General Information - Title of your Dataset Supplemental materials for: Health Effects of Sleep Quality in Premutation Carrier Mothers of Individuals With Fragile X Syndrome - Author information: Robert Dembo ( - PI name and contact information Marsha R. Mailick ( - Co-investigator/association name and contact information N/A - Citation for associated publication Dembo, R.S., Hong, J., DaWalt, L.S., Berry-Kravis, E.M., Mailick, M.R. (2023). Health effects of sleep quality in premutation carrier mothers of individuals with fragile X syndrome (In Press). - Date of data collection (range or single date) 2012-2017 Sharing/Access Info - Licenses placed on data, if any: N/A - Was data derived from another source? YES/NO. If yes, list source(s): No Methodological Information - Description of methods use for collection/generation of data Interviews, questionnaires - Methods for processing data Regression models - Instrument or software-specific needed to interpret the data N/A - Other such as experimental conditions N/A