The environmental and social impacts of urban runoff on eutrophic lake ecosystems The University of Wisconsin, Madison Geography 565 Research Project Tuesday December 13, 2010 Austin Becker Gerald Daniels Samuel Mathews Steven Roanhaus ! 2 Contents Research Question??.?????????????????3 Abstract???????????????????????.3 Literature Review of Secondary Data???????????...4 Methodology????????????????????...14 Results???????????????????????.17 Conclusion?????????????????????..30 Further Research???????????????????.32 Works Cited?????????????????????33 Appendix??????????????????????36 ! 3 Research Question: How does urban stormwater runoff afect the Lake Mendota ecosystem, fish populations, and subsistence anglers? How are stormwater contributions identified and dealt with on campus? Abstract Unraveling the isue of urban runoff is a daunting task to bring into focus because of dificulties identifying runoff sources and developing cost-efective solutions. The need to find solutions stems from isues of eutrophication that jeopardizes lake ecosystems and fish populations. The contributions come from sources ranging from residencies to busineses, and actors ranging from individuals to organizations. As the urban landscape expands, understanding surface and stormwater runoff is a necesity for responsible development and should take into acount the resulting impacts on fish and the people who rely on them for sustenance. ! 4 Introduction Lake Mendota, the largest of the Yahara Lake chain, the city water source and sustenance for Madison, represents decades of water management policies. These policies have been focused on runoff from the rural and urban Madison area, focusing primarily on urban stormwater runoff from the Isthmus of downtown Madison. This goal of this project is to find a correlation betwen the increase in Madison's urban landscape and its relationship to the health of Lake Mendota and its fish populations. The health of the lake and fish populations are important as they provide sustenance for recreational fishers around the area. People?s livelihoods rely upon the fish in the lake; when the fish aren?t healthy because of the over-polluted lake, they tend to suffer. The paper brings together many major topics that could easily be one single research project. Keping this in mind, the linear progresion of steps that occur has to be wel understood in order to establish a connection betwen the information. This can be sen in a flow chart (Figure 1) to dismis any confusion. The urban landscape, in relation to this project, is sen as any sort of developed land in and around a city center. In the case of Madison, downtown is the major portion of the urbanized area but dense residential areas surrounding downtown wil be considered developed because they pose as big of a threat to urban runoff. It is important to understand that urban runoff does not include any sort of sewage system or treated water. Stormwater is the primary focus for urban runoff because it acts as an untreated water source that inevitably flows into lake systems. Water policies have changed to counteract the increased amount of direct water runoff into Lake Mendota. Surface drainage systems wil be analyzed to understand Madison?s structural policies around the city. The runoff quality of the water is important when considering its impact on the lake itself. Huge amounts of contaminants are dragged into the lake from many ! 5 diferent sources such as construction areas, lawn fertilizers and rooftops. There is an extensive array literature on stormwater chemistry research around Madison, which is useful in trying to understand the primary pollutants. Phosphorus is the expected major factor, which is considered the main limiting nutrient in blue-green algae eutrophication in many lakes. These algae blooms are a distasteful addition to the resource quality of Lake Mendota and are expected to have numerous efects on the fish populations. The ecosystem of Lake Mendota is clearly not as stable as it originaly was and cannot continue to lose its usefulnes to the people who rely upon a stable population of fish. Even if the fish aren?t decreasing in number, the number of toxins and unhealthy contaminants inside them could be increasing. This is a major cause for concern when there are people eating the fish every day. Much of the University of Wisconsin, Maison campus is located along the shore of Lake Mendota near downtown and is undoubtedly a primary source of contaminated urban runoff. Landscape observations and interviews wil lead us to draw conclusions as to what can be done on campus to counteract stormwater runoff. The surrounding inhabitants that al rely upon the lake directly efect the cleanlines of Lake Mendota. Focusing eforts on campus is a more realistic goal that can stil have large positive efects on the lake?s health. ! 6 Literature Review Lake Mendota has always been a highlight of the Madison area. However, Mendota's unhealthy state was only noticed because of its unatractive appearance. Considering how quickly the urban landscape has evolved in the Madison area, there is litle doubt that urban stormwater pollution is having afects on the healthines of the lake. Acording to the city of Madison census and state populations estimations, the area of Madison increased from 4.9 square miles in 1850 to almost 70 square miles by the year 2000 (Dave Larson, 2000). This rapid urbanization has greatly increased the amount of surface water making its way into Lake Mendota. The changing appearance of the lake was first recognized in the 1880?s, during which time the limnology department at the University of Wisconsin was founded. Hydrology, climate and precipitation, populations, soil erosion and transformation lead the debate on the connection of the human impact on lake ecosystems. Over a century of water quality studies have been conducted on Lake Mendota in order to understand the connection betwen eutrophication and pollution runoff. One of the primary contributors to the eutrophication proces is agricultural non-point runoff that comes into Mendota from the Yahara River (Benson, 2006). While this provides a large portion of the pollution, the focus of this research is to determine how urban land development and use has lasting impacts on the lake. The change from diverse grases and plant coverage to a smoother surface and coverings, such as streets and asphalt asociated with urban development, alters the infiltration rates of precipitation to the ground (Elis, 2010). Documented data show surface changes in these areas and possible efects. Possible, because for scientists to acurately measure true impacts with an ecosystem time line it would take thousands ! 7 of years to understand the full ability of the ecosystem to adapt to the changes (Turner, et. al., 1990). One of the primary contributors to the eutrophication proces is agricultural non-point runoff that comes into Mendota from the Yahara River (Benson, 2006). While this provides a large portion of the pollution, the focus of this research is to determine how urban land development and use has lasting impacts on the lake. The chief concern in urban areas is found to be construction-site sediment runoff (Wegener, 2001). Improper barriers and catchments alow nutrient rich sediment to rush off into the lakes through storm drains and litle has been done in the past to curtail this isue. On the City of Madison website, one is able to locate al of the permit information for construction sites of a certain size or larger in the entire Madison area that have been reviewed by the Department of Public Works. Currently, three large construction sites on campus are listed: the Chazen Art Museum (Larry D. Nelson, 2009) expansion, the Exploration Center (Larry D. Nelson, 2008) on engineering campus and the new Union South (Larry D. Nelson, 2009) near Camp Randal. The construction permits are outfited with a universal soil erosion equation that can be implemented with any construction site relative to their location. Al three of the sites state the total amount of soil los due to erosion in tons/acre of land. The three construction sites show formidable amounts of soil loss that wil make their way into the surrounding lakes. Union South and the Exploration center are close to the watershed border for Mendota and Monona so their particulate runoff could afect both lakes. Construction is not the only contributing factor in pollution runoff. Streets, houses, apartments, neighborhoods and busineses al contribute to the collection of the runoff. By changing the ground cover with roads, sidewalks and buildings has altered the permeability of the land surface. Many studies exist that quantify runoff pollution in urban residential areas of ! 8 Madison that show the masive impact single family households can have on the health of non- point pollution entering the lakes. These wil be discussed further on. Because of the diversity of pollution point and non-point sources, local and state policies have to stretch many boundaries. Al bases have to be covered for stormwater runoff sanitation to be efective for returning Lake Mendota back to its healthy state. Recently the Department of Natural Resources pased their updated runoff rules to the state asembly and senate. These rules aim to keep down the input of suspended solids and nutrient rich runoff from point and non-point polluters. By definition point pollution refers to ?end of pipe? (storm drain) contributions while non-point comes from surface runoff into the lake. Development of land afects the water in both fashions; through improper construction practices and also permanently by changing the face of surface runoff (Dane County Land Information Ofice, 2000 & State Highway Commision of Wisconsin, 1937). The rules proposed were pased by the Agricultural, Environment, and Natural Resources commites in the State Senate and Asembly showing that concern for the lakes has become a political priority. With the recent pasage of the DNR?s runoff rules there was a compromise sought betwen the numerous stakeholders of this isue. Agriculturalists, developers, manufacturers, environmentalists, and municipalities were involved to reach a compromise on how to reduce runoff pollution. Rather than impose a system of bricks and mortar by creating or expanding water treatment facilities, the rules alow for an adaptive management proces. Through this proces buffer zones that offer natural vegetative filtration are a more cost efective and lasting solution than building and maintaining treatment facilities to reduce the nonpoint runoff into the lake. For construction and developers limits are set at 5 tons of sediment per acre per year and ! 9 require a storm water discharge permit, which is aimed to bring down the cost of water treatment. The City of Madison has as part of its annual budget a portion of funds for not only for the maintenance for the system, to keep it unclogged and working, but also for updating and applying new construction phases for the system. It certainly sems to be easier to deal with and afect the ground water runoff in rural surroundings than the city. Urban developments such as gutters, storm drains, retention ponds and collection system al provide for the belief of control of the runoff; these run throughout the city and surrounding suburbs. The organization of runoff from residential and industrial areas needs to be reevaluated to atempt to reduce the rate of collection and discharge of the surface water. The implementation of techniques to create a more permeable ground cover in the urban environment has started. With rain gardens, rain barrels and terracing yards can change the rate over time of surface runoff into the storm system in residential neighborhoods (Mueler, G. D. and Thompson, A. M.; 2009). As reported by Wisconsin DNR, non-point pollution can be directly connected to the volume of storm drain outlet discharge. The concentration of debris discharged from the urban storm water system is releasing increased amounts of contaminants in a much more restricted area becomes these non-point sources. This volume of discharge has increased the erosion and compositions of soils in the discharge areas. The collection and redirecting of surface drainage both in urban and rural areas acount for this volume increase (Harder, 1994). By understanding how the land uses and developmental structures around Lake Mendota contribute to surface runoff wil help create a plan to utilize methods to reduce the quantity and increase the quality of the water. Retaining the water before it reaches lakes alows time for sediment and nutrients to setle. It is important that policymakers and conservationists determine ! 10 the nutrient with the highest potential to harm lake ecosystems so resources and funds can be focused and begin to have positive efects. Much scientific research around the Madison area points towards phosphorus as being the most important factor when concerned with urban runoff and lake contamination. A newsleter devoted to stormwater runoff in Madison collects information from scientific research completed by Dr. G. Fred Le and his asociates (Anne Le, G. Fred Le; 2007). The research entailed the collection of urban water samples and testing them for nitrogen and phosphorus that make their way into the lake. It ends the research with a conclusion stating a specific type of algal growth-promoting phosphorus, soluble ortho phosphorus, which should be a focus for conservationists. Although it is nice to pinpoint a specific type of phosphorus to contain, I think our project is much more general in the respect of management programs. Idealy we would want chemical fortifications before runoff made its way into the lake, but a more feasible application of conservation in Madison and the campus area would involve stopping al types of phosphorus as sediment from the storm systems. To get a diferent sense of phosphorus levels throughout Madison and on campus, Wiliam F. Cohen and G. Fred Le (1976) presents findings with several test locations. The locations were chosen for high, medium and low-density residential areas, a campus area and a construction site. With the collected runoff water, samples were tested for diferent forms of organic and inorganic phosphorus. Much of the literature is extremely scientific and tough to understand without a good organic chemistry background. The details presented are too extensive for our project, which is going to focus more on the general runoff and presenting a barrier before it enters into Lake Mendota. In the conclusion section they finish by saying their information could be calculated to determine a total phosphorus load from urban runoff but they ! 11 do not bother to do so. Unfortunately, this final number would have probably been the most useful of al their information. A project, by R. T. Bannerman, D. W. Owens, R. B. Dodds and N. J. Hornewer (1993) studies surrounding residential and industrial areas of Madison for Stormwater runoff contaminants, which wil be useful for understanding the general public?s afect on stormwater runoff. This project looked at many diferent chemical factors that came from many sources that we do not have time to test or observe. Most importantly, it recorded levels of total and disolved phosphorus from al of its tested areas. The significance of their findings shows the highest levels of total and disolved phosphorus in residential areas. Residential areas, especialy in lawns because of fertilizers can be equated to the campus area. The campus area uses fertilizers in their green space and obviously includes streets, roofs and driveways. This paper presents the information in a semingly non-biased manner with its raw data. In the conclusion they do provide some future insight into how development of runoff technology can help. They sem to calculate that by fixing only two of the major input sources of contaminants wil bring levels below what is considered critical for lake runoff. This is good to se, though it may be optimistic, since campus provides only a smal fraction of the Mendota watershed. It shows eforts on campus would not be worthles relative to the lake size. Most of the literature involving stormwater chemistry, especialy those listed above, presents statistical-heavy information that can get jumbled when al thrown together. This is especialy true for readers without an extensive water biology and chemistry background. The goal is to sort out the useful information pertaining to our project without losing key information from the article. Al of the articles addres phosphorus in runoff, which sems to be the biggest ! 12 contaminant from stormwater runoff; therefore the research wil focus on phosphorus as the main cause of overly eutrophic lakes. To establish a strong connection betwen the phosphorus and the health of fish populations, one must understand the correlation betwen phosphorus and algae blooms. Richard C. Lathrop explains the efect eutrophication has had in the Madison chain of lakes, in causing vast amounts of blue-green algae bloom growth (2007). Following Madison?s eradication of direct wastewater inputs into Lake Monona in 1936, and the diversion of efluents into Lake Mendota in 1971, Lathrop notes that the persistent algae blooms have been spurred by agriculture and urban non-point runoff. He gives an excelent overview on how algae has been historicaly caused and the afects changing land use has had on runoff, but stops short of any efects these algae blooms may have on humans. This was not the primary focus of the paper, but he gives the reader no real cause for concern in the prevention of algae formation. Further research shows that there can be a real cause for concern for increased algae blooms in lakes. A scientific article by H. W. Paerl, et. al. (2001) presents specific types of toxins created by algae that can make their way into the food chain and have negative efects on fish populations. There is also reason to be concerned because of blue-green algae?s ability to totaly block out light from geting through to other producers in the food chain. This, along with the creation of hypoxic conditions can have disastrous efects on lake food chains and ecosystems. The Wisconsin DNR covers health concerns with eating fish from lakes with high abundances of blue-green algae (2009). It is also important to gather just whom the contaminated fish are afecting. Many local scholars addres the lack of local cultural knowledge and understanding demonstrated by institutional scientific experts when developing risk asesment policies and procedures to ! 13 protect sustenance anglers from harmful afects of contaminated fish consumption. Jim Powel, et al. (2010) argue that more information on race and clas fish consumption would provide for more culturaly appropriate education, from language-specific warning signs to public awarenes programs that addres disproportionately afected minorities. They admit that there is no concrete solution to defending against anglers consuming fish with dangerous levels of toxins, but lay out guidelines for reaching out to local health agencies and elected officials to create change. A good portion of this article by Jim Powel et al. is dedicated to acomplishments or projects created and implemented by Madison Environmental Justice Organization, some which have ultimately failed. A particular fish-consumption warning sign project, which was pushed by the organization in earlier publications, has proven to be mostly inefective, and other projects have had the same fate (Powel & Powel 2008). On one hand, this horn-blowing about al the things the organization has done could be sen as a group simply looking for atention, but on the other hand, learning about how and why these projects have been unsuccesful could prove valuable in moving forward with further solutions and also spread the isue into the public sphere. The later of these two asumptions is probably the more appropriate reason for their including of past eforts with anglers. Making these major connections betwen what is causing the pollution that contaminates the fish, and which subsequently harms the humans that consume these fish, is vital in understanding what can be done to make efective change both on campus on beyond. It is also critical to collect data on the people who consume harmful amounts of fish, so we may beter concentrate public outreach to impacted communities. ! 14 Methods Interviews John Magnuson ? University of Wisconsin, Limnology Department In order to understand what has motivated changes in legislation concerning runoff pollution John J. Magnuson Emeritus Profesor of Limnology was sought for an interview. As co-author of Long-Term Dynamics of Lakes in the Landscape Magnuson was able to offer insight as to how society?s perspective of lake management has changed along with the landscape. He also was extremely helpful in teling us about campus projects that are happening to combat the amount of runoff into the lake. In a chapter specificaly on Lake Mendota, Magnuson?s book points out that with 15,000 lakes in Wisconsin and a water centered tourism industry it?s no wonder that economic impact plays a major role in the efort to keep Wisconsin waterways clean (Benson, 2006). Beyond tourism another economic aspect must be examined and that is of course the cost/benefit analysis of possible solutions. John Reimer - Department of Public Works, City of Madison To understand the current procedures implemented in the City of Madison an interview with the Department of Public Works that overses the storm sewer system, wil give an official perception of the circumstances surrounding the efort of runoff control into Lake Mendota and Monona to improve water quality and the local fisheries. Madison Construction Workers The construction workers that they were required to the City to clean out the drain screens following a rain event. The drain had the landscape fabric mesh/cloth to capture as much ! 15 sediment as possible. Even with this extra efort to collect and contain debris stil alowed some to drain into the storm sewer system. Candy Schrank ? Toxicologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Email) In order to establish a strong connection betwen phosphorus afecting algae populations and their efect on fish populations, we turned to some people who work for the DNR who understand fish toxicology and ecosystems that have negative efects on their populations. Candy provided us with very useful information and with other scientific articles that are present in our secondary findings. Maria Powel, PhD - Executive Director ? Madison Environmental Justice Organization Dr. Powel has conducted extensive research on the sustenance-angler population in Madison. We met with her to receive documents covering this research and to gain insight on approaching these anglers as an outsider. She has experience interviewing anglers and prepared tips for us to avoid offending or upseting the anglers. She also has a wealth of knowledge of past developments concerning the protection of urban sustenance anglers. She is experienced in handling presing isues in the environmental justice movement such as combating degrading runoff leading to the pollution of Lake Monona, Lake Mendota, and their aquatic species. Interviews with Anglers In order to gain a beter understanding of how the depleted fisheries directly afect members of the community who use them as a source of sustenance, we resolved to interview shoreline fishermen and women on the shores of downtown Madison?s lakes. The health of the ! 16 sustenance fishing community is of the utmost importance to us, because unlike other recreational and economic uses of the lake, the livelihood of these anglers and their families is highly dependant on the cleanlines and productivity of the lakes. Interviewing these men and women turned out to be rewarding for our research project as we formed informal relationships with some of the fishers, alowing us to acquire insight on their experience, which others rarely hear. Cognizant of the fact that many of Madison?s sustenance anglers speak Hmong, Spanish, and other foreign languages, we decided to interview only those who could efectively communicate in English. We recognized that this would jeopardize our results by eliminating a large and culturaly diverse sample of sustenance anglers, but considering time and language resource limitations, we found it necesary in order to obtain enough interviews to formulate clear results. Landscape Observations In order to beter understand the efect that campus has on Lake Mendota, landscape observations were made along the lakeshore to determine the location of as many storm drains as possible. The locations were mapped over the Mendota watershed layer along with construction sites on campus to give a beter perspective of the Universities non-point sources. (Figure 2). ! 17 Results For more than a century now Lake Mendota has been the focus of extensive monitoring ad experimentation with both cleanup of pollutants and prevention of detrimental contributions (Magnuson, 2006). The isues of urbanization that pose the biggest threat to water quality is the proces of changing the landscape through development and the resulting landscapes susceptibility to surface runoff. The city of Madison is entirely aware of the runoff efects and works on preventing and limiting the amount of untreated stormwater from entering the lake. Their primary concern is of the welnes of the people of Madison, which is partialy a product of the healthines and safety of the Yahara Lakes and their ecosystems (City of Madison, 2007). The way in which runoff impacts lake ecosystems and fish populations wil be shown as a condition of varying concern. Two diferent approaches to how fish are afected are through a chemical reaction causing hypoxia as wel as blue-green algae presence which impairs primary production and as a result the lakes food chain. The watershed basin, approximately 9,566 acres, drains into Lake Mendota and acounts for 25 percent of the 38,247 acres in the city of Madison (Figure 5). Combining this with the Lake Monona drainage watershed of 8,017 acres the two equate to 46 percent of the land surface in Madison (John Reimer, 2010). This gives us a view of the scale of the problem. Runoff into lake Mendota, as stated previously, comes from many more places than just urban areas. 70 percent of the pollution in to Lake Mendota comes from agricultural practices while the other 30 percent is urban influenced (John Magnuson, 2010). Lake Monona?s pollution, on the other hand, comes from more than 50 percent urban contributions. To continue focusing on Lake Mendota, though both would be ideal, wil inevitably contribute to the health of Lake Monona downstream. ! 18 The Madison area urbanized very rapidly because of the downtown area being squeezed into the isthmus. The buffer of land was therefore, originaly quite smal betwen development and the water. Typicaly water wil have time to sep into the ground and filter before the feding nutrients move into the lake. It is easy to misunderstand the concept of a buffer betwen city and lake because it may sem as solely the shoreline of the lake from preventing water flowing in directly. John Magnuson describes this concept as too narrow, ?Many people se buffer strip as only the shoreline of the stream or lake... wel those are al interrupted by tributaries or storm sewers and so the management of the buffer strip is actualy not just the shoreline, it?s the whole area of [Madison]... Every house, busines and park in Madison is on the storm sewer drainage system. At one time when you didn?t have the storm sewers, the water would sep in and get to the lake, but now the whole town is as if it is on the shoreline.? (John Magnuson, 2010). The City of Madison Engineering office overses the storm water system throughout the city. The storm system is designed to control urban flooding and improve water quality through BMP (Best Management Practices). Each watershed has in place vast infrastructure of piping varying in sizes needed to carry the surface water load. Lake Mendota has 131 output sources and Lake Monona has 202 outfal basins or pipe sizes 36 inches or greater. The city of Madison has many ordinances and rules set to help reduce the amount of pollution going into stormwater. More street sweping and leave pickup keeps nutrients from being carried out during heavy rains while leaves are decomposing (Figure 7). It was never made an ordinance due to the complexity of regulation but leaf disposal ?is a major isue? (John Magnuson, 2010). This isn?t enough in itself though. There are other smaler ordinances that add up. These include practices such as, picking up dog feces and placing labels on storm sewers to disuade people from dumping toxic chemicals that can be harmful to the lakes (John Magnuson, ! 19 2010). With a focus on reducing the TS (Total Suspended Solids) Madison evaluates the instalation of underground collection basins as a big step in reducing debris flows (John Reimer, 2010). Operational maintenance within the system for both urban and residential areas is addresed in the same manner. The city of Madison funds many projects that aim to reduce the amount of sediment reaching the lakes. One of the most succesful projects involves catchment basins or detention ponds that hold erosion runoff before it enters into the lake and gives time for the sediment-filed water to setle into the catchment. Yearly reports show the level of total phosphorus in lake Mendota versus the total phosphorus found in detention ponds. The detention ponds tend to have much higher levels of total phosphorus around 100-200 m/l but is highly variable. Lake Mendota?s total phosphorus levels are much more stable over time, around 50-70 m/l. This shows that they achieve their goal of disalowing high phosphorus concentrations into the lakes (City of Madison, 2008 Clean Lakes Report) (Figure 3). The variability in the detention ponds is sen in a much closer time frame than the stable P levels of Mendota. Measurements this close together could be showing high P levels during periods of high rainfal and low P levels during low periods of rainfall. Throughout Madison, much scientific research has been completed and compiled concerning urban stormwater runoff. An important thing to consider when concerned with stormwater is the chemical (nutrient) composition of the water making its ways into lakes, especialy lake Mendota. Nitrogen and phosphorus present themselves as the major influential nutrients that conservationists should be concerned with in nearly every study (John Magnuson, 2010). Phosphorus is particularly important because of its known asociations with positive algal growth in freshwater lakes. ! 20 Runoff has taken center stage in recent policy actions due to public outcry of the blue- green algae problem in highly eutrophic lakes (Wisconsin DNR). Citizens of the state that use the waters for recreation or sustenance have experienced a negative impact due to the input of nutrient rich sediment. When toxic algal blooms are at their peak in the late summer, beaches get closed due to the risk of health isues asociated with coming into contact with the blooms. Pets have died due to ingestion of these toxic waters, but there is a greater efect that blue-green algae has had on the lake ecosystem. Two organisms, blue-green algae and cyanobacteria, are largely abundant in lake ecosystems and present the possibility of negatively afecting fish populations. The phosphorus loading into Lake Mendota is largely a reason why blue-green algae (BGA) blooms are so frequent and unatractive. It has been observed that the BGA episodes that are so widespread can have major direct and indirect impacts on organisms such as freshwater clams (Prepas E.E., et. al. 1996) and more importantly, fish populations. The direct efects are those that contaminate the fish with harmful toxins (Paerl HW, et. al. 2001). These toxins are especialy abundant in the livers of the fish and are known as hepatoxins (Schrank, 2010). These toxins are especialy concerning because they can eventualy build up and become harmful to humans when consumed. Other organic compounds produced by BGA are harmful to phytoplankton and zooplankton and can have adverse efects up the food chain (Paerl HW, et. al. 2001). A second form of harmful organisms that rely upon the nutrient loading into lakes are cyanobacteria. These photosynthetic prokaryotes produce similar toxins as BGA and others harmful to vertebrates known as cyanotoxins (Wiegand C. and Pflugmacher S., 2005) that have been known to produce masive fish mortality rates in lakes (Rodger H. D. et. al., 1994). ! 21 Under extreme eutrophic conditions fish may suffer from hypoxia due to lack of oxygen in the waters. These hypoxic conditions are a result of a chemical reaction with decomposing BGA. When BGA dies they create a sestan fal that eventualy penetrates through the the thermocline of the lake and continues to decompose. The proces of decomposition uses up oxygen supplies in the lower colder waters until fal. During fal months the lake cools and the thermocline breaks down which alows a remixing of surface and deep waters. The oxygen that is lost through the decomposing sestan fal would otherwise serve respiratory functions of cold water fish. Prior to the break down of the thermocline cold water fish like the lake herring and the sculp must venture out of colder waters to continue respiratory functions. As a result these fish may perish in warmer surface waters leading to fish kils. These hypoxic conditions have put fish like the lake herring and the sculp on the brink of extinction in Lake Mendota due to excesive amounts of phosphorus which alow blue-green algal growth (John Magnuson, 2010). Blue-green algae, as opposed to other forms of algae, do not represent major parts of food chains in lake ecosystems, but they can stil afect it in indirect ways. Lake ecosystems and food chains, similar to terrestrial, are hugely reliant upon primary producers converting sunlight into usable energy. BGA blooms in eutrophic lakes can get so abundant to the point where they reduce the amount of light penetration into the lake (Wisconsin DNR). The reduced light source can have efects on the photosynthetic algae that many primary consumers such as zooplankton rely upon for food. This can prove detrimental to the populations of fish who rely upon zooplankton and similarly larger fish and secondary consumers. Runoff?s efects on lake ecosystems are evident in fish populations, which provide a large source of sustenance for many fishers around both Lake Mendota and Monona. The health of the fish can directly afect the health of consumers if they have harmful toxins built from algal and ! 22 cyanobacteria intrusion. Population sizes can be afected, which reduces the amount of fish available for consumption that can in turn, afect the health of anglers who rely on fish populations to stay fed. As local fisheries in close proximity to Madison?s urban nucleus decline in quality or quantity due to the increased presence of algae growth and toxin drainage, anglers using the lake as a source of food are often left out of the picture. They do not receive imperative information that may influence their practices. It is evident that there is a significant disparity betwen the level of knowledge regarding the harmful efects of fish consumption among sustenance anglers and the recommended limitations and warnings isued by the Wisconsin DNR. The logistical chalenges of preventing damaging urban runoff into Madison?s lakes and the environmental justice isues it subsequently creates have not been readily acesible to the public thus far. The interviews that have been conducted by our group as wel as those conducted by previous organizations have alowed us to provide insight into the lives of those who are afected the most by the deteriorating conditions of local urban fisheries. After participating in several interviews with sustenance anglers, a few major paterns emerged that have alowed us to pinpoint major isues faced by the English-speaking fishing community in Madison. A large percentage of the anglers we spoke with were unaware of the risks asociated with consuming too much fish from the lakes, and a lack of knowledge was displayed regarding the problems which local fisheries are faced with (Figure 6d & 6f). Amongst this majority, two overarching trends were indicated in the level of desired knowledge regarding the fish populations they depend on. There was a tendency among some anglers towards a lack of desire to obtain information pertaining to the risks they may be facing, possibly due to anxiety of what ! 23 they might find. Almost every angler we spoke with had been fishing on Lake Mendota or Monona for at least two years, and some as many as sixty (Figure 6b). A few joked that if there were damage to be done, it was now irreversible. One fisherman named Lance Davenport claimed to have been fishing Mendota and Monona for 62 years, and although he was wel aware of the consumption warnings, said that to stop eating self-caught fish would put an end to the way of life he has been acustomed to since a young boy (Interview, Nov. 2010). Some anglers who claimed to have litle knowledge of how the fish populations are afected reflected an eagernes to learn more about the resource they use on a monthly, wekly, and even daily basis (Figure 6c). When posed with the question, ?What have you heard about the health risks asociated with eating fish from Mendota and Monona??, some anglers became anxious and asked what information they were mising out on. This represents a lack of community outreach by officials in sharing with anglers the negative efects that the acumulation of toxins in the fish can have on the human body. The interviews showed that a large percentage of shoreline anglers consume nearly al of the fish they catch (Figure 6a). Many were surprised that anyone would ask the question, ?How much of the fish that you catch do you eat??, as they simply asumed it would be foolish to waste good food if one had put in the efort to catch it. Others found the idea of catch-and-release to be foolish, and said that they almost always consumed each and every fish that they were able to succesfully reel in. The majority of anglers noted that they fish the lakes an average of three to fives times a wek, revealing that a large portion of their diet is made up of fish caught in Madison. These anglers, who consume al or most of the fish they catch, are primarily catching panfish, usualy bluegil and crappie (Figure 6i). It is worrisome that the diet of these anglers is composed of multiple meals of bluegil or crappie per wek or even per day, as the DNR ! 24 recommends limiting consumption of these species to one meal per wek (WI DNR). People prefer cooking the fish in a variety of ways, but deep-frying, pan-frying, and baking the fish were the prevalent responses (Figure 6e). Some anglers said they leave the skin on the fish, which can hold concentrated levels of dangerous toxins (WI DNR). Much to our surprise, many people who regularly acquire fish from Madison do not live in Madison or even its surrounding region (Figure 6h). People seking beter fishing conditions frequently make daily trips from the Milwaukee area, the Rockford, Ill area, as wel as smaler urban areas in the southern portion of Wisconsin. Many noticed and had heard through felow anglers that the Madison lakes are cleaner and fish are healthier in Mendota and Monona than their respective hometowns. It may be true that the lakes are cleaner than bodies of water in surrounding regions, but as our research has shown, Madison is not a safe haven from polluted waters and contaminated fish. As mentioned earlier, Madison?s location on an isthmus may make the city even more prone to urban runoff problems. By speaking with local environmental activists, it is clear that the current chalenge in keeping anglers safe lays in the communication of warnings and postings concerning fish consumption to them in an efective manner. The activists maintained that the focus, however, should also consistently remain on the ways we can reduce detrimental urban runoff that are slowly ruining the fisheries. Once a healthy, nutritious, and free source of food, the fisheries must now be warned against rather than promoted. This is especialy frustrating to environmental justice advocates who know that sustenance anglers drawn away from the lake may resort to inexpensive and unhealthy procesed foods in order to fed their families. Of particular interest in an interview with Dr. Maria Powel of the Madison Environmental Justice Organization was her response to a question asking how activists suggest alternatively feding ! 25 the anglers who they warn from consuming significant amounts of local fish. Unlike Mr. Davenport who is convinced that pollution is an unavoidable aspect of modern ecosystems and must be acepted at moderate levels, Powel insisted that adequate steps should be taken to reduce harmful runoff generators in order to eventualy return Madison?s fisheries back to a healthy, flourishing resource (Interviews, Nov 2010). Although some of the anglers confesed wanting aces to more information regarding the dangers of eating Madison fish, they are reasonably unenthusiastic about being told they can no longer safely depend on the free food source. Even with ample notification of the hazards asociated with eating fish from Madison?s lakes, many of the anglers cannot aford to obtain food from elsewhere and wil continue to consume the fish. The anglers who purposely avoid seking fish consumption warnings for fear of what they might find is a prime example showing that the only fundamental way to create change is to reduce input of pollution into the natural resource they can no longer safely utilize. Establishing a healthy connection betwen the lake ecosystem and anglers health can be worked on from the campus level. Considering the campus area isn?t regulated by the City of Madison, it is continualy sen as having ?...a reputation for being a bad actor.? (Magnuson, 2010). Considering how much research is conducted al around the campus, there is no reason why we should be perceived as a weak link in the chain of protecting the lakes that provide the community with so much information and sustenance. Keping Magnuson?s theory of an extended buffer, we performed landscape observations along the shoreline and on campus to understand how campus is having negative efects on the lake. Many of our photos show sediment from construction flowing into storm drains without prior sanitation (Figure 4a). There are also completely full storm drains that are simply holding ! 26 leaves like they were a teabag and alowing the nutrients to sep into the lake (Figure 4b). At a construction site outside of the Wisconsin State Historical Society, there is a form of erosion and sediment leching prevention. There sems to be a machine pumping standing water into a porous bag that captures sediment and alows water to run through. Unfortunately there are many holes along the entire bag (Figure 4e). Along the waterfront there are storm drains consistently pouring into Lake Mendota from the storm sewer system in the Mendota watershed (Figure 4c & 4d). These exit points as wel as the Mendota watershed are put together on a map with construction sites overlayed for an understanding of the sources of pollution on campus and their direction into the lake (Figure 2). The major construction projects on campus that afect Mendota are the addition to the Chazen Art Museum, the work in front of Science Hal and the Wisconsin State Historical Society, and the reconstruction of the Ecology Building on Linden avenue. Also, the recent completion of the Educational Science building can be considered a recent construction activity that has afected the lake. As has been said before, the sediment from construction is one of the most important factors in stormwater runoff through the addition of phosphorus into lakes. In order to prevent sediment eroding with storms the Wisconsin DNR requires a number of permits and prevention methods. Besides their requirement of a legal permit that involves an inspector to visit the construction site multiple times, they list off many diferent means of physical erosion prevention. These are listed on their site and each has its own research and implementation strategy with it. The Chazen Art Museum construction near Library Mal is almost as close to the lake one can get for such a large construction project. The permit includes tables for the ?Universal Soil Loss Equation for Construction Sites? that is used to estimate the total amount of sediment lost due to erosion at construction sites. Acording to the permit the Chazen Museum ! 27 of Art construction project estimates that 8.3 tons of soil per acre wil be lost due to erosion (Larry D. Nelson, 2009). The construction area is about two acres in area, producing a total of 16.6 tons of soil lost. This amount of sediment wil eventualy make its way into Lake Mendota and be a huge source of phosphorus for algae populations that wil, over time have efects on the food chain and fish populations. The Muir Woods area provides as an extremely efective natural buffer to erosion runoff from upper campus that fails to make it into the drainage system. The exit points along the campus waterfront would be the best places to begin a water runoff program specificaly targeting stormwater erosion. But, as Mr. Magnuson aluded to, the waterfront is not the only place to focus eforts for cleaning the lakes. Magnuson had much to say about the past and present campus projects that afect the lake and its ecosystem. There are green roof projects going up around campus including the new addition to the Educational Science Building on Bascom Hil (Figure 2). Sedimentation ponds detain water and hold it for absorbing sediment before it makes its way into the lakes like the one near parking lot 34 (Figure 2). There is another one down by the Bay fields near the University Hospital to prevent harmful nutrients into the wetlands area of Mendota. The campus is also experimenting with permeable surfaces to implement into parking lots and roads to alow for the permeation of water into the water table before draining straight into the lakes. Considering how many things can have negative efects on stormwater draining into Lake Mendota, the opposite is also true. John Magnuson says, ?There are so many of these litle [projects]...people who look for a grand thing and fix it, wel, the grand thing that fixes it is al of the litle things.? The best way to continue working towards a healthier lake is, ?Continuous presure, at least on campus, for more green roofs, more infiltration facilities, stopping the ! 28 erosion of lakeshore path,? and other smal projects. These smal projects are apparent throughout the entire campus area. One of such is a smal length of storm drains at the end of a downhil sidewalk. The sidewalk ends at lakeshore path, which is unpaved and holds much sediment that is prone to erosion. The drain is solely placed so water running down the sidewalk either runs off into the gras to be absorbed or into the storm drain an into the lake (Figure 4-f). Another such project is on Muir Knoll, which overlooks Lake Mendota. The paths leading down to lakeshore path are very step and prone to erosion, so runoff barriers were positioned at the top of the lookout. These barriers are simply cylindrical absorbing obstacles that slow down the flow of water and alow it to infiltrate the ground (Figure 2). It?s the litle projects like these that add up in helping prevent the lake from being polluted with sediment. Not only is a great resource, Lake Mendota, in jeopardy but so is the healthines of many people relying upon the sustenance the lake provides. One fisherwoman reflected the sentiment among some of her felow anglers when asked her if she had ever gotten sick or noticed any health problems from eating fish. She cleverly responded by saying, ?Child, if I don?t eat food, I get sick.? When posed with the same question, another angler humorously noted that it is, ?Good for (his) health to go out fishing and se al the prety women run past on the bike trail.? It is apparent that partaking in the activity of fishing is a positive experience for the anglers, as they are able to obtain a free source of food while enjoying their time spent outdoors amongst friends. It is important to keep the anglers in our community safe, and at this point and time, it is evident that the need for increased outreach and education regarding fish consumption warnings are necesary. To solve the larger problem, however, strategies to reduce fish contamination and depopulation should be thoroughly examined, and the root of the problem must be addresed. ! 29 Action must be taken at ever step in the chain for this urban-to-lake contamination crisis to be cured. ! 30 Conclusion In order to understand the problem of pollution in urban runoff we sought to answer the question: How does urban stormwater runoff affect the Lake Mendota ecosystem, fish populations, and subsistence anglers? Our research has concluded that urban runoff has carried phosphorus into the lake and has stimulated excesive blue-green algae growth. Such growth has limiting efects on zooplankton and phytoplankton, it has the potential to block out light from primary producers, and reduces oxygen levels in the proces of decomposition jeopardizing some fish populations. As lake ecosystems continue to undergo adaptations to the increased BGA growth, fish with sustained exposure to toxins may afect consumers. In order to define the scope of the isue in a given area we asked: How are stormwater contributions identified and dealt with on campus? Construction projects are dealt with in a fairly straightforward permit and inspection proces. Issues of construction runoff are mitigated to the best extent possible by utilizing catchments with marginal results for preventing erosion. Aside from construction projects the campus has put in retention ponds to filter water, built green roofs, experimented with permeable surfaces, and worked to preserve Muir woods. What we can gather from this research is that there is a need to respond to the isue of eutrophication in Madison lakes. The increase in nutrients has reduced stability in the lakes food chain and ecosystems. Within the scope of the watershed preventative measures can help reduce the strain on lake ecosystems. Individuals and busineses within the watershed should be ! 31 conscious to how they contribute to runoff pollution. Construction projects should continue to employ current catchment practices in a responsible fashion. Storm systems need to have a means of aleviation as the urban footprint within the watershed grows. Developing land utilizing permeable surfaces could reduce the amount of runoff into lakes as wel. The diversity of efective projects is promising but comes slowly as investment in such practices is slow moving. ! 32 Future Research The diferent approaches to handling runoff pollution are constantly evolving as the scope of contributions expands. Not every project gets implemented in the form of legislation though. For example the city can only urge people to participate in leaf pick-up eforts. Further research could be tailored to examine how individuals respond to recommendations by authorities. Since al the litle things contribute to the aggregate problem, identifying how and why citizens understand and comply with such authoritative requests could shed some light on how projects should be tailored in the future. Urban contributions into Lake Mendota may not be as significant as agricultural ones. However, the urban contributions into Lake Monona are much greater (Magnuson, 2010) than agricultural. With the agricultural inputs being fairly straightforward, i.e. erosion of heavily fertilized croplands, it sems rather prudent to mitigate those identified problems while identifying the urban isues with a litle more detail. Urban contributions are a result of the aggregate practices of lawn fertilization, gardening, pet waste disposal, construction sedimentation, shoreline erosion, drainage isues, retention filtration, and surface permeability. For a community to properly addres this isue it needs to become more aware of the wide range of isues, which play a role in urban runoff. To understand and quantify the efectivenes of implementing these practices would take extensive time and resources but could ensure that development can continue without posing a risk to the surrounding lakes. ! 33 Works Cited Bannerman, R. T.; D. W. Owens; R. B. Dodds and N. J. Hornewer. 1993. Sources of Pollutants in Wisconsin Stormwater. Water Science Technology. 28 (3-5): 241-259. Benson, Barbara; Kratz, Timothy & Magnuson, John. 2006. Long-Term Dynamics of Lakes in the Landscape: Long-Term Ecological Research on North Temperate Lakes. New York, New York: Oxford University Pres. 236-256. City of Madison. 2008. 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Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology: Volume 203, Issue 3, pp. 201-218. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2009. Blue-Green Algae in Wisconsin Waters: F.A.Q. - Fish Consumption Concerns. ! 36 Appendix Figure 1: The linear progresion of data this paper looks at can be visualized through this flow chart. Any of these steps could be an entire project but our goal was to establish a solid connection betwen the diferent types of occurrences and data. iiiii Ur baniza tion P hosphorus I n t o Lake M endota thr ough S t or m w a t er A lgal Blooms F ish P opula tions Subsist enc e F ishers T o xins H ypo xiaF ood Chain E f_f ec tsf_f ! 37 Figure 2: Original Map ! 38 Figure 3: Phosphorus graphs of levels in Lake Mendota and certain detention ponds around Madison. The graphs are from the City of Madison 2008 Water Report. ! 39 Figure 4: Original photos taken during landscape observations. Photos A and B are of two diferent storm drains that have sediment flowing into them. B is overflowing with water because of the leaf bag hanging underneath acting as a tea bag and seping nutrients into the system. C and D are drains into Lake Mendota. E shows a type of sediment bag used at a construction site. F is a downhil sidewalk with a perpendicular drain at the end before water could cause erosion. !" #" $" %" &" '" ! 40 Figure 5: Map showing the boundaries of the separate watersheds. Lake Mendota?s is surrounding the lake and covers the north side of downtown as wel as huge amounts of residential areas. This is overlain with major storm drains. U S H 5 1 M C TH C C T H U S H 1 4 Lacy Rd Q C T H Un ive rs ity A ve McKee Rd U S H 5 1 Whalen Rd R iv e r R d Airport Rd West Beltline Hwy M M C T H U S H 1 51 S y e n e R d E. W as hi ng to n A ve Femrite Dr B a ile y R d MN CTH Woodland Dr Irish Ln C .T .H . A B Mineral Point Rd Ve ro na R d H w y 12 Burke Rd N o rt h p o rt D r. Riles Rd R e in e r R d Meffert Rd A B C T H In te rs ta te H w y 9 0 P a rk S t C .T .H . M Bong Rd 18 USH G a m m o n R d C .T .H . C V In te rs ta te H w y 9 0- 94 Milwaukee St Cottage Grove Rd F is h H a tc h e ry R d U .S . H w y 1 2 Lien Rd M on ro e S t. Schneider Rd U.S .H. 12 & 18 Hoepker Rd H ig h R d USH 30S h e rm a n A v e L a lo r R d S e m in o le H ig h w a y F it c h ro n a R d Nelson Rd F e lla n d R d MV C TH Buckeye Rd W h it n e y W a y M o n o n a D r L o c u s t D r Kickaboo Rd H ig h P o in t R d P h e a s a n t B ra n c h R d C h u rc h R d F is h H a tc h er y R d Siggelkow Rd M id v a le B lv d Interstate Hwy 94 Broadway Rd Fisher Rd Oncken Rd G or ha m S t O ld P B Se go e R d L o d i- S p ri n g fie ld R d Valley Rd C la rm a r D r Raymond RdMid-town Rd D o o r C re e k R d Grandview Rd Cross Country Rd Moorland Rd O ld M C th Regent St V ila s H o p e R d T h o rs o n R d P io n e e r R d . Balzer Rd Wheeler Rd D y re s o n R d K in g s le y R d S p re c h e r R d Pflaum Rd Ne sb itt Rd Jo hn N ol en D r Elderberry Rd E . T o w e r R d P le a s a n t V ie w R d S . W o o d la n d D r L a rs e n R d U. S. H. 1 4 B a lt e s R d Atwo od Ave Blackhawk Rd South Beltline Hwy Valley View Rd P a h l R d R im ro ck R d Aberg Ave T h o m p s o n R d Meier Rd Elvehjem Rd Daentl Rd Goodland Park Rd M u tc h le r R o a d Stace Rd S h ad y O a k Ln N N in e M o u n d R d H o g a n R d W o o d s R d K e e n a n R d Buckl ey Rd N ak om a R d S . P o in t R d Siggelkow Rd Ol d R ay mo nd R d Hanson Rd Evans Rd M a h o n a y R d H w y 1 2 M e a d o w R d Mc Co y R d K en ne dy Rd In d ia n R d Libby Rd L a k e F a rm R d W C lay to n Rd Fairview St Alma Rd C a p it o l V ie w R d Meadowview Rd Mahoney Rd H o ls c h e r R dE . Clayton Rd E v e rg re e n R d R a e m is c h R d Anderson Rd S c h e w e R d Mar shvi ew R d Greenbriar Rd Tumbledown Trl Koch Rd W a lte r D r T CTH N e sb itt R d 1 1 3 S T H P o rt ag e R d P o rt a g e R d K Cth Jahnke Dr Va lle y R d M a ry L a k e R d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igure 6: Graphs quantifying angler interview data "! #! $! %! &! '! (! )! *! ! 42 Figure 7: Original photo taken by Steven Roanhaus of leaf collection in Madison, Wisconsin. 11/3/2010