Browsing by Title
Now showing items 12337-12356 of 35046
Fable of a Severed Head
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison, 2011) -
Fabric and Microstructural Analysis of the Loch Borralan Pluton, Northwest Highlands, Scotland
(2014-05-01)The Loch Borralan pluton was emplaced within the Assynt Region of the Moine Thrust zone during the Scandian event (ca. 435-425 Ma) of the Caledonian Orogeny (478-425 Ma). It consists of two major magma suites, the syenitic ... -
Fabric and whole rock chemical analyses of sheared granitic rocks from Mountain, Wisconsin
(2011)A poster containing visuals and text describing an undergraduate research project completed at the University of Wisconsin--Whitewater. The purpose of the project is to gain an understanding of shear zone formation in an ... -
Fabric, form, function: anomalous tempers in fineware ceramics from El-Mahasna, Egypt
(2010)During the 1995-2000 seasons of the el-Mahasna Archaeological Project in Egypt, a small proportion of the recovered fineware sherd assemblage was identified as having been manufactured using anomalous tempers relative to ... -
Fabrication of Double-Walled Polymeric Microspheres for Improved Bone Healing and Regeneration.
(2021-05-01)The purpose of this study was to fabricate double-walled microspheres loaded with specific drugs to improve bone healing properties. The proposed microsphere design consists of hydroxyapatite-loaded poly(L-lactic acid) ... -
Fabrication of InAs/AlSb/GaSb heterojunction bipolar transistors on Al2O3 substrates by wafer bonding
(American Institute of Physics, 2001) -
Fabrication of Silver-doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Through Optimized Sol-Gel Deposition and Nanoparticle Wetting Process
(2018-12-01)Zinc Oxide (ZnO) has been of significant interest as a Transparent Conductive Oxide (TCO) given its sizable direct band-gap, and as a potential substitute for Indium-Tin Oxide for use in opto-electronic and piezo-electric ... -
Face and Body : (Somewhat) Independent Predictors of Women's Overall Attractiveness
(2013-05)Women's faces and bodies advertise socially-relevant information. Although both face and body predict women's overall attractiveness, women's faces are a better predictor of overall attractiveness than their bodies are. ... -
Face Cyclographs for Recognition
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 2006)A new representation of faces, called face cyclographs, is introduced for face recognition that incorporates all views of a rotating face into a single image. The main motivation for this representation comes from recent ... -
Face of a Friend: Ahmed Ali 1910-1994
(Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1994) -
Face, Expression, and Iris Recognition Using Learning-Based Approaches
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 2006)This thesis investigates the problem of facial image analysis. Human faces contain a lot of information that is useful for many applications. For instance, the face and iris are important biometric features for security ... -
Face. Off. Faceoff: Mapping African Representations in Western Art Institutions
(2019-05-01)In this project, I analyze the influential perceptions of African art objects, cultures, and histories formed through audience interactions with museum representations of Africa. In the Western world, curiosity cabinets ... -
Facebook : the Effects of Self-Esteem and Self Disclosure on Facebook.
(2009-02-04)This study examined the amount of participant-reported self-disclosure on Facebook, particularly as it relates to participants' self-esteem. -
Facebook and Career Motivation
(2011-05)While the use of the social network Facebook has continued to increase among college students (Nesbitt & Marriot, 2007), studies show that this group may not be aware of the influence their social networking profile content ... -
Facebook and the Maintenance of Social Capital.
(2009-02-10)This study examines the usage of Facebook, a widely favored online social networking site, as a means to maintain social capital by University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire students. The study looks at the relationship between ... -
Facebook as a Facilitator of Organizational Identification in Colleges and Universities: Exploring Relationships Among Educational Institutions, Student Tenure, and Interaction with Multiple Organizational Targets
(2013-05-01)Potential uses for Facebook are frequently studied in scholarly literature. To date, much of this research focuses on varied social uses available to Facebook members. More recently, scholars have turned to potential ... -
Facebook Friends--Near and Far.
(2009-01-30)The research question under investigation is how has the use of Facebook strengthened the emotional relationships of those both geographically close and far away? 200 full time University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Students ... -
Facebook used as a recruiting tool
(2011)Social media is becoming increasingly integrated in the hiring process as companies choose their employees from widening pools of applicants. Past studies revealed that it is important for job seekers to recognize the ... -
Facebook, Friends, and Fear
(2012-04)The purpose of this study was to expand on the research of social networking that has already been done. This research focused primarily on barriers, apprehensions, and gratifications relative to Facebook.