General Information - Title of Dataset: Sample Mount Images - Author information: Rachelle Turnier - PI name and contact information: John Valley, - Citation for associated publication: Turnier, R.B., 2022, Views on Corundum Genesis from Zircon Inclusions, SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analyses, Geochronology, Trace Elements, and Spectroscopy [Ph.D. Thesis]: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 240 p. - Date of data collection (2017 to 2021) Labeled scanning electron microscope (backscattered electron or secondary electron images) or reflected light images of sample mounts (epoxy plugs and thin section rounds), identifying corundum crystal sample numbers and any implanted oxygen isotope standards (see methodology in Turnier, 2022 PhD dissertation). Images in this repository correspond to names found in the Sample Index (pg. x) under "Field Number". These research samples are hosted in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Geoscience Department Museum Collection under file number UW2050.