines are almost universally protonated at physiological pH, and are thus cations. The purpose of this study was to explore tagging nitrogen ... -
TagLDA: Bringing a document structure knowledge into topic models
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 2006)Latent Dirichlet Allocation models a document by a mixture of topics, where each topic itself is typically modeled by a unigram word distribution. Documents however often have known structures, and the same topic can ... -
Tail Communication in the Least Chipmunks (Neotamias Minimus)
(2012-04)The purpose of this study was to record chipmunk behavior and analyze categorical behavior for uniformed responses to similar situations. -
Tait Graphs and Properties of Virtual Knots
(2019-05)The primary objective of our research project is to discover relationships between graph theory and knot theory. We are particularly interested in virtual knots, a knot that has three different types of crossings, and how ... -
Taiwan Diary of Ted Wieh
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 1976)Daily narrative of Ted Wiehe on his professional and personal experiences during his stay in Taiwan during the academic year 1976- 1977. Dr. Wiehe spent a year at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei as a visiting ... -
Take A Second Look
(1958-02-12) -
Take Only What Belongs to You
(2024-03-27) -
Taking a Closer Look at Autism Rates In a Small Rural School District
(2007-05)This study examined prevalence rates in the United States, the State of Wisconsin and the local school district. It further investigated the perceptions of parents, educational and healthcare professionals about the rise ... -
“Taking a Step Back”: What White Student Affairs Practitioners Engaged in Social Justice Work Say about Followership
(2023-05)The study of followership is underrepresented in leadership literature. The purpose of this interpretative phenomenological study was to explore how White student affairs practitioners engaged in social justice work at a ... -
Taking action to protect UW-Stout's last remaining wetland
(2007)Wetlands provide many essential ecosystem functions, such as flood control, wildlife habitat, and groundwater recharge. Although wetlands in Wisconsin are protected, not all wetlands are recognized. According to the Wisconsin ...