DC_Title DC_Title_Other DC_Creator DC_Contributor DC_Subject DC_Description DC_Publisher DC_Date DC_Type DC_Format DC_Identifier DC_Identifier_LocalID DC_Source DC_Language DC_Relation DC_Relation_OtherFormat DC_Relation_IsPartOf DC_Relation_HasPart DC_Coverage DC_Rights DC_Rights_Ownership DC_Rights_Terms Note Submitter Mediastring MediaRights_Terms Update ProductionReady "Transnational feminism in film and media: visibility, representation, and sexual differences" "Marciniak, Katarzyna: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Palgrave 2007 Text ISBN: 1403983704 10062 eng Added 2007 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $69.95| Price: $69.95 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 Structural adjustment and African women farmers "Gladwin, Christina H.: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" Gainesville: University Press of Florida 1991 Text ISBN: 0813010632 10064 eng "Price: $23.95| Price: $23.95| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women filmmakers in Mexico: the country of which we dream "Rashkin, Elissa: Author" Film and television studies| Latin American women "Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0292771096 10065 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/3/2004 Chick flicks: theories and memories of the feminist film movement "Rich, Ruby B.: Author" Film and television studies "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0822321211 10066 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Fertility transition and women's life course in Mexico "Mier Y Teran, Marta: Author" Latin American women New York: United Nations 1993 Text ISBN: 9211512638 10068 eng Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $10.00| Price: $10.00 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 Women farmers in Africa: rural development in Mali and the Sahel "Creevey, Lucy E.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 1986 Text ISBN: 0815623585| ISBN: 0608069825 10069 eng "Price: $39.95, paper $71.70 (Books on Demand)| Price: $39.95, paper $71.70 (Books on Demand)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Figuring age: women, bodies, generations" "Woodward, Kathleen: Author" Aging Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0253212367 10071 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Do it herself: women and technical innovation "Appleton, Helen: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" London: Intermediate Technology 1995 Text ISBN: 1853392871 10073 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Tangled routes: women, work, and globalization on the tomato trail" "Barndt, Deborah: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International| Latin American women" "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 084769948X| ISBN: 0847699498 10074 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library.| Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Gender and land use: diversity in environmental practices "Bruijn, Mirjam de: Author| van Halsema, Ineke: Author| van den Hombergh, Heleen: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "West Lafayette, IN: Purdue" 1997 Text ISBN: 9055380202 10075 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: Paper $22.00| Price: Paper $22.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Empowering women: land and property rights in Latin America "Deere, Carmen Diana: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh 2001 Text ISBN: 0822941619| ISBN: 0822957671 10076 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and agricultural supply responses to structural adjustment programs "Ongile, Grace Atieno: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist and Wiksell International" 1999 Text ISBN: 9171064400 10077 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Shifting burdens: gender and agrarian change under neoliberalism "Razavi, Shahra: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Bloomfield, Connecticut: Kumarian Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1565491432 10078 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, knowledge, and reality: explorations in feminist philosophy" "Garry, Ann: Editor| Pearsall, Marilyn: Editor" Philosophy 2d ed New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415917964| ISBN: 0415917972 10079 eng "Price: $115.00, paper $35.00| Price: $115.00, paper $35.00| Essential title (Philosophy)" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 The science question in feminism "Harding, Sandra: Author" Philosophy "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1986 Text ISBN: 0801493633 10083 eng Price: paper $20.95| Price: paper $20.95 "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 2/16/2004 The older woman: the able self "Ahern, Kathleen Dee: Author" Aging New York: Garland Publishing 1996 Text ISBN: 0815323336 10084 eng Added 2003 (Aging)| Price: $105.00| Price: $105.00 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 "The higher education of women in England and America, 1865-1920" "Eschbach, Elizabeth Seymour: Author" Education New York: Garland Publishing 1993 Text ISBN: 0824068998 10086 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Women and men in management "Powell, Gary N.: Author| Graves, Laura M.: Author" Management "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2002 Text ISBN: 0761921958| ISBN: 0761921966 10087 eng "Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $96.95, paper $52.95| Price: $96.95, paper $52.95| Essential title (Management)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Art and feminism "Reckitt, Helena: Editor" Visual arts London: Phaidon 2001 Text ISBN: 0714835293| ISBN: 071484702X 10088 eng "Added 2002 (Visual arts)| Price: $75.00, paper $39.95| Price: $75.00, paper $39.95| Essential title (Visual arts)" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 3/8/2004 Feminist visual culture "Carson, Fiona: Editor| Pajaczkowska, Claire: Editor" Visual arts New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415936861 10089 eng Added 2002 (Visual arts)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 Goddesses in older women: archetypes in women over fifty "Bolen, Jean: Author" Aging New York: Quill 2002 Text ISBN: 0060929235 10091 eng Added 2003 (Aging)| Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Available means: an anthology of women's rhetoric(s) "Richie, Joy: Author| Ronald, Kate: Author" "Literature, British" "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0822957531| ISBN: 082294152X 10092 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $50.00, paper $24.95| Price: $50.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Versions of virginity in late medieval England "Salih, Sarah: Author" "Literature, British" "Rochester, New York: Boydell and Brewer" 2001 Text ISBN: 0859916227 10093 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Negotiating identities in women's lives: English postcolonial and contemporary British novels "Sizemore, Christine Wick: Author" "Literature, British" "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313321639 10094 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $88.95| Price: $88.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 "Women ageing: changing identities, challenging myths" "Bernard, Miriam: Editor" Aging New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415189446 10098 eng Price: paper $33.95| Price: paper $33.95| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 "Old souls: aged women, poverty, and the experience of God" "Black, Helen K.: Author| Rubinstein, Robert L.: Author" Aging New York: Aldine Transaction 2000 Text ISBN: 020230633X| ISBN: 0202306348 10099 eng "Price: $47.95, paper $23.95| Price: $47.95, paper $23.95" "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, feminism, and aging" "Browne, Colette: Author" Aging New York: Springer 1998 Text ISBN: 0826112005 10102 eng Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Handbook on women and aging "Coyle, Jean M.: Editor" Aging "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0275973182 10104 eng Price: paper $38.95| Price: paper $38.95| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Art of midlife: courage and creative living for women "Edelstein, Linda: Author" Aging "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0897895800 10106 eng Price: $31.95| Price: $31.95| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Wise women: reflections of teachers at mid-life "Freeman, Phyllis R.: Editor| Schmidt, Jan Zlotnik: Editor" Aging New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415923034 10107 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Facing the mirror: older women and beauty shop culture "Furman, Frida Kerner: Author" Aging New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415916236| ISBN: 0415915244 10108 eng "Price: $95.95, paper $26.95| Price: $95.95, paper $26.95" "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 "The new ourselves, growing older: women aging with knowledge and power" "Doress-Worters, Paula: Author| Siegal, Diana Laskin: Author" Aging Rev. ed New York: Peter Publishers 1996 Text ISBN: 0671872974 10114 eng Added 2003 (Aging)| Price: paper $32.50| Price: paper $32.50 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Revisioning aging: empowerment of older women "Onyx, Jenny: Editor| Leonard, Rosemary: Editor| Reed, Rosslyn: Editor" Aging New York: Peter Lang 1999 Text ISBN: 0820441317 10128 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 The other within us: feminist explorations of women and aging "Pearsall, Marilyn: Editor" Aging "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813381630 10129 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Relationships between women in later life "Roberto, Karen A.: Editor" Aging New York: Haworth Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0789000091 10131 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 "Tangled lives: daughters, mothers and the crucible of aging" "Rubin, Lillian: Author" Aging Boston: Beacon Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0807067954 10133 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Women and aging: celebrating ourselves "Thone, Ruth R.: Author" Aging "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 1560230053 10135 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 "Mother time: women, aging, and ethics" "Walker, Margaret Urban: Author" Aging "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 1999 Text ISBN: 0847692604 10136 eng Price: paper $20.95| Price: paper $20.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, land and agriculture" "Sweetman, Caroline: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" Oxford: Oxfam 2000 Text ISBN: 085598421X 10137 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: paper $14.50| Price: paper $14.50" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Partners in conflict: the politics of gender, sexuality, and labor in the Chilean agrarian reform, 1950-1973" "Tinsman, Heidi: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0822329077| ISBN: 0822329220 10138 eng "Added 2003 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 "The crossroads of class and gender: industrial homework, subcontracting, and household dynamics in Mexico City" "Benería, Lourdes: Author| Roldán, Martha: Author" Latin American women Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1987 Text ISBN: 0226042324 10139 eng Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00| Essential title (Latin American women) "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 "Soldier princess: the life and legend of Agnes Salm-Salm in North America, 1861-1867" "Coffey, David: Author" Latin American women 1st ed "College Station, Texas: Texas A and M University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1585441686 10140 eng Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Plotting women: gender and representation in Mexico "Franco, Jean: Author" Latin American women New York: Columbia University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0231064233 10141 eng Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $26.00| Price: paper $26.00| Essential title (Latin American women) "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 A woman of genius: the intellectual autobiography of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz "Juana Ines de la Cruz, Sister: Author" "Peden, Margaret Sayers: Translator" Latin American women "Salisbury, Connecticut: Lime Rock Press" 1982 Text ISBN: 0915998149| ISBN: 0915998157 10142 eng "Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $37.50, paper $7.95| Price: $37.50, paper $7.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 The answer - La Respuesta: including a selection of poems "Juana Ines de la Cruz, Sister: Author| Electa, Arenal: Author| Powell, Amanda: Author" Latin American women New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York 1994 Text ISBN: 1558610766| ISBN: 1558610774 10143 eng "Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $35.00, paper $16.95| Price: $35.00, paper $16.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 Against all odds: the feminist movement in Mexico to 1940 "Macías, Anna: Author" Latin American women "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1982 Text ISBN: 0313230285 10144 eng Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $97.95| Price: $97.95| Essential title (Latin American women) "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Wisdom ways: introducing feminist biblical interpretation "Schüssler Fiorenza, Elizabeth: Author" Religion "Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books" 2001 Text ISBN: 1570753830 10145 eng Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: paper $23.00| Price: paper $23.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 No constitutional right to be ladies: women and the obligations of citizenship "Kerber, Linda K.: Author" "Law| History, U.S." "New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux" 1998 Text ISBN: 0809073846 10147 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Law) "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/19/2004 Gender and American law: the impact of the law on the lives of women: women and the American legal order "Maschke, Karen: Editor" Law New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815325150 10149 eng Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender and American law: the impact of the law on the lives of women: reproduction, sexuality, and family" "Maschke, Karen: Editor" Law New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815325169 10150 eng Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 Spiritual resiliency in older women: models of strength for challenges through the life span "Ramsey, Janet: Author| Blieszner, Rosemary: Author" Aging "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1999 Text ISBN: 0761912762 10151 eng Added 2003 (Aging)| Price: $93.95| Price: $93.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 8/25/2003 Women and politics in France 1958-2000 "Allwood, Gill: Author| Wadia, Khursheed: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415184924| ISBN: 0415184932| ISBN: 0203189795 10156 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $130.00, paper $38.95, ebook $90.00| Price: $130.00, paper $38.95, ebook $90.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Why women protest: women's movements in Chile "Baldez, Lisa: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521811503| ISBN: 0521010063| ISBN: 0511020481 10158 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.99, ebook $65.00| Price: $65.00, paper $24.99, ebook $65.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Globalization, gender, and religion: the politics of women's rights in Catholic and Muslim contexts" "Bayes, Jane H.: Editor| Tohidi, Nayereh: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave 2001 Text ISBN: 0312228120| ISBN: 0312293690 10159 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $85.00, paper $32.95| Price: $85.00, paper $32.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Walking on fire: Haitian women's stories of survival and resistance "Bell, Beverly: Author" "Danticat, Edwidge: Foreword" "Politics, International" Resistance as political action. "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 080148748X 10160 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women and contemporary Scottish politics: an anthology "Breitenbach, Esther: Editor| MacKay, Fiona: Editor" "Politics, International" Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 190293024X 10161 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Words and silences: aboriginal women, politics and land" "Brock, Peggy: Editor" "Politics, International" "Crows Nest, New South Wales: Allen and Unwin (Australia)" 2001 Text ISBN: 1864489472| ISBN: 1741150450 10162 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $23.95| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $23.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and the politics of rights and democracy in Latin America "Craske, Nikki: Editor| Molyneux, Maxine: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave 2002 Text ISBN: 033394948X| ISBN: 1403914117 10166 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $105.00, ebook $74.70| Price: $105.00, ebook $74.70" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Masculinity studies and feminist theory: new directions "Gardiner, Judith Kegan: Editor| Kimmel, Michael: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Columbia University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0231122780| ISBN: 0231122799| ISBN: 0231504918 10167 eng "Added 2003 (Feminist theory)| Price: $49.50, paper $19.50, ebook $49.50| Price: $49.50, paper $19.50, ebook $49.50" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 Feminist theory reader; local and global perspectives "Kim, Seung-Kyung: Editor| Carole R. McCann: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415931525| ISBN: 0415931533 10168 eng "Added 2003 (Feminist theory)| Price: $99.95, paper $29.95| Price: $99.95, paper $29.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and history of philosophy "Lloyd, Genevieve: Editor" Feminist theory| Philosophy Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0199243743 10169 eng Added 2003 (Feminist theory)| Added 2007 (Philosophy)| Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library.| River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 Provoking feminisms "Allen, Carolyn: Editor| Howard, Judith A.: Editor| Allen, Carol: Editor" Feminist theory Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0226014371| ISBN: 0226014398 10170 eng "Price: $39.00, paper $20.00| Price: $39.00, paper $20.00" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 A field of one's own: gender and land rights in South Asia "Agarwal, Bina: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Cambridge University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0521429269 10172 eng Price: Paper $50.00| Price: Paper $50.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Women on the land: the hidden heart of rural Australia "Alston, Margaret: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Sydney, NSW, Australia: University of New South Wales" 1995 Text ISBN: 0868403822 10173 eng Price: No price given.| Price: No price given. "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 "Breaking through the grass ceiling: women, power and leadership in agricultural organisations" "Alston, Margaret: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Harwood Academic Publishers" 2000 Text ISBN: 905823102X 10174 eng Price: $60.00| Price: $60.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women wielding the hoe: lessons from rural Africa for feminist theory and development practice "Bryceson, Deborah Fahy: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International| African women" "Washington, D.C.: Berg Publishers" 1995 Text ISBN: 185973068X| ISBN: 1859730736 10175 eng "Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $89.95, paper $28.95| Price: $89.95, paper $28.95| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library.| Tompkins, Heather. Carleton College. Library." 1/30/2004 Women and agribusiness: working miracles in the Chilean fruit export sector "Barrientos, Stephanie: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" London: Macmillan 1999 Text ISBN: 0333682939 10176 eng Price: $13.95| Price: $13.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Black feminist cultural criticism "Bobo, Jacqueline: Editor" Feminist theory "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2001 Text ISBN: 0631222391| ISBN: 0631222405 10177 eng "Price: $92.95, paper $38.95| Price: $92.95, paper $38.95| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 "Beyond equality and difference: citizenship, feminist politics and female subjectivity" "Bock, Gisela: Editor| James, Susan: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1992 Text ISBN: 0415079888| ISBN: 0415079896 10178 eng "Price: $59.95, paper $36.95| Price: $59.95, paper $36.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing "Bordo, Susan R.: Editor| Jaggar, Alison M.: Editor" Feminist theory| Philosophy "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1989 Text ISBN: 0813513790 10179 eng Added 2005 (Philosophy)| Price: paper $23.00| Price: paper $23.00 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Feminist consequences "Bronfen, Elizabeth: Editor| Kavka, Misha: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Columbia University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0231117043| ISBN: 0231117051 10180 eng "Price: $73.50, paper $26.50| Price: $73.50, paper $26.50" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/17/2004 "Postfeminisms: feminism, cultural theory, and cultural forms" "Brooks, Ann: Author" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415114748| ISBN: 0415114756| ISBN: 0203428897 10181 eng "Price: $124.95, paper $34.95, ebook $80.00| Price: $124.95, paper $34.95, ebook $80.00" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 "Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of ""sex""" "Butler, Judith P.: Author" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415903661 10182 eng Price: $17.79| Price: $17.79 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/17/2004 Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity "Butler, Judith: Author" Feminist theory| Philosophy 10th anniversary edition New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415924995| ISBN: 0203902750 10183 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $21.95| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $21.95| Essential title (Feminist theory)| Essential title (Philosophy)" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 2/17/2004 Feminist theory: the intellectual traditions of American feminism "Donovan, Josephine: Author" Feminist theory New York: Continuum 2000 Text ISBN: 0826412483 10184 eng Price: $22.95| Price: $22.95| Essential title (Feminist theory) "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender and development: theoretical, empirical, and practical approaches" "Benería, Lourdes: Author| Bisnath, Savitri: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar" 2001 Text ISBN: 1840641490 10185 eng Price: $430.00| Price: $430.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Woman's role in economic development "Boserup, Ester: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" London: Earthscan/James & James 1988 Text ISBN: 1853830402 10186 eng "Price: $18.00| Price: $18.00| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women in the Soviet countryside: women's roles in rural development in the Soviet Union "Bridger, Susan: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Cambridge University Press 1987 Text ISBN: 0521328624 10187 eng Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women and food security: the experience of the SADCC countries "Carr, Marilyn: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" London: Intermediate Technology Publications 1991 Text ISBN: 1853391182| ISBN: 1853391093 10188 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $21.00| Price: $55.00, paper $21.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women in Andean agriculture: peasant production and rural wage employment in Colombia and Peru "Deere, Carmen Diana: Author| Leon de Leal, Magdalena: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Washington, D.C.: International Labour Office" 1985 Text ISBN: 9221031063 10189 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women's work in third world agriculture: concepts and indicators "Dixon-Mueller, Ruth: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Washington, D.C.: International Labour Office" 1994 Text ISBN: 9221051072 10190 eng "Price: paper $22.50| Price: paper $22.50| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Egyptian women in agricultural development: an annotated bibliography "Faris, Mohamed A.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner" 1994 Text ISBN: 1555874843 10192 eng Price: $37.00| Price: $37.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Russian peasant women "Farnsworth, Beatrice: Author| Viola, Lynne: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" London: Oxford University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0195066944 10193 eng Price: paper $28.00| Price: paper $28.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Tools for the field: methodologies handbook for gender analysis in agriculture "Feldstein, Hilary S.: Author| Jiggins, Janice: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 1565490282| ISBN: 0598000119 10194 eng "Price: paper $18.95, paper (Books on Demand) $88.70| Price: paper $18.95, paper (Books on Demand) $88.70" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Working together: gender analysis in agriculture "Feldstein, Hilary S.: Editor| Poats, Susan V.: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" 2 vols. "Ann Arbor, Michigan: Books on Demand" 1989| 1990 Text ISBN: 0608207438| ISBN: 0598056890 10195 eng "Price: paper vol. 1 $96.80, vol. 2 $89.30| Price: paper vol. 1 $96.80, vol. 2 $89.30" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 The two-headed household: gender and rural development in the Ecuadorean Andes "Hamilton, Sarah: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0822956772 10197 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Tribal women, a gendered utopia?: women in the agriculture sector" "Hans, Asha: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New Delhi: South Asian Publishers 1999 Text ISBN: 8170032342 10198 eng Price: $26.00| Price: $26.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and agricultural development: surveying the field "Henderson, Helen Kreider: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" Tucson: University of Arizona Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0816515425| ISBN: 0816515654 10199 eng "Price: $33.00, paper $19.95| Price: $33.00, paper $19.95| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Fields, forest and family: women's work and power in rural Laos" "Ireson, Carol J.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Boulder, Colorado: Westview" 1999 Text ISBN: 0813337305 10200 eng Price: paper $31.00| Price: paper $31.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women's work in rural China: change and continuity in an era of reform "Jacka, Tamara: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Cambridge University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0521599288 10201 eng Price: paper $27.99| Price: paper $27.99 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Women plantation workers: international experiences "Jain, Shobhita: Editor| Reddock, Rhoda: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Berg 1998 Text ISBN: 1859739725| ISBN: 1859739776 10202 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $28.95| Price: $74.95, paper $28.95| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Women in rural Australia "James, Kerry: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Portland, Oregon: International Specialized Book Services" 1989 Text ISBN: 070222068X 10203 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women and sustainable development in Africa "James, Valentine U.: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood" 1995 Text ISBN: 0275953084 10204 eng Price: $96.95| Price: $96.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Women small farmers in the Caribbean "Kleysen, Brenda: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank" 1996 Text ISBN: 9290392983 10205 eng Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women workers in the Sri Lanka plantation sector: an historical and contemporary analysis "Kurian, Rachel: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Washington, D.C.: International Labour Office" 1985 Text ISBN: 9221029921 10206 eng Price: $18.00| Price: $18.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Filipino peasant women: exploitation and resistance "Lindio-McGovern, Ligaya: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0812216245 10207 eng Price: paper $23.95| Price: paper $23.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender, class, and rural transition: agribusiness and the food crisis in Senegal" "Mackintosh, Maureen: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Zed books" 1989 Text ISBN: 0862328403| ISBN: 0862328411 10209 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $17.50| Price: $55.00, paper $17.50" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women as food producers in developing countries "Monson, Jamie: Editor| Kalb, Marion: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "New Brunswick, NJ: African Studies Association" 1985 Text ISBN: 0918456568 10210 eng Price: $16.00| Price: $16.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender planning and development: theory, practice, and training" "Moser, Caroline O. N.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415056217 10211 eng Price: $36.95| Price: $36.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Social security and the weaker sections: a study of old women agricultural workers in Kerala "Nair, Sobha B.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Columbia, Missouri: South Asia Books" 1990 Text ISBN: 8185199388 10212 eng Price: $17.50| Price: $17.50 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Partners in production?: women, farm and family in Ireland" "O'Hara, Patricia: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Berghahn Books 1998/2003 Text ISBN: 1571819398| ISBN: 157181969X 10213 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $16.50| Price: $55.00, paper $16.50" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Gendered fields: rural women, agriculture, and environment" "Sachs, Carolyn E.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Boulder, Colorado: Westview" 1996 Text ISBN: 081332520X 10214 eng "Price: paper $32.00| Price: paper $32.00| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Shady practices: agroforestry and gender politics in the Gambia "Schroeder, Richard A.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" Berkeley: University of California Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0520222334 10216 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/3/2004 Women in agriculture "Sethi, Raj M.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications" 1991 Text ISBN: 817033134X 10217 eng Price: $23.50| Price: $23.50 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Agricultural development and gender issues in Malawi "Spring, Anita: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 1995 Text ISBN: 0819199583 10219 eng Price: $52.50| Price: $52.50 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/3/2004 Women farmers and commercial ventures: increasing food security in developing countries "Spring, Anita: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International| Anthropology and archaeology" "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2000 Text ISBN: 1555878695 10220 eng "Added 2002 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library.| Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women and integrated pest management "Van de Fliert, E.: Editor| Proost, J.: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" London: Intermediate Technology Publications 2000 Text ISBN: 1853394823 10221 eng Price: paper $30.00| Price: paper $30.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/3/2004 Rural gender studies in Europe "Van der Plas, Leendert: Author| Fonte, Maria: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum" 1994 Text ISBN: 9023229371 10222 eng "Price: $26.00 direct from publisher. Not listed in BIP.| Price: $26.00 direct from publisher. Not listed in BIP.| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women in agriculture: a socio-economic analysis "Varma, Shashi Kanta: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Columbia, Missouri: South Asia Publications" 1992 Text ISBN: 8170223636 10223 eng Price: $21.00| Price: $21.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Agricultural policies of Guatemala: implications for women in agriculture "Warnken, Philip F.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Collingdale, PA: DIANE Publishing Co." 1998 Text ISBN: 0788148192 10224 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women of the Andes: patriarchy and social change in two Peruvian towns "Warren, Kay B.: Author| Bourque, Susan C.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1981 Text ISBN: 0472063308 10225 eng Price: paper $20.95| Price: paper $20.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/3/2004 Carrying the farm on her back: a portrait of women in a Yugoslav village "Westerlind, Eva S.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Kirkland, Washington: Rainier Books" 1989 Text ISBN: 0962193488 10226 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 If eight hours seem too few: mobilization of women workers in the Italian rice fields "Zappi, Elda G.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" Albany: State University of New York Press 1991 Text ISBN: 079140482X 10227 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Agrarian feminism: the politics of Ontario farm women "Carbert, Louise I.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0802029310| ISBN: 0802077560 10228 eng "Added 2003 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 And on that farm he had a wife: Ontario farm women and feminism "Halpern, Monda M.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0773521844| ISBN: 0773521852 10229 eng "Added 2003 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $70.00, paper $27.95| Price: $70.00, paper $27.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Letters from the dust bowl "Henderson, Caroline A.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0806133503| ISBN: 0806135409 10230 eng "Added 2003 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $34.95, paper $14.95| Price: $34.95, paper $14.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/28/2004 Biographical dictionary of ancient Greek and Roman women "Lightman, Marjorie: Author| Lightman, Benjamin: Author" Antiquity New York: Facts on File 2000 Text ISBN: 0613646525 10231 eng Price: $29.20| Price: $29.20 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Children of Athena: Athenian ideas about citizenship and the division between the sexes "Loraux, Nicole: Author" Antiquity "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0691032726| ISBN: 0691037620 10232 eng "Price: $52.50, paper $29.95| Price: $52.50, paper $29.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Early Christian women and Pagan opinion: the power of the hysterical woman "MacDonald, Margaret Y.: Author" Antiquity New York: Cambridge University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0521561744| ISBN: 0521567289 10233 eng "Price: $95.00, paper $39.99| Price: $95.00, paper $39.99" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Discovering Eve: ancient Israelite women in context "Meyers, Carol: Author" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0195065816| ISBN: 1423736990 10234 eng "Price: paper $17.95, ebook $18.95| Price: paper $17.95, ebook $18.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "Women in scripture: a dictionary of named and unnamed women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament" "Meyers, Carol L.: Editor| Craven, Toni: Editor| Kraemer, Ross S.: Editor" Antiquity Boston: Houghton Mifflin 2000 Text ISBN: 0395709369| ISBN: 0802849628 10235 eng "Price: $40.00, paper $30.00| Price: $40.00, paper $30.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "A history of women in the West, vol 1: from ancient goddesses to Christian saints" "Pantel, Pauline Schmitt: Editor" Antiquity "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University" 1992 Text ISBN: 0674403703| ISBN: 067440369X 10236 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $25.50| Price: $45.00, paper $25.50" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "Goddesses, whores, wives and slaves: women in classical antiquity" "Pomeroy, Sarah B.: Author" Antiquity New York: Schocken Books 1995 Text ISBN: 080521030X 10238 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00| Essential title (Antiquity) "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women in Hellenistic Egypt: from Alexander to Cleopatra "Pomeroy, Sarah B.: Author" Antiquity Detroit: Wayne State University Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0814322301 10239 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95| Essential title (Antiquity) "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women's history and ancient history "Pomeroy, Sarah B.: Editor" Antiquity Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0807843105 10240 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Antiquity) "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 The family in ancient Rome: new perspectives "Rawson, Beryl: Editor" Antiquity "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1987 Text ISBN: 0801494605 10241 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Pandora: women in classical Greece "Reeder, Ellen D.: Editor" Antiquity "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0691011257| ISBN: 0691011249 10242 eng "Price: $115.00, paper $35.00| Price: $115.00, paper $35.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Pornography and representation in Greece and Rome "Richlin, Amy: Editor" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0195067231 10243 eng Price: paper $36.00| Price: paper $36.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Contraception and abortion from the ancient world to the Renaissance "Riddle, John M.: Author" Antiquity "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1992 Text ISBN: 0674168763 10244 eng Price: paper $21.50| Price: paper $21.50 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Women in ancient Egypt "Robins, Gay: Author" Antiquity "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0674954688 10245 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95| Essential title (Antiquity) "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women and society in Greek and Roman Egypt: a sourcebook "Rowlandson, Jane: Editor" Antiquity New York: Cambridge University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0521582121| ISBN: 0521588154 10246 eng "Price: $95.00, paper $29.99| Price: $95.00, paper $29.99" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women and law in classical Greece "Sealey, Raphael: Author" Antiquity Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0807842621 10247 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Greek virginity "Sissa, Giulia: Author" Antiquity "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0674363205 10248 eng Price: $43.00| Price: $43.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 The woman and the lyre: women writers in classical Greece and Rome "Snyder, Jane McIntosh: Author" Antiquity Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 080931455X| ISBN: 0809317060| ISBN: 0585135967 10249 eng "Price: $31.95, paper $21.50, ebook $34.00| Price: $31.95, paper $21.50, ebook $34.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Daughters of Isis: women of ancient Egypt "Tyldesley, Joyce A.: Author" Antiquity New York: Penguin 1995 Text ISBN: 0140175962 10250 eng Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Black women in antiquity "Van Sertima, Ivan: Editor" Antiquity "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers" 1988 Text ISBN: 0878559825 10251 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Women's roles in ancient civilizations: a reference guide "Vivante, Bella: Editor" Antiquity| Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0313301271 10252 eng Price: $77.95| Price: $77.95| Essential title (Antiquity) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Constraints of desire: the anthropology of sex and desire in ancient Greece "Winkler, John J.: Author" Antiquity| Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1989 Text ISBN: 0415901235 10253 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $36.95| Price: paper $36.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans.| Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 8/25/2003 Write or be written: early modern women poets and cultural constraints "Amith, Barbara: Author| Appelt, Ursula: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2001 Text ISBN: 184014288X 10254 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 "Here's to you, Jesusa!" "Translation of Hasta no verte, Jesús mío" "Poniatowska, Elena: Author" "Heikkinen, Deanna: Translator" Latin American women First American edition "New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux| New York: Penguin Putnam" 2001| 2002 Text ISBN: 0374168199| ISBN: 0142001228 10255 eng "Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $24.00, paper $14.00| Price: $24.00, paper $14.00| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Mama learned us to work: farm women in the New South "Jones, Lu Ann: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Durham: University of North Carolina Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0807827169| ISBN: 0807853844 10256 eng "Added 2003 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist politics on the farm: rural Catholic women in southern Quebec and southwestern France "Black, Naomi: Author| Brandt, Gail Cuthbert: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0773518282 10257 eng Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 You may plow here: the narrative of Sara Brooks "Brooks, Sara: Author| Simonsen, Thordis: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." New York: Norton 1992 Text ISBN: 0393308669 10258 eng Price: paper $8.95| Price: paper $8.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/28/2004 Rachel Calof's story: Jewish homesteader on the northern plains "Calof, Rachel: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0253329426| ISBN: 0253209862 10259 eng "Price: $25.00, paper $12.95| Price: $25.00, paper $12.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Bachelor Bess: the homesteading letters of Elizabeth Corey "Corey, Elizabeth: Author| Gerber, Philip L.: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Iowa City: University of Iowa Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0877453039 10260 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Rachel of old Louisiana "Craven, Avery Odelle: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0807120162 10261 eng Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/28/2004 Farm women on the prairie frontier: a sourcebook for Canada and the United States "Fairbanks, Carol: Author| Sundberg, Sara: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Metuchin, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press" 1983 Text ISBN: 0810816253 10262 eng Price: $38.00| Price: $38.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/28/2004 "Agrarian women: wives and mothers in rural Nebraska, 1880-1940" "Fink, Deborah: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0807843644 10263 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Open country, Iowa: rural women, tradition and change" "Fink, Deborah: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Albany: State University of New York Press 1986 Text ISBN: 0887063187 10264 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Mothers of the South: portraiture of the white tenant farm woman "Hagood, Margaret J.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "North Stratford, New Hampshire: Ayer" 1972 Text ISBN: 0405038623| ISBN: 0837121418| ISBN: 0813916968 10265 eng "Price: $20.95, $85.00, paper $21.50| Price: $20.95, $85.00, paper $21.50" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Leaning into the wind: women write from the heart of the west "Hasselstrom, Linda: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1998 Text ISBN: 0395901316 10266 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/28/2004 "Hasta no verte, Jesús mío" "Poniatowska, Elena: Author" Latin American women "Madrid, España: Alianza Editorial" 1991 Text ISBN: 8420631337 10267 spa Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $42.95| Price: $42.95| Essential title (Latin American women) "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Sod and stubble "Ise, John: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Unabridged and annotated edition Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 1996 Text ISBN: 0700607749| ISBN: 0700607757 10268 eng "Price: $35.00, paper $15.95| Price: $35.00, paper $15.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Entitled to power: farm women and technology, 1913-1963" "Jellison, Katherine: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0807844152 10269 eng "Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95| Essential title (Agriculture, U.S.)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Loosening the bonds: mid-Atlantic farm women, 1750-1850" "Jensen, Joan M.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1988 Text ISBN: 0300042655 10270 eng "Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00| Essential title (Agriculture, U.S.)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 With these hands: women working on the land "Jensen, Joan M.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York 1980 Text ISBN: 0912670908 10271 eng "Price: $9.95| Price: $9.95| Essential title (Agriculture, U.S.)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 A woman's place: yesterday's women in rural America "Juster, Norton: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum" 1996 Text ISBN: 1555912508 10272 eng Price: paper $20.95| Price: paper $20.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Politics, pitchforks and pickle jars: 75 years of organized farm women in Alberta" "Langford, Nanci: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Bellingham, WA: Temeron Books" 1997 Text ISBN: 1550591479 10273 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women in agriculture: a guide to research "Maman, Marie: Author| Tate, Thelma H.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S.| Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Garland 1996 Text ISBN: 0815313543 10274 eng "Price: $52.95| Price: $52.95| Essential title (Agriculture, U.S.)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women of the range: women's roles in the Texas beef cattle industry "Maret, Elizabeth: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." College Station: Texas A and M University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0890965323| ISBN: 0890965412 10275 eng "Price: $32.00, paper $12.95| Price: $32.00, paper $12.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 The labor of women in the production of cotton "McCurry, Dan C.: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." "Manchester, New Hampshire: Ayer" 1975 Text ISBN: 0405067615 10277 eng Price: $30.95| Price: $30.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Preserving the family farm: women, community, and the foundations of agribusiness in the Midwest, 1900-1940" "Neth, Mary C.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 080186061X 10278 eng "Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00| Essential title (Agriculture, U.S.)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/29/2004 Bonds of community: the lives of farm women in nineteenth century New York "Osterud, Nancy G.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0801497981 10279 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Women of the earth lodges: tribal life on the plains "Peters, Virginia: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "North Haven, Connecticut: Shoe String Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0208022198 10280 eng Price: Paper $39.50| Price: Paper $39.50 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/29/2004 Contented among strangers: rural German-speaking women and their families in the nineteenth century Midwest "Pickle, Linda: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0252064720 10281 eng Price: Paper $20.00| Price: Paper $20.00 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Letterbook of Eliza Lucas Pinckney "Pinckney, Eliza L.: Author| Zahniser, Marvin R.: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Columbia: University of South Carolina Press 1997 Text ISBN: 157003186X 10282 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/29/2004 The Pearson girls: a family memoir of the Dakota plains "Plotkin, Kathy L.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Fargo: North Dakota State University 1999 Text ISBN: 0911042512 10283 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 A homesteader's portfolio "Pratt, Alice Day: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Corvallis: Oregon State University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 087071516X| ISBN: 0870715178 10284 eng "Price: $24.95, paper $15.95| Price: $24.95, paper $15.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/29/2004 All anybody ever wanted of me was to work: the memoirs of Edith Bradley Rendleman "Rendleman, Edith B.: Author| Adams, Jane: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0809319314| ISBN: 0809320592 10285 eng "Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Fertile ground, narrow choices: women on cotton farms of the Texas Blackland Prairie, 1900-1940" "Sharpless, Rebecca: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0807847607 10287 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/29/2004 A woman rice planter: Patience Pennington "Sproat, John G.: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Columbia: University of South Carolina Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0872498263 10288 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Mothers and daughters of invention: notes for a revised history of technology "Stanley, Autumn: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press| Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1993| 1995 Text ISBN: 0810825864| ISBN: 0813521971 10289 eng "Price: $132.94, paper $30.00| Price: $132.94, paper $30.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/29/2004 The entrepreneurial characteristics of farm women "Tanner, Bonnie O.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." New York: Garland Publishers 1999 Text ISBN: 0815329989 10290 eng Price: $90.95| Price: $90.95 "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "All we knew was to farm: rural women in the upcountry South, 1919-1941" "Walker, Melissa: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 080186318X| ISBN: 0801869242 10291 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/29/2004 Negotiating identities: an introduction to Asian American women's writing "Grice, Helena: Author" "Literature, U.S." Manchester: Manchester University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 9780719060311 10292 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $79.95, paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Girls who wore black: women writing the beat generation "Johnson, Ronna C.: Editor| Grace, Nancy M.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813530652 10293 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 The history of southern women's literature "Perry, Carolyn: Editor| Weaks, Mary Louise: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0807127531 10294 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $51.95| Price: $51.95| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 "Not in sisterhood: Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Zona Gale, and the politics of female authorship" "Williams, Deborah Lindsay: Author" "Literature, U.S." New York: Palgrave 2001 Text ISBN: 0312229216 10295 eng Added 2003 (American literature)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Circle of women: an anthology of contemporary western women writers "Barnes, Kim: Editor| Blew, Mary Clearman: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Red River Books ed Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0806133678 10296 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/8/2003 The Cambridge companion to nineteenth century American women's writing "Bauer, Dale M.: Editor| Gould, Philip: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Cambridge University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0521660033| ISBN: 0521669758 10297 eng "Price: $85.00, paper $27.99| Price: $85.00, paper $27.99| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Nineteenth century American women poets: an anthology "Bennett, Paula Bernat: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Oxford: Blackwell 1998 Text ISBN: 0631203990 10298 eng "Price: paper $48.95| Price: paper $48.95| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/12/2003 American women short story writers: a collection of critical essays "Brown, Julie: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "Collingdale, Pennsylvania: DIANE Publishing Co." 2000 Text ISBN: 0756760925 10299 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 "Unruly tongue: identity and voice in American women's writing, 1850-1930" "Cutter, Martha J.: Author" "Literature, U.S." Jackson: University Press of Mississippi 1999 Text ISBN: 1578060850 10300 eng Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Women on the edge: ethnicity and gender in short stories by American women "Dale, Corinne: Editor| Paine, J. H. E.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Garland Publishing 1999 Text ISBN: 0815332475 10301 eng Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Gendered modernisms: American women poets and their readers "Dickie, Margaret: Editor| Travisano, Thomas: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0812215508 10302 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Through the eye of the deer: an anthology of Native American women writers "Dunn, Carolyn: Editor| Comfort, Carol: Editor" "Literature, U.S." San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books 1999 Text ISBN: 1879960583 10303 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Bloodroot: reflections on place by Appalachian women writers "Dyer, Joyce: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 2000 Text ISBN: 0813109833 10304 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 In other words: literature by Latinas of the United States "Fernandez, Roberta: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "Houston, Texas: Arte Publico Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 1558851100 10305 eng Price: paper $20.95| Price: paper $20.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 "American women regionalists, 1850-1910: a Norton anthology" "Fetterley, Judith: Editor| Pryse, Marjorie: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Norton 1995 Text ISBN: 0393313638 10306 eng Price: paper $33.05| Price: paper $33.05 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/12/2003 Reinventing the enemy's language: contemporary Native women's writings of North America "Harjo, Joy: Editor| Bird, Gloria: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Norton 1997 Text ISBN: 0393318281 10308 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Breaking boundaries: new perspectives on women's regional writing "Inness, Sherrie A.: Editor| Royer, Diana: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Iowa City: University of Iowa Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0877456038 10310 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/12/2003 Worlds in our words: contemporary American women writers "Kallet, Marilyn: Editor| Clark, Patricia: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 2002 Text ISBN: 013182130X 10311 eng Price: paper $71.20| Price: paper $71.20 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/12/2003 "Native American women's writing: an anthology, c. 1800-1924" "Kilcup, Karen L.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 2000 Text ISBN: 0631205179| ISBN: 0631205187 10312 eng "Price: $102.95, paper $48.95| Price: $102.95, paper $48.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/12/2003 Nineteenth century American women writers: a critical reader "Kilcup, Karen L.: Author" "Literature, U.S." Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 1998 Text ISBN: 0631200533| ISBN: 0631200541 10313 eng "Price: $82.95, paper $48.95| Price: $82.95, paper $48.95| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/12/2003 Women's earliest records: from ancient Egypt and western Asia "Lesko, Barbara S.: Editor" Antiquity Atlanta: Scholars Press 1989 Text ISBN: 1555403190 10314 eng Price: $69.95| Price: $69.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Personal disclosures: an anthology of self-writings from the seventeenth century "Booy, David: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2002 Text ISBN: 0754601218 10315 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 "The tested woman plot: women's choices, men's judgments and the shaping of stories" "Bueler, Lois E.: Author" "Literature, British" Athens: Ohio State University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 081420872X 10316 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Sharpening her pen: strategies of rhetorical violence by early modern English women writers "Sondergard, Sidney L.: Author" "Literature, British" netLibrary 2002 Text ISBN: 058543851X 10318 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: paper $38.50| Price: paper $38.50" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "Libertines and radicals in early modern England: sexuality, politics, and literary culture, 1630-1685" "Turner, James Grantham: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521782791| ISBN: 0521032911 10319 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $90.00, paper $60.00| Price: $90.00, paper $60.00| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Twentieth century women novelists: feminist theory into practice "Watkins, Susan: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave 2001 Text ISBN: 0333683455| ISBN: 0333683463 10320 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $102.84, paper $35.24| Price: $102.84, paper $35.24" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 "Saint's lives and women's literary culture, c. 1150-1300: virginity and its authorizations" "Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0198112793 10321 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Solitary travelers: nineteenth century women's travel narratives and the scientific vocation "Harper, Lila Marz: Author" "Literature, British" "Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson" 2001 Text ISBN: 0838638600 10324 eng Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 The trauma of gender: a feminist theory of the English novel "Moglen, Helene: Author" "Literature, British" Berkeley: University of California Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0520225899| ISBN: 0585427941 10328 eng "Price: paper $16.95, ebook $45.00| Price: paper $16.95, ebook $45.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Nineteenth century American women writers: an anthology "Kilcup, Karen L.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 1997 Text ISBN: 0631199861 10329 eng "Price: paper $54.95| Price: paper $54.95| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/12/2003 In her own voice: nineteenth century American women essayists "Linkon, Sherry Lee: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815326521 10332 eng Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Fatal women of romanticism "Craciun, Adriana: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521816688 10334 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/18/2004 "A sweet separate intimacy: women writers of the American frontier, 1800-1922" "Miller, Susan Cummins: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0874806372 10338 eng Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/19/2003 The Cambridge companion to American women playwrights "Murphy, Brenda: Editor" "Literature, U.S.| Theatre and dance" New York: Cambridge University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0521576806 10339 eng "Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $27.99| Price: paper $27.99| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)| Essential title (Theatre and dance)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library.| King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 12/19/2003 Twentieth century American women's fiction: a critical introduction "Reynolds, Guy: Author" "Literature, U.S." New York: St. Martin's Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0312226373 10342 eng Price: paper $33.95| Price: paper $33.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 12/19/2003 "Autobiographical inscriptions: form, personhood, and the American woman writer of color" "Rodriguez, Barbara: Author" "Literature, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0195123417 10343 eng Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Educating women: cultural conflict and Victorian literature "Green, Laura Morgan: Author" "Literature, British" Athens: Ohio University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 082141402X| ISBN: 0821414038 10344 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $42.95, paper $16.95| Price: $42.95, paper $16.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 "Harlem's glory: Black women writing, 1900-1950" "Roses, Lorraine Elena: Editor| Randolph, Ruth Elizabeth: Author" "Literature, U.S." "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0674372697| ISBN: 0674372700 10345 eng "Price: $32.50, paper $17.95| Price: $32.50, paper $17.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 "American women playwrights, 1900-1950" "Shafer, Yvonne: Author" "Literature, U.S." New York: Peter Lang 1995 Text ISBN: 0820421421 10347 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Modern American women writers "Showalter, Elaine: Editor| Baechler, Lea: Editor| Litz, A. Walton: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Macmillan 1993 Text ISBN: 0020820259 10348 eng "Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Scribbling women: short stories by 19th century American women "Showalter, Elaine: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813523931 10349 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Home girls: a Black feminist anthology "Smith, Barbara: Editor" "Literature, U.S.| Women of color" "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0813527538 10350 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library.| Redfern, Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The Oxford book of women's writing in the United States "Wagner-Martin, Linda: Editor| Davidson, Cathy N.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New ed New York: Oxford University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0195132459 10352 eng "Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 American women poets of the nineteenth century: an anthology "Walker, Cheryl: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1992 Text ISBN: 0813517915 10353 eng Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Southern women's writing: colonial to contemporary "Weaks, Mary Louise: Editor| Perry, Carolyn: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Gainesville: University Press of Florida 1995 Text ISBN: 0813014107| ISBN: 0813014115 10354 eng "Price: $59.95, paper $24.95| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 "Dirt and desire: reconstructing southern women's writing, 1930-1990" "Yaeger, Patricia: Author" "Literature, U.S." Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0226944905| ISBN: 0226944913 10355 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $20.00| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Women of Babylon: gender and representation in Mesopotamia "Bahrani, Zainab: Author" Antiquity New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415218306 10357 eng Added 2003 (Antiquity)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Silent images: women in pharaonic Egypt "Hawass, Zahi A.: Author" Antiquity New York: Harry N. Abrams 2000 Text ISBN: 0810944782 10358 eng Added 2003 (Antiquity)| Price: $49.50| Price: $49.50 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Spartan women "Pomeroy, Sarah B.: Author" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0195130677 10359 eng Added 2003 (Antiquity)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women in ancient societies: an illusion of the night "Archer, Leonie J.: Editor| Fischler, Susan: Editor| Wyke, Maria: Editor" Antiquity New York: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415908825 10360 eng Price: $27.95| Price: $27.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Lesbian empire: radical crosswriting in the Twenties "Wachman, Gay: Author" "Literature, British" "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813529417| ISBN: 0813529425 10362 eng "Price: $56.00, paper $24.00| Price: $56.00, paper $24.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 The teacher's voice: a social history of teaching in twentieth century America "Altenbaugh, Richard J.: Editor" Education "Studies in curriculum history series, no. 17" Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis 1992 Text ISBN: 1850009619 10363 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $44.95| Price: paper $44.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Gender gaps: where schools still fail our children American Association of University Women: Author Education "Washington, D.C. : American Association of University Women Educational Foundation" 1999 Text ISBN: 1879922177 10364 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $6.99| Price: paper $6.99 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and university teaching: a negotiated difference "Statham, Anne: Author| Richardson, Laurel: Author| Cook, Judith A.: Author" Education Albany: State University of New York Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0791407047 10366 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 For girls only: making a case for single-sex schooling "Streitmatter, Janice L.: Author" Education Albany: State University of New York Press 1999 Text ISBN: 079144094X 10367 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Gender play: girls and boys in school "Thorne, Barrie: Author" Education "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0813519233 10368 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 Taking women seriously: lessons and legacies for educating the majority "Tidball, M. Elizabeth: Author" "Conway, Jill Kerr: Foreword" Education "Phoenix, Arizona: Oryx Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 1573560928 10369 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $44.95| Price: $44.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Black women in the academy: promises and perils "Benjamin, Lois: Editor" Education Gainesville: University Press of Florida 1997 Text ISBN: 0813015006 10372 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 To the ends of the earth: women's search for education in medicine "Bonner, Thomas Neville: Author" Education "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0674893034| ISBN: 0674893042 10373 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $54.95, paper $23.95| Price: $54.95, paper $23.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Mothering daughters: novels and the politics of family romance: Francis Burney to Jane Austen "Greenfield, Susan C.: Author" "Literature, British" Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0814329926 10375 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 The reproductive unconscious in medieval and early modern England "Hellwarth, Jennifer Wynne: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415941520 10376 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 "Women's writing of the early modern period, 1588-1688: an anthology" "Hodgson-Wright, Stephanie: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Columbia University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0231127847| ISBN: 0231127855 10377 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $77.50, paper $22.50| Price: $77.50, paper $22.50" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Modern British women writers: an A-to-Z guide "Janik, Vicki K.: Editor| Janik, Del Ivan: Editor" "Literature, British| Reference" "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313310300 10378 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $103.95| Price: $103.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library.| Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Ambiguous empowerment: the work narratives of women school superintendents "Chase, Susan E.: Author" Education Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1995 Text ISBN: 087023949X| ISBN: 0870239503 10379 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $45.00, paper $24.95| Price: $45.00, paper $24.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "Sex in education; or, a fair chance for the girls" "Clarke, Edward H.: Author" Education "Manchester, New Hampshire: Ayer Company Publishers" 1873| 1977 Text ISBN: 1428036784 10380 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $88.99 | Price: paper $88.99 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "Lone voyagers: academic women in coeducational universities, 1870-1937" "Clifford, Geraldine Joncich: Author" Education New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York 1989 Text ISBN: 0935312846| ISBN: 0935312854 10381 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $35.00, paper $12.95| Price: $35.00, paper $12.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Listening to our grandmothers' stories: the Bloomfield Academy for Chickasaw females, 1852-1949" "Cobb, Amanda J.: Author" Education Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 2000| 2006 Text ISBN: 0803264674 10382 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $14.95 | Price: paper $14.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Women at Cornell: the myth of equal education "Conable, Charlotte Williams: Author" Education "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1977 Text ISBN: 0801491673 10383 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $20.95| Price: paper $20.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 A woman's education "Conway, Jill K.: Author" Education New York: Knopf 2002 Text ISBN: 009957991X 10384 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $22.00| Price: $22.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Gender in policy and practice: perspectives on single sex and coeducational schooling "Datnow, Amanda: Editor| Hubbard, Lea: Editor" Education New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 041593270X| ISBN: 0415932718 10385 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $130.00, paper $36.95| Price: $130.00, paper $36.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Learning together: a history of coeducation in American public schools "Tyack, David B.: Author| Hansot, Elizabeth: Author" Education New York: Russell Sage Foundation 1992 Text ISBN: 0871548887 10388 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Women in medical education: an anthology of experience "Wear, Delese: Editor" "Conley, Francis K.: Forward" Education New York: State University of New York Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0791430871| ISBN: 079143088X 10389 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $22.50, paper $21.95| Price: $22.50, paper $21.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 How schools shortchange girls: the AAUW report: a study of major findings on girls and education American Association of University Women Educational Foundation: Author Education "Washington, DC: American Association of University Women Educational Foundation" 1992 Text ISBN: 0810625016 10391 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $6.49| Price: paper $6.49| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 Rural women teachers in the United States: a sourcebook "Wyman, Andrea: Author" Education "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0810831562 10392 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $43.50| Price: $43.50 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Women leading in education "Dunlap, Diane M.: Editor| Schmuck, Patricia A.: Editor" Education Albany: State University of New York Press 1994 Text ISBN: 079142216X 10393 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $32.95| Price: paper $32.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Women in American education, 1820-1955: the female force and educational reform" "Edwards, June: Author" Education "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0313319472 10394 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $88.95| Price: $88.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Historical dictionary of women's education in the United States "Eisenmann, Linda: Editor" Education "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0313293236 10395 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $142.95| Price: $142.95| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 The education of the southern belle: higher education and student socialization in the antebellum South "Farnham, Christie Anne: Author" Education New York: New York University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0814726151| ISBN: 0814726348 10396 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Women and law in late antiquity "Arjava, Antti: Author" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0198152337 10397 eng Price: $74.50| Price: $74.50 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women in the Hebrew Bible: a reader "Bach, Alice: Editor" Antiquity New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415915600| ISBN: 0415915619 10398 eng "Price: $104.95, paper $40.95| Price: $104.95, paper $40.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Women and politics in ancient Rome "Bauman, Richard A.: Author" Antiquity New York: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415115221| ISBN: 0203295552 10399 eng "Price: paper $39.95, ebook $70.00| Price: paper $39.95, ebook $70.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Women in ancient Greece "Blundell, Sue: Author" Antiquity "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0674954734 10400 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Antiquity) "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Love between women: early Christian responses to female homoeroticism "Brooten, Bernadette: Author" Antiquity Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0226075915| ISBN: 0226075923 10401 eng "Price: $37.50, paper $19.00| Price: $37.50, paper $19.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "Women in ancient Persia, 559-331 B.C." "Brosius, Maria: Author" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0198152558| ISBN: 0585244855 10402 eng "Price: paper $55.00, ebook $44.00| Price: paper $55.00, ebook $44.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Pandora's daughters: the role and status of women in Greek and Roman antiquity "Cantarella, Eva: Author" Antiquity "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1987 Text ISBN: 080183385X 10403 eng Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women in late antiquity: Pagan and Christian lifestyles "Clark, Gillian: Author" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0198721668 10404 eng Price: paper $42.00| Price: paper $42.00| Essential title (Antiquity) "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Virgin and the bride: idealized womanhood in late antiquity "Cooper, Kate: Author" Antiquity "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0674939492| ISBN: 0674939506 10405 eng "Price: $47.50, paper $20.50| Price: $47.50, paper $20.50" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "Birth, death, and motherhood in classical Greece" "Demand, Nancy H.: Author" Antiquity "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0801847621| ISBN: 080188053X 10406 eng "Price: $48.00, paper $24.95| Price: $48.00, paper $24.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Women in the classical world: image and text "Fantham, Elaine: Author" "Foley, Helene Peet| Kampen, Natalie Boymel| Pomeroy, Sarah B.| Shapiro, H. A." Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0195098625 10408 eng Price: paper $49.95| Price: paper $49.95| Essential title (Antiquity) "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Reflections of women in antiquity "Foley, Helene P.: Editor" Antiquity New York: Gordon and Breach 1981 Text ISBN: 0677163703| ISBN: 2881245765 10409 eng "Price: $106.00, paper $37.95| Price: $106.00, paper $37.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Women in Roman law and society "Gardner, Jane F.: Author" Antiquity Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0253206359 10410 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women in antiquity: an annotated bibliography "Goodwater, Leanna: Author" Antiquity "Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press" 1975 Text ISBN: 0810808374 10411 eng Price: $38.00| Price: $38.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Women in antiquity: new assessments "Hawley, Richard: Editor| Levick, Barbara: Editor" Antiquity New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415113695| ISBN: 0585453233 10412 eng "Price: paper $37.95, ebook $29.95| Price: paper $37.95, ebook $29.95| Essential title (Antiquity)" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women in Athenian law and life "Just, Roger: Author" Antiquity New York: Routledge 1991 Text ISBN: 0415058414 10413 eng Price: paper $36.95| Price: paper $36.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Reign of the phallus: sexual politics in ancient Athens "Keuls, Eva C.: Author" Antiquity Berkeley: University of California Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0520079299| ISBN: 0585160392 10414 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $58.00| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $58.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Hippocrates' woman: reading the female body in ancient Greece "King, Helen: Author" Antiquity New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415138949| ISBN: 0415138957| ISBN: 0203159640 10415 eng "Price: $124.95, paper $29.95, ebook $85.00| Price: $124.95, paper $29.95, ebook $85.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "Naked truths: women, sexuality, and gender in classical art and archaeology" "Koloski-Ostrow, Ann: Editor| Lyons, Claire L.: Editor" Antiquity| Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1997| 2000 Text ISBN: 0415159954| ISBN: 0415217520| ISBN: 0203037715 10417 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $135.00, paper $42.95, ebook $36.95| Price: $135.00, paper $42.95, ebook $36.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans.| Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/14/2004 "Her share of the blessings: women's religions among the Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman world" "Kraemer, Ross Shepard: Author" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0195086708| ISBN: 0585341370 10418 eng "Price: paper $19.95, ebook $50.40| Price: paper $19.95, ebook $50.40" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women's life in Greece and Rome: a source book in translation "Lefkowitz, Mary R.: Editor| Fant, Maureen B.: Editor" Antiquity 3d ed "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0801883091| ISBN: 0801883105 10419 eng "Price: $59.95, paper $22.95| Price: $59.95, paper $22.95| Essential title (Antiquity)" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women's writing and the circulation of ideas "Justice, George: Editor| Tinker, Nathan: Editor" "Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521808561 10420 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Coloring outside the lines: mentoring women into school leadership "Gardiner, Mary E.: Author| Enomoto, Ernestine: Author| Grogan, Margaret: Author" Education Albany: State University of New York Press 2000 Text ISBN: 079144581X| ISBN: 0791445828 10421 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $60.50, paper $21.95| Price: $60.50, paper $21.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Gender on campus: issues for college women "Gmelch, Sharon Boh: Author" Education "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0813525217| ISBN: 0813525225 10422 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $59.00, paper $17.00| Price: $59.00, paper $17.00" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Families and work: new directions in the twenty-first century "Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen I.: Author| Scharlach, Andrew E.: Author" Family New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0195112725| ISBN: 0195112733 10424 eng "Added 2003 (Family)| Price: $29.95, paper $12.50| Price: $29.95, paper $12.50" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 For better or for worse: divorce reconsidered "Hetherington, E. Mavis: Author| Kelly, John: Author" Family New York: W. W. Norton 2002 Text ISBN: 0393048624| ISBN: 0393324133 10425 eng "Added 2003 (Family)| Price: $26.95, paper $15.95| Price: $26.95, paper $15.95" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 2/16/2004 "Mothering the self: mothers, daughters, subjects" "Lawler, Steph: Author" Family New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415170834| ISBN: 0415170842| ISBN: 0203171063 10426 eng "Added 2003 (Family)| Price: $119.95, paper $34.95, ebook $90.00| Price: $119.95, paper $34.95, ebook $90.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 A history of the wife "Yalom, Marilyn: Author" Family New York: HarperCollins Publisher 2001 Text ISBN: 0060931566 10427 eng Added 2003 (Family)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95| Essential title (Family) "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Homeless families with children: a subjective experience of homelessness "Choi, Namkee G.: Author| Snyder, Lidia J.: Author" Family New York: Springer Publishing Company 1999 Text ISBN: 0826112854 10432 eng Price: $31.95| Price: $31.95 "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 8/25/2003 "Ideas of the woman suffrage movement, 1890-1920" "Kraditor, Aileen S.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: W. W. Norton 1981 Text ISBN: 0393000397 10433 eng Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Women's rights in America: a documentary history "Langley, Winston E.: Editor| Fox, Vivian C.: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood" 1998 Text ISBN: 0313287554| ISBN: 0275965279 10434 eng "Price: $52.95, paper $39.95| Price: $52.95, paper $39.95| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/18/2004 Feminist sociology: life histories of a movement "Laslett, Barbara: Editor| Thorne, Barrie: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813524288| ISBN: 0813524296| ISBN: 0585027358 10435 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $19.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $55.00, paper $19.95, ebook $50.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Rampant women: suffragists and the right of assembly "Lumsden, Linda J.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0870499866 10436 eng Price: $42.00| Price: $42.00 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Common sense and a little fire: women and working class politics in the United States, 1900-1965" "Orleck, Annelise: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0807845116| ISBN: 0807863718 10438 eng "Price: paper $19.95, ebook $59.95| Price: paper $19.95, ebook $59.95| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/18/2004 The women's movement "Ryan, Barbara: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Gale Group 1996 Text ISBN: 0816172544 10440 eng Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Significant contemporary American feminists: a biographical sourcebook "Scanlon, Jennifer: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0313301255 10441 eng Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 "Feminism in our time: the essential writings, World War II to the present" "Schneir, Miriam: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Vintage 1994 Text ISBN: 0679745084 10442 eng Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States) "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/18/2004 Disorderly conduct: visions of gender in Victorian America "Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Oxford University Press 1986 Text ISBN: 0195040392 10443 eng Price: paper $21.50| Price: paper $21.50 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Reading families: women's literate practice in late medieval England "Krug, Rebecca: Author" "Literature, British" "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0801439248 10444 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 Girls' schooling during the Progressive era: from female scholar to domesticated citizen "Graves, Karen: Author" Education New York: Garland Publishing 1998 Text ISBN: 0815322240 10448 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $130.00| Price: $130.00| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Black women in the academy: the secrets to success and achievement "Gregory, Sheila T.: Author" Education Rev. and updated ed "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 1999 Text ISBN: 0761814124 10449 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $36.00| Price: paper $36.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "Becoming gentlemen: women, law school, and institutional change" "Guinier, Lani: Author| Fine, Michelle: Author| Balin, Jane: Author" Education| Law Boston: Beacon Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0807044059 10450 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library.| Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 Nineteenth century women learn to write "Hobbs, Catherine: Editor" Education Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia 1995 Text ISBN: 0813916054 10451 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Alma mater: design and experience in the women's colleges from their nineteenth century beginnings to the 1930s "Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz: Author" Education 2d ed Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0870238698 10453 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "Sex and education: a reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's ""Sex in education""" "Howe, Julia W.: Editor" Education New York: Arno Press 1874| 1978 Text ISBN: 0405044631 10455 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Women in the modern world: their education and their dilemmas "Komarovsky, Mirra: Author" Education "Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press" 1953| 2004 Text ISBN: 0759107270 | ISBN: 0759107289 10456 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Sailing against the wind: African Americans and women in U.S. education "Lomotey, Kofi: Editor" Education Albany: State University of New York 1997 Text ISBN: 0791431916| ISBN: 0791431924 10457 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $19.50, paper $18.95| Price: $19.50, paper $18.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "The education of women: a guide to theory, teaching and research" "McClelland, Averil Evans: Author" Education New York: Garland Publishing 1992 Text ISBN: 0824048423 10459 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Can we wear our pearls and still be feminists?: memoirs of a campus struggle "Mandle, Joan D.: Author" Education Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0826212891 10460 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "In glory's shadow: Shannon Faulkner, the Citadel, and a changing America" "Manegold, Catherine S.: Author" Education New York: Knopf 2001 Text ISBN: 0679767142 10461 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 Coming of age in academe "Martin, Jane Roland: Author" Education New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415924871| ISBN: 041592488X 10462 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $130.00, paper $34.95| Price: $130.00, paper $34.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "The selected papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: volume 2, Against an aristocracy of sex, 1866-1873" "Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: Author| Anthony, Susan B.: Author| Gordon, Ann: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0813523184 10463 eng Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/15/2004 History of woman suffrage "Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: Editor| Anthony, Susan B.: Editor| Gage, Matilda Joslyn: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "Salem, New Hampshire: Ayer" 1979 Text 6 volumes ISBN: 040500107X 10464 eng Price: $364.00| Price: $364.00 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Women strike for peace: traditional motherhood and radical politics in the 1960s "Swerdlow, Amy: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0226786358| ISBN: 0226786366 10465 eng "Price: $54.00, paper $22.00| Price: $54.00, paper $22.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/18/2004 Faces of feminism: an activist's reflections on the women's movement "Tobias, Sheila: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0813328438 10466 eng Price: paper $29.00| Price: paper $29.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 "Cultivating the rosebuds: the education of women at the Cherokee Female Seminary, 1851-1909" "Mihesuah, Devon A.: Author" Education Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0252066774 10467 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "The academic kitchen: a social history of gender stratification at the University of California, Berkeley" "Nerad, Maresi: Author" Education Albany: State University of New York Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0791439690| ISBN: 0791439704 10468 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $21.50, paper $20.95| Price: $21.50, paper $20.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Pioneering deans of women: more than wise and pious matrons "Nidiffer, Jana: Author" Education New York: Teachers College Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0807739154 | ISBN: 0807739146 10469 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $56.00, paper $26.95| Price: $56.00, paper $26.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 "The ""girl question"" in education: vocational education for young women in the progressive era" "Powers, Jane Bernard: Author" Education New York: Routledge 1992 Text ISBN: 1850008477 10470 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $72.95| Price: $72.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Women who taught: perspectives on the history of women and teaching "Prentice, Alison L.: Editor| Theobald, Marjorie R.: Editor" Education Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0802067859 10471 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Girls and boys in school: together or separate? "Riordan, Cornelius H.: Author" Education New York: Teachers College Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0807729930 10472 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $14.95| Price: $14.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 Double jeopardy: addressing gender equity in special education "Rousso, Harilyn: Editor| Wehmeyer, Michael L.: Editor" Education| Disabilities "Suny series, the social context of education" Albany: State University of New York Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0791450759| ISBN: 0791450767 10473 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $81.50, paper $27.95| Price: $81.50, paper $27.95| Essential title (Education)| Essential title (Disabilities)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library.| Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Traces of a stream: literacy and social change among African American women "Royster, Jacqueline Jones: Author" Education "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0822957256 10474 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 "Education and women's work: female schooling and the division of labor in urban America, 1870-1930" "Rury, John L.: Author" Education Albany: State University of New York Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0791406172 10475 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $25.50| Price: $25.50 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 Failing at fairness: how America's schools cheat girls "Sadker, Myra: Author| Sadker, David Miller: Author" Education New York: Scribner 1995 Text ISBN: 068480073X 10476 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 Founding mothers and others: women educational leaders during the progressive era "Sadovnik, Alan R.: Editor| Semel, Susan F.: Editor" Education New York: Palgrave 2002 Text ISBN: 0312232977| ISBN: 0312295022 10477 eng "Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $95.00, paper $29.95| Price: $95.00, paper $29.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/29/2004 In the company of educated women: a history of women and higher education in America "Solomon, Barbara Miller: Author" Education "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1986 Text ISBN: 0300036396 10478 eng Added 2003 (Education)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 The way we really are: coming to terms with America's changing families "Coontz, Stephanie: Author" Family New York: Basic Books 1997 Text ISBN: 0465090923 10479 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00 "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 8/25/2003 The price of motherhood: why the most important job in the world is still the least valued "Crittenden, Ann: Author" Family New York: Henry Holt and Company 2001 Text ISBN: 0805066195 10480 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Feeding the family: the social organization of caring as gendered work "DeVault, Marjorie: Author| Stimpson, Catharine L.: Author" Family Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0226143600 10481 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/16/2004 "The impossibility of motherhood: feminism, individualism, and the problem of mothering" "DiQuinzio, Patrice: Author" Family New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415910226| ISBN: 0415910234 10482 eng "Price: $90.95, paper $26.95| Price: $90.95, paper $26.95" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 8/25/2003 "Family: the making of an idea, an institution, and a controversy in American culture" "Farrell, Betty G.: Author" Family "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0813315468 10483 eng Price: paper $33.00| Price: paper $33.00| Essential title (Family) "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 "The neutered mother, the sexual family, and other twentieth century tragedies" "Fineman, Martha Albertson: Author" Family New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415910277 10484 eng Price: paper $31.95| Price: paper $31.95 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 "Votes for women!: the woman suffrage movement in Tennessee, the South, and the nation" "Wheeler, Majorie Spruill: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0870498363| ISBN: 0870498371 10487 eng "Price: $38.00, paper $17.00| Price: $38.00, paper $17.00" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Parenting: what really counts? "Golombok, Susan: Author" Family New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 041522716X 10490 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Marriage in a culture of divorce "Hackstaff, Karla B.: Author" Family Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1566397243| ISBN: 1556397251 10491 eng "Price: $59.50, paper $22.95| Price: $59.50, paper $22.95" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 8/25/2003 "Becoming a family: parents; stories and their implications for practice, policy, and research" "Harold, Rena D.: Author" Family "Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers" 2000 Text ISBN: 0805819614| ISBN: 0805819622| ISBN: 0585325782 10492 eng "Price: $69.95, paper $29.95, ebook $99.95| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95, ebook $99.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Strategies of transformation toward a multicultural society: fulfilling the story of democracy "Abalos, David T.: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 1996 Text ISBN: 0275952703| ISBN: 0275952711 10493 eng "Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $93.95, paper $27.95| Price: $93.95, paper $27.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Eros as the educational principle of democracy "Burch, Kerry: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Peter Lang 2000 Text ISBN: 0820444812 10494 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 "Radical in(ter)ventions: identity, politics, and difference/s in educational praxis" "De Castell, Suzanne: Editor| Bryson, Mary: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: State University of New York Press 1997 Text ISBN: 079143516X| ISBN: 0791435628 10496 eng "Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $25.50, paper $24.95| Price: $25.50, paper $24.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 The time bind: when work becomes home and home becomes work "Hochschild, Arlie: Author" Family| Labor New York: Henry Holt and Company 1997 Text ISBN: 0805066438 10497 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00| Essential title (Labor) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library. | Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/19/2004 Black working wives: pioneers of the American family revolution "Landry, Bart: Author" Family| Labor Berkeley: University of California Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0520236823 10498 eng Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library. | Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Queer family values: debunking the myth of the nuclear family "Lehr, Valerie: Author" Family| Lesbian studies Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1566396832| ISBN: 1566396840 10499 eng "Price: $59.50, paper $19.95| Price: $59.50, paper $19.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 3/9/2004 On our own: unmarried motherhood in America "Ludtke, Melissa: Author" Family University of California Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0520218302 10500 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Outbursts in academe: multiculturalism and other sources of conflict "Dixon, Kathleen: Editor| Archibald, William: Editor| Varley, Jane: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Boynton/Cook" 1998 Text ISBN: 086709477X 10501 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: paper $23.50| Price: paper $23.50 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Power and method: political activism and educational research "Gitlin, Andrew: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415906903 10502 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: paper $25.95| Price: paper $25.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Intersections: feminisms/early childhoods "Hauser, Mary: Editor| Jipson, Janice: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Peter Lang 1998 Text ISBN: 0820430684 10503 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: paper $32.95| Price: paper $32.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 "Policy, pedagogy and social inequality: Community college student realities in post-industrial America" "Herideen, Penelope E.: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 1998 Text ISBN: 0897895932 10504 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00 "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/16/2004 Women's perceptions of transformative learning experiences within consciousness-raising "Loughlin, Kathleen A.: Author" Feminist pedagogy San Francisco: Mellen Research University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0773422528 10505 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $129.95| Price: $129.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 All our families: new policies for a new century "Mason, Mary A.: Editor" Family 2d ed New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195148819 10506 eng Price: paper $28.95| Price: paper $28.95 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 The mask of motherhood: how becoming a mother changes everything and why we pretend it doesn't "Maushart, Susan: Author" Family New York: New Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1565844831| ISBN: 0140291784 10507 eng "Price: $24.00, paper $15.00| Price: $24.00, paper $15.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 The new uprooted: single mothers in urban life "Mulroy, Elizabeth A.: Author" Family "Westport, Connecticut: Auburn House" 1995 Text ISBN: 0865690391 10509 eng Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 8/25/2003 Working hard and making do: surviving in small town America "Nelson, Margaret K.: Author| Smith, Joan: Author" Family Berkeley: University of California Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0520215753| ISBN: 0585274738 10510 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $50| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $50" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Who supports the family: gender and breadwinning in dual-earner marriages "Potuchek, Jean L.: Author" Family "Stanford, California: Stanford University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0804728356| ISBN: 0804728364 10512 eng "Price: $57.00, paper $22.95| Price: $57.00, paper $22.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 In the name of the family: rethinking family values in the postmodern age "Stacey, Judith: Author" Family Boston: Beacon Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0788167502| ISBN: 0807004332| ISBN: 0807004286 10516 eng "Price: $22.50, paper $17.00, ebook $22.00| Price: $22.50, paper $17.00, ebook $22.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 8/25/2003 Rethinking the family: some feminist questions "Thorne, Barrie: Editor| Yalom, Marilyn: Editor" Family Rev ed Boston: Northeastern University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 155553144X| ISBN: 1555531458 10518 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $17.95| Price: $45.00, paper $17.95" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 3/9/2004 The unexpected legacy of divorce: a 25 year landmark study "Wallerstein, Judith S.: Author| Lewis, Julie: Author| Blakelsee, Sandra: Author" Family New York: Hyperion 2000 Text ISBN: 0786896161| ISBN: 0786870761 10519 eng "Price: paper $14.95, ebook $10.98| Price: paper $14.95, ebook $10.98| Essential title (Family)" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 8/25/2003 Unbending gender: why family and work conflict and what to do about it "Williams, Joan: Author" Family New York: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0195147146 10521 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/16/2004 Radical feminism: a documentary reader "Crow, Barbara: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: New York University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0814715540| ISBN: 0814715559 10522 eng "Added 2003 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $60.00, paper $23.95| Price: $60.00, paper $23.95" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Peace as a women's issue: a history of the U.S. movement for world peace and women's rights "Alonso, Harriet Hyman: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0815625650| ISBN: 0815602693 10523 eng "Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Manifesta: young women, feminism, and the future" "Baumgardner, Jennifer: Author| Richards, Amy: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux" 2000 Text ISBN: 0374526222 10524 eng Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Dear sisters dispatches from the women's liberation movement "Baxandall, Rosalyn: Author| Gordon, Linda: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Basic Books 2000 Text ISBN: 046501707X 10525 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/17/2004 "The power of feminist art: the American movement of the 1970's, history and impact" "Broude, Norma: Editor| Garrard, Mary D.: Editor| Brodsky, Judith K.: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Time Warner 1996 Text ISBN: 0810926598 10527 eng Price: $27.50| Price: $27.50| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States) "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/17/2004 In our time: memoir of a revolution "Brownmiller, Susan: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Dell Publishing 2000 Text ISBN: 0385318316 10528 eng Price: $15.95| Price: $15.95 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/17/2004 "Women's movements in the United States: woman suffrage, equal rights, and beyond" "Buechler, Steven M.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0813515580| ISBN: 0813515599 10529 eng "Price: $40.00, paper $23.00| Price: $40.00, paper $23.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/18/2004 Democratization and women's grassroots movements "Bystdzienski, Jill M.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0253334454| ISBN: 0253212790 10530 eng "Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/17/2004 American feminism: a contemporary history "Castro, Ginette: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: New York University Press 1990 Text ISBN: 081471448X| ISBN: 0814714358 10531 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $22.00| Price: $50.00, paper $22.00" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 The grounding of modern feminism "Cott, Nancy F.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1987 Text ISBN: 0300038925| ISBN: 0300042280 10532 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $21.00| Price: $55.00, paper $21.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/17/2004 Moving the mountain: the women's movement in America since 1960 "Davis, Flora: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Champaign: University of Illinois Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0252067827| ISBN: 067179292X 10533 eng "Price: paper $21.95, paper $14.00| Price: paper $21.95, paper $14.00" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Textured lives: women, art, and representation in modern Mexico" "Schaefer, Claudia: Author" Latin American women Reprint edition "Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0816514747 10534 eng Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95| Essential title (Latin American women) "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Woman suffrage and women's rights "DuBois, Ellen Carol: Author" "Feminist movements in the United States| History, U.S." New York: New York University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0814719015| ISBN: 0585434719 10535 eng "Added 2007 (History, U.S.)| Price: paper $21.00, ebook $55.00| Price: paper $21.00, ebook $55.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/17/2004 "Daring to be bad: radical feminism in America, 1967-75" "Echols, Alice: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Minneapolis: University of Minnesota 1989 Text ISBN: 0816617872 10536 eng Price: $16.95| Price: $16.95 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Controversy and coalition: the new feminist movement across three decades "Ferree, Myra Marx: Author| Hess, Beth: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415928044| ISBN: 0203900510 10537 eng "Price: paper $22.95, ebook $65.00| Price: paper $22.95, ebook $65.00" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/17/2004 Century of struggle: the woman's rights movement in the United States "Flexner, Eleanor: Author| Fitzpatrick, Ellen: Author" "Feminist movements in the United States| History, U.S." "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0674106539 10538 eng Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/17/2004 "Iron-jawed angels: the suffrage militancy of the National Woman's Party, 1912-1920" "Ford, Linda G.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 1991 Text ISBN: 0819182060 10539 eng Price: $37.00| Price: $37.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 "African American women and the vote, 1837-1965" "Gordon, Ann D.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 1558490590| ISBN: 0585083525 10540 eng "Price: $20.95, ebook $45.00| Price: $20.95, ebook $45.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Women suffrage and the new democracy "Graham, Sarah Hunter: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0300063466 10541 eng Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Southern strategies: southern women and the woman suffrage question "Green, Elna C.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1985 Text ISBN: 0807846414| ISBN: 0807861758 10542 eng "Price: paper $18.95, ebook $55.95| Price: paper $18.95, ebook $55.95" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/17/2004 In her own right: the life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton "Griffith, Elizabeth: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Oxford University Press 1985 Text ISBN: 0195037294 10543 eng Price: $17.95| Price: $17.95 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 Ladies of Seneca Falls: the birth of the woman's rights movement "Gurko, Miriam: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Schocken Books 1987 Text ISBN: 0805205454 10545 eng Price: $17.00| Price: $17.00 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/18/2004 Revolt against chivalry: Jesse Daniel Ames and the women's campaign against lynching "Hall, Jacquelyn D.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Columbia University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0231082827| ISBN: 0231082835 10546 eng "Price: $78.00, paper $19.50| Price: $78.00, paper $19.50| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/18/2004 "On account of sex: the politics of women's issues, 1945-1968" "Harrison, Cynthia: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Berkeley: University of California Press 1988 Text ISBN: 0520066634| ISBN: 0585115419 10547 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $40.00| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $40.00" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 8/25/2003 From margin to mainstream: American women and politics since 1960 "Hartmann, Susan M.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: McGraw Hill 1989 Text ISBN: 0075569833 10548 eng Price: paper $37.18| Price: paper $37.18 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/18/2004 When hens crow: the women's rights movements in antebellum America "Hoffert, Sylvia D.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0585023700| ISBN: 0253215005 10549 eng "Price: paper $17.95, ebook $26.95| Price: paper $17.95, ebook $26.95" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Talking back: thinking feminist, thinking black" "Hooks, Bell: Author" Feminist movements in the United States| Women of color Boston: South End Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0896083527 10550 eng Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States) "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 "Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony reader: correspondence, writings, speeches" "Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Boston: Northeastern University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 1555531431 10552 eng Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States) "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "The selected papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: volume 1, In the school of antislavery, 1840-1866" "Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: Author| Anthony, Susan B.: Author| Gordon, Ann: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813523176 10553 eng Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/15/2004 "Dance, power, and difference: critical and feminist perspectives on dance education" "Shapiro, Sherry B.: Editor" | Theatre and dance "Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers" 1998 Text ISBN: 0880117478 10555 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00| Essential title (Theatre and dance) "King, Diana: University of California, Davis." 2/18/2004 Womanlish Black girls: dancing contradictions of resistance "Smith, Diane: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Peter Lang 2003 Text ISBN: 0820438138 10556 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $41.95| Price: $41.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 "Relational ""(e)pistemologies""" "Thayer-Bacon, Barbara: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Peter Lang 2002 Text ISBN: 0820461725 10558 eng Added 2003 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Valuing us all: feminist pedagogy and economics "Aerni, April Laskey: Author| McGoldrich, Kimmarie: Editor" Feminist pedagogy Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0472097040| ISBN: 0472067044 10559 eng "Price: $70.00, paper $27.95| Price: $70.00, paper $27.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 Women of academe: outsiders in the sacred grove "Aisenberg, Nadya: Author| Harrington, Mona: Author" Education Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1988 Text ISBN: 0870236075 10560 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2004 Unsettling relations: the university as a site of feminist struggles "Bannerji, Himani: Author| Carty, Linda: Author| Dehli, Kari: Author| Heald, Susan: Author| McKenna, Kate: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 1992 Text ISBN: 0896084531| ISBN: 0896084523 10563 eng "Price: $30.00, paper $12.00| Price: $30.00, paper $12.00| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 "Women's ways of knowing: the development of self, voice, and mind" "Belenky, Mary: Author| Clinchy, Blythe: Author| Goldberger, Nancy: Author| Tarule, Jill: Author" Education New York: Basic Books 1997 Text ISBN: 0465090990 10564 eng Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $18.50| Price: $18.50| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Schooling young children: a feminist pedagogy for liberatory learning "Brady, Jeanne: Author" Feminist pedagogy Albany: State University of New York Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0791425010| ISBN: 0791425029| ISBN: 0585045895 10566 eng "Price: $18.50, paper $17.95, ebook $39.50| Price: $18.50, paper $17.95, ebook $39.50" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 "Teaching writing: pedagogy, gender, and equity" "Caywood, Cynthia L.: Editor| Overing, Gillian R.: Editor" Feminist pedagogy Albany: State University of New York Press 1987 Text ISBN: 0887063527| ISBN: 0887063527 10568 eng "Price: $30.50, ebook $67.50| Price: $30.50, ebook $67.50" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/16/2004 "Feminism and the classroom teacher: Research, praxis and pedagogy" "Coffey, Amanda: Author| Delamont, Sara: Author" Feminist pedagogy Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis 2000 Text ISBN: 075070750X| ISBN: 0750707496| ISBN: 0585453195 10569 eng "Price: $170.00, paper $43.95, ebook $30.95| Price: $170.00, paper $43.95, ebook $30.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Off-white Hollywood: American culture and ethnic female stardom "Negra, Diane: Author" Film and television studies New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415216788 10570 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 The feminist teacher anthology: pedagogies and classroom strategy "Cohee, Gail: Author| Daumer, Elisabeth: Author| Kemp, Theresa D.: Author| Lafky, Sue A: Author| Runzo, Sandra: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Teachers College Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0807762954 10571 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy) "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 "Pedagogies of resistance: women educator activists, 1880-1960" "Crocco, Margaret Smith: Author| Munro, Petra: Author| Weiler, Kathleen: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Teachers College Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0807762989| ISBN: 0807762970 10572 eng "Price: $44.00, paper $19.95| Price: $44.00, paper $19.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and academe: feminist pedagogy and politics "Deats, Sara Munson: Editor| Lenker, Lagretta Tallent: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 1994 Text ISBN: 0847679691| ISBN: 0847679705 10573 eng "Price: $98.00, paper $28.95| Price: $98.00, paper $28.95" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 8/25/2003 No angel in the classroom: teaching through feminist discourse "Fisher, Berenice Malka: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2000 Text ISBN: 0847691233| ISBN: 0847691241 10575 eng "Price: $90.00, paper $29.95| Price: $90.00, paper $29.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 Gender in the classroom: power and pedagogy "Gabriel, Susan L.: Editor| Smithson, Isaiah: Editor" Feminist pedagogy Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0252061101 10578 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy) "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 Shattering the myths: women in academe "Glazer-Raymo, Judith: Author" Education "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0801866413 10580 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/28/2004 The struggle for pedagogies: critical and feminist discourses as regimes of truth "Gore, Jennifer: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1992 Text ISBN: 0415905648 10582 eng Price: paper $25.95| Price: paper $25.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy) "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Women as learners: the significance of gender in adult learning "Hayes, Elisabeth: Author| Flannery, Daniele D.: Author" Feminist pedagogy San Francisco: Jossey Bass 2000 Text ISBN: 0787909203 10584 eng Price: $38.00| Price: $38.00 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 "Pedagogy, democracy, and feminism: rethinking the public sphere" "Hernandez, Adriana: Author" Feminist pedagogy Albany: State University of New York Press 1997 Text ISBN: 079143169X| ISBN: 0791431703 10585 eng "Price: $15.50, paper $14.95| Price: $15.50, paper $14.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Debates and issues in feminist research and pedagogy: a reader "Holland, Janet: Editor| Blair, Maud: Editor| Sheldon, Sue: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Clevedon, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters Ltd." 1995 Text ISBN: 1853592528| ISBN: 185359251X 10586 eng "Price: $69.95, paper $29.95| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 8/25/2003 Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom "Hooks, Bell: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415908086 10587 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy) "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/16/2004 Repositioning feminism and education: perspectives on educating for social change "Jipson, Janice: Editor| Munro, Petra: Editor| Victor, Susan: Editor| Jones, Karen Froude: Editor| Freed-Rowland, Gretchen" Feminist pedagogy "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0897894367| ISBN: 0897894375 10588 eng "Price: $106.95, paper $30.95| Price: $106.95, paper $30.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Getting smart: Feminist research and pedagogy within the postmodern "Lather, Patti: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1991 Text ISBN: 0415903785 10589 eng Price: paper $41.95| Price: paper $41.95 "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and pedagogies of everyday life "Luke, Carmen: Editor" Feminist pedagogy Albany: State University of New York Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0791429660| ISBN: 0585043213 10592 eng "Price: paper $29.95, ebook $62.50| Price: paper $29.95, ebook $62.50" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Feminisms and critical pedagogy "Luke, Carmen: Editor| Gore, Jennifer: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1992 Text ISBN: 0415905346 10593 eng Price: paper $41.95| Price: paper $41.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy) "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Transforming the disciplines: a women's studies primer "MacNabb, Elizabeth L.: Editor| Cherry, Mary Jane: Editor| Popham, Susan: Editor| Prys, Rene Perri: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 156023959X| ISBN: 1560239603| ISBN: 0585484791 10594 eng "Price: $69.95, paper $29.95, ebook 69.95| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95, ebook 69.95" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 8/25/2003 "The feminist classroom: Dynamics of gender, race, and privilege" "Maher, Frances A.: Author| Thompson Tetreault, Mary Kay: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield| New York: Basic Books" 2001| 1995 Text ISBN: 0742509966| ISBN: 0742509974 10595 eng "Price: $75.00, paper $23.95| Price: $75.00, paper $23.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Pedagogical pleasures "McWilliam, Erica: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Peter Lang 1999 Text ISBN: 0820438006 10597 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 "Pedagogy, technology, and the body" "McWilliam, Erica: Editor| Taylor, Peter: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Peter Lang 1996 Text ISBN: 0820430897 10598 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 Educating feminists: life histories and pedagogy "Middleton, Sue: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Teachers College Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0807732338 10599 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 "Anti-racism, feminism, and critical approaches to education" "Ng, Roxana: Editor| Staton, Pat: Editor| Scane, Joyce: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 1995 Text ISBN: 089789328X| ISBN: 0585390282 10603 eng "Price: paper $27.95, ebook $59.95| Price: paper $27.95, ebook $59.95" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Exiles and communities: Teaching in the patriarchal wilderness "Pagano, Jo Anne: Author" Feminist pedagogy Albany: State University of New York Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0791402746| ISBN: 0585075409 10604 eng "Price: paper $22.95, ebook $64.50| Price: paper $22.95, ebook $64.50" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist teaching in theory and practice: situating power and knowledge in poststructural classrooms "Ropers-Huilman, Becky: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Teachers College Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0807736945| ISBN: 0807736937| ISBN: 0585240450 10606 eng "Price: $44.00, paper $21.95, ebook $44.00| Price: $44.00, paper $21.95, ebook $44.00| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 Political theory and feminist social criticism "Ackerly, Brooke A.: Author" "Politics, International" Third world feminist criticism of politics. New York: Cambridge University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0521650194| ISBN: 0521659841 10608 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $85.00, paper $32.99| Price: $85.00, paper $32.99" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Feminist locations: global and local, theory and practice" "DeKoven, Marianne: Editor" Transnational feminism| Feminist theory "New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813529220| ISBN: 0813529239 10609 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2003 (Feminist theory)| Price: $58.00, paper $25.00| Price: $58.00, paper $25.00| Essential title (Transnational feminism)" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 Women in developing countries: assessing strategies for empowerment "Datta, Rekha: Editor| Kornberg, Judith: Editor" "Politics, International" "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 1588260143| ISBN: 1588260399 10610 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women and the nation's narrative: gender and nationalism in twentieth century Sri Lanka "De Mel, Neloufer: Author" "Politics, International" Lanham Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield 2001 Text ISBN: 074251806X| ISBN: 0742518078 10611 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $76.00, paper $26.95| Price: $76.00, paper $26.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Working the ruins: feminist poststructural theory and methods in education "St. Pierre, Elizabeth: Editor| Pillow, Wanda S.: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415922755| ISBN: 0415922763| ISBN: 1020390262 10612 eng "Price: $99.95, paper $36.95, ebook $85.00| Price: $99.95, paper $36.95, ebook $85.00" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 8/25/2003 Pedagogy and the politics of the body: a critical praxis "Shapiro, Sherry: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Garland 1998 Text ISBN: 0815327811 10614 eng Price: $114.95| Price: $114.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 Feminisms in the academy "Stanton, Domna C.: Editor| Stewart, Abigail J.: Editor" Feminist theory Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0472065661 10616 eng Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95| Essential title (Feminist theory) "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 "Learning desire: perspectives on pedagogy, culture, and the unsaid" "Todd, Sharon: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415917662| ISBN: 0415917670 10618 eng "Price: $104.95, paper $30.95| Price: $104.95, paper $30.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 "Feminist engagements: reading, resisting and revisioning male theorists in education and cultural studies" "Weiler, Kathleen: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415925762| ISBN: 0203902653 10619 eng "Price: paper $25.95, ebook $95.00| Price: paper $25.95, ebook $95.00| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Feminisms in education: an introduction "Weiner, Gaby: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Buckingham, United Kingdom: Open University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0335190537| ISBN: 0335190529| ISBN: 0335207960 10622 eng "Price: $97.95, paper $38.95, ebook $24.95| Price: $97.95, paper $38.95, ebook $24.95" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 8/25/2003 Teaching introduction to women's studies: expectations and strategies "Winker, Barbara Scott: Editor| DiPalma, Carolyn: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 1999 Text ISBN: 0897895908| ISBN: 0585388261 10623 eng "Price: $101.95, ebook $62.50| Price: $101.95, ebook $62.50| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2004 Anecdotal theory "Gallop, Jane: Author" Feminist theory "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0822330016| ISBN: 0822330385 10624 eng "Added 2003 (Feminist theory)| Price: $69.95, paper $19.95| Price: $69.95, paper $19.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Worlds of knowing: global feminist epistemologies "Duran, Jane: Author" Feminist theory| Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415927390| ISBN: 0415927404 10625 eng "Added 2003 (Feminist theory)| Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $95.95, paper $28.95| Price: $95.95, paper $28.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Feminist theory today: an introduction to the political theories of second-wave feminism "Evans, Judith A.: Author" Feminist theory "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 1995 Text ISBN: 0803984790 10626 eng Price: $38.95| Price: $38.95 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 Feminism: critical concepts in literary and cultural studies "Evans, Mary: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415192838 10627 eng Price: $1075.00| Price: $1075.00 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 Introducing contemporary feminist thought "Evans, Mary: Author" Feminist theory "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 1997 Text ISBN: 0745614752| ISBN: 0745614760 10628 eng "Price: $80.95, paper $34.95| Price: $80.95, paper $34.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Beyond economic man: feminist theory and economics "Ferber, Marianne A.: Editor| Nelson, Julie A.: Editor" Feminist theory Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0226242013 10629 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/17/2004 "Essentially speaking: feminism, nature and difference" "Fuss, Diana: Author" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1990 Text ISBN: 0415901324| ISBN: 0415901332 10631 eng "Price: $30.00, paper $23.95| Price: $30.00, paper $23.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Provoking agents: theorizing gender and agency "Gardiner, Judith Kegan: Author" Feminist theory Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0252021320| ISBN: 0252064186 10632 eng "Price: $44.95, paper $18.95| Price: $44.95, paper $18.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Theorizing feminism: parallel trends in the humanities and social sciences "Hermann, Anne C.: Editor| Stewart, Abigail J.: Editor" Feminist theory "Boulder, Colorado: Westview" 2000 Text ISBN: 0813367883 10634 eng Price: $44.00| Price: $44.00 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 "Third wave agenda: being feminist, doing feminism" "Heywood, Leslie: Editor| Drake, Jennifer: Editor" Feminist theory Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0816630054 10635 eng Price: $17.95| Price: $17.95 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Conflicts in feminism "Hirsch, Marianne: Editor| Keller, Evelyn Fox: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1990 Text ISBN: 0415901782 10636 eng Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 Revisioning the political: feminist reconstructions of traditional concepts in western political theory "Hirschmann, Nancy: Editor| Di Stefano, Christine: Editor" Feminist theory "Boulder, Colorado: Westview" 1996 Text ISBN: 0813386403 10637 eng Price: paper $41.00| Price: paper $41.00 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 The dictionary of feminist theory "Humm, Maggie: Author" Feminist theory Columbus: Ohio State University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0814206662| ISBN: 0814206670 10638 eng "Price: $62.50, paper $22.95| Price: $62.50, paper $22.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 "Modern feminisms: political, literary, cultural" "Humm, Maggie: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Columbia University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0231080727| ISBN: 0231080735 10639 eng "Price: $66.00, paper $25.50| Price: $66.00, paper $25.50| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Contemporary feminist theories "Jackson, Stevi: Editor| Jones, Jackie: Editor" Feminist theory New York: New York University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0814742483| ISBN: 0814742491| ISBN: 0585123624 10640 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $22.00, ebook $64.00| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00, ebook $64.00" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 A companion to feminist philosophy "Jaggar, Alison M.: Editor| Young, Iris Marion: Editor" Feminist theory| Reference| Philosophy "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 1999 Text ISBN: 0631220674| ISBN: 0631227644 10641 eng "Added 2005 (Philosophy)| Price: paper $36.95, ebook $124.95| Price: paper $36.95, ebook $124.95| Essential title (Philosophy)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 American feminist thought at century's end: a reader "Kauffman, Linda S.: Editor" Feminist theory "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 1993 Text ISBN: 1557863474 10642 eng Price: paper $41.95| Price: paper $41.95 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 Sister outsider: essays and speeches "Lorde, Audre: Author" Feminist theory "Freedom, California: Crossing Press" 1984 Text ISBN: 0895941414 10643 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Toward a feminist theory of the state "MacKinnon, Catharine A.: Author" Feminist theory "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0674896459| ISBN: 0674896467 10644 eng "Price: $27.50, paper $17.50| Price: $27.50, paper $17.50| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminists rethink the self "Meyers, Diana T.: Editor" Feminist theory "Boulder, Colorado: Westview" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813320836 10645 eng Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism/postmodernism "Nicholson, Linda J.: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1990 Text ISBN: 041590059X 10646 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 The second wave: a reader in feminist theory "Nicholson, Linda J.: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415917603| ISBN: 0415917611 10647 eng "Price: $90.00, paper $30.95| Price: $90.00, paper $30.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 French feminism reader "Oliver, Kelly: Editor" Feminist theory| Philosophy "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2000 Text ISBN: 0847697665| ISBN: 0847697673 10648 eng "Price: $76.00, paper $24.95| Price: $76.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Philosophy)" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 2/17/2004 Feminist theory and the body reader "Price, Janet: Editor| Shildrick, Margrit: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415925665| ISBN: 0585102805| ISBN: 0415925657 10650 eng "Price: $95.00, paper $34.95, ebook $29.00| Price: $95.00, paper $34.95, ebook $29.00" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 Methodology of the oppressed "Sandoval, Chela: Author| Davis, Angela Y.: Author" Feminist theory Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0816627363| ISBN: 0816627371 10651 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and the politics of history "Scott, Joan W.: Author" Feminist theory New York: Columbia University Press 1988 | 1999 Text ISBN: 0231118570| ISBN: 0585387117 10652 eng "Price: $23.50, ebook $19.00| Price: $23.50, ebook $19.00" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist cultural theory: process and production "Skeggs, Beverley: Editor" Feminist theory New York: St. Martin's 1995 Text ISBN: 0719044707| ISBN: 0719044715 10653 eng "Price: $79.95, paper 27.95| Price: $79.95, paper 27.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist theory and cultural studies: stories of unsettled relations "Thornham, Sue: Author" Feminist theory New York: Edward Arnold 2001 Text ISBN: 0340718978| ISBN: 0340718986 10654 eng "Price: $80.00, paper $27.95| Price: $80.00, paper $27.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 "Feminism, theory, and the politics of difference" "Weedon, Chris: Author" Feminist theory "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 1999 Text ISBN: 0631198237| ISBN: 0631198245 10656 eng "Price: $89.95, paper $36.95| Price: $89.95, paper $36.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 "Modern feminist thought: from the second wave to ""post-feminism""" "Whelehan, Imelda: Author" Feminist theory New York: New York University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0814792995| ISBN: 0814793002 10657 eng "Price: $65.00, paper 22.00| Price: $65.00, paper 22.00" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 2/17/2004 The straight mind: and other essays "Wittig, Monique: Author" Feminist theory Boston: Beacon Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0807079170 10658 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00 "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library." 8/25/2003 Hitler's heroines: stardom and womanhood in Nazi cinema "Ascheid, Antje: Author" Film and television studies Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 156639984X 10659 eng "Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: $79.95, paper $19.95| Price: $79.95, paper $19.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Women and power: fighting patriarchy and poverty "Townsend, Janet G.: Author" Latin American women London: Zed Books 2000 Text ISBN: 1856498034| ISBN: 1856498042 10660 eng "Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $59.95, paper $22.50| Price: $59.95, paper $22.50" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 A feminist reader in early cinema "Bean, Jennifer: Editor| Negra, Diane: Editor" Film and television studies "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0822329999 10662 eng Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 "Women who run the show: how a brilliant and creative new generation of women stormed Hollywood, 1973-2000" "Gregory, Mollie: Author" Film and television studies New York: St. Martin 2002 Text ISBN: 0312301820 10665 eng Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 "The cinema of Kathryn Bigelow, Hollywood transgressor" "Jermyn, Deborah: Editor| Redmond, Sean: Editor" Film and television studies London: Wallflower 2003 Text ISBN: 1903364426 10666 eng Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Aftershocks of the new: feminism and film history "Petro, Patrice: Author" Film and television studies "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813529956| ISBN: 0813529964 10668 eng "Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: $58.00, paper $22.00| Price: $58.00, paper $22.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 All about Thelma and Eve: sidekicks and third wheels "Roof, Judith: Author" Film and television studies Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0252027280 10669 eng Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: $37.50| Price: $37.50 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Bored to distraction: cinema of excess in end-of-the century Mexico and Spain "Schaefer, Claudia: Author" Film and television studies Albany: State University of New York Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0312316348 10670 eng Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: Price: paper $19.95| Price: Price: paper $19.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/2/2004 Cinema and desire: feminist Marxism and cultural politics in the work of Dai Jinhua "Wang, Jung: Editor| Barlow, Tani E.: Editor" Film and television studies New York: Verso 2002 Text ISBN: 185984246X 10671 eng Added 2003 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Gendering the nation: Canadian women's cinema "Armitage, Kay: Author" Film and television studies Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0802041205 10673 eng Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 "Attack of the leading ladies: gender, sexuality, and spectatorship in classic horror cinema" "Berenstein, Rhona J.: Author" Film and television studies New York: Columbia University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0231084633 10674 eng Price: Price. paper $20.50| Price: Price. paper $20.50 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Screen tastes: soap opera to satellite dishes "Brunsdon, Charlotte: Author" Film and television studies| Popular culture New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 041512154x| ISBN: 0415121558 10675 eng "Price: $110.00, paper $32.95| Price: $110.00, paper $32.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/2/2004 Multiple voices in feminist film criticism "Carson, Diane: Editor| Dittmar, Linda: Editor| Welsch, Janice R.: Editor" Film and television studies Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0816622736 10676 eng Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Fast-talking dames "DiBattista, Maria: Author" Film and television studies "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0300088159| ISBN: 0300099037 10677 eng "Price: $35.00, paper $16.95| Price: $35.00, paper $16.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/2/2004 "Prime-time feminism: television, media culture, and the women's movement since 1970" "Dow, Bonnie J.: Author" Film and television studies| Popular culture| Mass media Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0812215540 10678 eng Added 2006 (Mass media)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 2/18/2004 Filming women in the Third Reich "Fox, Jo: Author" Film and television studies New York: Berg 2000 Text ISBN: 1859733964 10681 eng Price: paper $23.00| Price: paper $23.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/2/2004 Cracks in the pedestal: ideology and gender in Hollywood "Green, Philip: Author" Film and television studies Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1558491201| ISBN: 058083541 10682 eng "Price: paper $21.95, ebook $55.00| Price: paper $21.95, ebook $55.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/2/2004 Fatal women: lesbian sexuality and the mark of aggression "Hart, Lynda: Author" Film and television studies "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 069100093X 10683 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 From reverence to rape: the treatment of women in the movies "Haskell, Molly: Author" Film and television studies Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1987 Text ISBN: 0226318850 10684 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/2/2004 "Mexican cinema/Mexican woman, 1940/1950" "Hershfield, Joanne: Author" Film and television studies Tucson: University of Arizona press 1996 Text ISBN: 0816516375 10685 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 In the company of women: contemporary female friendship films "Hollinger, Karen: Author" Film and television studies Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0816631786 10686 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Gender and French cinema "Hughes, Alex: Editor| Williams, James S.: Editor" Film and television studies New York: Berg 2001 Text ISBN: 1859735754 10687 eng Price: $84.95| Price: $84.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Feminism and film "Humm, Maggie: Author" Film and television studies Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0253211468| ISBN: 058515645X 10688 eng "Price: paper $16.95, ebook $68.00| Price: paper $16.95, ebook $68.00| Essential title (Film and television studies)" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Women of vision: histories in feminist film and video "Juhasz, Alexandra: Editor" Film and television studies Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2001 Text ISBN: 081663372X 10690 eng Price: paper $23.50| Price: paper $23.50 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Feminism and film "Kaplan, E. Ann: Editor" Film and television studies Oxford: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0198782349 10691 eng Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist Hollywood: from Born in flames to Point Break "Lane, Christina: Author" Film and television studies Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0814329225 10693 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 The red velvet seat: women's writings on the cinema: the first fifty years "Lant, Antonia: Editor| Peritz, Ingrid: Editor" Film and television studies New York: W. W. Norton 2001 Text ISBN: 1859847226 10694 eng Price: $39.00| Price: $39.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Reel knockouts: violent women in the movies "McCaughey, Martha: Editor| King, Neal: Editor" Film and television studies Austin: University of Texas Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0292752512 10700 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Feminism without women: culture and criticism in a post feminist age "Modleski, Tania: Author" Film and television studies New York: Routledge 1991 Text ISBN: 041590417X 10701 eng Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Triangulated visions: women in recent German cinema "O'Sickey, Ingeborg Majer: Editor| von Zadow, Ingeborg: Editor" Film and television studies Albany: State University of New York Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0791437183 10703 eng Price: paper $24.50| Price: paper $24.50 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Feminisms in the cinema "Pietropaolo, Laura: Editor| Testaferri, Ada: Editor" Film and television studies Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0253209285 10704 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Recreational terror: women and the pleasure of horror film viewing "Pinedo, Isabel: Author" Film and television studies Albany: State University of New York Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0791434427| ISBN: 0585055297 10705 eng "Price: paper $18.95, ebook $44.50| Price: paper $18.95, ebook $44.50" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 "Redirecting the gaze: gender, theory, and cinema in the third world" "Robin, Diana: Editor| Jaffe, Ira: Editor" Film and television studies Albany: State University of New York Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0791439933| ISBN: 0585060142 10707 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $71.50| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $71.50" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 The talking cure: TV talk shows and women "Shattuc, Jane: Author" Film and television studies| Popular culture New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415910889 10709 eng Price: paper $28.95| Price: paper $28.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/3/2004 The acoustic mirror: the female voice in psychoanalysis and cinema "Silverman, Kaja: Author" Film and television studies Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1988 Text ISBN: 0253204747 10711 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Bad women: regulating sexuality in early American cinema "Staiger, Janet: Author" Film and television studies Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0816626251 10713 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Movie-struck girls: women and motion picture culture after the nickelodeon "Stamp, Shelley: Author" Film and television studies "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0691044570 10714 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Working girls: gender and sexuality in popular cinema "Tasker, Yvonne: Author" Film and television studies New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415140056| ISBN: 0415246253 10717 eng "Price: paper $31.95, ebook $70.00| Price: paper $31.95, ebook $70.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Jane Austen in Hollywood "Troost, Linda: Editor| Greenfield, Sayre: Editor" Film and television studies Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 2001 Text ISBN: 0813190061 10719 eng "Price: $35.00, paper $19.95| Price: $35.00, paper $19.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Fantasies of femininity: reframing the boundaries of sex "Ussher, Jane: Author" Film and television studies "Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813524989 10720 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 High contrast: race and gender in contemporary Hollywood film "Willis, Sharon: Author" Film and television studies "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0822320290| ISBN: 082232041X 10721 eng "Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Essential title (Film and television studies)" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 "Subjectivities, knowledges and feminist geographies: the subjects and ethics of social research" "Bondi, L.: Author" Geography and travel "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2002 Text ISBN: 0742515613| ISBN: 0742515621 10724 eng "Added 2003 (Geography and travel)| Price: $65.00, paper $34.95| Price: $65.00, paper $34.95" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 2/19/2004 No place for a lady: tales of adventurous women travelers "Hodgson, Barbara: Author" Geography and travel "Berkeley, California: Ten Speed Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1580084419 10725 eng Added 2003 (Geography and travel)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 8/25/2003 Gender; tourism; fun? "Swain, Margaret Byrne: Editor| Momsen, Janet Henshall: Editor" Geography and travel "Elmsford, New York: Cognizant Communication" 2002 Text ISBN: 188234538X| ISBN: 1882345398 10727 eng "Added 2003 (Geography and travel)| Price: $43.00, paper $35.00| Price: $43.00, paper $35.00" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 2/19/2004 The challenge of local feminisms: women's movements in global perspective "Basu, Amrita: Editor| McGrory, C. Elizabeth: Editor" "| History, International" "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0813326281 10728 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $45.00| Price: paper $45.00| Essential title (History, International)" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library.|Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/19/2004 BodySpace: destabilizing geographies of gender and sexuality "Duncan, Nancy: Author" Geography and travel New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415144418| ISBN: 0415144426 10730 eng "Price: $139.95, paper $39.95| Price: $139.95, paper $39.95" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/18/2004 "Gender, planning, and human rights" "Fenster, Tovi: Editor" Geography and travel New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415154952| ISBN: 0415154944 10731 eng "Price: $139.95, paper $40.95| Price: $139.95, paper $40.95" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 8/25/2003 "Women in global migration, 1945-2000: a comprehensive multidisciplinary bibliography" "Hofstetter, Eleanore O.: Author" Geography and travel "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0313318107| ISBN: 0313016941 10733 eng "Price: $120.95, ebook 109.95| Price: $120.95, ebook 109.95" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Full circles: geographies of women over the life course "Katz, Cindi: Editor| Monk, Janice J.: Editor" Geography and travel New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415075629 10734 eng Price: paper $37.95| Price: paper $37.95 "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 8/25/2003 Go girl: the Black woman's book of travel and adventure "Lee, Elaine: Editor" Geography and travel "Portland, Oregon: Eighth Mountain Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0933377436| ISBN: 0933377428 10735 eng "Price: $24.95, paper $16.95| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 2/18/2004 "Her space, her place: a geography of women" "Mazey, Mary Ellen: Author| Lee, David R.: Author" Geography and travel "Washington, D.C.: Association of American Geographers" 1983 Text ISBN: 0892911727 10737 eng Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Space, gender, knowledge: feminist readings" "McDowell, Linda: Editor| Sharp, Joanne P.: Editor" Geography and travel New York: Wiley 1997 Text ISBN: 034070019X| ISBN: 0340677929 10738 eng "Price: $85.00, paper $45.00| Price: $85.00, paper $45.00" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/18/2004 "Different places, different voices: gender and development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America" "Momsen, Janet Henshall.: Editor| Kinnaird, Vivian: Editor" Geography and travel New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415075637 10739 eng Price: paper $38.95| Price: paper $38.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist geography in practice: research and methods "Moss, Pamela J.: Editor" Geography and travel "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 0631220194| ISBN: 0631220208 10740 eng "Price: $90.95, paper $41.95| Price: $90.95, paper $41.95" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Unsuitable for ladies: an anthology of women travelers "Robinson, Jane: Author" Geography and travel Rev. ed New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0192802011 10742 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 2/18/2004 Feminism and geography: the limits of geographical knowledge "Rose, Gillian: Author" Geography and travel Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0816624178| ISBN: 0816624186 10743 eng "Price: $44.95, paper $17.95| Price: $44.95, paper $17.95| Essential title (Geography and travel)" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 8/25/2003 Putting women in place: feminist geographers make sense of the world "Seager, Joni: Author| Domosh, Mona: Author" Geography and travel "New York: Guilford Publications, Inc." 2001 Text ISBN: 1572306688 10744 eng Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00| Essential title (Geography and travel) "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Dangerous intersections: feminist perspectives on population, environment and development" "Silliman, Jael: Editor| King, Ynestra: Editor" Geography and travel "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0896085988| ISBN: 089608597X 10745 eng "Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 8/25/2003 Moving lives: twentieth century women's travel writing "Smith, Sidonie: Author" Geography and travel Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0816628742| ISBN: 0816628750 10746 eng "Price: $72.00, paper $24.00| Price: $72.00, paper $24.00" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 2/18/2004 Gender and migration "Sweetman, Caroline: Editor" Geography and travel London: Oxfam Publishing 1998 Text ISBN: 085598399X 10748 eng Price: $12.95| Price: $12.95 "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender, health, and healing: the public/private divide" "Bendelow, Gillian: Editor| Vautier, Caroline: Author| Carpenter, Mick: Author" Health New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415235731 10751 eng Added 2003 (Health)| Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 This side of doctoring: reflections from women in medicine "Chin, Eliza Lo: Editor" Health "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2002 Text ISBN: 0761923543| ISBN: 0761923551 10752 eng "Added 2003 (Health)| Price: $38.95, paper $17.95| Price: $38.95, paper $17.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 "Into our own hands: the women's health movement in the United States, 1969-1990" "Morgen, Sandra: Author" Health| Feminist movements in the United States "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813530709| ISBN: 0813530717 10763 eng "Added 2003 (Health)| Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.00| Price: $60.00, paper $24.00| Essential title (Health)| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries.| Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library" 8/25/2003 "Women, body, illness: space and identity in the everyday lives of women with chronic illness" "Moss, Pamela: Editor| Dyck, Isabel: Editor" Health "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2002 Text ISBN: 0847695433| ISBN: 0847695441 10764 eng "Added 2003 (Health)| Price: $80.00, paper $27.95| Price: $80.00, paper $27.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Engendering international health: the challenge of equity "Sen, Gita: Editor| George, Asha: Editor| Ostlin, Piroska: Editor" Health "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0262194694| ISBN: 0262692732 10766 eng "Added 2003 (Health)| Price: $75.00, paper $30.00| Price: $75.00, paper $30.00" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 The African American woman's health book: a guide to the prevention and cure of illness "Alcena, Valiere: Author" Health "Fort Lee, New Jersey: Barricade Books" 2001 Text ISBN: 1569802009| ISBN: 1569802017 10768 eng "Price: $39.95, paper $24.95| Price: $39.95, paper $24.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Bodies out of bounds: fatness and transgression "Braziel, Jana Evans: Editor| LeBesco, Kathleen: Editor" Health Berkeley: University of California 2001 Text ISBN: 0520217462| ISBN: 0520225856 10769 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $22.50| Price: $55.00, paper $22.50" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 "Revisioning women, health, and healing" "Clarke, Adele: Editor| Olesen, Virginia L.: Editor" Health New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415918464 10771 eng Price: $30.95| Price: $30.95| Essential title (Health) "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Women and health in America: historical readings "Leavitt, Judith Walzer: Editor" Health 2d ed Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0299159647 10775 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95| Essential title (Health) "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Gender and the social construction of illness "Lorber, Judith: Author" Health 2d ed "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2002 Text ISBN: 0759102376| ISBN: 0759102384 10776 eng "Price: $75.00, paper $27.95| Price: $75.00, paper $27.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 3/8/2004 Dr. Susan love's breast book "Love, Susan M.: Author" Health "4th ed, fully rev." "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Da Capo Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0738209732 10777 eng Added 2006 (Health)| Price: $22.00| Price: $22.00| Essential title (Health) "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 "Fetal subjects, feminist positions" "Morgan, Lynn M.: Editor| Michaels, Meredith W.: Editor" Health Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1999 Text ISBN: 081221689X 10779 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 For women only: your guide to health empowerment "Null, Gary: Author| Seaman, Barbara: Author" Health New York: Seven Stories 1999 Text ISBN: 1583220151| ISBN: 1583222782 10780 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $29.95| Price: $49.95, paper $29.95| Essential title (Health)" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Smoking and pregnancy: the politics of fetal protection "Oaks, Laury: Author" Health "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813528879| ISBN: 0813528887 10781 eng "Price: $115.00, paper $22.00| Price: $115.00, paper $22.00" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Sensing the self: women's recovery from bulimia "Reindl, Sheila M.: Author" Health "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0674004876| ISBN: 0674010116 10783 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Women's health: complexities and differences "Ruzek, Sheryl Burt: Editor| Oleson, Virginia L.: Editor| Clark, Adele E.: Editor" Health Columbus: Ohio State University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0814207049| ISBN: 0814207057 10784 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $23.95| Price: $55.00, paper $23.95| Essential title (Health)" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Bodies of technology: women's involvement with reproductive medicine "Saetnan, Ann Rudinow: Editor| Oudshoorn, Nelly: Editor| Kirejczyk, Marta: Editor" Health Columbus: Ohio State University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0814208460| ISBN: 0814250505 10785 eng "Price: $78.95, paper $27.95| Price: $78.95, paper $27.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Biology of women "Sloane, Ethel: Author" Health 4th ed "Albany, New York: Delmar Thomson Learning" 2002 Text ISBN: 0766811425 10786 eng Price: $107.95 | Price: $107.95 "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/20/2004 "AIDS, sexuality and gender in Africa: collective strategies and struggles in Tanzania and Zambia" "Baylies, Carolyn: Author| Bujra, Janet: Author" HIV and AIDS New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 1841420247| ISBN: 1841420271 10789 eng "Added 2003 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $150.00, paper $48.95| Price: $150.00, paper $48.95" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/19/2004 "A survivors guide for single women, a common sense approach from an HIV positive woman" "Cusack, Barbara A: Editor" HIV and AIDS Orlando: Y. Choser Desktop Publishing 2001 Text ISBN: 097140450X 10791 eng Added 2003 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: paper $8.00| Price: paper $8.00 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 African American women and HIV/AIDS: critical responses "Gilbert, Dorie J.: Editor| Wright, Ednita M.: Editor" HIV and AIDS| Health "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 2003 Text ISBN: 0275971279 10792 eng Added 2003 (HIV and AIDS)| Added 2004 (Health)| Price: $78.95| Price: $78.95 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library.| Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 "Encyclopedia of AIDS: a social, political, cultural, and scientific record of the HIV epidemic" "Smith, Raymond A.: Author" HIV and AIDS "New York: Penguin Putnam, Inc." 2001 Text ISBN: 0140514864 10793 eng Added 2003 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $185.00| Price: $185.00| Essential title (HIV and AIDS) "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 Telling my story: women with HIV speak out about their lives: a research report from the Metro DC Collaborative for Women with HIV/AIDS "Wolfe, Leslie R.: Author| Smooth, Wendy: Author| Renteria, Rose Ann: Author" HIV and AIDS "Washington, D.C.: Center for Women Policy Studies" 1999 Text ISBN: 1877966711 10794 eng Added 2003 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 Breaking the walls of silence: AIDS and women in a New York State maximum-security prison Bedford Hills Correctional Facility; A.C.E. Program: Author HIV and AIDS New York: Overlook Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0879515007 10795 eng Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 Guide to the clinical care of women with HIV "Anderson, Jean: Author" HIV and AIDS "Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office" 2000 Text ISBN: 0160503949 10796 eng Price: $52.00| Price: $52.00| Essential title (HIV and AIDS) "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 The personal and the political: women's activism in response to the breast cancer and AIDS epidemics "Boehmer, Ulrike: Author" HIV and AIDS| Health Albany: State University of New York 2000 Text ISBN: 0791445496| ISBN: 079144550X 10798 eng "Price: $20.50, paper $19.95| Price: $20.50, paper $19.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries.| Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, families, and HIV/AIDS: a sociological perspective on the epidemic in America" "Campbell, Carole A.: Author" HIV and AIDS New York: Cambridge University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0521566797 10799 eng Price: paper $23.99| Price: paper $23.99 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/14/2004 Gender politics of HIV/AIDS in women: perspectives on the pandemic in the United States "Goldstein, Nancy: Editor| Manlowe, Jennifer L.: Editor" HIV and AIDS New York: New York University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0814730949| ISBN: 0814730930 10800 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $22.00| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00| Essential title (HIV and AIDS)" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 "Women take care, gender, race, and the culture of AIDS" "Hogan, Katie: Author" HIV and AIDS Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0801436273| ISBN: 0801487536 10801 eng "Price: $45.95, paper $19.95| Price: $45.95, paper $19.95" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, drug use, and HIV infection" "Stevens, Sally J.: Editor| Tortu, Stephanie: Editor| Coyle, Susan L.: Editor" HIV and AIDS Binghamton: Haworth Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0789003511| ISBN: 0789005271 10803 eng "Price: $90.00, paper $30.00| Price: $90.00, paper $30.00" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 Childhood trauma and HIV: women at risk "Whitmire, Laura E.: Author" HIV and AIDS Philadelphia: Brunner/Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0876309473 10804 eng Price: $75.95| Price: $75.95 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 8/25/2003 "Secularism, gender and the state in the Middle East: the Egyptian women's movement" "Al-Ali, Nadje: Author" "History, International| Middle Eastern women" New York: Cambridge University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0521780225| ISBN: 0521785049| ISBN: 0511018738 10805 eng "Added 2003 (History, International)| Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $85.00, paper $32.99, ebook $24.00| Price: $85.00, paper $32.99, ebook $24.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans.| Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 "Emancipating the female sex: the struggle for women's rights in Brazil, 1850-1940" "Hahner, June Edith: Author" "History, International" "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0822310511| ISBN: 0822310694 10806 eng "Added 2003 (History, International)| Price: $69.95, paper $21.95| Price: $69.95, paper $21.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 Global feminisms since 1945: a survey of issues and controversies "Smith, Bonnie G: Editor" "History, International" New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415184908| ISBN: 0415184916 10807 eng "Added 2003 (History, International)| Price: $125.00, paper $40.95| Price: $125.00, paper $40.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 Free women of Spain: anarchism and the struggle for the emancipation of women "Ackelsberg, Martha A.: Author" "History, International" Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0253301203| ISBN: 0253206340| ISBN: 058502622X 10808 eng "Price: $42.00, paper $28.95, ebook $42.00| Price: $42.00, paper $28.95, ebook $42.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 Engendering democracy in Brazil: women's movements in transition politics "Alvarez, Sonia E.: Author" "History, International" "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0691023255 10809 eng Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 "Joyous greetings: the first international women's movement, 1830-1860" "Anderson, Bonnie S.: Author" "History, International" New York: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0195143973 10810 eng "Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95| Essential title (History, International)" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "Feminists, Islam, and nation: gender and the making of modern Egypt" "Badran, Margot: Author" "History, International" "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 069103706X| ISBN: 069102605X| ISBN: 1400810868 10811 eng "Price: $72.50, paper $23.95, ebook $72.50| Price: $72.50, paper $23.95, ebook $72.50" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 "Burdens of history: British feminists, Indian women, and imperial culture, 1865-1915" "Burton, Antoinette M.: Author" "History, International" Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0807844713| ISBN: 0807860654 10813 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $59.95| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $59.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 "English feminism, 1780-1980" "Caine, Barbara: Author" "History, International" New York: Oxford University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0198206860| ISBN: 0198204345 10814 eng "Price: $180.00, paper $65.00| Price: $180.00, paper $65.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 Feminismo!: the woman's movement in Argentina from its beginnings to Eva Peron "Carlson, Marifran: Author" "History, International" Chicago: Academy Chicago Publications 1988 Text ISBN: 0897331524| ISBN: 089733180X 10815 eng "Price: $25.00, paper $13.95| Price: $25.00, paper $13.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Human rights of women: national and international perspectives "Cook, Rebecca J.: Author" "History, International" Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0812215389| ISBN: 0585120390 10816 eng "Price: paper $26.50, ebook $22.95| Price: paper $26.50, ebook $22.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women in world politics: an introduction "D'Amico, Francine: Author| Beckman, Peter R.: Author" "History, International" "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 1995 Text ISBN: 0897894103| ISBN: 0897894111 10817 eng "Price: $93.95, paper $31.95| Price: $93.95, paper $31.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 "Cross currents in the international women's movement, 1848-1948" "D'ltri, Patricia Ward: Author" "History, International" "Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0879727810| ISBN: 0879727829 10818 eng "Price: $51.95, paper $25.95| Price: $51.95, paper $25.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Feminism in France: from May '68 to Mitterrand "Duchen, Claire: Author" "History, International" Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1986 Text ISBN: 0710204558 10819 eng Price: paper $20.99| Price: paper $20.99 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 "Feminism in Russia, 1900-17" "Edmondson, Linda Harriet: Author" "History, International" "Stanford, California: Stanford University Press" 1984 Text ISBN: 0804712123 10820 eng Price: $49.00| Price: $49.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "Out of the shadows: women, resistance and politics in South America" "Fisher, Jo: Author" "History, International" New York: Monthly Review Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0853458731 10821 eng Price: $19.00| Price: $19.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 The women's movement in Latin America: participation and democracy "Jaquette, Jane S.: Editor" "History, International" "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0813384885 10822 eng Price: paper $36.00| Price: paper $36.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Muslim women throughout the world: a bibliography with selected annotations "Kimball, Michelle R.: Author| von Schlegell, Barbara R.: Author" "History, International" "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 1997 Text ISBN: 1555876803| ISBN: 0585172404 10823 eng "Price: $75.00, ebook $75.00| Price: $75.00, ebook $75.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "Women, feminism and social change in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, 1890-1940" "Lavrin, Asuncion: Author" "History, International" Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1995 Text ISBN: 080322897X| ISBN: 0803279736| ISBN: 0585300674 10824 eng "Price: $70.00, paper $29.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $70.00, paper $29.95, ebook $50.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 The eloquence of silence: Algerian women in question "Lazreg, Marnia: Author" "History, International" New York: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415907314 10825 eng Price: paper $30.00| Price: paper $30.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 The Costa Rican women's movement: a reader "Leitinger, Ilse A.: Editor" "History, International" "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0822955431 10826 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Golden cables of sympathy: the transatlantic sources of nineteenth-century feminism "McFadden, Margaret H.: Author" "History, International" Lexington: University of Kentucky Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0813121175 10827 eng "Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00| Essential title (History, International)" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Sisterhood is global: the international women's movement anthology "Morgan, Robin: Editor" "History, International" New York: Feminist Press at The City University of New York 1996 Text ISBN: 1558611606 10828 eng "Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (History, International)" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/19/2004 Women and politics worldwide "Nelson, Barbara J.: Editor| Chowdhury, Najma: Editor" "History, International" "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0300054084 10829 eng "Price: paper $49.95| Price: paper $49.95| Essential title (History, International)" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "European feminisms, 1700-1950: a political history" "Offen, Karen M.: Author" "History, International" "Stanford, California: Stanford University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0804734194| ISBN: 0804734208 10830 eng "Price: $75.00, paper $25.95| Price: $75.00, paper $25.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "Women's rights, human rights: international feminist perspectives" "Peters, Julie: Author| Wolper, Andrea: Author" "History, International" New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415909953 10831 eng Price: paper $36.95| Price: paper $36.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "Women and the women's movement in Britain, 1914-1999" "Pugh, Martin: Author" "History, International" New York: St. Martin's Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0312234910 10832 eng Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Women's activism in contemporary Russia "Racioppi, Linda: Author| See, Katherine O'Sullivan: Author" "History, International" Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 1566395208| ISBN: 1566395216 10833 eng "Price: $59.95, paper $22.95| Price: $59.95, paper $22.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Viva: women and popular protest in Latin America "Radcliffe, Sarah A.: Editor| Westwood, Sallie: Editor" "History, International" New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415073138 10834 eng Price: paper $40.95| Price: paper $40.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Fields of protest: women's movements in India "Ray, Raka: Author" "History, International" Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1999 Text ISBN: 081663131X| ISBN: 0816631328 10835 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "A German women's movement: class and gender in Hanover, 1880-1933" "Reagin, Nancy R.: Author" "History, International" Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0807845256| ISBN: 0585027951 10836 eng "Price: paper $24.50, ebook $59.95| Price: paper $24.50, ebook $59.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Worlds of women: the making of an international women's movement "Rupp, Leila J.: Author" "History, International" "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0691016755 10837 eng Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Flowers in salt: the beginnings of feminist consciousness in modern Japan "Sievers, Sharon L.: Author" "History, International" "Stanford, California: Stanford University Press" 1983 Text ISBN: 0804713820 10838 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 Feminisms and internationalism "Sinha, Mrinalini: Editor| Guy, Donna: Editor| Woollacott, Angela: Editor" "History, International" Oxford: Blackwell 1999 Text ISBN: 0631209190 10839 eng Price: $36.95| Price: $36.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 British feminism in the twentieth century "Smith, Harold L.: Editor" "History, International" Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0870237055 10840 eng Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 The European women's almanac "Snyder, Paula: Editor" "History, International" New York: Columbia University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0231080646 10841 eng "Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00| Essential title (History, International)" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "The women's liberation movement in Russia: feminism, nihilism, and bolshevism, 1860-1930" "Stites, Richard: Author" "History, International" "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0691100586 10842 eng Price: $52.50| Price: $52.50 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "From the house to the streets: the Cuban woman's movement for legal reform, 1898-1940" "Stoner, K. Lynn: Author" "History, International" "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0822311313| ISBN: 0822311496 10843 eng "Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 Hidden histories of gender and the state in Latin America "Dore, Elizabeth: Editor| Molyneux, Maxine: Editor" "Politics, International" "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0822324342| ISBN: 0822324695| ISBN: 0822380234 10844 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95, ebook $89.95| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95, ebook $89.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Global democracy, social movements and feminism" "Eschle, Catherine: Author" "Politics, International" "Boulder, Colorado: Westview" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813391490 10845 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $33.00| Price: $33.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Radical women in Latin America: left and right "Gonzalez, Victoria: Author| Kampwirth, Karen: Author" "Politics, International" University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0271021004| ISBN: 0271021012| ISBN: 0271023759 10850 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $59.00, paper $21.00, ebook $55.00.| Price: $59.00, paper $21.00, ebook $55.00." "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Gendering ethnicity: implications for democracy assistance "Handrahan, Lori M.: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415932521 10853 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Wild politics: feminism, globalisation, bio/diversity" "Hawthorne, Susan: Author" Ecofeminism "North Melbourne, Victoria: Spinifex Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1876756241 10854 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/26/2004 Women and political power: Europe since 1945 "Henig, Ruth B.: Author| Henig, Simon: Author" "Politics, International" London: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415198518| ISBN: 0415198526| ISBN: 0203171888 10855 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $95.00, paper $25.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $95.00, paper $25.95, ebook $50.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender and sovereignty: feminism, the state and international relations" "Hoffman, John: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave 2002 Text ISBN: 033375140X 10856 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $105.00| Price: $105.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women who speak for peace "Kelley, Colleen E.: Editor| Eblen, Anna L.: Editor" "Politics, International" Peace and international relations. "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2002 Text ISBN: 0742508749| ISBN: 0742508757 10859 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $81.00, paper $27.95| Price: $81.00, paper $27.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender, globalization, and democratization" "Kelly, Rita Mae: Editor" "Politics, International" "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2001 Text ISBN: 074250977X| ISBN: 0742509788| ISBN: 0585384657 10860 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $88.00, paper $29.95, ebook $75.00| Price: $88.00, paper $29.95, ebook $75.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Encompassing gender: integrating international studies and women's studies "Lay, Mary M.: Editor| Monk, Janice: Editor| Rosenfelt, Deborah S.: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York 2002 Text ISBN: 1558612696 10862 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: paper $28.95| Price: paper $28.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "State feminism, women's movements, and job training: making democracies work in the global economy" "Mazur, Amy: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0815334389 10864 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women's movements in international perspective: Latin America and beyond "Molyneux, Maxine: Author" "History, International" "Washington, D.C.: Institute of Latin American Studies" 2003 Text ISBN: 1900039583 10865 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 Gendering the international "Odysseos, Louiza: Editor| Seckinelgin, Hakan: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Text ISBN: 0333987136 10867 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/14/2004 "Women, politics and change" "Ross, Karen: Editor" "Politics, International" Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0198515413| ISBN: 0871548852 10872 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $41.00, paper $19.95| Price: $41.00, paper $19.95| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women resist globalization: mobilizing for livelihood and rights "Rowbotham, Sheila: Editor| Linkogle, Stephanie: Editor" "Politics, International" Women's rights worldwide. London: Zed Books 2001 Text ISBN: 185649876X| ISBN: 1856498778 10873 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $75.00, paper $27.50| Price: $75.00, paper $27.50" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "City requiem, Calcutta: gender and the politics of poverty" "Roy, Ananya: Author" "Politics, International" Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0816639329| ISBN: 0816639337 10874 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $70.50, paper $23.50| Price: $70.50, paper $23.50" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Multicultural jurisdictions: cultural differences and women's rights "Sachar, Ayelet: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Cambridge University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0521772095| ISBN: 0521776740| ISBN: 0511040806 10877 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $70.00, paper $27.99, ebook $65.00| Price: $70.00, paper $27.99, ebook $65.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women's political and social thought: an anthology "Smith, Hilda L: Editor| Carroll, Berenice A.: Editor" "Politics, International" Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0253337585| ISBN: 0253213967 10878 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender, peace and conflict" "Skjelsbaek, Inger: Editor| Smith, Dan: Editor" "Politics, International" "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 2001 Text ISBN: 0761968520| ISBN: 0761968539 10879 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $141.00, paper $50.95| Price: $141.00, paper $50.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, political philosophy and politics" "Sperling, Liz: Author" "Politics, International" Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0748611088 10880 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $29.00| Price: $29.00| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women and power in the Middle East "Joseph, Suad: Author| Slyomovics, Susan: Author" "Politics, International| Middle Eastern women" Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0812217497 10882 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Middle Eastern women)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 8/25/2003 Gendering world politics: issues and approaches in the post-Cold War era "Tickner, J. Ann: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Columbia University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0231113668| ISBN: 0231113676| ISBN: 0231506716 10884 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $73.50, paper $22.00, ebook $45.00| Price: $73.50, paper $22.00, ebook $45.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 Women and politics in Uganda "Tripp, Aili Mari: Author" "Politics, International| African women" Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0299164802| ISBN: 0299164845 10885 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Tompkins, Heather: Carleton College. Library." 8/25/2003 Gender politics in the Asia-Pacific region "Yeoh, Brenda S. A.: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 041520660X 10887 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, International)| Price: $145.00| Price: $145.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 8/25/2003 "Nightwork: sexuality, pleasure, and corporate masculinity in a Tokyo hostess club" "Allison, Anne: Author" East Asian women Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0226014878 10888 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $18.00| Price: $18.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Permitted and prohibited desires: mothers, comics, and censorship in Japan" "Allison, Anne: Author" East Asian women Berkeley: University of California Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0520219902 10889 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95| Essential title (East Asian women) "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Voices from the Japanese women's movement "AMPO, Japan Asia Quarterly Review Staff: Editor" East Asian women "Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc." 1996 Text ISBN: 1563247259| ISBN: 1563247267 10890 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $90.95, paper $29.95| Price: $90.95, paper $29.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Women living Zen: Japanese Soto Buddhist Nuns "Arai, Paula K. R.: Author" East Asian women "Cary, North Carolina: Oxford University Press, Inc." 1999 Text ISBN: 019512393X 10891 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Recreating Japanese women, 1600-1945" "Bernstein, Gail Lee: Editor" East Asian women "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0520070178 10892 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Japanese girls and women "Bacon, Alice Mabel: Author" East Asian women London: Kegan Paul International 2000 Text ISBN: 0710306911| ISBN: 1410215067 10893 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $144.50, paper $29.50| Price: $144.50, paper $29.50" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Embracing the firebird: Yosano Akiko and the rebirth of the female voice in modern Japanese poetry "Beichman, Janine: Author" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0824822080| ISBN: 0824823478 10894 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $55.00, paper $23.95| Price: $55.00, paper $23.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Broken silence: voices of Japanese feminism "Buckley, Sandra: Editor" East Asian women University of California Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0520085132| ISBN: 0520085140 10895 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $45.00, paper $24.95| Price: $45.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (East Asian women)" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Lost leaves: women writers of Meiji Japan "Copeland, Rebecca: Author" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0824822919 10896 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The father-daughter plot: Japanese literary women and the law of the father "Copeland, Rebecca: Editor| Ramirez-Christensen, Esperanza: Editor" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0824821726| ISBN: 0824824385 10897 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $65.00, paper $27.00| Price: $65.00, paper $27.00" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Steel butterflies: Japanese women and the American experience "Diggs, Nancy Brown: Author" East Asian women New York: State University of New York Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0791436233| ISBN: 0791436241 10898 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $20.50, paper $19.95| Price: $20.50, paper $19.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Japanese women fiction writers: their culture and society, 1890's to 1990's" "Fairbanks, Carol: Author" East Asian women "Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: Scarecrow Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0810840863 10899 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $115.00| Price: $115.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Japanese women: new feminist perspectives on the past, present, and future" "Fujimura-Fanselow, Kumiko: Editor| Kameda, Atsuko: Editor" East Asian women New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York 1995 Text ISBN: 1558610936| ISBN: 1558610944 10900 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $45.00, paper $16.95| Price: $45.00, paper $16.95| Essential title (East Asian women)" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Women in Japanese society: an annotated bibliography of selected English language materials "Huber, Kristina R.: Author" East Asian women "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 1992 Text ISBN: 0313252963 10901 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $109.05| Price: $109.05 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Japanese women working "Hunter, Janet: Editor" East Asian women "Florence, Kentucky: Routledge" 1995 Text ISBN: 0415127912 10902 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $37.95| Price: $37.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Re-imaging Japanese women "Imamura, Anne E.: Editor" East Asian women Berkeley: University of California Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0520202635 10903 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: paper $27.50| Price: paper $27.50 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Urban Japanese housewives: at home and in the community "Imamura, Anne E.: Author" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0824814991 10904 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $12.75| Price: $12.75 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The Japanese woman: traditional image and changing reality "Iwao, Sumiko: Author" East Asian women Simon and Schuster Adult Publishing Group 1998 Text ISBN: 0684863936 10905 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: paper $19.50| Price: paper $19.50 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Family change and housing in post-war Japanese society: the experiences of older women "Izuhara, Misa: Author" East Asian women "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2000 Text ISBN: 0754612848 10906 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $109.95| Price: $109.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Acting like a woman in modern Japan: theatre, gender, and nationalism" "Kano, Ayako: Author" East Asian women New York: Palgrave Macmillian 2001 Text ISBN: 0312239971| ISBN: 0312292910 10907 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $89.95, paper $35.00| Price: $89.95, paper $35.00" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Women on the verge: Japanese women, western dreams" "Kelsky, Karen: Author" East Asian women "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0822328054| ISBN: 082232816X 10908 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 The outsider within: ten essays on modern Japanese women writers "Kurabayashi, Tomoko: Editor| Terasawa, Mizuho: Editor" East Asian women "Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: University Press of America" 2002 Text ISBN: 0761822437 10909 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $59.00| Price: $59.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Manchurian legacy: memoirs of a Japanese colonist "Kuramoto, Kazuko: Author" East Asian women "Michigan, Illinois: Michigan State University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0870135104| ISBN: 0870137255 10910 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $31.95, paper $19.95| Price: $31.95, paper $19.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Women and Japanese management: discrimination and reform "Lam, Alice C.: Author" East Asian women "Florence, Kentucky: Routledge" 1992 Text ISBN: 0415063353 10911 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Bicycle citizens: the political world of the Japanese housewife "LeBlanc, Robin M.: Author" East Asian women "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0520212908| ISBN: 0520212916 10912 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $50.00, paper $18.00| Price: $50.00, paper $18.00" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Japanese women: constraint and fulfillment "Lebra, Takie S.: Author" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0824810252 10913 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Interracial intimacy in Japan: western men and Japanese women, 1543-1900" "Leupp, Gary P.: Author" East Asian women New York: Continuum 2003 Text ISBN: 0826460747 10914 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $170.00| Price: $170.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 Office ladies/factory women: life and work at a Japanese company "Lo, Jeannie: Author" East Asian women "Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc." 1990 Text ISBN: 0873325982| ISBN: 0873325990 10915 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $56.95, paper $25.95| Price: $56.95, paper $25.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 The modern Madame Butterfly: fantasy and reality in Japanese cross-cultural relationships "Ma, Karen: Author" East Asian women Boston: Tuttle Publishing 1996 Text ISBN: 0804820414 10916 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Under the Gaijin gaze: essays on the education and attitudes of Japanese college women "Metraux, Daniel: Author" East Asian women "Lincoln, Nebraska: iUniverse, Inc." 2001 Text ISBN: 0595194052 10917 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $12.95| Price: $12.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The mountain is moving: Japanese women's lives "Morley, Patricia: Author" East Asian women New York University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0814756263 10918 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Office ladies and salaried men: power, gender, and work in Japanese companies" "Ogasawara, Yuko: Author" East Asian women "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0520210441 10919 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Kimono in the boardroom: the invisible evolution of Japanese women managers "Renshaw, Jean R.: Author" East Asian women "Cary, North Carolina: Oxford University Press, Inc." 1999 Text ISBN: 0195117654 10920 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $59.50| Price: $59.50 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Takarazuka: sexual politics and popular culture in modern Japan "Robertson, Jennifer Ellen: Author" East Asian women| Popular culture "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0520211510 10921 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (East Asian women) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Gambling with virtue: Japanese women and the search for self in a changing nation "Rosenberger, Nancy Ross: Author" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0824823885 10922 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: paper $26.00| Price: paper $26.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 "The new Japanese woman: modernity, media, and women in interwar Japan" "Sato, Barbara Hamill: Author" East Asian women "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0822330083| ISBN: 082233044X 10923 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 The women's hand: gender and theory in Japanese women's writing "Schalow, Paul Gordon: Editor| Walker, Janet: Editor" East Asian women "Palo Alto, California: Stanford University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0804727228| ISBN: 0804727236 10924 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $80.00, paper $34.95| Price: $80.00, paper $34.95| Essential title (East Asian women)" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Yoshiwara: the glittering world of the Japanese courtesan "Seigle, Cecilia S.: Author" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0824814886 10925 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $38.00| Price: $38.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, media, and consumption in Japan" "Skov, Lise: Editor| Moeran, Brian: Editor" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0824817753| ISBN: 0824817761 10926 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Essential title (East Asian women)" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Under the shadow of nationalism: politics and poetics of rural Japanese women "Tamanoi, Mariko Asano: Author" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0824819446| ISBN: 0824820045 10927 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $52.00, paper $30.00| Price: $52.00, paper $30.00" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Women and class in Japanese history "Tonomura, Hitomi: Editor| Walthall, Anne: Editor| Haruko Wakita: editor" East Asian women "Michigan monograph studies in Japanese studies, volume 25" "Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Japanese Studies" 1999 Text ISBN: 0939512912 10928 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $44.95| Price: $44.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Flowering in the shadows: women in the history of Chinese and Japanese painting "Weidner, Marsha: Editor" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0824811496 10929 eng Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $39.00| Price: $39.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Sandakan brothel no. 8: an episode in the history of lower-class Japanese women "Yamazaki, Tomoko: Author| Colligan-Taylor, Karen: Author" East Asian women "Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc." 1998 Text ISBN: 0765603535| ISBN: 0765603543 10930 eng "Added 2003 (East Asian Women)| Price: $77.95, paper $25.95| Price: $77.95, paper $25.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 "Doing comparable worth: gender, class and pay equity" "Acker, Joan: Author" Labor Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0877226210| ISBN: 0877228345 10931 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $44.50, paper $24.95| Price: $44.50, paper $24.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "America's working women: a documentary history, 1600 to the present" "Baxandall, Rosalyn Fraad: Editor| Gordon, Linda: Editor| Reverby, Susan: Editor" Labor New York: W. W. Norton 1995 Text ISBN: 0393312623 10932 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Between feminism and labor: the significance of the comparable worth movement "Blum, Linda M.: Author" Labor Berkeley: University of California Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0520072596 10933 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Added 2003 (Family)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 8/25/2003 Disposable domestics: immigrant women workers in the global economy "Chang, Grace: Author" Labor "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0896086186| ISBN: 0896086178 10934 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/19/2004 Dishing it out: waitresses and their unions in the twentieth century "Cobble, Dorothy Sue: Author" Labor Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0252061861 10935 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $21.00| Price: paper $21.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Rights not roses: unions and the rise of working-class feminism "Deslippe, Dennis A.: Author" Labor "Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0252025199| ISBN: 0252068343 10936 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $49.95, paper $21.95| Price: $49.95, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Halving it all: how equally shared parenting works "Deutsch, Francine M.: Author" Labor "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0674368002| ISBN: 0674002091 10937 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Nickel and dimed: on (not) getting by in America "Ehrenreich, Barbara: Author" Labor New York: Henry Holt 2001 Text ISBN: 0805063889| ISBN: 0805063897 10938 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $23.00, paper $13.00| Price: $23.00, paper $13.00| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Wage justice: comparable worth and the paradox of technocratic reform "Evans, Sara M.: Author| Nelson, Barbara J.: Author" Labor Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0226222594| ISBN: 0226222608 10939 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $35.00, paper $18.00| Price: $35.00, paper $18.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Taking time: parental leave policy and corporate culture "Fried, Mindy: Author" Labor Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1566396468 10940 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $51.50, paper $21.95| Price: $51.50, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Just a temp "Henson, Kevin Daniel: Author" Labor Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 156639385X| ISBN: 1566393868 10941 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $71.50, paper $16.95| Price: $71.50, paper $16.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Working women in America: split dreams "Hesse-Biber, Sharlene: Author| Carter, Gregg Lee: Author" Labor New York: Oxford University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0195110242| ISBN: 0195110250 10942 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $59.95, paper $40.00| Price: $59.95, paper $40.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 The second shift "Hochschild, Arlie Russell: Author| Machung, Anne: Author" Labor| Family New York: Penguin Books 2003 Text ISBN: 0142002925 10943 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Labor)| Essential title (Family) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 2/16/2004 Getting by on the minimum: the lives of working-class women "Johnson, Jennifer: Author" Labor New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415928001| ISBN: 041592801X 10944 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $127.65, paper $26.95| Price: $127.65, paper $26.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Men and women of the corporation "Kanter, Rosabeth Moss: Author" Labor New York: Basic Books 1993 Text ISBN: 0465044549 10945 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $23.00| Price: paper $23.00| Essential title (Labor) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "In pursuit of equity: women, men, and the quest for economic citizenship in twentieth century America" "Kessler-Harris, Alice: Author" Labor New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0195038355| ISBN: 0195158024 10946 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $37.50, paper $19.95| Price: $37.50, paper $19.95| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Out to work: a history of working women in America "Kessler-Harris, Alice: Author" Labor New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195157095 10947 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 A woman's wage: historical meanings and social consequences "Kessler-Harris, Alice: Author" Labor Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 1994 Text ISBN: 0813108039 10948 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $24.00| Price: paper $24.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Sexual harassment: issues and answers "LeMoncheck, Linda: Editor| Sterba, James P.: Editor" Labor New York: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0195142993| ISBN: 0195134818 10949 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $57.00, paper $31.00| Price: $57.00, paper $31.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Sweatshop warriors: immigrant women workers take on the global factory "Louie, Miriam Ching Yoon: Author" Labor "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0896086380 10950 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 One-eyed science: occupational health and women workers "Messing, Karen: Author" Labor Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1566395976| ISBN: 1566395984 10951 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $64.50, paper $26.95| Price: $64.50, paper $26.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Women and men at work "Padavic, Irene: Author| Reskin, Barbara F.: Author" Labor "Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 076198710X 10952 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "Job queues, gender queues: explaining women's inroads into male occupations" "Reskin, Barbara F.: Author| Roos, Patricia A.: Author" Labor Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0877227438| ISBN: 0877227446 10953 eng "Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: $44.50, paper $27.95| Price: $44.50, paper $27.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Rhetorical theory by women before 1900: an anthology "Donawerth, Jane: Editor" "Language| Literature, British" "Lanaham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2002 Text ISBN: 0742517160| ISBN: 0742517179 10956 eng "Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Added 2003 (Language)| Price: $100.00, paper $36.95| Price: $100.00, paper $36.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library.| Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 2/20/2004 "Gender and rhetorical space in American life, 1866-1910" "Johnson, Nan: Author" Language "Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0809324261| ISBN: 0585464545 10957 eng "Added 2003 (Language)| Price: $27.00, ebook $27.00| Price: $27.00, ebook $27.00" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Gender in interaction: perspectives on femininity and masculinity in ethnography and discourse "Kotthoff, Helga: Editor" Language Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2001 Text ISBN: 1588111105| ISBN: 0585462569 10959 eng "Added 2003 (Language)| Price: $144.00, ebook $144.00| Price: $144.00, ebook $144.00" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 "Sista, speak! Black women kinfolk talk about language and literacy" "Lanehart, Sonja L.: Author" Language Austin: University of Texas Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0292747292| ISBN: 0292798385 10960 eng "Added 2003 (Language)| Price: $22.95, ebook $55.00| Price: $22.95, ebook $55.00" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 "Gender, language and discourse" "Weatherall, Ann: Author" Language New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415169054| ISBN: 0415169062 10961 eng "Added 2003 (Language)| Price: $78.95, paper $27.95| Price: $78.95, paper $27.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Women and men communicating: challenges and changes "Arliss, Laurie P.: Editor" Language "Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 1577661680 10962 eng Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Communication and the sexes "Bate, Barbara: Author| Bowker, Judy: Author" Language "Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0881339334 10963 eng Price: $30.95| Price: $30.95 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist critique of language: a reader "Cameron, Deborah: Author" Language New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415163994| ISBN: 0415164001 10965 eng "Price: $150.00, paper $41.95| Price: $150.00, paper $41.95| Essential title (Language)" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 Gender and language: towards a feminist pragmatics "Christie, Christine: Author" Language Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0748609350 10967 eng "Price: $27.00, ebook $27.00| Price: $27.00, ebook $27.00" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Language and gender: a reader "Coates, Jennifer: Editor" Language "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 1998 Text ISBN: 0631195955 10968 eng Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 Talking difference: on gender and language "Crawford, Mary: Author" Language "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1995 Text ISBN: 0803988273| ISBN: 0803988281 10970 eng "Price: $129.00, paper $47.95| Price: $129.00, paper $47.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 The A-Z of non-sexist language "Doyle, Margaret: Author" Language "Collingdale, Pennsylvania: DIANE Publishing Company" 2001 Text ISBN: 0788196537 10971 eng Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Rhetoric retold: regendering the tradition from antiquity through the Renaissance "Glenn, Cheryl: Author" Language Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0809319292| ISBN: 0809321378| ISBN: 0585128049 10974 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $19.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95, ebook $50.00| Essential title (Language)" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Language and gender "Goddard, Angela: Author| Patterson, Lindsey M.: Author" Language New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415201772 10975 eng Price: $17.99| Price: $17.99 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Gender articulated: language and the socially constructed self "Hall, Kira: Author" Language New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415913985| ISBN: 0415913993 10976 eng "Price: 104.95, paper $34.95| Price: 104.95, paper $34.95" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 "Language and liberation: feminism, philosophy, and language" "Hendricks, Christina: Editor" Language Albany: State University of New York Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0791440516| ISBN: 0791440524| ISBN: 0585090882 10978 eng "Price: $25.50, paper $27.95, ebook $71.50| Price: $25.50, paper $27.95, ebook $71.50| Essential title (Language)" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 Centering ourselves: African American feminist and womanist studies of discourse "Houston, Marsha: Editor" Language "Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 1572733500| ISBN: 1572733519 10979 eng "Price: $52.50, paper $23.95| Price: $52.50, paper $23.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and composition studies: in other words "Jarratt, Susan: Editor" Language New York: Modern Language Association of America 1998 Text ISBN: 087352585X| ISBN: 0873525868 10980 eng "Price: $37.50, paper $19.75| Price: $37.50, paper $19.75" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 Male/female language: with a comprehensive bibliography "Key, Mary Ritchie: Author" Language "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0810830833| ISBN: 0585053677 10981 eng "Price: $53.00, ebook $36.00| Price: $53.00, ebook $36.00" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Communicating gender in context "Kotthoff, Helga: Editor" Language Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 1556198043 10982 eng Price: $164.00| Price: $164.00 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 We are coming: the persuasive discourse of nineteenth century Black women "Logan, Shirley W.: Author" "Language| History, U.S." Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0809321920| ISBN: 0809321939| ISBN: 0585111960 10984 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $21.50, ebook $49.95| Price: $49.95, paper $21.50, ebook $49.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 "Feminism, community and communication" "Olson, Mary E.: Editor" Language "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0789011514| ISBN: 0789011522 10986 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $24.95| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 Women changing language "Pauwels, Anne: Author" Language "White Plains, New York: Longman Publishing Group" 1998 Text ISBN: 0582099617| ISBN: 0582099625 10987 eng "Price: $64.50, paper $24.50| Price: $64.50, paper $24.50" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 Different but equal: communication between the sexes "Payne, Kay E.: Author" Language Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group 2001 Text ISBN: 0275965228| ISBN: 031300025 10988 eng "Price: $96.95, ebook $65.95| Price: $96.95, ebook $65.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 "Constructing and reconstructing gender: the links among communication, language, and gender" "Perry, Linda A.M.: Editor| Turner, Lynn H.: Editor| Sterk, Helen M.: Editor" Language Albany: State University of New York Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0791410102 10991 eng Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95| Essential title (Language) "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 "The less noble sex: scientific, religious, and philosophical conceptions of woman's nature" "Tuana, Nancy: Author" Philosophy Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0253208300 10993 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Woman and the history of philosophy "Tuana, Nancy: Author" Philosophy New York: Paragon House 1992 Text ISBN: 155778194X 10994 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Ecofeminist philosophy: a western perspective on what it is and why it matters "Warren, Karen J.: Author" Philosophy| Ecofeminism "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 2000 Text ISBN: 0847692981| ISBN: 0613915674| ISBN: 084769299X 10997 eng "Price: $88.00, library binding $58.10, paper $27.95| Price: $88.00, library binding $58.10, paper $27.95| Essential title (Ecofeminism)" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library. | Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 Constituting feminist subjects "Weeks, Kathi: Author" Philosophy| Feminist theory "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0801434270| ISBN: 0801484472 10998 eng "Price: $47.50, paper $17.95| Price: $47.50, paper $17.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Communicating gender "Romaine, Suzanne: Author" Language "Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates" 1999 Text ISBN: 0805829253| ISBN: 0805829261| ISBN: 0585121346 11000 eng "Price: $89.95, paper $45.00, ebook $115.00| Price: $89.95, paper $45.00, ebook $115.00" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 The women and language debate: a sourcebook "Roman, Camille: Editor| Juhasz, Suzanne: Editor| Miller, Cristanne: Editor" Language "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0813520118| ISBN: 0813520126| ISBN: 0585033625 11001 eng "Price: $48.00, paper $18.00, ebook $48.00| Price: $48.00, paper $18.00, ebook $48.00| Essential title (Language)" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Man-made language "Spender, Dale: Author" Language New York: Rivers Orem Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0863584012 11003 eng Price: $21.95| Price: $21.95| Essential title (Language) "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 Language and gender: an introduction "Talbot, Mary: Author" Language "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers" 1999 Text ISBN: 0745616798| ISBN: 0745616801 11004 eng "Price: $70.95, paper $32.95| Price: $70.95, paper $32.95" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and discourse "Tannen, Deborah: Author" Language New York: Oxford University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0195101243 11005 eng Price: $17.95| Price: $17.95| Essential title (Language) "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 You just don't understand: women and men in conversation "Tannen, Deborah: Author" Language New York: Harper Trade 2001 Text ISBN: 0060959622 11006 eng Price: $14.00| Price: $14.00 "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 "Between voice and silence: women and girls, race and relationships" "Taylor, Jill McLean: Author" Language| Girls and girlhood "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0674068793| ISBN: 0674068807 11007 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $24.00, paper $21.50| Price: $24.00, paper $21.50" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library.| Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Lives of their own: rhetorical dimensions in autobiographies of women activists "Watson, Martha: Author| Benson, Thomas: Author" Language Columbia: University of South Carolina Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1570032009 11009 eng Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 Listening to their voices: the rhetorical activities of historical women "Wertheimer, Molly M.: Editor" Language Columbia: University of South Carolina Press 1997 Text ISBN: 1570031711| ISBN: 157003172X 11010 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $24.95| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95" "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 8/25/2003 "Gendered lives: communication, gender, and culture" "Wood, Julia T.: Author" Language "Belmont, California: Wadsworth" 2002 Text ISBN: 0534581633| ISBN: 0534562590 11011 eng "Price: $54.95, paper $32.75| Price: $54.95, paper $32.75" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 8/25/2003 Women in American law: the struggle toward equality from the New Deal to the present "Baer, Judith A.: Author" Law New York: Holmes and Meier 2002 Text ISBN: 0841914311 11012 eng Added 2003 (Law)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist legal theory: an anti-essentialist reader "Dowd, Nancy E.: Editor| Jacobs, Michelle S.: Editor" "Law| Politics, U.S." New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0814719120| ISBN: 0814719139 11014 eng "Added 2003 (Law)| Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $75.00, paper $22.00| Price: $75.00, paper $22.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library.| Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/19/2004 Women and the law "Greenberg, Judith G.: Editor| Roberts, Dorothy E.: Editor| Minow, Martha L: Editor" Law 3d ed New York: Foundation Press 2004 Text ISBN: 1587785730 11015 eng Added 2003 (Law)| Price: $100.00| Price: $100.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "The gender line: men, women, and the law" "Levit, Nancy: Author" Law New York: New York University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0814751210| ISBN: 0814751229 11016 eng "Added 2003 (Law)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 Our lives before the law: constructing a feminist jurisprudence "Baer, Judith A.: Author" Law "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0691019452 11017 eng Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95| Essential title (Law) "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "At the heart of freedom: feminism, sex, and equality" "Cornell, Drucilla: Author" Law "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0691028966 11020 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "Beyond accommodation: ethical feminism, deconstruction, and the law" "Cornell, Drucilla: Author" Law "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 1999 Text ISBN: 084769268X| ISBN: 0847692698 11021 eng "Price: $88.00, paper $24.95| Price: $88.00, paper $24.95" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 Sisters in law: women lawyers in modern American history "Drachman, Virginia: Author" Law "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0674809912| ISBN: 0674006941 11023 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $22.50| Price: $45.00, paper $22.50" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "Feminism, media, and the law" "Fineman, Martha A.: Author| McCluskey, Martha T.: Author" Law New York: Oxford University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0195096290 11025 eng Price: paper $45.00| Price: paper $45.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 A law of her own: the reasonable woman as a measure of man "Forell, Caroline A.: Author| Matthews, Donna M.: Author" Law New York: New York University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0814726763| ISBN: 0814726771 11026 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $23.00| Price: $65.00, paper $23.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 Gender and American law: the impact of the law on the lives of women: the employment context "Maschke, Karen: Editor" Law New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815325177 11033 eng Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and American law: the impact of the law on the lives of women: educational equity "Maschke, Karen: Editor" Law New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815325185 11034 eng Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and American law: the impact of the law on the lives of women: legal response to violence against women "Maschke, Karen: Editor" Law New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815325193 11035 eng Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender and American law: the impact of the law on the lives of women: pornography, sex work, and hate speech" "Maschke, Karen: Editor" Law New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815325207 11036 eng Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 Gender and American law: the impact of the law on the lives of women: feminist legal theories "Maschke, Karen: Editor" Law New York: Garland Publishing 1997 Text ISBN: 0815325215 11037 eng Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 "Where is your body?: and other essays on race, gender, and the law" "Matsuda, Mari J.: Author" Law Boston: Beacon Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0807067814 11038 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "Immovable laws, irresistible rights: natural law, moral rights, and feminist ethics" "Pierce, Christine: Author" Law Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2000 Text ISBN: 0700610707 11039 eng Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 "When abortion was a crime: women, medicine, and law in the United States, 1867-1973" "Reagan, Leslie J.: Author" Law Berkeley: University of California Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0520216571 11040 eng Price: paper $16.15| Price: paper $16.15 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 Sappho goes to law school: fragments in lesbian legal theory "Robson, Ruthann: Author" Law New York: Columbia University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0231105606| ISBN: 0231105614 11041 eng "Price: $77.50, paper $25.00| Price: $77.50, paper $25.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "O sisters ain't you happy?: gender, family, and community among the Harvard and Shirley Shakers, 1781-1918" "Thurman, Suzanne R.: Author" Religion "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0815629060| ISBN: 0815629346 11042 eng "Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: $34.95, paper $19.95| Price: $34.95, paper $19.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 "Beyond Portia: women, law, and literature in the United States" "St. Joan, Jacqueline: Editor| McElhiney, Annette B.: Editor" Law Boston: Northeastern University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 1555533051| ISBN: 155553306X 11043 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $25.00| Price: $50.00, paper $25.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 8/25/2003 Battered women and feminist lawmaking "Schneider, Elizabeth M.: Author" Law "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0300083432| ISBN: 0300094116 11044 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $21.00| Price: $45.00, paper $21.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 Rebels in law: voices in history of Black women lawyers "Smith, J. Clay: Author" Law Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0472086464 11045 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 Caring for justice "West, Robin: Author" Law New York: New York University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0814793495 11048 eng Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 Emerging lesbian voices from Japan "Chalmers, Sharon: Author" Lesbian studies New York: RoutledgeCurzon 2002 Text ISBN: 0700717021| ISBN: 0203220633 11054 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $90.00, ebook $125.00| Price: $90.00, ebook $125.00" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 2/14/2004 "The world turned: essays on gay history, politics, and culture" "Demilio, John: Author" Lesbian studies "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0822329301| ISBN: 0822329468 11055 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $69.95, paper $18.95| Price: $69.95, paper $18.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Out in theory: the emergence of lesbian and gay anthropology "Lewin, Ellen: Editor| Leap, William L.: Editor" Lesbian studies| Anthropology and archaeology Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0252027531| ISBN: 0252070763 11059 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $44.95, paper $19.95| Price: $44.95, paper $19.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 8/25/2003 Genderqueer: voices from beyond the sexual binary "Nestle, Joan: Editor| Wilchins, Riki Anne: Editor| Howell, Clare: Author" Lesbian studies Los Angeles: Alyson Publications 2002 Text ISBN: 1555837301 11061 eng Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Tortilleras: Hispanic and U.S. latina lesbian expression "Perpetusa, Inmaculada: Editor| Torres, Lourdes: Editor" Lesbian studies Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1592130062| ISBN: 1592130070 11062 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $74.50, paper $24.95| Price: $74.50, paper $24.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/14/2004 Among women: from the homosocial to the homoerotic in the ancient world "Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin: Editor| Auanger, Lisa: Editor" Lesbian studies| Antiquity Austin: University of Texas Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0292771134| ISBN: 0292798164 11063 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2005 (Antiquity)| Price: $50.00, ebook $50.00| Price: $50.00, ebook $50.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 No more secrets: violence in lesbian relationships "Ristock, Janice L.: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415929458| ISBN: 0415929466 11065 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $85.00, paper $21.95| Price: $85.00, paper $21.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Beyond the closet: the transformation of gay and lesbian life "Seidman, Steven: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415932068| ISBN: 0415932076 11066 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $41.95, paper $18.95| Price: $41.95, paper $18.95" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 2/14/2004 "The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers and their works, from the antiquity to the present" "Summers, Claude J.: Editor" Lesbian studies Rev ed New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415929261 11067 eng Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 8/25/2003 The renaissance of lesbianism in early modern England "Traub, Valerie: Author" "Lesbian studies| Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521444276| ISBN: 0521448859 11069 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $80.00, paper $29.00| Price: $80.00, paper $29.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Who's who in contemporary gay and lesbian history: from World War II to the present day "Aldrich, Robert: Author| Wotherspoon, Gary: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 041522974X| ISBN: 0415291615| ISBN: 020398675X 11071 eng "Price: $88.95, paper $14.95, ebook $99.95| Price: $88.95, paper $14.95, ebook $99.95" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 8/25/2003 Who's who in gay and lesbian history: from antiquity to World War II "Aldrich, Robert: Author| Wotherspoon, Gary: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415159822| ISBN: 0415159830 11072 eng "Price: $88.95, paper $14.95| Price: $88.95, paper $14.95" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 2/14/2004 Lesbian rabbis: the first generation "Alpert, Rebecca T.: Author| Elwell, Ellen Sue Levi: Author| Idelson, Shirley: Author" Lesbian studies "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813529158| ISBN: 0813529166 11073 eng "Price: $54.00, paper $24.00| Price: $54.00, paper $24.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 "Sappho in early modern England: female same-sex literary erotics, 1550-1714" "Andreadis, Harriette: Author" "Lesbian studies| Literature, British" Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0226020088| ISBN: 0226020096 11074 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $55.00, paper $20.00| Price: $55.00, paper $20.00" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library.| DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Engendering Judaism: an inclusive theology and ethics "Adler, Rachel: Author" Religion Boston: Beacon Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0827605846| ISBN: 0807036196 11076 eng "Price: $24.95, paper $20.00| Price: $24.95, paper $20.00" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Women and gender in Islam: historical roots of a modern debate "Ahmed, Leila: Author" "Religion| History, International" "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0300055838 11077 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "Queer families, queer politics: challenging culture and the state" "Bernstein, Mary: Editor| Reimann, Renate: Editor" Lesbian studies New York: Columbia University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 023111690X| ISBN: 0231116918| ISBN: 0231504292 11078 eng "Price: $73.50, paper $26.00, ebook $49.50| Price: $73.50, paper $26.00, ebook $49.50| Essential title (Lesbian studies)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 "Shared beliefs, different lives: women's identities in evangelical context" "Beaman, Lori G.: Author" Religion "St. Louis, Missouri: Chalice Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0827234449 11081 eng Price: paper $21.99| Price: paper $21.99 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "Geographies of learning: theory and practice, activism and performance" "Dolan, Jill: Author" Lesbian studies| Theatre and dance "Middleton, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0819564672| ISBN: 0819564680 11084 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 The religious imagination of American women "Bednarowski, Mary Farrell: Author" Religion "Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0253335949| ISBN: 025321338X| ISBN: 0585210098 11086 eng "Price: $44.95, paper $15.95, ebook $39.95| Price: $44.95, paper $15.95, ebook $39.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "Helpmates, harlots, and heroes: women's stories in the Hebrew bible" "Bellis, Alice O.: Author" "Collins, Adela Y.: Foreword" Religion "Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0664254306| ISBN: 0585280428 11087 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $21.95| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $21.95| Essential title (Religion)" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Godly women: fundamentalism and female power "Brasher, Brenda E.: Author" Religion "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0813524687| ISBN: 0585080259 11094 eng "Price: paper $24.00, ebook $19.00| Price: paper $24.00, ebook $19.00| Essential title (Religion)" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 "The Columbia reader on lesbians and gay men in media, society, and politics" "Gross, Larry P.: Editor| Woods, James D.: Editor" Lesbian studies| Mass media New York: Columbia University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0231104464| ISBN: 0231104472 11095 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $36.00| Price: $65.00, paper $36.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Women and American religion "Braude, Ann: Author" Religion New York: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0195106768 11098 eng Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Wise women: over two thousand years of spiritual writing by women "Cahill, Susan: Author" Religion "New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc." 1996 Text ISBN: 0393039463| ISBN: 0393316793 11103 eng "Price: $27.50, paper $15.95| Price: $27.50, paper $15.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Transforming grace: Christian tradition and women's experience "Carr, Anne E.: Author" Religion New York: Continuum 1996 Text ISBN: 0826408737 11104 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender, identity and the culture of organizations" "Aaltio-Marjosola, Iiris: Editor| Mills, Albert J.: Editor" Management New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415270006| ISBN: 0415270014 11111 eng "Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $149.95, paper $49.95| Price: $149.95, paper $49.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Advancing women's careers: research and practice "Burke, Ronald: Editor| Nelson, Debra L.: Editor" Management Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 2002 Text ISBN: 0631223908 11112 eng Added 2003 (Management)| Price: paper $45.95| Price: paper $45.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Ordaining women: culture and conflict in religious organizations "Chaves, Mark: Author" Religion "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0674641469 11113 eng Price: paper $21.50| Price: paper $21.50 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Casting the other: maintaining gender inequalities in the workplace "Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara: Author| Hopfl, Heather: Author" Management New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415275016| ISBN: 0415275024 11115 eng "Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $169.95, paper $41.95| Price: $169.95, paper $41.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Women in management, volume II: current research issues" "Davidson, Marilyn: Editor| Burke, Ronald: Editor" Management London: Sage Publications 2000 Text ISBN: 0761966021| ISBN: 076196603X 11116 eng "Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $129.00, paper $43.95| Price: $129.00, paper $43.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Bold women, big ideas: learning to play the high-risk entrepreneurial game" "Koplovitz, Kay: Author| Israel, Peter: Author" Management New York: Public Affairs 2002 Text ISBN: 158648107X 11117 eng Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $26.00| Price: $26.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Powerful women: dancing on the glass ceiling "Parkhouse, Sam: Author| Dyson, James: Author" Management New York: John Wiley and Sons 2001 Text ISBN: 0471499056 11118 eng Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Kitchen table entrepreneurs: how eleven women escaped poverty and became their own bosses "Shirk, Martha: Author| Wadia, Anna S.: Author" Management "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813342236 11119 eng Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $14.95| Price: $14.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Organizational behaviour reassessed: the impact of gender "Wilson, Elisabeth M.: Author" Management "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 2000 Text ISBN: 0761970924| ISBN: 0761970932 11120 eng "Added 2003 (Management)| Price: $145.00, paper $46.95| Price: $145.00, paper $46.95| Essential title (Management)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Competitive frontiers: women managers in a global economy "Adler, Nancy J.: Editor| Izraeli, Dafna N.: Editor" Management "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Pbs." 1994 Text ISBN: 1557865108 11121 eng Price: $58.95| Price: $58.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Advancing women in business -- the Catalyst guide: best practices from the corporate leaders "Catalyst, inc.: Author" Management San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 1998 Text ISBN: 0787939668| ISBN: 0585163189 11122 eng "Price: $26.00, ebook $26.00| Price: $26.00, ebook $26.00" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Our separate ways: Black and White women and the struggle for professional identity "Bell, Ella L. J. Edmondson: Author| Nkomo, Stella M.: Author" Management Boston: Harvard Business School Press 2001 Text ISBN: 1578512778| ISBN: 159139189x 11123 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $16.95| Price: $29.95, paper $16.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Rethinking organizational and managerial communication from feminist perspectives "Buzzanell, Patrice M.: Editor" Management| Language "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 2000 Text ISBN: 0761912789| ISBN: 0761912797 11124 eng "Price: $92.95, paper $46.95| Price: $92.95, paper $46.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/16/2004 Creating women's networks: a how-to-guide for women and companies "Catalyst, inc.: Author" Management San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 1999 Text ISBN: 0787940143 11125 eng Price: $24.00| Price: $24.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 The Black and ethnic minority woman manager: cracking the concrete ceiling "Davidson, Marilyn J.: Author" Management London: Paul Chapman 1994 Text ISBN: 1853962996 11126 eng Price: $45.95| Price: $45.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Corporate cultures: the rites and rituals of corporate life "Deal, Terrence: Author| Kennedy, Allen: Author" Management "Reading, Massachusetts: Perseus Books" 2000 Text ISBN: 0738203300 11127 eng Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Women in management: trends, issues, and challenges in managerial diversity" "Fagenson, Ellen A.: Editor" Management "Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications" 1993 Text ISBN: 0803945922 11128 eng Price: $58.95| Price: $58.95| Essential title (Management) "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women on power: leadership redefined "Freeman, Sue J. M.: Editor| Bourque, Susan C.: Editor| Shelton, Christine M.: Editor" Management Boston: Northeastern University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 1555534791| ISBN: 1555534783 11129 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $20.00| Price: $50.00, paper $20.00| Essential title (Management)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Going to the top: a road map from America's leading women executives "Gallagher, Carol: Author" Management New York: Penguin 2000 Text ISBN: 014029841X 11130 eng Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 The female advantage: women's ways of leadership "Helgesen, Sally: Author" Management New York: Doubleday Currency 1995 Text ISBN: 0385419112 11133 eng Price: $17.95| Price: $17.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Same game different rules: how to get ahead without being a bully broad, ice queen or ""Ms. Understood""" "Hollands, Jean: Author" Management New York: McGraw-Hill 2001 Text ISBN: 0071379673| ISBN: 007140760x| ISBN: 0590617002 11134 eng "Price: $21.95, paper $14.95, ebook $21.95| Price: $21.95, paper $14.95, ebook $21.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women's resources in business start-up: a study of Black and White women entrepreneurs "Iman, Katherine: Author" Management New York: Garland Pub. 1999 Text ISBN: 0815333919 11135 eng Price: $90.95| Price: $90.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 How women executives succeed: lessons and experiences from the federal government "Little, Danity: Author" Management "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 1994 Text ISBN: 0899308678| ISBN: 0313008590 11137 eng "Price: $97.95, ebook $71.45| Price: $97.95, ebook $71.45" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women managers moving on: exploring career and life choices "Marshall, Judi: Author" Management "Florence, Kentucky: Thompson Learning" 1995 Text ISBN: 041509738x| ISBN: 0415097398 11138 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $21.99| Price: $74.95, paper $21.99| Essential title (Management)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women entrepreneurs: moving beyond the glass ceiling "Morre, Dorothy Perrin: Author| Buttner, E. Holly: Author" Management "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 1997 Text ISBN: 07691904646 11139 eng Price: $44.95| Price: $44.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Breaking the glass ceiling: can women reach the top of America's largest corporations? "Morrison, Ann M.: Author| White, Randall P.: Author| Van Velsor, Ellen: Author" Management Updated ed "Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co." 1992 Text ISBN: 0201632144 11140 eng Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00| Essential title (Management) "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 A glass ceiling survey: benchmarking barriers and practices "Morrison, Ann M.: Author" Management "Greensboro, North Carolina: Center for Creative Leadership" 1995 Text ISBN: 1882197100 11141 eng Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Reach for the top: women and the changing facts of work life "Nichols, Nancy A.: Author" Management Boston: Harvard Business School Press 1994 Text ISBN: 007103580X| ISBN: 0875847390| ISBN: 0585258031 11142 eng "Price: $27.95, paper $15.95, ebook $15.95| Price: $27.95, paper $15.95, ebook $15.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Success on our own terms: tales of extraordinary, ordinary business women" "O'Brein, Virginia: Author" Management New York: J. Wiley 1998 Text ISBN: 0471178713 11143 eng Price: $22.95| Price: $22.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Gender at work: organizational change for equality "Rao, Aruna: Author" Management "West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 1565491033| ISBN: 1565491025 11144 eng "Price: $58.00, paper $23.95| Price: $58.00, paper $23.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 America's competitive secret: women managers "Rosener, Judy B.: Author" Management New York: Oxford University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0195119142 11145 eng Price: $16.95| Price: $16.95| Essential title (Management) "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Managing like a man: women and men in corporate management "Wajcman, Judy: Author" Management University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0271018488 11147 eng Price: $23.95| Price: $23.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Breaking through the glass ceiling: women in management "Wirth, Linda: Author" Management Geneva: International Labour Office 2001 Text ISBN: 9221108457 11148 eng Price: $16.95| Price: $16.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women and the leadership Q: revealing the four paths to influence and power "Zichy, Shoya: Author| Kellen, Bonnie: Author" Management New York: McGraw Hill 2000 Text ISBN: 0071352163| ISBN: 1590610253 11149 eng "Price: $24.95, ebook $21.95| Price: $24.95, ebook $21.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Up from invisibility: lesbians, gay men, and the media in America" "Gross, Larry P.: Author" Mass media New York: Columbia University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0231119526| ISBN: 0231119534 11150 eng "Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $70.00, paper $20.50| Price: $70.00, paper $20.50" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Advertising to the American woman, 1900-1999" "Hill, Daniel D.: Author" Mass media "Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0814208908 11151 eng Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $44.95| Price: $44.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Intersecting places, emancipatory spaces: women journalists in Tanzania" "Robbins, Melinda Beth: Author" Mass media "Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0865437602| ISBN: 0865437610 11153 eng "Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $69.95, paper $21.95| Price: $69.95, paper $21.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, politics, media: uneasy relations at the new millenium" "Ross, Karen: Author" Mass media "Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press, Incorporated" 2002 Text ISBN: 1572733977| ISBN: 1572733985 11154 eng "Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $49.50, paper $23.95| Price: $49.50, paper $23.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Ida B. Wells-Barnett and American reform, 1880-1930" "Schechter, Patricia A.: Author" "Mass media| Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0807826332| ISBN: 0807849650| ISBN: 0807875465 11155 eng "Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.95, ebook $59.95| Price: $65.00, paper $21.95, ebook $59.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library.| Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 The penalty is death: U.S. newspaper coverage of women's executions "Shipman, Marlin: Author" Mass media Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0826213863 11156 eng Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Women journalists at Ground Zero: covering crisis "Sylvester, Judith L.: Author| Huffman, Suzzne: Author" Mass media "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Incorporated" 2002 Text ISBN: 0742519430| ISBN: 0742519449 11157 eng "Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $60.00, paper $21.95| Price: $60.00, paper $21.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Fans, feminisms and 'quality' media" "Thomas, Lyn: Author" Mass media| Popular culture New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415261813| ISBN: 0415261821 11158 eng "Added 2003 (Mass media)| Added 2003 (Popular culture)| Price: $125.00, paper $33.95| Price: $125.00, paper $33.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Postfeminist news: political women in media culture "Varvus, Mary Douglas: Author" Mass media "Albany, New York: State University of New York Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0791454452| ISBN: 0791454460 11159 eng "Added 2003 (Mass media)| Price: $62.50, paper $20.95| Price: $62.50, paper $20.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Equal to the occasion: women editors of the nineteenth century West "Bennion, Sherilyn Cox: Author" Mass media Reno: University of Nevada Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0874171636 11161 eng Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95| Essential title (Mass media) "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 She said what?: interviews with women columnists "Braden, Maria: Author" Mass media Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 1993 Text ISBN: 0813118190 11162 eng Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Subjugated knowledges: journalism, gender and literature in the ninteenth century" "Brake, Laurel: Author" Mass media New York: New York University Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0814712185| ISBN: 0814712193 11163 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $20.00| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Women's press organizations, 1881-1999" "Burt, Elizabeth V.: Editor" Mass media "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0313306613 11164 eng Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "The only efficient instrument: American women writers and the periodical, 1837-1916" "Cane, Aleta Feinsod: Editor| Alves, Susan: Editor" Mass media Iowa City: University of Iowa Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0877457808 11165 eng Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "News, gender, and power" "Carter, Cynthia: Editor| Branston, Gill: Editor| Allan, Stuart: Editor" Mass media New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 041517015X| ISBN: 0415170168 11166 eng "Price: $104.95, paper $35.54, ebook $29.95| Price: $104.95, paper $35.54, ebook $29.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Women in mass communication "Creedon, Pamela J.: Editor | Cramer, Judith: Editor" Mass media 3d ed "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc." 2007 Text ISBN: 1412936942| ISBN: 1412936950 11168 eng "Price: $89.95, paper $39.95| Price: $89.95, paper $39.95| Essential title (Mass media)" "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 8/25/2003 Defining women: television and the case of Cagney and Lacey "D'Acci, Julie: Author" | Film and television studies Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0807821322| ISBN: 0807844411 11169 eng "Price: $59.95, paper $25.00| Price: $59.95, paper $25.00" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Women war correspondents in the Vietnam War, 1961-1975" "Elwood-Akers, Virginia: Author" Mass media "Lanham, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press" 1988 Text ISBN: 0810820331 11170 eng Price: $48.00| Price: $48.00 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Women's periodicals in the United States: social and political issues "Endres, Kathleen L.: Editor| Lueck, Therese L.: Editor" Mass media "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 1996 Text ISBN: 0313286329 11171 eng Price: $149.95| Price: $149.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Yours in sisterhood: Ms. magazine and the promise of popular feminism "Farrell, Amy E.: Author" Mass media Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0807824240 11172 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $18.95| Price: $49.95, paper $18.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Real majority, media minority: the costs of sidelining women in reporting" "Flandes, Laura: Author" Mass media "Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 4567510914| ISBN: 1567510906 11173 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Confessional politics: women's sexual self-representations in life writing and popular media "Gammel, Irene: Editor" Mass media Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0809322536| ISBN: 0809322544 11176 eng "Price: $48.00, paper $29.00| Price: $48.00, paper $29.00" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "An improper profession: women, gender, and journalism in late imperial Russia" "Gheith, Jehanne M.: Author| Norton, Barbara T.: Author" Mass media "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 082232556X| ISBN: 0822325853 11177 eng "Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Personal history "Graham, Katherine: Author" Mass media New York: Knopf 1997 Text ISBN: 0394585852| ISBN: 0375701044 11179 eng "Price: $35.00, paper $15.00, ebook $8.95| Price: $35.00, paper $15.00, ebook $8.95| Essential title (Mass media)" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Turning it on: a reader in women and the media "Gray, Ann: Editor| Baehr, Helen: Editor" Mass media New York: Oxford University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0340613963 11180 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "A woman of the times: journalism, feminism and the career of Charlotte Curtis" "Greenwald, Marilyn S.: Author| Smith, Liz: Author" Mass media Athens: Ohio University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0821412655 11181 eng Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Delights, desires, and dilemmas: essays on women and the media" "Hall, Ann C.: Editor" Mass media "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 1998 Text ISBN: 0275961567 11182 eng Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library. | Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 8/25/2003 Invisible stars: a social history of women in American broadcasting "Halper, Donna L.: Author" Mass media "Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe" 2001 Text ISBN: 0765605813 11183 eng Price: $26.95| Price: $26.95| Essential title (Mass media) "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Television, history, and American culture: feminist critical essays" "Haralovich, Mary Beth: Editor| Rabinovitz, Lauren: Editor" Mass media| Popular culture "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0822323613| ISBN: 082232394X 11184 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Essential title (Mass media)| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Hard news: women in broadcast journalism "Hosley, David H.: Author| Gayle K. Yamada: Author" Mass media "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 1987 Text ISBN: 031325477X 11186 eng Price: $100.95| Price: $100.95| Essential title (Mass media) "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "This female man of God: women and spiritual power in the patristic age, 350-450" "Cloke, Gillian: Author" Religion New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415094690| ISBN: 0415094704| ISBN: 0203422546 11187 eng "Price: $124.95, paper $36.95, ebook $31.95| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95, ebook $31.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 The girl on the magazine cover: the origins of visual stereotypes in American mass media "Kitch, Carolyn: Author" Mass media Chapel Hill: University of North Crolina Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0807826537| ISBN: 0807849782 11189 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $18.95| Price: $49.95, paper $18.95| Essential title (Mass media)" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Women and radio: airing differences "Mitchell, Caroline: Editor" Mass media New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 041522070X| ISBN: 0415220718 11193 eng "Price: $114.95, paper $31.95| Price: $114.95, paper $31.95| Essential title (Mass media)" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Women of the press in nineteenth century Britian "Onslow, Barbara: Author" Mass media "New York: Saint Martin's Press, LLC" 2000 Text ISBN: 0312236026 11195 eng Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Speaking of abortion: television and authority in the lives of women "Press, Andrea L.: Author" Mass media Chicago: University of Chicago press 1999 Text ISBN: 0226680312| ISBN: 0226680320 11196 eng "Price: $25.00, paper $16.00| Price: $25.00, paper $16.00" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Getting God's ear: women, Islam and healing in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf" "Doumato, Eleanor A.: Author" Religion 2d ed New York: Columbia University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0231116667| ISBN: 0231116675 11197 eng "Price: $75.00, paper $26.00| Price: $75.00, paper $26.00" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Mary Ann Shadd Cary: the Black press and protest in the nineteenth century "Rhodes, Jane: Author" Mass media Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0253334462| ISBN: 0253213509 11198 eng "Price: $39.95, paper $18.95| Price: $39.95, paper $18.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Women and religion: from the goddesses to the present "Ferguson, Marianne: Author" Religion| Spirituality "East Rutherford, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 1994 Text ISBN: 0023370017 11204 eng Price: paper $32.40| Price: paper $32.40 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries. | Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/11/2004 The women who wrote the war "Sorel, Nancy Caldwell: Author" Mass media New York: Arcade Pub. 1999 Text ISBN: 0060958391 11205 eng Price: paper $10.50| Price: paper $10.50 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Gender, politics and communication" "Sreberny, Annabelle: Editor| Van Zoonen, Liesbet: Editor| Paletz, David L.: Editor" Mass media "Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 1572732415| ISBN: 1572732423 11206 eng "Price: $72.50, paper $27.50| Price: $72.50, paper $27.50| Essential title (Mass media)" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Raising her voice: African American women journalists who changed history "Steitmatter, Rodger: Author" Mass media Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 1994 Text ISBN: 0684849119| ISBN: 0684868091 11207 eng "Price: $35.00, paper $19.95| Price: $35.00, paper $19.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "Eve's century: sourcebook of writings on women and journalism, 1895-1918" "Varty, Anne: Author" Mass media New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415195446| ISBN: 0415195454 11208 eng "Price: $129.95, paper $36.95| Price: $129.95, paper $36.95" "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist reconstructions of Christian doctrine: narrative analysis and appraisal "Greene-McCreight, Kathryn: Author" Religion New York: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0195128621 11209 eng Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 "Enfants terribles: youth and feminitity in the mass media in France, 1945-1968" "Weiner, Susan: Author" Mass media "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0801865395 11211 eng Price: $36.65| Price: $36.65 "Dickstein, Ruth: University of Arizona. Main Library." 8/25/2003 "The women of Mexio City, 1790-1857" "Arrom, Silvia Marina: Author" Latin American women "Stanford, California: Stanford University Press" 1985 Text ISBN: 0804712336| ISBN: 0804720959 11212 eng "Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: $65.00, paper $27.95| Price: $65.00, paper $27.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 White women's Christ and Black women's Jesus: feminist christology and womanist response "Grant, Jacquelyn: Author" Religion New York: Oxford University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0195171756 11215 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Religious feminism and the future of the planet: a Buddhist-Christian conversation "Gross, Rita M.: Author| Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Author" Religion| Ecofeminism New York: Continuum 2001 Text ISBN: 0826412785 11220 eng Added 2002 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library.| Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 8/25/2003 Faithful and fearless: moving feminist protest inside the church and military "Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod: Author" Military "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0691058520| ISBN: 0691010080 11223 eng "Price: $40.00, paper $24.95| Price: $40.00, paper $24.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 The women and war reader "Lorentzen, Lois A.: Editor| Turpin, Jennifer: Editor" Military New York: New York University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 081475144X| ISBN: 0814751458 11225 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $26.00| Price: $65.00, paper $26.00" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 "Women of fire and spirit: history, faith, and gender in Roho religion in western Kenya" "Hoehler-Fatton, Cynthia: Author" Religion New York: Oxford University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0195097904| ISBN: 0195097912 11226 eng "Price: $80.00, paper $35.00| Price: $80.00, paper $35.00" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Translated woman: crossing the border with Esperanza's story "Behar, Ruth: Author" Latin American women Reissued edition Boston: Beacon Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0807046477| ISBN: 0807070467 11227 eng "Added 2003 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $22.00, ebook $25.00| Price: paper $22.00, ebook $25.00| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 "Compromised positions: prostitution, public health, and gender politics in revolutionary Mexico City" "Bliss, Katherine Elaine: Author" Latin American women "University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 027102125X| ISBN: 0271021268 11228 eng "Price: $49.00, paper $22.00| Price: $49.00, paper $22.00" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Easy women: sex and gender in modern Mexican fiction "Castillo, Debra A.: Author" Latin American women "Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0816631123| ISBN: 0816631131 11230 eng "Price: $90.00, paper $30.00| Price: $90.00, paper $30.00" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Gendered missions: women and men in missionary discourse and practice "Huber, Mary Taylor: Author| Lutkehaus, Nancy C.: Author" Religion Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0472109871 11231 eng Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Is women's philosophy possible? "Holland, Nancy J.: Author" Philosophy "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 1990 Text ISBN: 084767620X 11233 eng Price: $64.50| Price: $64.50 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 The collaborative bibliography of women in philosophy "Hutchings, Noel: Editor| Rumsey, William: Editor" Philosophy "Bowling Green: Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University" 1997 Text ISBN: 0912632658 11234 eng Price: $39.50| Price: $39.50 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 An ethics of sexual difference "Irigaray, Luce: Author" Philosophy "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0801481457 11235 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Speculum of the other woman "Irigaray, Luce: Author" Philosophy "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1985 Text ISBN: 0801493307 11236 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Philosophy) "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Philosophy in a feminist voice: critiques and reconstructions "Kourany, Janet A.: Author" Philosophy "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0691019369| ISBN: 1400804573 11238 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $14.95| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $14.95" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 Women in the Civil War "Massey, Mary Elizabeth: Author" Military Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0803282133 11239 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Creating G.I. Jane: sexuality and power in the Women's Army Corps during World War II "Meyer, Leisa D.: Author" Military New York: Columbia University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0231101449| ISBN: 0231101457 11240 eng "Price: $77.50, paper $28.00| Price: $77.50, paper $28.00| Essential title (Military)" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 Women in the military "Simon, Rita J.: Editor" Military "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers" 2001 Text ISBN: 0765806193 11243 eng Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Women at war: gender issues of Americans in combat "Skaine, Rosemarie: Author" Military "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Co." 1999 Text ISBN: 0786405708 11244 eng Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 Women and work in Mexico's maquiladoras "Cravey, Altha J.: Author" Latin American women "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littefield" 1998 Text ISBN: 0847688852| ISBN: 0847688860 11245 eng "Price: $72.00, paper $23.95| Price: $72.00, paper $23.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 "Women and alcohol in a highland Maya town: water of hope, water of sorrow" "Eber, Christine: Author" Latin American women Rev ed "Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0292720904 11246 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Women in pain: gender and morbidity in Mexico "Finkler, Kaja: Author" Latin American women Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0812215273| ISBN: 0585126720 11247 eng "Price: paper $15.95, ebook $39.95| Price: paper $15.95, ebook $39.95" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Friends of God and prophets: a feminist theological reading of the communion of saints "Johnson, Elizabeth A.: Author" Religion New York: Continuum 1999 Text ISBN: 0826411983 11248 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Mothers and the Mexican antinuclear power movement "Garcia-Gorena, Velma: Author" Latin American women Tucson: University of Arizona Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0816518742| ISBN: 0816518750 11249 eng "Price: $46.00, paper $21.95| Price: $46.00, paper $21.95" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Women in the inquisition: Spain and the new world "Giles, Mary E.: Editor" Latin American women "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0801859328 11250 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Women through women's eyes: Latin American women in nineteenth century travel accounts "Hahner, June E.: Editor" Latin American women "Wilmington, Delaware: SR Books" 1998 Text ISBN: 0842026339| ISBN: 0842026347| ISBN: 0585279349 11251 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $19.95, ebook $17.95| Price: $65.00, paper $19.95, ebook $17.95" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 "The other mirror: women's narrative in Mexico, 1980-1995" "Ibsen, Kristine: Author" Latin American women "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0313301808 11252 eng Price: $108.95| Price: $108.95| Essential title (Latin American women) "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 Beautiful flowers of the maquiladora: life histories of women workers in Tijuana "Iglesias Prieto, Norma: Author" Latin American women "Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0292738684| ISBN: 0292738692 11253 eng "Price: $20.00, paper $16.95| Price: $20.00, paper $16.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 She who is: the mystery of God in feminist theological discourse "Johnson, Elizabeth A.: Author" Religion reprint New York: Crossroad Publishing Company 2002 Text ISBN: 0824513762 11254 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Dolor y alegría: women and social change in urban Mexico "Levine, Sarah: Author" Latin American women "Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0299137945 11255 eng Price: paper $19.95| on demand| Price: paper $19.95| on demand "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 "The terror of the machine: technology, work, gender, and ecology on the U.S.-Mexico border" "Peña, Devon Gerardo: Author" Latin American women "Austin, Texas: CMassachusettsS Books" 1997 Text ISBN: 058523437X 11256 eng Price: ebook $19.95| Price: ebook $19.95| Essential title (Latin American women) "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Indian women of early Mexico "Schroeder, Susan Stephanie Wood: Editor| Haskett, Robert: Editor" Latin American women "Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0806129603| ISBN: 058512454X 11258 eng "Price: paper $19.95, ebook $19.95| Price: paper $19.95, ebook $19.95" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Good sex: feminist perspective from the world's religions "Jung, Patricia Beattie: Author| Hunt, Mary E.: Author| Balakrishnan, Radhika: Author" Religion "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813528844 11259 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Citizen soldiers and manly warriors: military service and gender in the civic republican tradition "Snyder, R. Claire: Author" Military "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 1999 Text ISBN: 0847694437| ISBN: 0847694445 11260 eng "Price: $74.00, paper $28.95| Price: $74.00, paper $28.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Arms and the enlisted woman "Stiehm, Judith: Author" Military Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0877225656| ISBN: 0877227055 11261 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $28.95| Price: $49.95, paper $28.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 Wives and warriors: women and the military in the United States and Canada "Weinstein, Laurie L.: Author| White, Christie C.: Author" Military "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 1997 Text ISBN: 0897895266 11264 eng Price: paper $32.95| Price: paper $32.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Women and music in America since 1900: an encyclopedia "Burns, Kristine Helen: Editor" Music "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 2002 Text ISBN: 157356267X 11265 eng Added 2003 (Music)| Price: $165.00 (two volumes)| Price: $165.00 (two volumes)| Essential title (Music) "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 8/25/2003 Mrs. Stanton's Bible: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Woman's Bible "Kern, Kathi: Author" Religion "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0801431913| ISBN: 0801482887 11266 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $20.95| Price: $45.00, paper $20.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "Emergence of the modern Mexican woman: her participation in revolution and struggle for equality, 1910-1940" "Soto, Shirlene Ann: Author" Latin American women Denver: Arden Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0912869119| ISBN: 0912869127 11267 eng "Price: $26.50, paper $22.50| Price: $26.50, paper $22.50| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Women in Mexico: a past unveiled Mujeres en México: una historia olvidada "Tuñón, Julia: Author" Latin American women "Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, Institute of Latin American Studies" 1999 Text ISBN: 029278161X 11270 eng "Price: $15.95, paper $11.95| Price: $15.95, paper $11.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Oaxacan ceramics: traditional folk art by Oaxacan women "Wasserspring, Lois: Author| Ragan, Vicki: Author" Latin American women San Francisco: Chronicle Books 2000 Text ISBN: 081182358X 11272 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Women and Christian origins: a reader "Kraemer, Ross S.: Editor" Religion New York: Oxford University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0195103963 11273 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Television culture and women's lives: Thirtysomething and the contradictions of gender "Heide, Margaret J.: Author" Popular culture| Film and television studies Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0812215346| ISBN: 0585126852 11274 eng "Price: paper $21.95, ebook $35.00| Price: paper $21.95, ebook $35.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Bodymakers: a cultural anatomy of women's body building "Heywood, Leslie: Author" Popular culture "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0813524792| ISBN: 0813524806 11275 eng "Price: $59.00, paper $20.00| Price: $59.00, paper $20.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Black looks: race and representation "Hooks, Bell: Author" Popular culture Boston: South End Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0896084345| ISBN: 0896084337 11276 eng "Price: $30.00, paper $15.00| Price: $30.00, paper $15.00| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "The lesbian menace: ideology, identity, and the representation of lesbian life" "Inness, Sherrie A.: Author" Popular culture Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1997 Text ISBN: 1558490906| ISBN: 1558490914 11277 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $20.95| Price: $45.00, paper $20.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 You have stept out of your place: a history of women and religion in America "Lindley, Susan Hill: Author" Religion "Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0664220819 11278 eng Price: $36.95| Price: $36.95| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 They fought like demons: women soldiers in the American Civil War "Blanton, DeAnne: Author" Military Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press 2002| 2004 Text ISBN: 0807128066| ISBN: 1400033152 11279 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $32.95, paper $14.00| Price: $32.95, paper $14.00" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Breaking out: VMI and the coming of women "Brodie, Laura Fairchild: Author" | Education New York: Knopf 2001 Text ISBN: 037540614X| ISBN: 0375705813 11280 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Added 2003 (Education)| Price: $26.00, paper $14.00| Price: $26.00, paper $14.00" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library.|" 1/28/2004 Crossed currents: Navy women in a century of change "Ebbert, Jean: Author| Hall, Marie-Beth: Author" Military 3d ed "Dulles, Virginia: Potomac Books, Incorporated" 1999 Text ISBN: 1574881930 11281 eng Added 2003 (Military)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 "The first, the few, the forgotten: Navy and Marine Corps women in World War I" "Ebbert, Jean: Author| Hall, Marie-Beth: Author" Military "Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 155750203X 11282 eng Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Serving proudly: a history of women in the U.S. Navy "Godson, Susan H.: Author" Military "Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 1557503176 11283 eng Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 "God gave us the right: conservative Catholic, Evangelical Protestant and Orthodox Jewish women grapple with feminism" "Manning, Christel J.: Author" Religion "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0813525985| ISBN: 0813525993 11285 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $24.95| Price: $50.00, paper $24.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Beyond zero tolerance: discrimination in military culture "Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod: Author| Reppy, Judith: Author" Military "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 1999 Text ISBN: 0847693155| ISBN: 0847693163 11287 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $82.00, paper $29.95| Price: $82.00, paper $29.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Clipped wings: the rise and fall of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) of World War II "Merryman, Molly: Author" Military New York: New York University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0814755674| ISBN: 0814755682| ISBN: 0585330778 11288 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00, ebook $65.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00, ebook $65.00" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 "Wings, women and war: Soviet airwomen in World War II combat" "Pennington, Reina: Author" Military Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2002 Text ISBN: 0700611452 11291 eng Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Islam and gender: the religious debate in contemporary Iran "Mir-Hosseini, Ziba: Author" Religion "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0691010048 11292 eng Price: paper $23.95| Price: paper $23.95| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Choosing revolution: Chinese women soldiers on the Long March "Praeger Young, Helen: Author" Military Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0252026721 11293 eng Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 When the nation was in need: Blacks in the women's army corps during World War II "Putney, Martha S.: Author" Military "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 1992| 2002 Text ISBN: 0810825317| ISBN: 0810840170 11294 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $40.00, paper $32.95| Price: $40.00, paper $32.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Soldaderas in the Mexican military: myth and history "Salas, Elizabeth: Author" Military| Latin American women "Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0292776306| ISBN: 0292776381 11295 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $25.00, paper $19.95| Price: $25.00, paper $19.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/16/2004 Vietnamese women at war: fighting for Ho Chi Min and the revolution "Taylor, Sandra: Author" Military Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 1999 Text ISBN: 070060927X| ISBN: 0700612564 11296 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 In Uncle Sam's service: women workers with the American expeditionary force "Zeiger, Susan: Author" Military "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1999| 2004 Text ISBN: 0801431662| ISBN: 0812218752 11297 eng "Added 2003 (Military)| Price: $45.00, paper: $18.95| Price: $45.00, paper: $18.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Women soldiers: images and realities "Addis, Elisabetta: Author" Military New York: Saint Martin's Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0312120737| ISBN: 031212074 11298 eng "Price: $69.95, paper $23.95| Price: $69.95, paper $23.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 Gender camouflage: women and the U.S. military "D'Amico, Francine: Author| Weinstein, Laurie: Author" Military New York: New York University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 081479066| ISBN: 0814719074 11299 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $21.00| Price: $60.00, paper $21.00" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Battle cries and lullabies: women in the war from prehistory to the present "De Pauw, Linda Grant: Author" Military Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0806132884| ISBN: 0806170743 11300 eng "Price: paper $21.95, ebook $34.95| Price: paper $21.95, ebook $34.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Women and war in the twentieth century: enlisted with or without consent "Dombrowski, Nicole Ann: Editor" Military New York: Garland 1998 Text ISBN: 0815322879 11302 eng Price: $85.95| Price: $85.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 The word according to Eve: women and the Bible in ancient times and our own "Murphy, Cullen: Author" Religion Houghton Mifflin Company 1998 Text ISBN: 0618001921 11303 eng Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Does khaki become you?: the militarization of women's lives "Enloe, Cynthia: Author" Military London: Pandora 1983 Text ISBN: 0863583016 11304 eng Price: $11.00| Price: $11.00 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Maneuvers: the international politics of militarizing women's lives "Enloe, Cynthia: Author" Military Berkeley: University of California Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0520220714| ISBN: 0585289115 11305 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: paper $21.95, ebook $50.00| Price: paper $21.95, ebook $50.00| Essential title (Military)" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 Citizenship rites: feminist soldiers and feminist antimilitarists "Feinman, Ilene Rose: Author" Military New York: New York University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0814726887| ISBN: 0814726895| ISBN: 0585318840 11306 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $22.00, ebook $65.00| Price: $65.00, paper $22.00, ebook $65.00| Essential title (Military)" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 American women in World War I: they also served "Gavin, Lettie: Author" Military Niwot: University Press of Colorado 1997 Text ISBN: 0585099103 11308 eng Price: ebook $29.95| Price: ebook $29.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 8/25/2003 Women and religion "Plaskow, Judith: Editor| Arnold, Joan: Editor| Romero, Joan A.: Editor" Religion "Ann Arbor, Michigan: Books on Demand" 1974 Text ISBN: 0835795810 11309 eng Price: $67.00| Price: $67.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 War and gender: how gender shapes the war system and vice versa "Goldstein, Joshua S.: Author" Military Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0521001803 11310 eng Price: paper $29.99| Price: paper $29.99| Essential title (Military) "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 "Camouflage isn't only for combat: gender, sexuality, and women in the military" "Herbert, Melissa S.: Author" Military New York: New York University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0814735487| ISBN: 0585315965 11311 eng "Price: paper $21.00, ebook $65.00| Price: paper $21.00, ebook $65.00| Essential title (Military)" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 "Disruptive divas: feminism, identity and popular music" "Burns, Lori: Author| Lafrance, Melisse: Author" Music New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0815335539| ISBN: 0815335547 11312 eng "Added 2003 (Music)| Price: $100.00, paper $30.95| Price: $100.00, paper $30.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 From convent to concert hall: a guide to women composers "Glickman, Sylvia: Editor| Schleifer, Martha Furman: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 2003 Text ISBN: 1573564117 11314 eng Added 2003 (Music)| Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 "Women composers: music through the ages, volume 7" Composers born 1800-1899: vocal music "Glickman, Sylvia: Editor| Schleifer, Martha Furman: Editor" Music vol. 7 "Farmington Hills, Michigan: G.K. Hall" 2003 Text ISBN: 0783881940 11316 eng Added 2003 (Music)| Price: $163.00| Price: $163.00| Essential title (Music) "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Respect: women and popular music "Marcic, Dorothy: Author" Music New York: Texere 2002 Text ISBN: 1587990830 11318 eng Added 2003 (Music)| Price: $26.95| Price: $26.95 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 8/25/2003 "She bop II: the definitive history of women in rock, pop and soul" "O'Brien, Lucy: Author" Music New York: Continuum 2004 Text ISBN: 0826472087 11319 eng Added 2003 (Music)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 8/25/2003 "Suffragist sheet music: an illustrated catalogue of published music associated with the women's rights and suffrage movement in America, 1795-1992" "O'Crew, Danny: Author" Music "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, Inc." 2002 Text ISBN: 0786412984 11320 eng Added 2003 (Music)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 8/25/2003 From spirituals to symphonies: African American women composers and their music "Walker-Hill, Helen: Author" Music "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 2002 Text ISBN: 0313299471 11322 eng Added 2003 (Music)| Price: $106.95| Price: $106.95 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 8/25/2003 Frock rock: women performing popular music "Bayton, Mavis: Author" Music New York: Oxford University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 019816615X 11323 eng Price: $67.50| Price: $67.50 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/5/2004 "Blueswomen: profiles of 37 early performers, with an anthology of lyrics, 1920-1945" "Bourgeois, Anna Strong: Author" Music "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company" 2004|1996 Text ISBN: 0786421223 11324 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Contemporary anthology of music by women "Briscoe, James R.: Editor" Music Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0253211026 11325 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Girls! Girls! Girls!: essays on women and music "Cooper, Sarah: Editor" Music New York: New York University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0814715400| ISBN: 0814715419 11327 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $21.00| Price: $55.00, paper $21.00" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Blues legacies and Black feminism: Gertrude ""Ma"" Rainey, Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday" "Davis, Angela Y.: Author" Music New York: Pantheon Books 1998 Text ISBN: 0679771263 11329 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Weaving the visions: new patterns in feminist spirituality "Plaskow, Judith: Editor| Christ, Carol P.: Editor" Religion| Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1989 Text ISBN: 0060613831 11330 eng Added 2007 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library.| Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Music and women: the story of women in their relation to music "Drinker, Sophie: Author" Music New York: Feminist Press at The City University of New York 1995 Text ISBN: 1558611169 11331 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Embodied voices: representing female vocality in western culture "Dunn, Leslie C.: Editor| Jones, Nancy A.: Editor" Music New York: Cambridge University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 052158583X 11333 eng Price: paper $37.99| Price: paper $37.99 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Girls will be boys: women report on rock "Evans, Liz: Author" Music New York: Rivers Oram Press/Pandora 1997 Text ISBN: 0044409508 11335 eng Price: paper $15.50| Price: paper $15.50 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "The Pandora guide to women composers: Britain and the United States, 1629-present" "Fuller, Sophie: Author" Music New York: Rivers Oram Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0044409362 11336 eng Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Women as teachers and disciples in traditional and new religions "Puttick, Elizabeth: Editor| Clarke, Peter B.: Editor" Religion "Lewiston, Kentucky: Edwin Mellen Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0773493468 11337 eng Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 (En)gendering knowledge: feminists in academe Engendering knowledge "Hartman, Joan E.: Editor| Masser-Davidow, Ellen: Editor" Philosophy Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0870497014 11338 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Hypatia's daughters: fifteen hundred years of women philosophers "McAlister, Linda L.: Author" Philosophy Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0253210607 11341 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 Who knows: from Quine to a feminist empiricism "Nelson, Lynn H.: Author" Philosophy Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0877226474| ISBN: 1566390079 11342 eng "Price: $44.50, paper $24.95| Price: $44.50, paper $24.95" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 God beyond gender: feminist Christian God-language "Ramshaw, Gail: Author" Religion "Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg Fortress Publishers" 1995 Text ISBN: 0800627741 11343 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "Music, gender, education" "Green, Lucy: Author" Music New York: Cambridge University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0521555175| ISBN: 0521555221 11344 eng "Price: $90.00, paper $34.99| Price: $90.00, paper $34.99" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 The international sweethearts of rhythm: the ladies jazz band from Piney Woods Country Life School "Handy, D. Antoinette: Author" Music Rev. ed "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0810831600 11345 eng Price: paper $37.50| Price: paper $37.50 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Angry women in rock "Juno, Andrea: Author" Music Volume 1 New York: Juno Books 1996 Text ISBN: 0965104206 11349 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Under the tree of life: the religion of a feminist Christian "Ramshaw, Gail: Author" Religion New York: Continuum 1998 Text ISBN: 082641110X 11351 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "The diva's mouth: body, voice, prima donna politics" "Leonardi, Susan J.: Author" Music "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0813523044 11353 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "The choral music of twentieth century women composers: Elisabeth Lutyens, Elizabeth Maconchy, and Thea Musgrave" "Roma, Catherine: Author" Music "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 081085029X 11356 eng Price: paper $37.00| Price: paper $37.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 "Feminine endings: music, gender, and sexuality" "McClary, Susan: Author" Music Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0816641897 11358 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00| Essential title (Music) "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Beauvoir and the second sex: feminism, race, and the origins of existentialism" "Simons, Margaret A.: Author" Philosophy "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 1999 Text ISBN: 0847692566| ISBN: 084769257 11361 eng "Price: $25.95, paper $20.95| Price: $25.95, paper $20.95" "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Inessential woman: problems of exclusion in feminist thought "Spelman, Elizabeth V.: Author" Philosophy Boston: Beacon 1990 Text ISBN: 0807067458 11362 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 American women in mission "Robert, Dana: Author" Religion "Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0865545499 11363 eng Price: paper $30.00| Price: paper $30.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Presenting women philosophers "Tougas, Cecile T.: Editor| Ebenreck, Sara: Editor" Philosophy Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 156639760X| ISBN: 1566397618 11365 eng "Price: $83.50, paper $27.95| Price: $83.50, paper $27.95" "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 "Gendered community: Rousseau, sex, and politics" "Weiss, Penny A.: Author" Philosophy New York: New York University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 08147192634| ISBN: 081479288X| ISBN: 0585183732 11367 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $19.50, ebook $60.00| Price: $65.00, paper $19.50, ebook $60.00" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 Luce Irigaray: philosophy in the feminine "Whitford, Margaret: Author" Philosophy London: Routledge 1991 Text ISBN: 0415059690 11368 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Women of color and philosophy: a critical reader "Zack, Naomi: Editor" Philosophy "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2000 Text ISBN: 0631218661 11369 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95| Essential title (Philosophy) "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Sexism and God-talk: toward a feminist theology "Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Author" Religion "reissue edition, with a new introduction" Boston: Beacon Press 1993 Text ISBN: 080701205X 11370 eng Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Women performing music: the emergence of American women as classical instrumentalists and conductors "MacLeod, Abelson, Beth: Author" Music "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company" 2000 Text ISBN: 0786409045 11372 eng Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Music and gender "Moisala, Pirkko: Editor| Diamond, Beverley: Editor" Music Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2000 Text ISBN: 025202544X| ISBN: 0252068653 11375 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Popular music, gender and postmodernism: anger is an energy" "Nehring, Neil: Author" Music "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1997 Text ISBN: 0761908358| ISBN: 0761908366 11377 eng "Price: $101.00, paper $50.95| Price: $101.00, paper $50.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/5/2004 American women composers "Pendle, Karin: Editor" Music Newark: Gordon and Breach Publishing Group 1997 Text ISBN: 9057021455 11378 eng Price: paper $45.00| Price: paper $45.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Backstage pass: interviews with women in music "Post, Laura: Author" Music "Norwich, Vermont: New Victoria Publishers" 1997 Text ISBN: 0934678847 11379 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "The sex revolts: gender, rebellion, and rock 'n' roll" "Reynolds, Simon: Author" Music "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 067480273X 11380 eng Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Ladies first: women in music videos "Roberts, Robin: Author" Music Jackson: University Press of Mississippi 1996 Text ISBN: 0878059334| ISBN: 0878059342 11381 eng "Price: $46.00, paper $22.50| Price: $46.00, paper $22.50" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Pistol packin' mama: Aunt Molly Jackson and the politics of folksong "Romalis, Shelly: Author" Music Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0252067282 11382 eng Price: paper $21.00| Price: paper $21.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 The Norton-Grove dictionary of women composers "Sadie, Julie A.: Editor| Samuels, Rhian: Editor" Music New York: W. W. Norton 1995 Text ISBN: 0393034879 11383 eng Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00| Essential title (Music) "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Women and redemption: a theological history "Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Author" Religion "Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg Fortress Publishers" 1998 Text ISBN: 0800629477| ISBN: 0800629450 11384 eng "Price: $20.00, paper $20.00| Price: $20.00, paper $20.00| Essential title (Religion)" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Talking back and acting out: women negotiating the media across culture "Jackson, Sandra: Editor| Russo, Ann: Editor" Popular culture New York: Peter Lang 2001 Text ISBN: 082045172X 11385 eng Added 2003 (Popular culture)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist popular fiction "Makinen, Merja: Author" Popular culture New York: Palgrave 2001 Text ISBN: 033379317X 11386 eng Added 2003 (Popular culture)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Watching rape: film and television in postfeminist culture "Projansky, Sarah: Author" Popular culture| Film and television studies| Mass media New York: New York University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0814766897| ISBN: 0814766900 11387 eng "Added 2003 (Popular culture)| Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library. | Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 8/25/2003 Women and the machine: representations from the spinning wheel to the electronic age "Wosk, Julie: Author" Popular culture| Technology "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2001| 2003 Text ISBN: 0801873134| ISBN: 0801877814 11388 eng "Added 2003 (Popular culture)| Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: paper $22.95, ebook $39.95| Price: paper $22.95, ebook $39.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/18/2004 "Channels of discourse, reassembled: television and contemporary criticism" "Allen, Robert C.: Editor" Popular culture 2d ed Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0807843741 11389 eng Price: paper $33.37| Price: paper $33.37 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Watching Dallas: soap opera and the melodramatic imagination "Ang, Ien: Author" Popular culture New York: Routledge 1985 Text ISBN: 0415045983 11390 eng Price: paper $24.82| Price: paper $24.82 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Siren songs: representations of gender and sexuality in opera "Smart, Mary Ann: Editor" Music "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 069105813X 11391 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "En travesti: women, gender subversion, opera" "Blackmer, Corinne E.: Editor| Smith, Patricia J.: Editor" Music New York: Columbia University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0231102690 11392 eng Price: paper $26.50| Price: paper $26.50 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Musicology and difference: gender and sexuality in music scholarship "Solie, Ruth A.: Author" Music Berkeley: University of California Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0520201469| ISBN: 0585320926 11393 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $40.00| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $40.00" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/5/2004 And so I sing: African American divas of opera and concert "Story, Rosalyn M.: Author" Music New York: Warner 1993 Text ISBN: 0446710164 11394 eng Price: $27.00| Price: $27.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Swing shift: ""all-girl"" bands of the 1940s" "Tucker, Sherrie: Author" Music "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0822324857| ISBN: 0822328178 11395 eng "Price: $44.95, paper $22.95| Price: $44.95, paper $22.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 8/25/2003 Songprints: the musical experience of five Shoshone women "Vander, Judith: Author" Music Champaign: University of Illinois Press 1997 Text ISBN: 025206545X 11396 eng Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Women and popular music: sexuality, identity, and subjectivity" "Whiteley, Sheila: Editor" Music New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415211891| ISBN: 0415211905 11397 eng "Price: $125.00, paper $32.95| Price: $125.00, paper $32.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Impure thoughts: essays on philosophy, feminism and ethics" "Addelson, Kathryn Pyne: Author" Philosophy Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0877229600 11399 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Feminist epistemologies "Alcoff, Linda: Editor| Potter, Elizabeth: Editor" Philosophy| Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 041590451X 11400 eng Price: paper $39.95| Price: paper $39.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North.| Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 8/25/2003 Lesbian philosophies and cultures "Allen, Jeffner: Editor" Philosophy Albany: State University of New York Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0791403831| ISBN: 079140384X 11401 eng "Price: $28.50, paper $24.95| Price: $28.50, paper $24.95" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 A mind of one's own: feminist essays on reason and objectivity "Antony, Louise: Editor| Witt, Charlotte: Editor" Philosophy 2d ed "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813366070 11402 eng Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Engendering origins: critical feminist readings in Plato and Aristotle "Bar On, Bat-Ami: Editor" Philosophy Albany: State University of New York Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0791416437| ISBN: 0791416445 11403 eng "Price: $20.50, paper $19.95| Price: $20.50, paper $19.95" "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Modern engendering: critical feminist readings in modern western philosophy "Bar On, Bat-Ami: Editor" Philosophy Albany: State University of New York Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0791416410| ISBN: 0791416429 11404 eng "Price: $23.50, paper $22.95| Price: $23.50, paper $22.95" "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Women philosophers: a bibliography of books through 1990 "Barth, Else M.: Author" Philosophy "Bowling Green, Ohio: Philosophy Documentation Center" 1992 Text ISBN: 0912632917 11405 eng Price: $39.00| Price: $39.00 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Feminism and world religions "Sharma, Arvind: Editor | Young, Katherine K." Religion Albany: State University of New York Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0791440249| ISBN: 0585287783 11408 eng "Price: paper $29.95, ebook $74.50| Price: paper $29.95, ebook $74.50" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Is feminist philosophy philosophy? "Bianchi, Emanuela: Editor" Philosophy "Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0810115948| ISBN: 0810115956 11409 eng "Price: $77.00, paper $29.00| Price: $77.00, paper $29.00" "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Women and the ideal society: Plato's Republic and modern myths of gender "Bluestone, Natalie Harris: Author" Philosophy Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1987 Text ISBN: 087023580X| ISBN: 0870235818 11410 eng "Price: $40.00, paper $24.95| Price: $40.00, paper $24.95" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and tradition in aesthetics "Brand, Peggy Z.: Editor| Korsmeyer, Carolyn: Editor" Philosophy University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0271013419 11411 eng Price: paper $29.00| Price: paper $29.00 "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist ethics "Card, Claudia: Editor" Philosophy "Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas" 1991 Text ISBN: 0700604839 11414 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 8/25/2003 What can she know?: feminist theory and the construction of knowledge "Code, Lorraine: Author" Philosophy "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0801497205 11415 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 The Cambridge companion to feminism in philosophy "Fricker, Miranda: Editor| Hornsby, Jennifer: Editor" Philosophy New York: Cambridge University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0521624517| ISBN: 052162469X 11424 eng "Price: $70.00, paper $25.99| Price: $70.00, paper $25.99" "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 2/16/2004 Talking back: images of Jewish women in American popular culture "Antler, Joyce: Editor" Popular culture "Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England" 1998 Text ISBN: 0874518415| ISBN: 0874518423 11425 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $24.95| Price: $50.00, paper $24.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 From good Goddess to vestal virgins: sex and category in Roman religion "Staples, Ariadne: Author" Religion New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415132339| ISBN: 0585447411 11427 eng "Price: $114.95, ebook $85.00| Price: $114.95, ebook $85.00" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Putting on appearances: gender and advertising "Barthel, Diane: Author" Popular culture Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 087722661X 11428 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Women on ice: feminist essays on the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan spectacle "Baughman, Cynthia: Editor" Popular culture New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415911508| ISBN: 0415911516 11429 eng "Price: $110.00, paper $28.95| Price: $110.00, paper $28.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "The masculine woman in America, 1890-1935" "Behling, Laura L.: Author" Popular culture| Lesbian studies Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0252026276 11430 eng Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Soap opera and women's talk: the pleasure of resistance "Brown, Mary Ellen: Author" Popular culture "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1994 Text ISBN: 080394392X| ISBN: 0803943938 11431 eng "Price: $119.00, paper $51.95| Price: $119.00, paper $51.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Television and women's culture: the politics of the popular "Brown, Mary Ellen: Editor" Popular culture "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1990 Text ISBN: 0803982291 11432 eng Price: paper $47.95| Price: paper $47.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "The forgotten desert mothers: sayings, lives and stories of early Christian women" "Swanson, Laura: Author" Religion "Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0809140160 11434 eng Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "Out in culture: gay, lesbian, and queer essays on popular culture" "Creekmur, Corey K.: Editor| Doty, Alexander: Editor" Popular culture "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0822315327| ISBN: 0822315416 11436 eng "Price: $99.95, paper $28.95| Price: $99.95, paper $28.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Girl talk: adolescent magazines and their readers "Currie, Dawn H.: Author" Popular culture| Girls and girlhood Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0802044158| ISBN: 0802082173 11437 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $63.00, paper $27.95| Price: $63.00, paper $27.95| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/16/2004 Where the girls are: growing up female with the mass media "Douglas, Susan J.: Author" Popular culture New York: Crown Publishing 1995 Text ISBN: 0812925300 11438 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00| Essential title (Popular culture) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and Christian tradition: an annotated bibliography and critical introduction to the literature "Walsh, Mary-Paula: Author" Religion "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 1999 Text ISBN: 0313264198 11439 eng Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00| Essential title (Religion) "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 "Ladies of labor, girls of adventure: working women, popular culture, and labor politics at the turn of the twentieth century" "Enstad, Nan: Author" Popular culture New York: Columbia University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0231111029| ISBN: 0231111037 11440 eng "Price: $59.50, paper $23.50| Price: $59.50, paper $23.50" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Seeing through the eighties: television and Reaganism "Feuer, Jane: Author" Popular culture "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0822316757| ISBN: 022316870 11441 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Selling suffrage: consumer culture and votes for women "Finnegan, Margaret Mary: Author" Popular culture New York: Columbia University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0231107382| ISBN: 0231107390 11442 eng "Price: $77.50, paper $26.00| Price: $77.50, paper $26.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Recovering women: feminisms and the representation of addiction "Friedling, Melissa Pearl: Author" Popular culture "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0813391407 11443 eng Price: $66.00| Price: $66.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "The good, the bad and the gorgeous: popular culture's romance with lesbianism" "Hamer, Diane: Editor| Budge, Belinda: Editor" Popular culture New York: New York University Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0044409109 11444 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Regarding television: critical approaches--an anthology "Kaplan, E. Ann: Editor" Popular culture "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing" 1983 Text ISBN: 0313270090| ISBN: 0313269920 11445 eng "Price: $42.95, paper $12.95| Price: $42.95, paper $12.95| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "Spirited women: gender, religion, and cultural identity in the Nepal Himalaya" "Watkins, Joanne C.: Author" Religion New York: Columbia University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0231102143| ISBN: 0231102151 11446 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $29.50| Price: $55.00, paper $29.50" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 "Madcaps, screwballs, and con-women: the female trickster in American culture" "Landay, Lori: Author" Popular culture Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0812216512 11447 eng Price: paper $26.50| Price: paper $26.50 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 "Posing a threat: flappers, chorus girls, and other brazen performers of the American 1920s" "Latham, Angela J.: Author" Popular culture "Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England" 2000 Text ISBN: 081956401X 11448 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 Gender politics and MTV: voicing the difference "Lewis, Lisa A.: Author" Popular culture Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0877229422 11449 eng Price: paper $25.95| Price: paper $25.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "In the culture society: art, fashion and popular music" "McRobbie, Angela: Author" Popular culture New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415137497| ISBN: 0415137500 11450 eng "Price: $125.00, paper $33.95| Price: $125.00, paper $33.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Mediated women: representations in popular culture "Meyers, Marian: Editor" Popular culture| Mass media "Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 1572732393| ISBN: 1572732407 11451 eng "Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $85.00, paper $36.50| Price: $85.00, paper $36.50" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 8/25/2003 Clergy women: an uphill calling "Zikmund, Barbara B.: Author| Lummis, Adair T.: Author| Chang, Patricia M.: Author" Religion "Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0664256732| ISBN: 0585325626 11452 eng "Price: paper $24.95, ebook $20.95| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $20.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "High anxiety: catastrophe, scandal, age and comedy" "Mellencamp, Patricia: Author" Popular culture Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0253337445| ISBN: 0253207355 11453 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $49.95| Price: $49.95, paper $49.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Logics of television: essays in cultural criticism "Mellencamp, Patricia: Editor" Popular culture Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0253205824 11454 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Studies in entertainment: critical approaches to mass culture "Modleski, Tania: Editor" Popular culture Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1986 Text ISBN: 0253203953 11455 eng Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 No end to her: soap opera and the female subject "Nochimson, Martha: Author" Popular culture Berkeley: University of California Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0520077717 11456 eng Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 "Women watching television: gender, class, and generation in the American television experience" "Press, Andrea Lee: Author" Popular culture Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1991 Text ISBN: 081221286X 11457 eng Price: paper $22.50| Price: paper $22.50 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 American women of letters and the nineteenth century sciences: styles of affiliation "Baym, Nina: Author" Science "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813529859 11458 eng Added 2003 (Science)| Price: $22.00| Price: $22.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 "For the love of pleasure: women, movies, and culture in turn-of-the-century Chicago" "Rabinovitz, Lauren: Author" Popular culture| Film and television studies "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0813525330| ISBN: 0813525349 11459 eng "Price: $59.00, paper $22.00| Price: $59.00, paper $22.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "Reading the romance: women, patriarchy, and popular literature" "Radway, Janice A.: Author" Popular culture Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0807843490 11460 eng Price: $17.95| Price: $17.95| Essential title (Popular culture) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Barbie's queer accessories "Rand, Erica: Author" Popular culture "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0822316048| ISBN: 082231620X 11461 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Media-tions: forays into the culture and gender wars "Rapping, Elayne: Author" Popular culture Boston: South End Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0896084795| ISBN: 0896084787 11462 eng "Price: $30.00, paper $15.00| Price: $30.00, paper $15.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 The movie of the week: private stories/public events "Rapping, Elayne: Author" Popular culture Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0816620172| ISBN: 0816620180 11463 eng "Price: $46.95, paper $18.95| Price: $46.95, paper $18.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 From girls to grrrlz: a history of women's comics from teens to zines "Robbins, Trina: Author" Popular culture San Francisco: Chronicle Books 1999 Text ISBN: 0811821994 11465 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Barbie culture "Rogers, Mary F.: Author" Popular culture "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1999 Text ISBN: 0761958878| ISBN: 0761958886 11466 eng "Price: $158.00, paper $38.95| Price: $158.00, paper $38.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Make room for TV: television and the family ideal in postwar America "Spigel, Lynn: Author" Popular culture Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0226769666| ISBN: 0226769674 11467 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $21.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, science and society: the crucial union" "Rosser, Sue Vilhauer: Author" Science "New York: Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University" 2000 Text ISBN: 0807739421 11468 eng Added 2003 (Science)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/17/2004 Private screenings: television and the female consumer "Spigel, Lynn: Editor| Mann, Denise: Editor" Popular culture Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0816620520| ISBN: 0816620539 11469 eng "Price: $56.95, paper $18.95| Price: $56.95, paper $18.95| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 The revolution wasn't televised: sixties television and social conflict "Spigel, Lynn: Editor| Curtin, Michael: Editor" Popular culture New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415911214| ISBN: 0415911222 11470 eng "Price: $106.00, paper $30.95| Price: $106.00, paper $30.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Extraordinary bodies: figuring physical disability in American culture and literature "Thomson, Rosemarie Garland: Author" Popular culture New York: Columbia University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0231105169| ISBN: 0231105177 11471 eng "Price: $77.50, paper $23.50| Price: $77.50, paper $23.50" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 A Latina in the land of Hollywood and other essays on media culture "Valdivia, Angharad N.: Author" Popular culture| Mass media Tucson: University of Arizona Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0816519331| ISBN: 0816519358 11472 eng "Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $42.00, paper $19.95| Price: $42.00, paper $19.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library. | Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 8/25/2003 Material girls: making sense of feminist cultural theory "Walters, Suzanna Danuta: Author" Popular culture| Feminist theory Berkeley: University of California Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0520089782| ISBN: 058522143X 11473 eng "Price: paper $19.95, ebook $45.00| Price: paper $19.95, ebook $45.00" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/17/2004 Overloaded: popular culture and the future of feminism "Whelehan, Imelda: Author" Popular culture London: Women's Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0704346176 11475 eng Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Consuming passions: the dynamics of popular culture "Williamson, Judith: Author" Popular culture New York: Marion Boyars 1986 Text ISBN: 071452851X 11476 eng Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 Directory of women's media "Allen, Martha Leslie: Editor" Reference Published annually. "Washington, D.C.: Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0930470214 11477 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $48.00| Price: $48.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Encyclopedia of women in American history: a ready reference "Appleby, Joyce: Editor" Reference "Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe Reference" 2002 Text ISBN: 0765680386 11478 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $299.00 (3 vols.)| Price: $299.00 (3 vols.) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Historical and multicultural encyclopedia of women's reproductive rights in the United States "Baer, Judith A.: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313306443| ISBN: 0313011079 11479 eng "Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $87.95, ebook $87.95| Price: $87.95, ebook $87.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 A handbook of literary feminisms "Benstock, Shari: Editor| Ferriss, Suzanne: Editor| Woods, Susanne: Editor" "Reference| Literature, British" New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0195102061 11480 eng "Added 2003 (Reference)| Added 2003 (Literature, British)| Price: paper $25.50| Price: paper $25.50| Essential title (Literature, British)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, science and technology: a reader in feminist science studies" "Wyer, Mary: Editor| Cookmeyer, Donna: Editor| Barbercheck, Mary: Editor| Ozturk, Hatice Orun: Editor| Wayne, Marta: Editor" Science New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415926068| ISBN: 0415926076 11481 eng "Added 2003 (Science)| Price: $99.95, paper $31.95| Price: $99.95, paper $31.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 Women in world history: a biographical encyclopedia "Commire, Anne: Editor| Klezmer, Deborah: Editor" Reference "Waterford, Connecticut: Yorkin Publications" 2001 Text ISBN: 078763736X 11482 eng "Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $1,395.00 (17 vols.)| Price: $1,395.00 (17 vols.)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 A to Z of women in sports "Edelson, Paula: Author" Reference New York: Facts on File 2002 Text ISBN: 0816045658 11483 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $44.00| Price: $44.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Political and historical encyclopedia of women "Faure, Christine: Editor" Reference London: Fitzroy Dearborn 2002 Text ISBN: 1579582370 11484 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $223.00| Price: $223.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 American women: a Library of Congress guide for the study of women's history and culture in the United States "Harvey, Sheridan: Editor" "Reference| History, U.S." "Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress" 2001 Text ISBN: 0844410489 11485 eng "Added 2003 (Reference)| Added 2003 (History, U.S.)| Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 "Uneasy careers and intimate lives: women in science, 1787-1979" "Abir-Am, Pnina G.: Editor| Outram, Dorinda: Editor" Science "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1987 Text ISBN: 0813512557| ISBN: 0813512565 11487 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $18.95| Price: $45.00, paper $18.95| Essential title (Science)" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 A to Z of American women in the visual arts "Kort, Carol: Author| Sonneborn, Liz: Author" Reference New York: Facts on File 2002 Text ISBN: 0816043973 11488 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $44.00| Price: $44.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 A to Z of women in world history "Kuhlman, Erika: Author" Reference New York: Facts on File 2002 Text ISBN: 0816043345 11489 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $49.50| Price: $49.50 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 A to Z of American women leaders and activists "Langston, Donna: Author" Reference New York: Facts on File 2002 Text ISBN: 0816044686 11490 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $44.00| Price: $44.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 American women: who they are and how they live New Strategist editors Reference "2d ed, rev" "Ithaca, New York: New Strategist Publications, Inc." 2002 Text ISBN: 188507042X 11491 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 A companion to early modern women's writing "Pacheco, Anita: Editor" "Reference| Literature, British" "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2002 Text ISBN: 0631217029 11492 eng "Added 2003 (Reference)| Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $104.95| Price: $104.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Hypatia's heritage: a history of women in science from antiquity through the nineteenth century "Alic, Margaret: Author" Science Boston: Beacon Press 1986 Text ISBN: 0807067318 11493 eng Price: paper $21.00| Price: paper $21.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 "A biographical dictionary of women healers: midwives, nurses, and physicians" "Scrivener, Laurie: Author" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Oryx Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 157356219X| ISBN: 9781573562195 11495 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $83.95| Price: $83.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 A to Z of American women business leaders and entrepreneurs "Sherrow, Victoria: Author" Reference New York: Facts on File 2002 Text ISBN: 0816045569 11496 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $44.00| Price: $44.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Gay and lesbian Americans and political participation: a reference handbook "Smith, Raymond A.: Author| Haider-Markel, Donald P.: Author" Reference| Lesbian studies "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2002 Text ISBN: 1576072568| ISBN: 1576077314 11497 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: ebook $37.50| Price: ebook $37.50 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 A to Z of American women in the performing arts "Sonneborn, Liz: Author" Reference| Theatre and dance New York: Facts on File 2002 Text ISBN: 0816043981 11499 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00| Essential title (Theatre and dance) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/19/2004 Handbook of the psychology of women and gender "Unger, Rhoda K.: Editor" Reference New York: John Wiley and Sons 2001 Text ISBN: 0471653578| ISBN: 0471150924 11500 eng "Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: paper $57.95, ebook $94.95| Price: paper $57.95, ebook $94.95| Essential title (Reference)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Encyclopedia of women and gender: sex similarities and differences and the impact of society on gender "Worrell, Judith: Author" Reference San Diego: Elsevier Science and Technology Books 2001 Text ISBN: 0122272455 11501 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $485.00| Price: $485.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 The new A to Z of women's health: a concise encyclopedia "Ammer, Christine: Author" Reference| Health 5th ed New York: Facts on File 2005 Text ISBN: 0816057915 11503 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Health) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 "Our bodies, ourselves: a new edition for a new era" Boston Women's Health Book Collective: Author Reference| Health 35th anniversary ed New York: Simon and Schuster 2005 Text ISBN: 0743256115 11505 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Health) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 8/25/2003 Encyclopedia of feminist theories "Code, Lorraine: Editor" Reference| Feminist theory New York: Routledge 2000 | 2003 Text ISBN: 0415132746| ISBN: 0415308852 11508 eng "Price: $215, paper $47.95| Price: $215, paper $47.95| Essential title (Reference)| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/17/2004 Women's information services and networks: a global source book "Cummings, Sarah: Author" Reference "Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxfam Publishing" 1999 Text ISBN: 0855984252 11509 eng Price: paper $28.50| Price: paper $28.50 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Women in the third world: an encyclopedia of contemporary issues "Kelly, Gail: Editor" Reference New York: Garland 1998 Text ISBN: 0815301502 11514 eng Price: $194.95| Price: $194.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Routledge international encyclopedia of women: global women's issues and knowledge "Kramarae, Cheris: Author| Spender, Dale: Author" Reference New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415920884| ISBN: 0203800982 11515 eng "Price: $695.00, ebook $695.00| Price: $695.00, ebook $695.00| Essential title (Reference)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 The reader's companion to U.S. women's history "Mankiller, Wilma Pearl: Editor" "Reference| History, U.S." Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1998 Text ISBN: 0395671736| ISBN: 0618001824| ISBN: 058506847X 11518 eng "Price: trade paper $20.00, ebook $45.00| Price: trade paper $20.00, ebook $45.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 A feminist glossary of human geography "McDowell, Linda: Author| Sharp, Joanne P.: Author" Geography and travel New York: Oxford University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0340706597 11520 eng Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/19/2004 New books on women and feminism University of Wisconsin--Madison.; Libraries: Author| University of Wisconsin System: Author| Women's Studies Librarian: Author Reference "Madison, Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large, University of Wisconsin System" 1979 Text 11522 eng "Price: $30.00 for individuals, $55 for institutions| This fee covers most publications of the office, also including Feminist collections and Feminist periodicals| Price: $30.00 for individuals, $55 for institutions| This fee covers most publications of t" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 The Routledge historical atlas of women in America "Opdycke, Sandra: Author" Reference| Geography and travel New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415921325| ISBN: 0415921384 11523 eng "Added 2006 (Geography and travel)| Price: $50.95, paper $22.95| Price: $50.95, paper $22.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/11/2004 "Common science?: women, science and knowledge" "Barr, Jean: Author| Birke, Lynda I.: Author" Science Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0253333865| ISBN: 0253211816| ISBN: 0585000840 11524 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $14.95, ebook $29.95| Price: $29.95, paper $14.95, ebook $29.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 "The quotable woman: the first 5,000 years" "Partnow, Elaine T.: Author" Reference Rev and updated ed New York: Facts on File 2001 Text ISBN: 0816040125 11525 eng Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 The Cambridge guide to women's writing in English "Sage, Lorna: Editor" Reference New York: Cambridge University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0521495253| ISBN: 0521668131 11528 eng "Price: $90.00, paper $29.00| Price: $90.00, paper $29.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Encyclopedia of women in the ancient world "Salisbury, Joyce E.: Author" Reference| Antiquity "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2001 Text ISBN: 1576070921| ISBN: 1576075850 11529 eng Price: ebook $52.50| Price: ebook $52.50 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/16/2004 "For appearance' sake: the historical encyclopedia of good looks, beauty, and grooming" "Sherrow, Victoria: Author" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Oryx Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 1573562041 11531 eng Price: $88.95| Price: $88.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 African American women: an annotated bibliography "Thomas, Veronica G.: Composer| Braithwaite, Kisha: Composer| Mitchell, Paula: Composer" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 031331263X 11533 eng Price: $93.95| Price: $93.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Women's studies encyclopedia "Tierney, Helen: Editor" Reference Rev and expanded ed "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0313310718| ISBN: 0313310726| ISBN: 0313310734 11534 eng "Price: (3 vols.) $325, $325, $325, CD-ROM $295, online $295.00 individual, ""institutional pricing begins at $700""| Price: (3 vols.) $325, $325, $325, CD-ROM $295, online $295.00 individual, ""institutional pricing begins at $700""| Essential title (Referenc" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 Women's rights: a global view "Walter, Lynn: Editor" "Reference| History, International" "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 031330890X 11535 eng Price: $58.95| Price: $58.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/13/2004 Lesbian histories and cultures "Zimmerman, Bonnie: Editor" Reference| Lesbian studies New York: Garland 2000 Text ISBN: 0815319207| ISBN: 0815340559| ISBN: 0203487885 11537 eng "Price: $190.00, library binding $315.00, ebook $250.00| Price: $190.00, library binding $315.00, ebook $250.00| Essential title (Reference)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/14/2004 Feminist approaches to science "Bleier, Ruth: Editor" Science New York: Elsevier Science 1986 Text ISBN: 0080327877 11539 eng Price: $36.50| Price: $36.50| Essential title (Science) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women's studies international National Information Services Corporation: Author Reference National Information Standards Corporation 1972 Text 11540 eng Price: Contact publisher for pricing information| Price: Contact publisher for pricing information| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 8/25/2003 The myth of Pope Joan "Boureau, Alain: Author" "Cochrane, Lydia G.: Translator" Religion Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0226067459 11542 eng Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: paper $26.00| Price: paper $26.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Girls and women in classical Greek religion "Dillon, Matthew: Author" Religion New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415202728| ISBN: 0415319161 11543 eng "Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: $114.95, paper $36.95| Price: $114.95, paper $36.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 "Engendering church: women, power, and the AME church" "Dodson, Jualynne E.: Author" Religion "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 0847693805| ISBN: 0847693813 11544 eng "Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: $63.00, paper $25.95| Price: $63.00, paper $25.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Women in Christianity "Kung, Hans: Author" "Bowden, John: Translator" Religion New York: Continuum Publishing 2002 Text ISBN: 0826456863 11545 eng Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 American women afield: writings by pioneering women naturalists "Bonta, Marcia Myers: Editor" Science College Station: Texas A and M University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0890966338| ISBN: 0890966346| ISBN: 058517394X 11546 eng "Price: $35.00, paper $16.95, ebook $35.00| Price: $35.00, paper $16.95, ebook $35.00" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women in the church: moving toward equality "Massey, Lesly F.: Author" Religion "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Co." 2001 Text ISBN: 0786411953 11547 eng Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "Listen, daughter: the Speculum virginum and the formation of religious women in the Middle Ages" "Mews, Constant J.: Editor" Religion New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2001 Text ISBN: 0312240082 11548 eng Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Women and American Judaism: historical perspectives "Nadell, Pamela S.: Editor| Sarna, Jonathan D.: Editor" Religion "Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England" 2001 Text ISBN: 1584651237| ISBN: 1584651245 11549 eng "Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: $50.00, paper $24.95| Price: $50.00, paper $24.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/17/2004 Jewels of authority: women and textual tradition in Hindu India "Patton, Laurie L.: Editor" Religion New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0195134788| ISBN: 019517660X 11550 eng "Added 2003 (Religion)| Price: $60.00, paper $22.50| Price: $60.00, paper $22.50" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 Fair science: women in the scientific community "Cole, Jonathan R.: Author" Science New York: Columbia University Press 1987 Text ISBN: 0231066295 11553 eng Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women's science: learning and succeeding from the borders "Eisenhart, Margaret A.: Author| Finkel, Elizabeth: Author" Science Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0226195457 11555 eng Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Athena unbound: the advancement of women in science and technology "Etzkowitz, Henry: Author| Kemelgor, Carol: Author| Uzzi, Brian: Author" Science Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0521563801| ISBN: 0521787386 11556 eng "Price: $70.00, paper $27.99| Price: $70.00, paper $27.99" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Natural eloquence: women reinscribe science "Gates, Barbara T.: Editor| Shteir, Ann B.: Editor" Science Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0299154807| ISBN: 029915484X 11557 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $19.95| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 "Feminism, science, and the philosophy of science" "Hankinson-Nelson, Lynn: Author| Nelson, Jack: Author" Science "Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers" 1997 Text ISBN: 0792346114 11558 eng Price: paper $59.00| Price: paper $59.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 "Is science multicultural?: postcolonialisms, feminisms and epistemologies" "Harding, Sandra G.: Author" Science Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0253211565| ISBN: 0585037671 11559 eng "Price: paper $16.95, ebook $35.00| Price: paper $16.95, ebook $35.00| Essential title (Science)" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 Whose science? Whose knowledge?: thinking from women's lives "Harding, Sandra G.: Author" Science| Philosophy "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0801497469 11560 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex.| Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 8/25/2003 Sex and scientific inquiry "Harding, Sandra G.: Author" Science Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1987 Text ISBN: 0226316270 11561 eng Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 Women of science: righting the record "Kass-Simon, G.: Editor| Farnes, Patricia: Editor" Science Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0253332648| ISBN: 0253208130 11563 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $17.95| Price: $49.95, paper $17.95| Essential title (Science)" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 Working with adult incest survivors: the healing journey "Kirschner, Sam: Author| Kirschner, Diana Adile: Author| Rappaport, Richard L.: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0876306911 11566 eng Price: $47.95| Price: $47.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Victims of memory: sex abuse accusations and shattered lives "Pendergrast, Mark: Author" Sexual abuse 2d ed "Hinesburg, Vermont: Upper Access, Inc." 1996 Text ISBN: 0942679180 11569 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Sexual abuse) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Construction and reconstruction of memory: dilemmas of childhood sexual abuse "Prozan, Charlotte: Editor" Sexual abuse "Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson" 1997 Text ISBN: 1568217870 11571 eng Price: paper $50.00| Price: paper $50.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Reflections on gender and science "Keller, Evelyn Fox: Author" Science "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0300065957| ISBN: 0585347999 11572 eng "Price: paper $19.00, ebook $16.00| Price: paper $19.00, ebook $16.00| Essential title (Science)" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and science "Keller, Evelyn Fox: Editor| Longino, Helen E.: Editor" Science New York: Oxford University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 019875146x| ISBN: 058512065X 11573 eng "Price: paper $21.50, ebook $70.00| Price: paper $21.50, ebook $70.00| Essential title (Science)" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 8/25/2003 "Nobel Prize women in science: their lives, struggles, and momentous discoveries" "McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch: Author" Science 2d rev ed "Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0309072700 11574 eng "Price: paper $19.95, ebook $13.50| Price: paper $19.95, ebook $13.50" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women changing science: voices from a field in transition "Morse, Mary: Author" Science "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing" 1995 Text ISBN: 0738206156 11575 eng Price: paper $22.50| Price: paper $22.50 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 Women and science: an annotated bibliography "Ogilvie, Marilyn Bailey: Author| Meek, Kerry L.: Author" Science New York: Garland Publishing 1996 Text ISBN: 0815309295 11578 eng Price: $150.00| Price: $150.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women in science: meeting challenges and transcending boundaries "Pattatucci, Angela M.: Author" Science "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1998 Text ISBN: 0761900489| ISBN: 0761900497 11579 eng "Price: $81.95, paper $42.95| Price: $81.95, paper $42.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 Creative couples in the sciences "Pycior, Helena M.: Editor| Slack, Nancy G.: Editor| Abir-Am, Pnina G.: Editor" Science "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0813521874| ISBN: 0813521882| ISBN: 0585038813 11580 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $18.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $50.00, paper $18.95, ebook $50.00" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women in chemistry: their changing roles from alchemical times to the mid-20th century "Rayner-Canham, Marlene F.: Author| Rayner-Canham, Goeffrey W.: Author" Science Philadelphia: Chemical Heritage Foundation 2001 Text ISBN: 0941901270 11581 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 8/25/2003 Building inclusive science: connecting women's studies and women in science and engineering "Rosser, Sue Vilhauer: Editor" Science New York: Feminist Press at The City University of New York 2000 Text ISBN: 1558612432 11584 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Female friendly science: applying women's studies methods and theories to attract students to science "Rosser, Sue Vilhauer: Author" Science "Newark, New Jersey: PPI" 1990 Text ISBN: 0080374697| ISBN: 0080374700 11585 eng "Price: $32.50, paper $12.95| Price: $32.50, paper $12.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Feminism within the science and health care professions: overcoming resistance "Rosser, Sue Vilhauer: Editor" Science New York: Teachers College Press 1988 Text ISBN: 0080355587 11586 eng Price: $36.50| Price: $36.50 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 Re-engineering female friendly science "Rosser, Sue Vilhauer: Author" Science New York: Teachers College Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0807762873| ISBN: 0807762865 11587 eng "Price: $54.00, paper $25.95| Price: $54.00, paper $25.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/19/2004 "Women scientists in America before affirmative action, 1940-1972" "Rossiter, Margaret W.: Author" Science "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0801848938 11588 eng Price: $44.50| Price: $44.50| Essential title (Science) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 Has feminism changed science? "Schiebinger, Londa L.: Author" Science "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0674381130| ISBN: 0674005449 11589 eng "Price: $27.95, paper $15.95| Price: $27.95, paper $15.95| Essential title (Science)" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 The mind has no sex?: women in the origins of modern science "Schiebinger, Londa L.: Author" Science "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 067457625X 11590 eng Price: paper $20.50| Price: paper $20.50| Essential title (Science) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 Nature's body: gender in the making of modern science "Schiebinger, Londa L.: Author" Science "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 081353531X| ISBN: 0807089044 11591 eng "Price: paper 22.95, ebook $25.00| Price: paper 22.95, ebook $25.00| Essential title (Science)" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/20/2004 Notable women in the life sciences: a biographical dictionary "Shearer, Benjamin F.: Editor| Shearer, Barbara Smith: Editor" Science "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 1996 Text ISBN: 0313293023 11592 eng Price: $55.50| Price: $55.50 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 Notable women in the physical sciences: a biographical dictionary "Shearer, Benjamin F.: Editor| Shearer, Barbara Smith: Editor" Science "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 1997 Text ISBN: 0313293031 11593 eng Price: $52.50| Price: $52.50 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Who succeeds in science?: the gender dimension "Sonnert, Gerhard: Author" Science "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0813522196| ISBN: 081352220X| ISBN: 0585034567 11594 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $16.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $50.00, paper $16.95, ebook $50.00" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Rape and society: readings on the problem of sexual assault "Searles, Patricia: Editor| Berger, Ronald J.: Editor" Sexual abuse "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0813388244 11597 eng Price: paper $38.00| Price: paper $38.00 "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch. | Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Rape law reform: a grassroots revolution and its impact "Spohn, Casia: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Plenum 1992 Text ISBN: 0306442841 11598 eng Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Wounds of the spirit: Black women, violence, and resistance ethics" "West, Traci C.: Author" Sexual abuse New York: New York University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0814793347| ISBN: 0814793355 11599 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $21.00| Price: $55.00, paper $21.00" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Changing women, unchanged men?: sociological perspectives on gender in a post-industrial society" "Delamont, Sara: Author" Sociology Philadelphia: Open University 2001 Text ISBN: 0335200370 11602 eng Added 2003 (Sociology)| Price: paper $41.95| Price: paper $41.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Fast forward: work, gender, and protest in a changing world" "Dickinson, Torry D.: Author| Schaeffer, Robert K.: Author" Sociology "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2001 Text ISBN: 0742508943| ISBN: 0742508951 11603 eng "Added 2003 (Sociology)| Price: $90.00, paper $26.95| Price: $90.00, paper $26.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women's employment in a comparative perspective "van Dijk, Liset: Editor| van der Lippe, Tanja: Editor" Sociology New York: Aldine de Gruyter 2001 Text ISBN: 0202306550| ISBN: 0202306569 11604 eng "Added 2003 (Sociology)| Price: $56.96, paper $28.95| Price: $56.96, paper $28.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Complex inequality: gender, class, and race in the new economy" "McCall, Leslie: Author" Sociology New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415929032| ISBN: 0415929040| ISBN: 058545197 11605 eng "Added 2003 (Sociology)| Price: $95.95, paper $25.95, ebook $23.95| Price: $95.95, paper $25.95, ebook $23.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Thinking about women: sociological perspectives on sex and gender "Anderson, Margaret L.: Author" Sociology 7th ed "Old Tappan, New Jersey: Allyn and Bacon" 2005 Text ISBN: 0205456472 11606 eng Price: $74.40| Price: $74.40 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism as critique: essays on the politics of gender in late-capitalist societies "Benhabib, Seyla: Editor| Cornell, Drucilla: Editor" Sociology Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1987 Text ISBN: 0816616361 11607 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist contentions: a philosophical exchange "Benhabib, Seyla: Author" Sociology New York: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415910862 11608 eng Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95| Essential title (Sociology) "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "La Chicana and the intersection of race, class, and gender" "Blea, Irene I.: Author" Sociology "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood" 1992 Text ISBN: 0275939820 11609 eng Price: paper $23.95| Price: paper $23.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women in sociology: a bio-bibliographical sourcebook "Deegan, Mary J.: Author" Sociology New York: Greenwood Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0313260850 11610 eng Price: $109.95| Price: $109.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 The door in the dream: conversations with eminent women in science "Wasserman, Elga: Author" Science "Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0309065682| ISBN: 0585266050 11611 eng "Price: $24.95, ebook $24.95| Price: $24.95, ebook $24.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 American women in technology: an encyclopedia "Zierdt-Warshaw, Linda: Editor| Winkler, Alan: Editor| Bernstein, Leonard: Editor" | Reference "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2000 Text ISBN: 1576074048 11612 eng Price: ebook $80.00| Price: ebook $80.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/16/2004 We are not alone: a guidebook for helping professionals and parents supporting adolescent victims of sexual abuse "Angelica, Jade Christine: Author" Sexual abuse "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Social Work Practice Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0789009242| ISBN: 0789009250 11614 eng "Added 2003 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $39.95, paper $24.95| Price: $39.95, paper $24.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Constructing lived experiences: representations of black mothers in child sexual abuse discourses "Bernard, Claudia: Author" Sexual abuse "Aldershot, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing Company" 2001 Text ISBN: 1840149388 11615 eng Added 2003 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Child sexual abuse: its scope and our failure "Bolen, Rebecca Morris: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 2001 Text ISBN: 0306465760 11616 eng Added 2003 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $64.95| Price: $64.95| Essential title (Sexual abuse) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Feminist dilemmas in qualitative research: public knowledge and private lives "Edwards, Rosalind: Editor| Ribbens, Jane: Editor" Sociology "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 1998 Text ISBN: 0761956646| ISBN: 0761956654 11617 eng "Price: $135.00, paper $47.95| Price: $135.00, paper $47.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Backlash: the undeclared war against American women "Faludi, Susan: Author" Sociology New York: Random House 2006 Text ISBN: 0307345424 11618 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Revisioning gender "Ferree, M. M.: Editor| Lorber, J.: Editor| Hess, B. B.: Editor" Sociology "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 1999 Text ISBN: 0761906169| ISBN: 0761906177 11619 eng "Price: $85.00, paper $36.95| Price: $85.00, paper $36.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, the state, and welfare" "Gordon, Linda: Editor" Sociology Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0299126641 11620 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and methodology: social sciences issues "Harding, Sandra: Editor" Sociology Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1987 Text ISBN: 025332243X| ISBN: 0253204445| ISBN: 0585001235 11621 eng "Price: $35.00, paper $14.95, ebook $35.00| Price: $35.00, paper $14.95, ebook $35.00| Essential title (Sociology)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Visible women: new essays on American activism "Hewitt, Nancy A.: Author| Liebsock, Suzanne: Author" Sociology Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0252063333 11622 eng Price: $22.00| Price: $22.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Critical issues in child sexual abuse: historical, legal, and psychological perspectives" "Conte, Jon R.: Author" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2001 Text ISBN: 0761909117| ISBN: 0761909125 11623 eng "Added 2003 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $111.00, paper $50.95| Price: $111.00, paper $50.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Recovering from sexual abuse, addictions and compulsive behaviors: ""numb"" survivors" "Knauer, Sandra: Author" Sexual abuse "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Social Work Practice Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0789014572| ISBN: 0789014580 11626 eng "Added 2003 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $49.95, paper $34.95| Price: $49.95, paper $34.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Sexual abuse litigation: a practical resource for attorneys, clinicians, and advocates" "Rix, Rebecca: Editor" Sexual abuse "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Social Work Practice Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0789011743| ISBN: 0789011751 11627 eng "Added 2003 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $60.00, paper $30.00| Price: $60.00, paper $30.00" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Theorizing Black feminisms: the visionary pragmatism of Black women "James, Stanlie M.: Editor| Busia, Abena P. A.: Editor" Sociology| Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415073367| ISBN: 0415073375 11628 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist theory)| Price: $150.00, paper $39.95| Price: $150.00, paper $39.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library.| Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 The woman question in classical sociological theory "Kandal, Terry R.: Author" Sociology Miami: University Press of Florida 1988 Text ISBN: 0813007968 11629 eng Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95| Essential title (Sociology) "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Durkheim and women "Lehmann, Jennifer M.: Author" Sociology Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0803229070| ISBN: 0585336121 11630 eng "Price: $45.00, ebook $45.00| Price: $45.00, ebook $45.00| Essential title (Sociology)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Circles and settings: role changes of American women "Lopata, Helena Znaniecka: Author" Sociology Albany: State University of New York Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0791417670| ISBN: 0791417689| ISBN: 0585044503 11631 eng "Price: $26.50, paper $25.95, ebook $64.50| Price: $26.50, paper $25.95, ebook $64.50" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 The epidemic of rape and child sexual abuse in the United States "Russell, Diana E. H.: Author| Bolen, Rebecca Morris: Author" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2000 Text ISBN: 076190302X 11632 eng Added 2003 (Sexual abuse)| Price: paper $41.95| Price: paper $41.95| Essential title (Sexual abuse) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Wife rape: understanding the response of survivors and service providers "Bergen, Raquel Kennedy: Author" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 1996 Text ISBN: 0803972407| ISBN: 0803972415 11633 eng "Price: $115.00, paper $48.95| Price: $115.00, paper $48.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Rape on the public agenda: feminism and the politics of sexual assault "Bevacqua, Maria: Author" Sexual abuse Boston: Northeastern University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 1555534473| ISBN: 1555534465 11634 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Battered women, children, and welfare reform: the ties that bind" "Brandwein, Ruth A.: Editor" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1999 Text ISBN: 0761911480| ISBN: 0761911499 11635 eng "Price: $115.00, paper $32.95| Price: $115.00, paper $32.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Rape on trial: how the mass media construct legal reform and social change "Cuklanz, Lisa M.: Author" Sexual abuse Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0812215591 11638 eng Added 2005 (Mass media)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Rethinking violence against women "Dobash, R. Emerson: Author| Dobash, Russell P.: Author" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1998 Text ISBN: 0761911863| ISBN: 0761911871 11639 eng "Price: $115.00, paper $48.95| Price: $115.00, paper $48.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Sexual abuse in nine North American cultures: treatment and prevention "Fontes, Lisa A.: Editor" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1995 Text ISBN: 0803954344| ISBN: 0803954352 11641 eng "Price: $106.00, paper $51.95| Price: $106.00, paper $51.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 "Date rape: feminism, philosophy, and the law" "Francis, Leslie: Editor" Sexual abuse University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0271014296 11642 eng Price: paper $23.95| Price: paper $23.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Violence against women: philosophical perspectives "French, Stanley E.: Author| Teacys, Wanda: Author| Purdy, Laura M.: Author" Sexual abuse "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0801484529 11643 eng Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 The female fear: the social cost of rape "Gordon, Margaret T.: Author| Riger, Stephanie: Author" Sexual abuse Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0252061691 11644 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00| Essential title (Sexual abuse) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 8/25/2003 Black women in America: social science perspectives "Malson, Micheline R.: Editor" Sociology Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0226502961 11645 eng Price: paper $28.00| Price: paper $28.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 When women kill "Mann, Coramae R.: Author" Sociology Albany: State University of New York Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0791428125| ISBN: 0585043221 11646 eng "Price: paper $21.95, ebook $59.50| Price: paper $21.95, ebook $59.50" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Engendering modernity: feminism, social theory and social change" "Marshall, Barbara L.: Author" Sociology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Northeastern University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 1555532128| ISBN: 1555532136 11647 eng "Price: $47.50, paper $20.00| Price: $47.50, paper $20.00" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 A feminist ethic for social science research Nebraska Sociological Feminist Collection: Editor Sociology "Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press" 1988 Text ISBN: 0889461201 11648 eng Price: $109.95| Price: $109.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Good enough mothering?: feminist perspectives on lone motherhood "Silva, Elizabeth Bortolaia: Editor" Sociology New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415128900| ISBN: 0203289145 11652 eng "Price: $38.95, ebook $100.00| Price: $38.95, ebook $100.00" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Writing the social: critique, theory and investigations" "Smith, Dorothy E.: Author" Sociology Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0802043070| ISBN: 0802081355 11653 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $21.95| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 "Natural women, cultured men: a feminist perspective on sociological theory" "Sydie, R. A.: Author" Sociology New York: New York University Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0814779972 11654 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Statistical handbook on women in America "Taeuber, Cynthia: Editor" Sociology Phoenix: Oryx Press 1996 Text ISBN: 1573560057 11655 eng Price: $88.95| Price: $88.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and sociological theory "Wallace, Ruth: Editor" Sociology "Newbury Park, California: Sage" 1989 Text ISBN: 0803933983 11657 eng Price: paper $66.95| Price: paper $66.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Women of color in U.S. society "Zinn, Maxine Baca: Editor| Dill, Bonnie Thorton: Editor" Sociology| Women of color Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 1566391059| ISBN: 1566391067 11658 eng "Price: $28.95, paper $28.95| Price: $28.95, paper $28.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Tilting the playing field: schools, sports, sex and Title IX" "Gavora, Jessica: Author" Sports San Francisco: Encounter Books 2001 Text ISBN: 189355435X| ISBN: 1893554805 11659 eng Added 2003 (Sports)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Game face: what does a female athlete look like? "Gottesman, Jane: Author" Sports New York: Random House 2003 Text ISBN: 0812968689 11660 eng Added 2003 (Sports)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 8/25/2003 Sport and women: social issues in international perspective "Hartmann-Tews, Ilse: Author" Sports New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 041524627X| ISBN: 0415246288 11661 eng "Added 2003 (Sports)| Price: $124.95, paper $31.95| Price: $124.95, paper $31.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 More than a game: one woman's fight for gender equity in sport "Pemberton, Cynthia Lee: Author" Sports "Ithaca, New York: Northeastern University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1555535259 11662 eng Added 2003 (Sports)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 A whole other ball game: women's literature on women's sport "Sandoz, Joli: Author" Sports "New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux" 1997 Text ISBN: 0374525218 11663 eng Added 2003 (Sports)| Price: paper $27.00| Price: paper $27.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Woman in motion "Adrian, Marlene: Editor" Sports "Las Vegas, Nevada: Women of Diversity Productions" 1995 Text ISBN: 1884724043| ISBN: 1884724035 11664 eng "Price: $18.95, paper $11.95| Price: $18.95, paper $11.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Sports women "Adrian, Marlene: Editor" Sports "Farmington, Connecticut: Karger" 1987 Text ISBN: 3805545010 11665 eng Price: $128.75| Price: $128.75 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Crossing boundaries: an international anthology of women's experiences in sport "Bandy, Susan J.: Editor| Darden, Anne S.: Editor" Sports "Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers" 1999 Text ISBN: 0736000887 11666 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Sports nutrition for women "Bean, Anita: Editor| Wellington, Peggy: Editor" Sports "Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Hunter House Publications" 2001 Text ISBN: 0897933508 11667 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women in baseball: the forgotten history "Berlage, Gai: Author" Sports "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 1994 Text ISBN: 0275947351 11668 eng Price: $26.95| Price: $26.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 "Women, sport, and culture" "Birrell, Susan: Editor| Cole, Cheryl L.: Editor" Sports "Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers" 1994 Text ISBN: 087322650X 11670 eng Price: $47.00| Price: $47.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Coming on strong: gender and sexuality in twentieth century women's sport "Cahn, Susan K.: Author" Sports "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 0674144341 11671 eng Price: $22.95| Price: $22.95| Essential title (Sports) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Feminism and the female body: liberating the Amazon within "Castelnuovo, Shirley: Author| Guthrie, Sharon R.: Author" Sports "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 1998 Text ISBN: 1555874398 11672 eng Price: $22.00| Price: $22.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 International encyclopedia of women and sports "Christensen, Karen: Editor| Guttmann, Allen: Editor| Pfister, Gertrud: Editor" Sports| Reference New York: Macmillan Library Reference 2000 Text ISBN: 0028649540 11673 eng Price: $460.00 (3 vols.)| Price: $460.00 (3 vols.)| Essential title (Sports) "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/20/2004 Women in sport: issues and controversies "Cohen, Greta L.: Editor" Sports 2d rev ed "Oxon Hill, Maryland: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Dance" 2001 Text ISBN: 0883148137 11674 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95| Essential title (Sports) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women and sport: interdisciplinary perspectives "Costa, D. Margaret: Editor| Guthrie, Sharon R.: Editor" Sports "Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers" 1994 Text ISBN: 0873226860 11675 eng Price: $52.00| Price: $52.00| Essential title (Sports) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 "Women, media, and sport: challenging gender values" "Creedon, Pamela J.: Editor" Sports "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1994 Text ISBN: 0803952341 11676 eng Price: paper $53.95| Price: paper $53.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Outsiders in the clubhouse: the world of women's professional golf "Crosset, Todd W.: Author" Sports Albany: State University of New York Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0791424901 11677 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women's sport and spectacle: gendered television coverage and the Olympic games "Daddario, Gina: Author" Sports "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 1998 Text ISBN: 0275958566 11679 eng Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Black American women in Olympic track and field: a complete illustrated reference "Davis, Michael D.: Author" Sports "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company" 1992 Text ISBN: 0899506925 11680 eng Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 Women in sport "Drinkwater, Barbara L.: Editor" Sports "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Science" 2000 Text ISBN: 0632050845| ISBN: 0632061529 11681 eng "Price: $146.95, ebook $125.00| Price: $146.95, ebook $125.00| Essential title (Sports)" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Playing nice: politics and apologies in women's sports "Festle, Mary Jo: Author" Sports New York: Columbia University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0231101627 11682 eng Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/20/2004 "Strong women, deep closets: lesbians and homophobia in sport" "Griffin, Patricia J.: Author" Sports "Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers" 1998 Text ISBN: 088011729X 11683 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women's sports: a history "Guttmann, Allen: Author" Sports New York: Columbia University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 023106957X 11684 eng Price: paper $24.00| Price: paper $24.00| Essential title (Sports) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Feminism and sporting bodies: essays on theory and practice "Hall, M. Ann: Author" Sports "Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers" 1996 Text ISBN: 087322969X 11685 eng Price: $24.00| Price: $24.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 "Playing the game: sport and the physical emancipation of English women, 1870-1914" "McCrone, Kathleen E.: Author" Sports Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 1988 Text ISBN: 0813116414 11688 eng Price: $45.50| Price: $45.50 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 8/25/2003 "The stronger women get, the more men love football: sex and sports in America" "Nelson, Mariah Burton: Author" Sports "San Diego, California: Harcourt Brace" 1994 Text ISBN: 0151813930 11689 eng Price: $22.95| Price: $22.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Encyclopedia of women and sport in America "Oglesby, Carole A.: Editor| Greenberg, Doreen L.: Editor| Hall, Ruth L.: Editor| Hill, Karen L.: Editor| Johnston, Frances: Editor| Ridley, Sheila E.: Editor" Sports Phoenix: Oryx Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0897749936 11690 eng Price: $85.95| Price: $85.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 Women who risk: profiles of women in extreme sports "Olsen, Marilyn: Author" Sports "Long Island City, New York: The Hatherleigh Company" 2001 Text ISBN: 1578260922| ISBN: 1578261244 11691 eng "Price: $22.95, paper $14.95| Price: $22.95, paper $14.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 "From ""fair sex"" to feminism: sport and the socialization of women in the industrial and post-industrial eras" "Park, Roberta J.: Editor| Mangan, James A.: Editor" Sports London: Frank Cass Publishers 2001 Text ISBN: 0714632880 11692 eng Price: $145.00| Price: $145.00 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 8/25/2003 Little girls in pretty boxes: the making and breaking of elite gymnasts and figure skaters "Ryan, Joan: Author" Sports New York: Warner Books 1996 Text ISBN: 0385477902| ISBN: 0446676829 11694 eng "Price: $22.95, paper $19.95| Price: $22.95, paper $19.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Whatever it takes: women on women's sport "Sandoz, Joli: Editor| Winans, Joby: Editor" Sports "New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux" 1999 Text ISBN: 0374525978 11695 eng Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women and exercise: physiology and sports medicine "Shangold, Mona M.: Editor| Mirkin, Gabe: Editor" Sports 2d ed New York: Oxford University Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0803678177 11696 eng Price: $58.00| Price: $58.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Nike is a goddess: the history of women in sports "Smith, Lissa: Author" Sports New York: Grove/Atlantic 1998 Text ISBN: 0613293088| ISBN: 0871137615 11697 eng "Price: $23.45, paper $14.00| Price: $23.45, paper $14.00" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Mother's taxi: sport and the incorporation of women's labor "Thompson, Shona M.: Author" Sports Albany: State University of New York Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0791440591| ISBN: 0791440605 11698 eng "Price: $25.50, paper $24.95| Price: $25.50, paper $24.95" "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, sports, and the law: a comprehensive research guide to sex discrimination in sports" "Tokarz, Karen: Author" Sports "Buffalo, New York: W.S. Heinz" 1986 Text ISBN: 0899415288 11699 eng Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Women in the martial arts "Wiley, Carol A.: Editor" Sports "Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books" 1992 Text ISBN: 1556431368 11700 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 8/25/2003 Outstanding women athletes: who they are and how they influenced sports in America "Woolum, Janet: Author" Sports 2d ed Phoenix: Oryx Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1573561207| ISBN: 0585120579 11701 eng "Price: $77.95, ebook $49.95| Price: $77.95, ebook $49.95| Essential title (Sports)" "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/23/2004 Raising our athletic daughters: how sports can restore self-esteem and save girls' lives "Zimmerman, Jean: Author| Reavill, Gil: Author" Sports New York: Doubleday 1998 Text ISBN: 0385489609 11702 eng Price: paper $19.00| Price: paper $19.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/23/2004 Women and everyday uses of the Internet: agency and identity "Consalvo, Mia: Editor| Paasonen, Susanna: Editor" Technology New York: Peter Lang Publishing 2002 Text ISBN: 0820461415 11704 eng Added 2003 (Technology)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/4/2004 Reload: rethinking women + cyberculture "Flanagan, Mary: Editor| Booth, Austin: Editor" Technology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0262062275| ISBN: 0262561506| ISBN: 0585437211 11705 eng "Added 2003 (Technology)| Price: $80.00, paper $32.00, ebook $80.00| Price: $80.00, paper $32.00, ebook $80.00| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/4/2004 Gender and community in the social construction of the Internet "Shade, Leslie Regan: Author" Technology New York: Peter Lang Publishing 2001 Text ISBN: 0820450235 11706 eng Added 2003 (Technology)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/4/2004 Artificial knowing: gender and the thinking machine "Adam, Alison: Author" Technology New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415129621| ISBN: 041512963X| ISBN: 0415129621 11707 eng "Price: $135.00, paper $32.95| Price: $135.00, paper $32.95| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/5/2004 Women online: research in women's studies using online databases "Atkinson, Steven D.: Author" Technology New York: Haworth Press 1990 Text ISBN: 1560240377| ISBN: 1560240539 11708 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $29.95| Price: $49.95, paper $29.95" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 "Women, work and computerization: charting a course to the future" "Balka, Ellen: Editor| Smith, Richard: Editor" Technology Boston: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 2000 Text ISBN: 0792378644 11709 eng Price: $168.00| Price: $168.00 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/5/2004 Technologies of the gendered body: reading cyborg women "Balsamo, Anne: Author" Technology "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0822316862| ISBN: 0822316986 11710 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/5/2004 Feminist cyberscapes: mapping gendered academic spaces "Blair, Kristine: Editor| Takayoshi, Pamela: Editor" Technology "Stamford, Connecticut: Ablex Publishing" 1999 Text ISBN: 1567504396 11712 eng Price: $37.95| Price: $37.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/5/2004 From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: gender and computer games "Cassell, Justine: Editor| Jenkins, Henry: Editor" Technology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2000| 1998 Text ISBN: 0262032589| ISBN: 0262531682| ISBN: 0585003173 11713 eng "Price: $62.50, paper $25.00, ebook $62.50| Price: $62.50, paper $25.00, ebook $62.50" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/5/2004 Wired women: gender and new realities in cyberspace "Cherny, Lynn: Author| Weise, Elizabeth Reba: Author" Technology Seattle: Seal Press 1996 Text ISBN: 1878067737 11714 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 Women and technology "Gattiker, Urs E.: Editor" Technology "Hawthorne, New York: Walter de Gruyter" 1994 Text ISBN: 3110143070 11715 eng Price: $98.95| Price: $98.95| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 "Surfergrrrls: look, Ethel! An Internet guide for us!" "Gilbert, Laurel: Author| Kile, Crystal: Author" Technology Seattle: Seal Press 1996 Text ISBN: 1878067796 11716 eng Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 "Virtual gender: technology, consumption and identity matters" "Green, Eileen: Editor| Adams, Alison: Editor" Technology New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415233143| ISBN: 0415233151 11717 eng "Price: $114.95, paper $34.95| Price: $114.95, paper $34.95" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/5/2004 Women@Internet: creating new cultures in cyberspace "Harcourt, Wendy: Editor" Technology New York: Zed Books 1999 Text ISBN: 185649571X| ISBN: 1856495728 11719 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $25.00| Price: $65.00, paper $25.00" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 "Cyberfeminism: connectivity, critique and creativity" "Hawthorne, Susan: Editor| Klein, Renate: Editor" Technology "North Melbourne, Australia: Spinifex Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 187555968X 11720 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/5/2004 The gendered cyborg: a reader "Kirkup, Gill: Editor| Janes, Linda: Editor| Woodward, Kathryn: Editor| Hovenden, Fiona: Editor" Technology New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415220904| ISBN: 0415220912 11721 eng "Price: $124.95, paper $36.95| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Technology and women's voices: keeping in touch "Kramarae, Cheris: Editor" Technology "Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis" 1988 Text ISBN: 0710206798| ISBN: 0203297288 11722 eng "Price: $31.95, ebook $70.00| Price: $31.95, ebook $70.00| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Unlocking the clubhouse: women in computing "Margolis, Jane: Author| Fisher, Allan: Author" Technology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0613911512| ISBN: 0262632691| ISBN: 0585448388 11723 eng "Price: $37.50, paper $15.00| Price: $37.50, paper $15.00| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Meeting the challenge: innovative feminist pedagogies in action "Mayberry, Maralee: Editor| Rose, Ellen Cronan: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415922488| ISBN: 0415922496 11724 eng "Price: $140.00, paper $28.95| Price: $140.00, paper $28.95| Essential title (Feminist pedagogy)" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/16/2004 Cracking the gender code: who rules the wired world? "Millar, Melanie Stewart: Author" Technology Toronto: Second Story Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1896764142 11725 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 Women encounter technology: changing patterns of employment in the third world "Mitter, Swasti: Editor| Rowbotham, Sheila: Editor" Technology NY: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415126878| ISBN: 0415141184| ISBN: 0203208617 11726 eng "Price: $139.95, paper $45.95, ebook $150.00| Price: $139.95, paper $45.95, ebook $150.00" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Women and computer based technologies: a feminist perspective "Morritt, Hope: Author" Technology "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 1997 Text ISBN: 076180711X| ISBN: 0761807128 11727 eng "Price: $44.50, paper $28.50| Price: $44.50, paper $28.50| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 Teaching technology from a feminist perspective "Rothschild, Joan: Author" Technology "St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Science and Technology Books" 1988 Text ISBN: 0080342337 11728 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 "Nattering on the net: women, power and cyberspace" "Spender, Dale: Author" Technology "North Melbourne, Australia: Spinifex Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 1875559094 11729 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Processed lives: gender and technology in everyday life "Terry, Jennifer: Editor| Calvert, Melodie: Editor" Technology New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415149312| ISBN: 0415149320 11730 eng "Price: $114.95, paper $32.00| Price: $114.95, paper $32.00| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet "Turkle, Sherry: Author" Technology New York: Simon and Schuster Trade 1995 Text ISBN: 0684833484 11732 eng Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Feminism confronts technology "Wajcman, Judy: Author" Technology "University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0271008016| ISBN: 0271008024 11733 eng "Price: $30.00, paper $23.00| Price: $30.00, paper $23.00" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 "Cybersexualities: a reader in feminist theory, cyborgs and cyberspace" "Wolmark, Jenny: Editor" Technology "Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: Edinburgh University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0748611177 11734 eng Price: paper $30.00| Price: paper $30.00| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 8/25/2003 The technological woman: interfacing with tomorrow "Zimmerman, Jan: Editor" Technology "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing" 1983 Text ISBN: 0275917304 11735 eng Price: $109.95| Price: $109.95| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 "Making worlds: gender, metaphor, materiality" "Aiken, Susan Hardy: Editor" Transnational feminism| Geography and travel Tucson: University of Arizona Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0816517797| ISBN: 0816517800 11736 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $35.00, paper $18.95| Price: $35.00, paper $18.95| Essential title (Geography and travel)" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/19/2004 "Feminist genealogies, colonial legacies, democratic futures" "Alexander M. Jacqui: Editor| Mohanty, Chandra Talpade: Editor" Transnational feminism| Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415912121 11737 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2007 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $31.95| Price: paper $31.95 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch. | Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 Going global: the transnational reception of third world women writers "Amireh, Amal: Editor| Majaj, Lisa Suhair: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Garland Publishing Inc. 2000 Text ISBN: 0815336055| ISBN: 0815336063 11738 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $95.95, paper $29.95| Price: $95.95, paper $29.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Borderlands/la frontera: the new Mestiza "Anzaldúa, Gloria: Author" Transnational feminism| Women of color| Feminist theory 2d ed San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute 2007 Text ISBN: 1879960567 11739 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2007 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 Modernity at large: cultural dimensions of globalization "Appadurai, Arjun: Author" Transnational feminism Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0816627932 11740 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 Displacements: cultural identities in question "Bammer, Angelika: Editor" Transnational feminism Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0253311381| ISBN: 0253208971| ISBN: 0253208971 11741 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $34.95, paper $16.95, ebook $29.95| Price: $34.95, paper $16.95, ebook $29.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Nations unbound: transnational projects, postcolonial predicaments, and deterritorialized nation-states" "Basch, Linda G.: Editor| Schiller, Nina Glick: Editor| Blanc, Cristina Szanton: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Gordon and Breach 1994 Text ISBN: 2881246079| ISBN: 2881246303 11742 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $68.95, paper $31.95| Price: $68.95, paper $31.95| Essential title (Transnational feminism)" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Writing women and space: women's colonial and postcolonial geographies "Blunt, Alison: Editor| Rose, Gillian: Editor" Transnational feminism| Geography and travel New York: Guildford Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0898624983 11745 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95| Essential title (Geography and travel) "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/18/2004 Re-orienting western feminisms: women's diversity in a postcolonial world "Bulbeck, Chilla: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Cambridge University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0521580307| ISBN: 0521589754 11746 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $75.00, paper $24.99| Price: $75.00, paper $24.99" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/19/2004 "Power, postcolonialism and international relations: reading race, gender and class" "Chowdhry, Geeta: Editor| Nair, Sheila: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415271606| ISBN: 0415329361| ISBN: 0203166345 11747 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $90.00, paper $32.95, ebook $125.00| Price: $90.00, paper $32.95, ebook $125.00" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "The gender/sexuality reader: culture, history, political economy" "di Leonardo, Micaela: Editor| Lancaster, Roger N.: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415910056 11748 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $38.95| Price: paper $38.95 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/19/2004 "Decolonizing feminisms: race, gender and empire building" "Donaldson, Laura E.: Author" Transnational feminism Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0807843822 11749 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/19/2004 "Gender, race, and nation: a global perspective" "Dhruvarajan, Vanaja: Editor| Vickers, Jill: Editor" Transnational feminism Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0802036368| ISBN: 0802084737 11750 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "Bananas, beaches and bases: making feminist sense of international politics" "Enloe, Cynthia: Author" "Transnational feminism| Politics, International" "Updated ed, with a new preface" Berkeley: University of California Press 2001 | 1990 Text ISBN: 0520229126| ISBN: 0585291764 11751 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: paper $19.95, ebook $50.00| Price: paper $19.95, ebook $50.00| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch.| Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/4/2004 Scattered hegemonies: postmodernity and transnational feminist practices "Grewal, Inderpal: Editor| Kaplan, Caren: Editor" Transnational feminism Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0816621381 11752 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00| Essential title (Transnational feminism) "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Home and harem: nation, gender, empire, and the cultures of travel" "Grewal, Inderpal: Author" Transnational feminism "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0822317311| ISBN: 0822317400 11753 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Émigré feminism: transnational perspectives "Heitlinger, Alena: Editor" Transnational feminism Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0802009298| ISBN: 0802078990 11754 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $60.00, paper $21.95| Price: $60.00, paper $21.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "Scattered be-longings: cultural paradoxes of ""race"", nation and gender" "Ifekwunigwe, Jayne O.: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415170958| ISBN: 0415170966 11755 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $114.95, paper $34.95| Price: $114.95, paper $34.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "Thresholds in feminist geography: difference, methodology, representation" "Jones, John Paul: Editor| Nast, Heidi J.: Editor| Roberts, Susan M.: Editor" Transnational feminism| Geography and travel "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 1997 Text ISBN: 0847684369| ISBN: 0847684377 11757 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $90.00, paper $31.95| Price: $90.00, paper $31.95| Essential title (Transnational feminism)| Essential title (Geography and travel)" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Between woman and nation: nationalisms, transnational feminisms, and the state" "Kaplan, Caren: Editor| Alarcon, Norma: Editor| Moallem, Minoo: Editor" Transnational feminism "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0822323028| ISBN: 0822323222 11758 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Essential title (Transnational feminism)" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Questions of travel: postmodern discourses of displacement "Kaplan, Caren: Author" Transnational feminism "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0822318288| ISBN: 0822318210 11759 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 This bridge we call home: radical visions for transformation "Keating, AnaLouise: Editor| Anzaldúa, Gloria: Editor" Transnational feminism| Lesbian studies| Women of color New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415936810| ISBN: 0415936829 11760 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2004 (Women of color)| Price: $95.95, paper $24.95| Price: $95.95, paper $24.95| Essential title (Women of color)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/16/2004 Situated lives: gender and culture in everyday life "Lamphere, Louise: Editor| Ragoné, Helena: Editor| Zavella, Patricia: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415918065| ISBN: 0415918073 11762 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $99.95, paper $36.95| Price: $99.95, paper $36.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Gender and global restructuring: sightings, sites, and resistances" "Marchand, Marianne H.: Editor| Runyan, Anne Sisson: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415221749| ISBN: 0415221757 11763 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Space, place, and gender" "Massey, Doreen B.: Author" | Geography and travel Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0816626162| ISBN: 0816626170 11764 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $59.95, paper $23.50| Price: $59.95, paper $23.50| Essential title (Geography and travel)" "Evans, Jennifer: Folger Shakespeare Library.|Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/20/2004 "Gender, identity and place: understanding feminist geographies" "McDowell, Linda: Author" Transnational feminism| Geography and travel Minneapolis: University of Minnesota 1999 Text ISBN: 0816633932| ISBN: 0816633940 11765 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $68.95, paper $23.50| Price: $68.95, paper $23.50| Essential title (Geography and travel)" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch. | Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/20/2004 Gender ironies of nationalism: sexing the nation "Mayer, Tamar: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415162548| ISBN: 0415162556| ISBN: 0203274547 11766 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $149.95, paper $40.95, ebook $95.00| Price: $149.95, paper $40.95, ebook $95.00" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale: women in the international division of labour "Mies, Maria: Author" Transnational feminism 2d ed London: Zed Books 1998 Text ISBN: 1856497348| ISBN: 1856497356 11767 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.50| Price: $65.00, paper $22.50" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 Third world women and the politics of feminism "Mohanty, Chandra Talpade: Editor| Russo, Ann: Editor| Torres, Lourdes: Editor" Transnational feminism| Feminist theory Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0253338735| ISBN: 0253206324 11768 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $39.95, paper $17.95| Price: $39.95, paper $17.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/17/2004 Women's activism and globalization: linking local struggles and transnational politics "Naples, Nancy: Editor| Desai, Manisha: Editor" Transnational feminism| Sociology New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415931452 11769 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Transnational feminism) "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch.| Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 8/25/2003 "Decentering the center: philosophy for a multicultural, postcolonial, and feminist world" "Narayan, Uma: Editor| Harding, Sandra: Editor" Transnational feminism Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0253337372| ISBN: 0253213843 11770 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Dislocating cultures: identities, traditions, and third-world feminism" "Narayan, Uma: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415914183| ISBN: 0415914191 11771 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $95.95, paper $17.99| Price: $95.95, paper $17.99" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 Flexible citizenship: the cultural logics of transnationality "Ong, Aihwa: Author" Transnational feminism "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0822322501| ISBN: 0822322692 11772 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Nationalisms and sexualities "Parker, Andrew: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1992 Text ISBN: 0415904331 11773 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $31.95| Price: paper $31.95 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "Real and imagined women: gender, culture,and postcolonialism" "Rajan, Rejeswari Sunder: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415085039| ISBN: 0415085047 11775 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $114.95, paper $27.95| Price: $114.95, paper $27.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "Women, states, and nationalism: at home in the nation?" "Ranchod-Nilsson, Sita: Editor| Tetreault, Mary Ann: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415221722| ISBN: 0415221730 11776 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Transitions, environments, translations: feminisms in international politics" "Scott, Joan W.: Editor| Keates, Debra: Editor| Kaplan, Cora: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415915406| ISBN: 0415915414 11777 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $104.95, paper $39.95| Price: $104.95, paper $39.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Allegories of empire: the figure of the woman in the colonial text "Sharpe, Jenny: Author" Transnational feminism Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0816620598| ISBN: 0816620601 11778 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Talking visions: multicultural feminism in a transnational age "Shohat, Ella: Editor" Transnational feminism "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0262194260| ISBN: 0262692619 11779 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $80.00, paper $32.00| Price: $80.00, paper $32.00| Essential title (Transnational feminism)" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Carnal knowledge and imperial power: race and the intimate in colonial rule "Stoler, Ann Laura: Author" Transnational feminism Berkeley: University of California Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0520231104| ISBN: 0520231112 11780 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 Woman native other: writing postcoloniality and feminism "Trinh, T. Minh-ha: Author" Transnational feminism Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0253366038| ISBN: 0253205034 11781 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $39.95, paper $17.95| Price: $39.95, paper $17.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Women, gender, and development reader" "Visvanathan, Nalini: Editor| Duggan, Lynn: Editor| Nisonoff, Laurie: Editor| Wiegersma, Nan: Editor" Transnational feminism "Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Zed Books" 1997 Text ISBN: 1856491420 11783 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00| Essential title (Transnational feminism) "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 Trans-nationalism and the politics of belonging "Westwood, Sallie: Author| Phizacklea, Annie: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415189799| ISBN: 0415189802 11784 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $114.95, paper $38.95| Price: $114.95, paper $38.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Global critical race feminism: an international reader "Wing, Adrien Katherine: Editor" "Davis, Angela Y.: Foreword" Transnational feminism| Feminist theory New York: New York University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0814793371| ISBN: 081479338X 11785 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $70.00, paper $25.00| Price: $70.00, paper $25.00" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "Feminism without borders: decolonizing theory, practicing solidarity" "Mohanty, Chandra Talpade: Author" Transnational feminism| Feminist theory "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0822330105| ISBN: 0822330210 11786 eng "Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2004 (Feminist theory)| Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/17/2004 Women in the United States congress: 1917-2001 "Amer, Mildred L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 159033499X 11787 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Votes for women: the struggle for suffrage revisited "Baker, Jean H.: Editor" "Politics, U.S.| History, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0195130162| ISBN: 0195130170 11788 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Added 2003 (History, U.S.)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/11/2004 "Days of discontent: American women and right-wing politics, 1933-1945" "Benowitz, June Melby: Author" "Politics, U.S." DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 087580294X 11789 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "The president's cabinet: gender, power, and representation" "Borrelli, MaryAnne: Editor" "Politics, U.S." "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 1588260941| ISBN: 1588260712 11790 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $59.95, paper $26.50| Price: $59.95, paper $26.50" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 These fiery Frenchified dames: women and political culture in early national Philadelphia "Branson, Susan: Author" "Politics, U.S." Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0812236091| ISBN: 0812217772 11791 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Whatever happened to the year of woman?: why women aren't making it to the top in politics "Handlin, Amy H.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Denver: Arden Press, Inc." 1998 Text ISBN: 0912869224 11793 eng Price: $24.50| Price: $24.50 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Women and guns: politics and the culture of firearms in America "Homsher, Deborah: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe" 2001 Text ISBN: 076560678X | ISBN: 0765606798| ISBN: 0765611856 11794 eng "Price: $46.95, paper $38.95, ebook $31.00| Price: $46.95, paper $38.95, ebook $31.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 "Capitol women: Texas female legislators, 1923-1999" "Jones, Nancy Baker: Author| Winegarten, Ruthe: Author" "Politics, U.S." Austin: University of Texas Press 2000 Text ISBN: 029274062X| ISBN: 0292740638 11795 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $22.95| Price: $45.00, paper $22.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "The gendering of American politics: founding mothers, founding fathers, and political patriarchy" "Kann, Mark E.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc." 1999 Text ISBN: 0275961117| ISBN: 0275961125 11796 eng "Price: $90.95, paper $19.95| Price: $90.95, paper $19.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 "The private roots of public action: gender, equality, and political participation" "Burns, Nancy: Author| Schlozman, Kay Lehman: Author| Verba, Sidney: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0674006011| ISBN: 0674006607 11797 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $55.00, paper $27.95| Price: $55.00, paper $27.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Two paths to equality: Alice Paul and Ethel M. Smith in the era debate, 1921-1929" "Butler, Amy E.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Albany: State University of New York 2002 Text ISBN: 0791453197 | ISBN: 0791453200 | ISBN: 0585473196 11798 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $55.00, paper $17.95, ebook $54.50| Price: $55.00, paper $17.95, ebook $54.50" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 "African American women and social action: clubwomen and volunteerism from Jim Crow to the New Deal, 1896-1936" "Cash, Floris Barnett: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0313315639 11800 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $106.00| Price: $106.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "An unlikely conservative: the transformation of an ex-liberal, or, How I became the most hated Hispanic in America" "Chavez, Linda: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Basic Books 2002 Text ISBN: 0465089046 11801 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Supreme court decisions and women's rights: milestones to equality "Cushman, Clare: Editor" "Politics, U.S.| Law" "Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly" 2001 Text ISBN: 1568026137| ISBN: 1568026145 11802 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $46.00, paper $32.00| Price: $46.00, paper $32.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library.| Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Unsettled subjects: restoring feminist politics to poststructuralist critique "Lurie, Susan: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0822320037| ISBN: 0822319993 11803 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Navigating boundaries: the rhetoric of women governors "Marshall, Brenda DeVore: Author| Mayhead, Molly A.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 2000 Text ISBN: 0275967786 | ISBN: 0275967794 11804 eng "Price: $96.95, paper $25.00| Price: $96.95, paper $25.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Splintered sisterhood: gender and class in the campaign against woman suffrage "Marshall, Susan E.: Author" "Politics, U.S.| History, U.S." Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0299154602| ISBN: 0299154645| ISBN: 0585081107 11805 eng "Price: $55.00, paper $21.95, ebook $55.00| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95, ebook $55.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Dangerous liaisons: gender, nation and postcolonial perspectives" "McClintock, Anne: Editor| Mufti, Aamir: Editor| Shohat, Ella: Editor" Transnational feminism Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0816626499 11806 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 8/25/2003 "Seeing with their hearts: Chicago women and the vision of the good city, 1871-1933" "Flanagan, Maureen A.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0691095396 11810 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $41.00| Price: $41.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Women and the Republican Party, 1854-1924" "Gustafson, Melanie Susan: Author" "Politics, U.S." Champaign: University of Illinois Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0252026888 11811 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Mistress of manifest destiny: a biography of Jane McManus Storm Cazneau, 1807-1878" "Hudson, Linda S.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Austin, Texas: State Historical Association" 2001 Text ISBN: 0876111797 11812 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Suburban warriors: origins of the new American right "McGirr, Lisa: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0691059039| ISBN: 0691096112 11814 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $57.50, paper $24.95| Price: $57.50, paper $24.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 "Fun, cheap, and easy: my life in Ohio politics, 1949-1964" "McGovern, Frances: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Akron, Ohio: University of Akron Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 1884836798 11815 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Selected letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott "Mott, Lucretia: Author| Palmer, Beverly Wilson: Editor| Ochoa, Holly Byers| Faulkner, Carol" "Politics, U.S." Champaign: University of Illinois Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0252026748 11816 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 To look like America: dismantling barriers for women and minorities in government "Naff, Katherine C.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813367638 11817 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $27.00| Price: paper $27.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Eleanor and Harry: the correspondence of Eleanor Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman "Neal, Steve: Author" "Politics, U.S." Reprint ed New York: Citadel Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0806525614 11818 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 "Women and Congress: running, winning and ruling" "O'Connor, Karen: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0789016702| ISBN: 0789016710 11819 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Servants of the state: managing diversity and democracy in the federal workforce, 1933-1953" "Rung, Margaret C.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Athens: University of Georgia Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0820323624 11820 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The fair sex: white women and racial patriarchy in the early American republic "Schloesser, Pauline: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: New York University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0814797636 | ISBN: 0814797628 11822 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Gender images in public administration: legitimacy and the administrative state "Stivers, Camilla: Author" "Politics, U.S." 2d ed "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 2002 Text ISBN: 0761921737| ISBN: 0761921745 11823 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $90.95, paper $39.95| Price: $90.95, paper $39.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Anticipating madam president "Watson, Robert P.: Editor| Gordon, Ann: Editor| Johnson, Roberta Ann: Editor" "Politics, U.S." "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2003 Text ISBN: 1588261379| ISBN: 158826131 11825 eng "Added 2003 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $55.00, paper $22.50| Price: $55.00, paper $22.50| Essential title (Politics, U.S.)" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/12/2004 Parlor politics: in which the ladies of Washington help build a city and a government "Allgor, Catherine: Author" "Politics, U.S." Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia 2000 Text ISBN: 0813919983| ISBN: 081392118X 11827 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $16.95| Price: $29.95, paper $16.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Women and the politics of class "Brenner, Johanna: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Monthly Review Press 2000 Text ISBN: 1583670092| ISBN: 1583670106 11829 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Real politics: at the center of everyday life "Elshtain, Jean B.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Baltimore, Maryland: John Hopkins University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0801856000 11833 eng Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Women's political voice: how women are transforming the practice and study of politics "Flammang, Janet A.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 156639533X| ISBN: 15663958348 11835 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $26.95| Price: $74.95, paper $26.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 A room at a time: how women entered party politics "Freeman, Jo: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc." 2000 Text ISBN: 0847698041| ISBN: 084769805X 11836 eng "Price: $41.95, paper $31.95| Price: $41.95, paper $31.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Civil War sisterhood: the U.S. Sanitary Commission and women's politics in transition "Giesberg, Judith Ann: Author" "Politics, U.S." Boston: Northeastern University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 1555534341 11837 eng Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 African American women in Congress: forming and transforming history "Gill, Laverne M.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813523532 11838 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 An army of women: gender and politics in gilded age Kansas "Goldberg, Michael L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0801863627| ISBN: 0801870321 11839 eng "Price: paper $25.00, ebook $54.95| Price: paper $25.00, ebook $54.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 The Violence Against Women Act of 1994: an analysis of intent and perception "Meyer-Emerick, Nancy: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 2001 Text ISBN: 0275970841 11841 eng Price: $93.95| Price: $93.95 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and politics "Phillips, Anne: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0198782055| ISBN: 0585134987 11843 eng "Price: paper $22.95, ebook $80.00| Price: paper $22.95, ebook $80.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 "Subject to debate: sense and dissents on women, politics and culture" "Pollitt, Katha: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Modern Library 2001 Text ISBN: 0679783431 11844 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Further to fly: black women and the politics of empowerment "Radford-Hill, Sheila: Author" "Politics, U.S." Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0816634742| ISBN: 0816634750 11845 eng "Price: $67.50, paper $22.50| Price: $67.50, paper $22.50" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 "Representing women: sex, gender and legislative behavior in Arizona and California" "Reingold, Beth: Author" "Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0807825387| ISBN: 0807848506| ISBN: 0807861057 11846 eng "Price: $59.95, paper $19.95, ebook $59.95| Price: $59.95, paper $19.95, ebook $59.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Las obreras Chicana: politics of work and family "Ruiz, Vicki L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, Chicano Studies Research Center" 2000 Text ISBN: 0895510944 11847 eng Price: paper $19.00| Price: paper $19.00 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "The political work of northern women writers and the civil war, 1850-1872" "Sizer, Lyde C.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0807825549 | ISBN: 0807848859 | ISBN: 0807860980 11850 eng "Price: $49.00, paper $18.95, ebook $49.95| Price: $49.00, paper $18.95, ebook $49.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 How women saved the city "Spain, Daphne: Author" "Politics, U.S." Reprint ed Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0816635323 11851 eng Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Gender in political theory "Squires, Judith: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2000 Text ISBN: 0745615037 11852 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Women's suffrage "Stalcup, Brenda: Author" "Politics, U.S." Farmington Hills: Gale Group 2000 Text ISBN: 0737703261| ISBN: 0737703253 11853 eng "Price: $34.95, paper $24.00| Price: $34.95, paper $24.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Bureau men, settlement women: constructing public administration in the Progressive Era" "Stivers, Camilla: Author" "Politics, U.S." Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2000 Text ISBN: 0700610219| ISBN: 070061222X 11854 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $16.95| Price: $29.95, paper $16.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Civilizing capitalism: the National Consumers' League, women's activism and labor standards in the New Deal era" "Storrs, Landon R.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0807848387 11855 eng Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95 "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Political woman: Florence Luscomb and the legacy of radical reform "Strom, Sharon Hartman: Author" "Politics, U.S." Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 1566398185| ISBN: 1566398193 11856 eng "Price: $83.50, paper $24.95| Price: $83.50, paper $24.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Women and elective office: past, present and future" "Thomas, Sue: Editor| Wilcox, Clyde: Editor" "Politics, U.S." 2d ed New York: Oxford University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0195180836 11859 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 8/25/2003 Dark continent of our bodies: Black feminism and the politics of respectability "White, E. Frances: Author" "Politics, U.S." Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 1566398797| ISBN: 1566398800 11860 eng "Price: $62.50, paper $19.95| Price: $62.50, paper $19.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminists and party politics "Young, Lisa: Author" "Politics, U.S." Ann Arbor: University of Michigan 2000 Text ISBN: 0774807733| ISBN: 0472087827 11861 eng "Price: $75.00, paper $24.95| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "What American women did, 1789-1920: a year-by-year reference" "Coppens, Linda Miles: Author" "History, U.S." "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Co." 2001 Text ISBN: 0786408995 11863 eng "Added 2003 (History, U.S.)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 "American women activists' writings: an anthology, 1637-2001" "Cullen-DuPont, Kathryn: Editor" "History, U.S." New York: Cooper Square Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0815411855 11864 eng "Added 2003 (History, U.S.)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 Women and power in American history: a reader "Dublin, Thomas: Editor| Sklar, Kathryn Kish: Editor" "History, U.S." 2d ed "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 2002 Text ISBN: 0130415707 11865 eng "Added 2003 (History, U.S.)| Price: $58.00| Price: $58.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 "Race, gender, and work: a multicultural economic history of women in the United States" "Amott, Teresa L.: Author| Matthaei, Julie A.: Author" "History, U.S.| Women of color| Labor" Rev. ed Boston: South End Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0896085376 11869 eng Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: paper $21.00| Price: paper $21.00| Essential title (Women of color)| Essential title (Labor) "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 8/25/2003 The women's liberation movement in America "Berkeley, Kathleen C.: Author" | Reference| Feminist movements in the United States "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0313298750 11870 eng Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/17/2004 "Women's voices, women's lives: documents in early American history" "Berkin, Carol: Editor| Horowitz, Leslie: Editor" "History, U.S." Boston: Northeastern University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1555533507 11871 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 The Columbia guide to American women in the nineteenth century "Clinton, Catherine: Author| Lunardini, Christine A.: Author" "History, U.S.| Reference" New York: Columbia University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0231109202| ISBN: 0231109210| ISBN: 0231504500 11872 eng "Price: $48.95, paper $23.50, ebook $40.00| Price: $48.95, paper $23.50, ebook $40.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 The other civil war: American women in the nineteenth century "Clinton, Catherine: Author" "History, U.S." "New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux" 1999 Text ISBN: 0809016222 11873 eng Price: $20.00| Price: $20.00 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 Sisters in the struggle: African American women in the civil rights-black power movement "Collier-Thomas, Bettye: Editor| Franklin, V. P.: Editor" "History, U.S." New York: New York University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0814716024| ISBN: 0814716032| ISBN: 0585434689 11874 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $23.00, ebook $60.00| Price: $60.00, paper $23.00, ebook $60.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 No small courage: a history of women in the United States "Cott, Nancy F.: Editor" "History, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0915173236 11876 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 "Women in the Civil Rights movement: trailblazers and torchbearers, 1941-1965" "Crawford, Vicki L.: Editor| Rouse, Jacqueline Anne: Editor| Woods, Barbara: Editor" "History, U.S." Indiana University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0253208327 11877 eng Price: $16.95| Price: $16.95 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 Women and freedom in early America "Eldridge, Larry D.: Editor" "History, U.S." New York: New York University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0814721931| ISBN: 0814721982| ISBN: 0585364516 11879 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $22.00, ebook $60.00| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00, ebook $60.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 To believe in women: what lesbians have done for America--a history "Faderman, Lillian: Author" "History, U.S.| Lesbian studies" Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1999 Text ISBN: 039585010X| ISBN: 0618056971 11880 eng "Price: $30.00, paper $15.00| Price: $30.00, paper $15.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 "We have come to stay: American women and political parties, 1880-1960" "Gustafson, Melanie: Editor| Miller, Kristie: Editor| Perry, Elisabeth I.: Editor" "History, U.S." Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1999 Text ISBN: 082631970X| ISBN: 058522563X 11881 eng "Price: $19.95, ebook $35.00| Price: $19.95, ebook $35.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 Hine sight: Black women and the re-construction of American history "Hine, Darlene Clark: Author" "History, U.S." Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0253211247 11882 eng Price: $35.95| Price: $35.95 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 Handbook of American women's history "Howard, Angela M.: Editor| Kavenik, Frances M.: Editor" "History, U.S.| Reference" 2d ed "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2000 Text ISBN: 0761916350 11883 eng Added 2003 (Reference)| Price: $150.00| Price: $150.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 To 'joy my freedom: southern Black women's lives and labors after the Civil War "Hunter, Tera W.: Author" "History, U.S." "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0674893093| ISBN: 0674893085 11884 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $16.95| Price: $29.95, paper $16.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 "Notable American women, 1607-1950: a biographical dictionary" "James, Edward T.: Editor" "History, U.S." "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press" 1971 Text ISBN: 0674627342 11886 eng Price: $50.00 (3 vols.)| Price: $50.00 (3 vols.) "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 Women's America: refocusing the past "Kerber, Linda K.: Editor| De Hart-Matthews, Jane: Editor" "History, U.S." 6th ed New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195159829 11888 eng Price: $44.95| Price: $44.95 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 "Women in the United States, 1830-1945" "Kleinberg, S. J.: Author" "History, U.S." "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0813527287| ISBN: 0813527295 11889 eng "Price: $52.00, paper $22.00| Price: $52.00, paper $22.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 Surviving on the gold mountain: a history of Chinese American women and their lives "Ling, Huping: Author" "History, U.S." "Albany, New York: State University of New York Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0791438635| ISBN: 0585060355 11890 eng "Price: $22.50, ebook $59.50| Price: $22.50, ebook $59.50" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 "Woman suffrage and the origins of liberal feminism in the United States, 1820-1920" "Marilley, Suzanne M.: Author" "History, U.S.| Feminist movements in the United States" "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0674954653 11892 eng Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 "Engendering America: a documentary history, 1865 to the present" "Michel, Sonya: Editor| Muncy, Robyn: Editor" "History, U.S." Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education 1998 Text ISBN: 0070443610 11893 eng Price: $41.25| Price: $41.25 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 Discovering the women in slavery: emancipating perspectives on the American past "Morton, Patricia: Editor" "History, U.S." Athens: University of Georgia Press 1996 Text ISBN: 082031756X| ISBN: 0820317578 11894 eng "Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 "Japanese American women: three generations, 1890-1990" "Nakano, Mei T.: Author" "History, U.S." Sebastopol: Mina Press Publishing 1998 Text ISBN: 0942610067 11895 eng Price: $14.95| Price: $14.95 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 Sifters: Native American women's lives "Perdue, Theda: Editor" "History, U.S.| Women of color" New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0195130804| ISBN: 0195130812| ISBN: 1423738543 11896 eng "Price: $74.00, paper $22.00, ebook $60.00| Price: $74.00, paper $22.00, ebook $60.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/11/2004 The decolonial imaginary: writing Chicanas into history "Perez, Emma: Author" "History, U.S." Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0253335043| ISBN: 0253212839 11897 eng "Price: $35.00, ebook $17.95| Price: $35.00, ebook $17.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 How long? How long?: African American women in the struggle for civil rights "Robnett, Belinda: Author" "History, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0195114906| ISBN: 0195114914| ISBN: 1423741145 11898 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $27.50, ebook $50.00| Price: $65.00, paper $27.50, ebook $50.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 The world split open: how the modern women's movement changed America "Rosen, Ruth: Author" "History, U.S.| Feminist movements in the United States" New York: Viking 2000 Text ISBN: 0140097198 11899 eng Price: $16.00| Price: $16.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 "African American women in the struggle for the vote, 1850-1920" "Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn: Author" "History, U.S.| Feminist movements in the United States" "Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 025321176X 11901 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States) "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/11/2004 Modern American women: a documentary history "Ware, Susan: Author" "History, U.S." 2d ed Boston: McGraw-Hill 2002 Text ISBN: 0072418206 11902 eng Price: paper $47.19| Price: paper $47.19 "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 Red feminism: American communism and the making of women's liberation "Weigand, Kate: Author" "History, U.S.| Feminist movements in the United States" "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0801864895| ISBN: 0801871115 11904 eng "Price: $59.00, paper $18.95| Price: $59.00, paper $18.95" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/18/2004 Ar'n't I a woman?: female slaves in the plantation South "White, Deborah G.: Author" "History, U.S." New York: W. W. Norton 1999 Text ISBN: 0844670227| ISBN: 0393314812 11905 eng "Price: $28.25, paper $13.95| Price: $28.25, paper $13.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/11/2004 "Early American women: a documentary history, 1600-1900" "Woloch, Nancy: Editor" "History, U.S." 2d ed Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2002 Text ISBN: 0072418222| ISBN: 0070715335 11906 eng "Price: $51.25, paper $31.56| Price: $51.25, paper $31.56" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 8/25/2003 The female body: perspectives of Latin American artists "Amador Gómez-Quintero, Raysa Elena: Author| Pérez Bustillo, Mireya: Author" Visual arts "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 031331120X 11907 eng Added 2003 (Visual arts)| Price: $97.95| Price: $97.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Art, women, California, 1950-2000: parallels and intersections" "Fuller, Diana Burgess: Author| Salvioni, Daniela: Author" Visual arts Berkeley: University of California Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0520230655| ISBN: 0520230663 11908 eng "Added 2003 (Visual arts)| Price: $65.00, paper $35.00| Price: $65.00, paper $35.00" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 "Women, art, and society" "Chadwick, Whitney: Author" Visual arts 3d ed New York: Thames and Hudson 2002 Text ISBN: 0500203547 11909 eng Added 2003 (Visual arts)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 The art of history: African American women artists engage the past "Collins, Lisa Gail: Author" Visual arts "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813530210| ISBN: 0813530229 11910 eng "Added 2003 (Visual arts)| Price: $60.00, paper $26.00| Price: $60.00, paper $26.00" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 Mirror mirror: self-portraits by women artists "Rideal, Liz: Author" Visual arts New York: Watson-Guptill 2002 Text ISBN: 0823030717 11911 eng Added 2003 (Visual arts)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 The Black female body: a photographic history "Willis, Deborah: Author" Visual arts Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1566399289 11913 eng Added 2003 (Visual arts)| Price: $60.00| Price: $60.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Peeling potatoes, painting pictures: women artists in post-Soviet Russia, Estonia and Latvia: the first decade" "Baigell, Renee: Author| Baigell, Matthew: Author" Visual arts "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 081352945X| ISBN: 0813529468 11914 eng "Price: $60.00, paper $25.00| Price: $60.00, paper $25.00" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "An intimate distance: women, artists, and the body" "Betterton, Rosemary: Author" Visual arts New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 041511084X| ISBN: 0415110858 11915 eng "Price: $114.95, paper $31.95| Price: $114.95, paper $31.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 "Visualizing women in the Middle Ages: sight, spectacle, and scopic economy" "Caviness, Madeline H.: Author" Visual arts Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0812235991 11916 eng Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Mirror images: women, surrealism and self-representation" "Chadwick, Whitney: Editor" Visual arts "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0262531577 11917 eng Price: paper $42.00| Price: paper $42.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Seeing through the seventies "Cottingham, Laura: Author" Visual arts Amsterdam: G + B Science Publishers 2000 Text ISBN: 9057012227 11918 eng Price: paper $41.95| Price: paper $41.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/19/2004 Women's camera work: self/body/other in American visual culture "Davidov, Judith F.: Author" Visual arts "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0822320541| ISBN: 0822320673 11919 eng "Price: $99.95, paper $26.95| Price: $99.95, paper $26.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/19/2004 Women artists of color: a bio-critical sourcebook to 20th century artists in the Americas "Farris-Dufrene, Phoebe M: Editor" Visual arts| Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood" 1999 Text ISBN: 0313303746 11920 eng Price: $127.95| Price: $127.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/15/2004 "Differential aesthetics: art practices, philosophy and feminist understandings" "Florence, Penny: Editor| Foster, Nicola: Editor" Visual arts "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2001 Text ISBN: 075461493X 11921 eng Price: $84.95| Price: $84.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Dictionary of women artists "Gaze, Delia: Editor" Visual arts Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers 1997 Text ISBN: 1884964214 11922 eng Price: $365.00 (2 vols.)| Price: $365.00 (2 vols.) "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Contemporary women artists "Hillstrom, Laura Collier: Editor| Hillstrom, Kevin: Editor" Visual arts Detroit: St. James Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1558623728 11923 eng Price: $185.00| Price: $185.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 Defining the Renaissance virtuosa: women artists and the language of art history and criticism "Jacobs, Fredrika Herman: Author" Visual arts New York: Cambridge University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0521572703| ISBN: 0521664969 11925 eng "Price: $90.00, paper $43.00| Price: $90.00, paper $43.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "I, Claudia II: women in Roman art and society" "Kleiner, Diane E. E.: Editor| Matheson, Susan B.: Editor" Visual arts| Antiquity Austin: University of Texas Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0292743408 11927 eng Added 2006 (Antiquity)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 8/25/2003 "Bachelors: essays on nine women ""bachelors"" who challenged masculinist aesthetics" "Krauss, Rosalind E.: Author" Visual arts "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0262112396 11928 eng Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 "Passionate discontent: creativity, gender, and French symbolist art" "Mathews, Patricia Townley: Author" Visual arts Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0226510182 11929 eng Price: $42.50| Price: $42.50 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Pregnant pictures "Matthews, Sandra: Author| Wexler, Laura: Author" Visual arts New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415904498| ISBN: 0415921201 11930 eng "Price: $99.95, paper $45.00| Price: $99.95, paper $45.00" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/19/2004 Seeing America: women photographers between the wars "McEuen, Melissa A.: Author" Visual arts Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 2000 Text ISBN: 0813121329| ISBN: 0813190940 11931 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $22.00| Price: $45.00, paper $22.00| Essential title (Visual arts)" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 We weren't modern enough: women artists and the limits of German modernism "Meskimmon, Marsha: Author" Visual arts Berkeley: University of California Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0520221346 11932 eng Price: Paper $24.95| Price: Paper $24.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/19/2004 "Culture in the marketplace: gender, art and value in the American Southwest" "Mullin, Molly H.: Author" Visual arts "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0822326108| ISBN: 0822326183 11933 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 Differencing the canon: feminism and the writing of art's histories "Pollock, Griselda: Author" Visual arts New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415066999| ISBN: 0415067006 11934 eng "Price: $135.00, paper $34.95| Price: $135.00, paper $34.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 Generations and geographies in the visual arts: feminist readings "Pollock, Griselda: Editor" Visual arts New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415141273| ISBN: 0415141281 11935 eng "Price: $114.95, paper $36.95| Price: $114.95, paper $36.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 A history of women photographers "Rosenblum, Naomi: Author" Visual arts 2d ed New York: Abbeville Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0789206587 11936 eng Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00| Essential title (Visual arts) "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 "Carr, O'Keefe, Kahlo: places of their own" "Udall, Sharyn Rohlfsen: Author" Visual arts "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0300079583 11939 eng Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/8/2004 "Three artists (three women): modernism and the art of Hesse, Krasner and O'Keeffe" "Wagner, Anne M.: Author" Visual arts Berkeley: University of California Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0520214331 11940 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 8/25/2003 Overcoming all obstacles: the women of the Académie Julian "Weisberg, Gabriel P.: Editor| Becker, Jane R.: Editor" Visual arts "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0813527562 11941 eng Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/19/2004 "Ain't I a beauty queen?: Black women, beauty, and the politics of race" "Craig, Maxine Leeds: Author" Women of color New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0195142675| ISBN: 019515262X 11942 eng "Added 2003 (Women of color)| Price: $65.00, paper $19.95| Price: $65.00, paper $19.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Colonize this!: young women of color on today's feminism "Hernandez, Daisy: Editor| Rehman, Bushra: Editor" Women of color New York: Seal Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1580050670 11943 eng Added 2003 (Women of color)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Voices of color "Alaniz, Yolanda: Editor| Wong, Nellie: Editor" Women of color Seattle: Red Letter Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0932323057 11944 eng Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Off the reservation: reflections on border-busting, border-crossing loose canons" "Allen, Paula Gunn: Author" Women of color Boston: Beacon Press 1998 Text ISBN: 080704640X| ISBN: 0807046418 11946 eng "Price: $25.00, paper $17.00| Price: $25.00, paper $17.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The Sacred hoop: recovering the feminine in American Indian traditions "Allen, Paula Gunn: Author" Women of color Rev. ed Boston: Beacon Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0807046175 11947 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Changing woman: a history of racial ethnic women in modern America "Anderson, Karen: Author" "Women of color| History, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 1423759877 11949 eng Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00| Essential title (Women of color) "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/11/2004 "Making face, making soul/hacienda caras: creative and critical perspectives by women of color" "Anzaldua, Gloria: Editor" Women of color San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books 1990 Text ISBN: 1879960109 11950 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Life notes: personal writings by contemporary Black women "Bell-Scott, Patricia: Editor" Women of color New York: Norton 1995 Text ISBN: 0393312062 11951 eng Price: paper $12.00| Price: paper $12.00 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 U.S. Chicanas and Latinas within a global context "Blea, Irene I.: Author" Women of color New York: Praeger Publishers 1997 Text ISBN: 0275956237| ISBN: 0275956245 11952 eng "Price: $93.95, paper $23.95| Price: $93.95, paper $23.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Race, class, and gender: Common bonds, different voices" "Chow, Esther Ngan-Ling: Editor" Women of color| Feminist theory "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1996 Text ISBN: 0803970560| ISBN: 0803970579 11953 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist theory)| Price: $135.00, paper $59.95| Price: $135.00, paper $59.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 8/25/2003 "Black feminist thought: knowledge, consciousness and the politics of empowerment" "Collins, Patricia Hill: Author" Women of color| Feminist theory| Sociology 2d ed New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415924839| ISBN: 0415924847 11954 eng "Added 2007 (Sociology)| Price: $135.00, paper $25.95| Price: $135.00, paper $25.95| Essential title (Sociology)" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. | Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library.| Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/17/2004 Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of South Asian women in America "Dasgupta, Shamita Das: Editor" Women of color "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0813525187 11955 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Unequal sisters: a multicultural reader in U.S. women's history "Ruiz, Vickie L.| DuBois, Ellen Carol: Editor" "Women of color| History, U.S.| Feminist movements in the United States" 3d ed New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415925177| ISBN: 0415925169 11956 eng "Price: $100.00, paper $29.95| Price: $100.00, paper $29.95| Essential title (Women of color)| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/17/2004 Unrelated kin: Race and gender in women's personal narratives "Etter-Lewis, Gwendolyn: Editor| Foster, Michele: Editor" Women of color New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415911389| ISBN: 0415911397 11957 eng Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Speaking Chicana: Voice, power and identity" "Galindo, D. Letticia: Editor| Gonzales, Maria Dolores: Editor" Women of color Tucson: University of Arizona Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0816518149| ISBN: 0816518157 11958 eng "Price: $48.00, paper $21.95| Price: $48.00, paper $21.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Chicana feminist thought: the basic historical writings "Garcia, Alma M.: Editor" Women of color| Feminist theory New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415918006| ISBN: 0415918014 11959 eng "Price: $125.00, paper $39.95| Price: $125.00, paper $39.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/17/2004 When and where I enter: the impact of Black women on race and sex in America "Giddings, Paula: Author" Women of color 2d ed New York: Amistad 1996 Text ISBN: 0688146503 11960 eng Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95| Essential title (Women of color) "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Skin deep: Black women and White women write about race "Golden, Marita: Editor| Shreve, Susan R.: Editor" Women of color New York: Doubleday 1996 Text ISBN: 0385474105 11961 eng Price: paper $15.85| Price: paper $15.85 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Emerging voices: South Asian American women redefine self, family, and community" "Gupta, Sangeeta R.: Editor" Women of color "Walnut Creek, California: Sage" 1999 Text ISBN: 0761992952| ISBN: 0761992960 11962 eng Price: $71.95 paper $37.95| Price: $71.95 paper $37.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 A Shining thread of hope: History of black women in America "Hine, Darlene Clark: Author| Thompson, Kathleen: Author" Women of color New York: Broadway Books 1999 Text ISBN: 0767901118 11963 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 In her mother's house: the politics of Asian American mother-daughter writing "Ho, Wendy: Author" Women of color New York: Altamira Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0742503364| ISBN: 0742503372 11964 eng "Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 "Women of color: defining the issues, hearing the voices" "Hoeveler, Diana: Editor| Bowles, Janet K.: Editor" Women of color "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0313314144 11965 eng Price: $93.95| Price: $93.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Ain't I a woman: Black women and feminism "hooks, bell: Author" Women of color Boston: South End Press 1981 Text ISBN: 0896081303| ISBN: 089608129x 11966 eng "Price: $25.00, paper $15.00| Price: $25.00, paper $15.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Bone Black: memories of girlhood "hooks, bell: Author" Women of color| Girls and girlhood New York: Henry Holt and Company 1997 Text ISBN: 0805055126 11967 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/11/2004 Feminist theory: from margin to center "hooks, bell: Author" Women of color| Feminist theory 2d ed "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0896086143| ISBN: 0896086135 11968 eng "Price: $40.00, paper $16.00| Price: $40.00, paper $16.00| Essential title (Women of color)| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Booth, Austin: State University of New York at Buffalo. Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Yearning: race, gender, and cultural politics" "hooks, bell: Author" Women of color Boston: South End Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0896083861| ISBN: 0896083853 11969 eng "Price: $30.00, paper $17.00| Price: $30.00, paper $17.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The color of privilege: three blasphemies on race and feminism "Hurtado, Aida: Author" Women of color Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0472065319 11970 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 The Black feminist reader "James, Joy: Editor| Sharpley-Whiting, Tracey Denean: Editor" Women of color New York: Blackwell 2000 Text ISBN: 0631210067| ISBN: 0631210075 11971 eng "Price: $78.95, paper $34.95| Price: $78.95, paper $34.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 Shadowboxing: representations of Black feminist politics "James, Joy: Author" Women of color New York: Palgrave MacMillan 1999 Text ISBN: 0312294492 11972 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 "Labor of love, labor of sorrow: Black women, work, and the family from slavery to the present" "Jones, Jacqueline: Author" Women of color| Labor New York: Vintage Books 1986 Text ISBN: 0394745361 11973 eng Added 2003 (Labor)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Women of color) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 (Out)classed women: Contemporary Chicana writers on inequitable gendered power relations "Kafka, Phillipa: Author" Women of color "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0313311234 11974 eng Price: $85.95| Price: $85.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Making more waves: new writing by Asian American women "Kim, Elaine H.: Editor| Villanueva, Lilia V.: Editor| Asian Women United of California: Editor" Women of color Boston: Beacon Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0807059137 11975 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Women and power in native North America "Klein, Laura F.: Author| Ackerman, Lillian A.: Author" Women of color Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 1995 Text ISBN: 080612752X| ISBN: 0806132418 11976 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Nurturing success: successful women of color and their daughters "Lee, Essie E.: Author" Women of color "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, Greenwood Publishing Group" 2000 Text ISBN: 0275960331 11977 eng Price: $101.95| Price: $101.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Among the White moon faces: an Asian American memoir of homelands "Lim, Shirley Geok-lin: Author" Women of color New York: Feminist Press 1996 Text ISBN: 1558611797 11978 eng Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Forbidden stitch: an Asian American women's anthology "Lim, Shirley Geok-lin: Editor| Tsutakawa, Mayumi: Editor" Women of color "Corvalis, Oregon: Calyx Books" 1988 Text ISBN: 0934971102| ISBN: 0934971048 11979 eng "Price: $32.00, paper $16.95| Price: $32.00, paper $16.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Nature of a sistuh: Black women's lived experiences in contemporary culture "McDonald, Trevy: Editor| Ford-Ahmed, T.: Editor" Women of color "Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0890898596 11980 eng Price: paper $25.95| Price: paper $25.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color "Moraga, Cherrie: Editor| Anzaldua, Gloria: Editor" "Women of color| Transnational feminism| Literature, U.S." 3d ed "Berkeley, California: Third Woman Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0943219221 11981 eng Added 2003 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95| Essential title (Women of color) "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Race-ing justice, en-gendering power: essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, and the construction of social reality" "Morrison, Toni: Editor" Women of color New York: Pantheon Books 1992 Text ISBN: 0679741453 11982 eng Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "On our own terms: race, class, and gender in the lives of African American women" "Mullings, Leith: Author" Women of color New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415912865 11983 eng Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Asian American women and gender "Ng, Franklin: Editor" Women of color New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0815334362 11984 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Our feet walk the sky: women of the South Asian diaspora Women of the South Asian Descent Collective: Editor Women of color San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books 1998 Text ISBN: 187996032X 11985 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 From out of the shadows: Mexican women in twentieth century America "Ruiz, Vicki L.: Author" Women of color New York: Oxford University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0195130995 11986 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Double burden: black women and everyday racism "St. Jean, Yanick: Author" Women of color "Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe" 1997 Text ISBN: 1563249448| ISBN: 0562349456 11987 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $29.95| Price: $49.95, paper $29.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism on the border: Chicana gender politics and literature "Saldivar-Hull, Sonia: Author" Women of color Berkeley: University of California Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0520207335 11988 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 American Indian grandmothers: traditions and transitions "Schweitzer, Marjorie M.: Editor" Women of color Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0826320775| ISBN: 0826320783 11989 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $22.95| Price: $49.95, paper $22.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Dragon ladies: Asian American feminists breathe fire "Shah, Sonia: Editor" Women of color| Feminist movements in the United States Boston: South End Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0896085767| ISBN: 0896085759 11990 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $40.00, paper $17.00| Price: $40.00, paper $17.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library" 8/25/2003 But some of us are brave: Black women's studies "Smith, Barbara: Editor| Hull, Gloria T.: Editor| Bell-Scott, Patricia: Editor" Women of color New York: Feminist Press 1981 Text ISBN: 0912670959 11991 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Women of color) "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Neither separate nor equal: women, race, and class in the South" "Smith, Barbara Ellen: Editor" Women of color Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1566396808 11992 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "The truth that never hurts: writing on race, gender and freedom" "Smith, Barbara: Author" Women of color "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 081352573X| ISBN: 0813527619 11993 eng "Price: $45.00, paper $22.95| Price: $45.00, paper $22.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Not just race, not just gender: Black feminist readings" "Smith, Valerie: Author" Women of color New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415903262 11994 eng Price: paper $25.95| Price: paper $25.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Still lifting, still climbing: contemporary African American women's activism" "Springer, Kimberly: Editor" Women of color New York: New York University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0814781241| ISBN: 081478125X 11996 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $22.00| Price: $65.00, paper $22.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Other sisterhoods: literary theory and U.S. women of color "Stanley, Sandra Kumamoto: Editor" Women of color Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0252023617| ISBN: 0252066669 11997 eng "Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 "Black women in America: confronting gender, race, and class" "Vaz, Kim M.: Editor" Sociology "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 1994 Text ISBN: 0803954549| ISBN: 0803954557 11998 eng "Price: $129.00, paper $59.95| Price: $129.00, paper $59.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 8/25/2003 Black macho and the myth of the Superwoman "Wallace, Michele: Author" Women of color 2d ed New York: Verso 1999 Text ISBN: 1859842968 12000 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00| Essential title (Women of color) "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Deinstitutionalising women: an ethnographic study of institutional closure "Johnson, Kelley: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0521623669| ISBN: 0521625696 12001 eng "Added 2002 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $75.00, paper $24.99| Price: $75.00, paper $24.99" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Circle of stones: woman's journey to herself "Durek, Judith: Author" Spirituality 2d ed "Makawao, Hawaii: Innisfree Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 1880913631 12002 eng Added 2002 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Of spirituality: a feminist perspective "Fischer, Clare B.: Author" Spirituality "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 081083006X 12003 eng Added 2002 (Spirituality)| Price: $63.00| Price: $63.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/10/2004 The triumph of the moon: a history of modern pagan witchcraft "Hutton, Ronald: Author" Spirituality New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0192854496 12004 eng Added 2002 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/10/2004 "Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart: poems of the Sumerian high priestess Enheduanna" "Meador, Betty De Shong: Author| Grahn, Judy: Author" Spirituality Austin: University of Texas Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0292752423 12005 eng Added 2002 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $23.95| Price: paper $23.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/10/2004 The witch in history: early modern and twentieth century representations "Purkiss, Diane: Author" Spirituality New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415087619| ISBN: 0415087627 12006 eng "Added 2002 (Spirituality)| Price: $180.00, paper $36.95| Price: $180.00, paper $36.95" "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 Cries of the spirit: a celebration of women's spirituality "Sewell, Marilyn: Editor" Spirituality Boston: Beacon Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0807068497 12008 eng Added 2002 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $23.00| Price: paper $23.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 "Drawing down the moon: witches, Druids, goddess-worshippers, and other pagans in America today" "Adler, Margot: Author" Spirituality New York: Penguin 2006 Text ISBN: 0143038192 12010 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 A community of witches: contemporary neo-paganism and witchcraft in the United States "Berger, Helen A.: Author" Spirituality Columbia: University of South Carolina Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1570032467| ISBN: 0585337969 12011 eng "Price: $24.95, ebook $24.95| Price: $24.95, ebook $24.95" "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 In the footsteps of the goddess: personal stories "Biaggi, Cristina: Author" Spirituality "Manchester, Connecticut: Knowledge, Ideas and Trends" 2000 Text ISBN: 1879198304 12012 eng Price: $17.00| Price: $17.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 Habitations of the great goddess "Biaggi, Cristina: Author| Gimbutas, Marija: Author" Spirituality "Manchester, Connecticut: Knowledge, Ideas and Trends" 1994 Text ISBN: 1879198185 12013 eng Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Goddesses in every woman: a new psychology of women "Bolen, Jean S.: Author" Spirituality New York: HarperTrade 1985 Text ISBN: 006091291X 12014 eng Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 The holy book of women's mysteries "Budapest, Zsuzsanna E.: Author" Spirituality "Oakland, California: Wingbow Press" 1989 Text ISBN: 0914728679 12015 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Gender matters: rereading Michelle Z. Rosaldo "Lugo, Alejandro: Editor| Maurer, Bill: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0472110462| ISBN: 0472086189 12016 eng "Added 2002 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $70.00, paper $26.95| Price: $70.00, paper $26.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Woman: an intimate geography "Angier, Natalie: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Boston: Houghton Mifflin| New York: Anchor Books 1999| 2000 Text ISBN: 0395691303| ISBN: 0385498411| ISBN: 0585102481 12017 eng "Price: $25.00, paper $15.95, ebook $25.00| Price: $25.00, paper $15.95, ebook $25.00" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Defining females: the nature of women in society "Ardener, Shirley: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology 2d rev. ed "Providence, Rhode Island: Berg Publishers" 1993 Text ISBN: 0854967273 12019 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Bilingual women: anthropological approaches to second language use "Burton, Pauline: Editor| Dyson, Ketaki Kushari: Editor| Ardener, Shirley: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Providence, Rhode Island: Berg Publishers" 1994 Text ISBN: 0854967370| ISBN: 0854968644 12020 eng "Price: $71.95, paper $27.95| Price: $71.95, paper $27.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Visions of women: being a fascinating anthology with analysis of philosophers' views of women from ancient to modern times "Bell, Linda A.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Clifton, New Jersey: Humana Press" 1983 Text ISBN: 089603044X| ISBN: 0896030547 12021 eng "Price: $59.50, paper $29.95| Price: $59.50, paper $29.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "The anthropology of food and body: gender, meaning, and power" "Counihan, Carole M.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415921929| ISBN: 0415921937 12023 eng "Price: $127.33, paper $28.95| Price: $127.33, paper $28.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Woman the gatherer "Dahlberg, Frances: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 1983 Text ISBN: 0300029896 12024 eng Price: paper $32.00| Price: paper $32.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Elsie Clews Parsons: inventing modern life "Deacon, Desley: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1997| 1999 Text ISBN: 0226139077| ISBN: 0226139085 12025 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $24.00| Price: $29.95, paper $24.00" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women among women: anthropological perspectives on female age hierarchies "Dickerson-Putman, Jeanette: Editor| Brown, Judith K.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0252066839 12026 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Gender at the crossroads of knowledge: feminist anthropology in the postmodern era "Di Leonardo, Micaela: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Berkeley: University of California Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0520070933 12027 eng Price: paper $27.50| Price: paper $27.50| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology) "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Confronting the Margaret Mead legacy: scholarship, empire and the South Pacific" "Foerstel, Lenora: Editor| Gilliam, Angela: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1994 Text ISBN: 1566392616 12028 eng Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women anthropologists: a biographical dictionary "Gacs, Ute: Editor| Khan, Aisha: Editor| McIntyre, Jerrie: Editor| Weinberg, Ruth: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Greenwood Press 1988 Text ISBN: 0313244146 12029 eng Price: $96.95| Price: $96.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women in the field: anthropological experiences "Golde, Peggy: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "2d ed, expanded and updated" Berkeley: University of California Press 1986 Text ISBN: 0520054229 12031 eng Price: paper $27.50| Price: paper $27.50 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women in human evolution "Hager, Lori D.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415108330| ISBN: 0415108349 12033 eng "Price: $125.00, paper $42.95| Price: $125.00, paper $42.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Nature, culture, and gender" "MacCormack, Carol P.: Editor| Strathen, Marilyn: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Cambridge University Press 1980 Text ISBN: 052128001X 12036 eng Price: paper $34.99| Price: paper $34.99 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 The anthropology of breast-feeding: natural law or social construct "Maher, Vanessa A.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Providence, Rhode Island: Berg Publishers" 1992 Text ISBN: 0854967214| ISBN: 0854968148 12037 eng "Price: $74.95, paper $29.95| Price: $74.95, paper $29.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 The bone lady: life as a forensic anthropologist "Manhein, Mary H.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press| New York: Penguin Group 1999| 2000 Text ISBN: 0807124044| ISBN: 014029192X 12038 eng "Price: $28.95, paper $14.00| Price: $28.95, paper $14.00" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women as healers: cross-cultural perspectives "McClain, Carol S.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1989 Text ISBN: 0813513707 12039 eng Price: paper $24.00| Price: paper $24.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Male and female "Mead, Margaret: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Perennial 2001 Text ISBN: 0060934964 12040 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Feminism and anthropology "Moore, Henrietta L.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0816617503 12042 eng Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Singing an Indian song: a biography of D'arcy McNickle "Parker, Dorothy R.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0803287305| ISBN: 12045 eng Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Negotiating reproductive rights: women's perspectives across countries and cultures "Petchesky, Rosalind P.: Editor| Judd, Karen: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology London: Zed Books 1998 Text ISBN: 1856495353| ISBN: 1856495361 12047 eng "Price: $85.00, paper $31.95| Price: $85.00, paper $31.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Medicine women, curanderas, and women doctors" "Perrone, Bobette: Author| Stockel, Henrietta H.: Author| Krueger, Victoria: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0806125128| ISBN: 12048 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Self, sex, and gender in cross-cultural fieldwork" "Whitehead, Tony L.: Author| Conway, Mary E.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Urbana: University of Illinois Press| Ann Arbor, Michigan: Books on Demand" 1986 Text ISBN: 0835735311 12050 eng Price: paper $101.70| Price: paper $101.70 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "A thrice-told tale: feminism, postmodernism and ethnographic responsibility" "Wolfe, Margery: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Palo Alto, California: Stanford University Press" 1992 Text ISBN: 0804719799| ISBN: 0804719802 12051 eng "Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 The evolving female: a life history perspective "Morbeck, Mary Ellen: Editor| Galloway, Alison: Editor| Zihlman, Adrienne L.: Editor|" Anthropology and archaeology "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1996| 2001 Text ISBN: 069102748X| ISBN: 1400805570 12052 eng "Price: $97.50, ebook $14.95| Price: $97.50, ebook $14.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Wealth and rebellion: Elsie Clews Parsons, anthropologist and folklorist" "Zumwalt, Rosemary L.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0252019091 12053 eng Price: $47.50| Price: $47.50 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Ecofeminism: women, animals, nature" "Gaard, Greta Claire: Editor" Ecofeminism Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0877229880 | ISBN: 0877229899 12058 eng "Added 2002 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $66.50, paper $22.95| Price: $66.50, paper $22.95| Essential title (Ecofeminism)" "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 2/28/2004 Feminist perspectives on environment and society "Littig, Beate: Author" Ecofeminism "Old Tappan, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 2001 Text ISBN: 0582369428 12060 eng Added 2002 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $41.40| Price: paper $41.40 "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 8/25/2003 Environmental education for the 21st century: international and interdisciplinary perspectives "Thompson, Patricia J.: Editor" Ecofeminism New York: Peter Lang 1997 Text ISBN: 0820437492 12062 eng Added 2002 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $32.95| Price: paper $32.95 "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 2/28/2004 Ecofeminism and the sacred "Adams, Carol J.: Editor" Ecofeminism New York: Continuum 1993| 1994 Text ISBN: 082640667X 12063 eng Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 2/28/2004 Finding our way: rethinking eco-feminist politics "Biehl, Janet: Author" Ecofeminism New York: Black Rose Books 1996 Text ISBN: 0921689799| ISBN: 0921689780 12064 eng "Price: $48.99, paper $19.99| Price: $48.99, paper $19.99" "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 2/28/2004 Feminism and ecological communities: an ethic of flourishing "Cuomo, Chris J.: Author" Ecofeminism New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415158052 | ISBN: 0415158060 12066 eng "Price: $125, paper $37.95| Price: $125, paper $37.95" "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and the mastery of nature "Plumwood, Val: Author" Ecofeminism "New York: Routledge| Boulder, Colorado: netLibrary" 1994| 2002 Text ISBN: 041506810X 12077 eng Price: paper $36.95| Price: paper $36.95 "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 2/28/2004 "Women healing Earth: third world women on ecology, feminism and religion" "Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Editor" Ecofeminism Ecology and justice "Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books" 1996 Text ISBN: 1570750572 12079 eng Price: paper $20| Price: paper $20 "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 8/25/2003 Ecofeminism: women culture nature "Warren, Karen J.: Editor| Erkal, Nisvan: Editor" Ecofeminism Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0253210577 12084 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95| Essential title (Ecofeminism) "Pope, Karen Osborne: University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Library." 2/28/2004 Websters' first intergalactic wickedary of the English language "Daly, Mary: Author| Caputi, Jane: Author" Spirituality London: Women's Press 1998 Text ISBN: 070434114X 12136 eng Added 2002 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $22.99| Price: paper $22.99 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Sacred circles: a guide to creating your own women's spirituality group "Carnes, Robin: Author| Craig, Sally: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1998 Text ISBN: 0062515225 12137 eng Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Diving deep and surfacing: women writers on spiritual quest "Christ, Carol P.: Author" Spirituality 3d ed Boston: Beacon Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0807062073 12138 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 Rebirth of the goddess: finding meaning in feminist spirituality "Christ, Carol P.: Author" Spirituality New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415921864 12139 eng Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 Womanspirit rising: a feminist reader in religion "Christ, Carol P.: Editor| Plaskow, Judith: Editor" Spirituality| Religion San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1992 Text ISBN: 0060613777 12140 eng Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95| Essential title (Spirituality)| Essential title (Religion) "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library.| Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 8/25/2003 "The chalice and the blade: our history, our future" "Eisler, Riane: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1988 Text ISBN: 0062502891 12141 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 "Sacred pleasure: sex, myth and the politics of the body-new paths to power and love" "Eisler, Riane T.: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFranciso 1996 Text ISBN: 0062502832 12142 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Living in the lap of the Goddess: the feminist spirituality movement in America "Eller, Cynthia: Author" Spirituality Boston: Beacon Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0807065072 12143 eng Price: paper $24.00| Price: paper $24.00| Essential title (Spirituality) "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/11/2004 The myth of matriarchal prehistory: why an invented past will not give women a future "Eller, Cynthia: Author" Spirituality| Anthropology and archaeology Boston: Beacon Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0807067938 12144 eng Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library.| Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 The goddess workbook: a guide to the feminine spiritual experience "Fairchild, Jill: Author| Schaare, Regina: Author| Wadleigh, Annie: Editor" Spirituality "Portland, Maine: Great Goddess Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0963337904 12145 eng Price: $14.95| Price: $14.95 "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 "The goddesses and gods of Old Europe, 6500-3500 BC: myths and cult images" "Gimbutas, Marija: Author" Spirituality Berkeley: University of California Press 1982 Text ISBN: 0520046552 12147 eng Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Spirituality) "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/11/2004 The language of the goddess: unearthing the hiden symbols of western civilization "Gimbutas, Marija: Author" Spirituality 2d ed New York: Thames and Hudson 2001 Text ISBN: 0500282498 12148 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 The living goddesses "Gimbutas, Marija: Author| Dexter, Miriam R.: Author" Spirituality Berkeley: University of California Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0520229150 12149 eng Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 Women of the Golden Dawn: rebels and priestesses "Greer, Mary K.: Author" Spirituality "Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International" 1994 Text ISBN: 0892815167| ISBN: 0892816074 12150 eng "Price: $29.95, paper $29.95| Price: $29.95, paper $29.95" "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 The spiral path: explorations in women's spirituality "King, Theresa: Author" Spirituality "Saint Paul, Minnesota: Yes International" 1996 Text ISBN: 0936663138 12152 eng Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 "The goddess path: myths, invocations and rituals" "Monaghan, Patricia: Author" Spirituality "Saint Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications" 1999 Text ISBN: 1567184677 12154 eng Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Ariadne's thread: a workbook of goddess magic "Mountainwater, Shekhinah: Author" Spirituality "Berkeley, California: Crossing Press" 1991 Text ISBN: 0895944758 12155 eng Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 "Women's spirituality, women's lives" "Ochshorn, Judith: Editor| Cole, Ellen: Editor" Spirituality "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 1560247223| ISBN: 1560230657 12156 eng "Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 When the drummers were women: a spiritual history of rhythm "Redmond, Layne: Author" Spirituality New York: Random House 1997 Text ISBN: 0609801287 12158 eng Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00| Essential title (Spirituality) "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 "Sophia: aspects of the divine feminine, past and present" "Schaup, Susanne: Author" Spirituality "York Beach, Maine: Nicolas-Hays" 1997 Text ISBN: 0892540362 12159 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 "Dreaming the dark: magic, sex and politics" Starhawk: Author Spirituality 2d ed Boston: Beacon Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0807010375 12161 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/11/2004 The fifth sacred thing Starhawk: Author Spirituality New York: Bantam 1994 Text ISBN: 0553373803 12162 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00 "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/11/2004 The spiral dance: a rebirth of the ancient religion of the goddess Starhawk: Author Spirituality San Francisco: HarperCollins 1999 Text ISBN: 0062516329 12163 eng Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 "Truth or dare: encounters with power, authority and mystery" Starhawk: Author Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1989 Text ISBN: 0062508164 12164 eng Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 When God was a woman "Stone, Merlin: Author" Spirituality "San Diego, California: Harcourt Trade" 1978 Text ISBN: 015696158X 12166 eng Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 8/25/2003 Mainstreaming: feminist research for teaching religious studies "Swidler, Arlene: Editor| Conn, Walter E.: Editor" Spirituality "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 1985 Text ISBN: 0819147249| ISBN: 0819147257 12167 eng "Price: $47.00, paper $20.50| Price: $47.00, paper $20.50" "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/11/2004 Restoring the goddess: equal rites for modern women "Walker, Barbara G.: Author" Spirituality "Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books" 2000 Text ISBN: 1573927864 12168 eng Price: $32.00| Price: $32.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 The woman's dictionary of symbols and sacred objects "Walker, Barbara G.: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1988 Text ISBN: 0062509233 12169 eng Price: paper $28.95| Price: paper $28.95 "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/11/2004 The woman's encyclopedia of myths and secrets "Walker, Barbara G.: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1983 Text ISBN: 006250925X 12170 eng Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Gerhard, Kristin H.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 8/25/2003 Women's leadership in marginal religions: explorations outside the mainstream "Wessinger, Catherine: Editor" Spirituality Champaign: University of Illinois Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0252020251 12171 eng Price: $24.00| Price: $24.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 An anthology of sacred texts by and about women "Young, Serinity: Editor" Spirituality "Brentwood, TN: FaithWorks" 1994 Text ISBN: 0824514181 12172 eng Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/11/2004 "Feminism and the women's movement: dynamics of change in social movement ideology, and activism" "Ryan, Barbara: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Routledge 1992 Text ISBN: 0415905990 12173 eng Added 2004 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: paper $30.95| Price: paper $30.95 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/18/2004 The almanac of women and minorities in American politics 2002 "Martin, Mart: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813398177| ISBN: 0585417490 12174 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $46.00, ebook $45.00| Price: paper $46.00, ebook $45.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 1/7/2004 "Organizing rural women: the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 1897-1919" "Kechnie, Margaret: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Montreal, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0773524606 12175 eng "Added 2004 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/3/2004 The SEWA movement and rural development: the Banaskantha and Kutch experience "Crowell, Daniel W.: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 2003 Text ISBN: 0761995811| ISBN: 076199582X 12176 eng "Added 2004 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $62.95, paper available from publisher| Price: $62.95, paper available from publisher" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/3/2004 On the farm front: the Women's Land Army in World War II "Carpenter, Stephanie A.: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0875803148 12177 eng "Added 2004 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/3/2004 "Points of resistance: women, power and politics in the New York avant-garde cinema, 1943-1971" "Rabinovitz, Lauren: Author" Film and television studies 2d ed "Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0252071247 12179 eng Added 2004 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $17.00| Price: paper $17.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 "Sugar, spice, and everything nice: cinemas of girlhood" "Gatewood, Frances: Editor| Pomerance, Murray: Editor" Film and television studies Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0814329187 12180 eng Added 2004 (Film and television studies)| Price: 7paper $24.95| Price: 7paper $24.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 "Designing women: cinema, art deco, and the female form" "Fischer, Lucy: Author" Film and television studies New York: Columbia University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0231125003| ISBN: 0231125011 12181 eng "Added 2004 (Film and television studies)| Price: $73.50, paper $29.00| Price: $73.50, paper $29.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Girlfighting: betrayal and rejection among girls "Brown, Lyn Mikel: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: New York University Press 2003| 2005 Text ISBN: 0814799159| ISBN: 0814799515 12182 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $40.00, paper $18.95| Price: $40.00, paper $18.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/3/2004 Spinster tales and womanly possibilities "Rosenthal, Naomi Braun: Author" Film and television studies "Albany, New York: State University of New York Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0791452069 12185 eng Added 2004 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 "Reversing the lens: ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality through film" "Xing, Jun: Author" Film and television studies "Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0870817256 12186 eng Added 2004 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Women through the lens: gender and nation in a century of Chinese cinema "Cui, Shuqin: Author" Film and television studies "Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0824825322 12187 eng Added 2004 (Film and television studies)| Price: $42.00| Price: $42.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Shaded lives: African American women and television "Smith-Shomade, Beretta E.: Author" Film and television studies "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813531055 12190 eng Added 2004 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/3/2004 Taking stands: gender and the sustainability of rural communities "Reed, Maureen Gail: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0774810173| ISBN: 0774810181 12191 eng "Added 2004 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 2/4/2004 Minnie Fisher Cunningham: a suffragist's life in politics "McArthur, Judith N.: Author| Smith, Harold L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195122151| ISBN: 0195304861| ISBN: 0195180704 12193 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $45.00, paper $21.95, ebook $38.00| Price: $45.00, paper $21.95, ebook $38.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/4/2004 "One woman's political journey: Kate Barnard and social reform, 1875-1930" "Musslewhite, Lynn: Author" "Politics, U.S." Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0806135638 12194 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/4/2004 What I saw at the revolution: a political life in the Reagan era "Noonan, Peggy: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Random House 2003 Text ISBN: 0812969898 12195 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $14.95| Price: $14.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/4/2004 Free hearts and free homes: gender and American antislavery politics "Pierson, Michael D.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0807827827| ISBN: 0807854557 12196 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/4/2004 "Democrats, Republicans, and the politics of women's place" "Sanbonmatsu, Kira: Author" "Politics, U.S." Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0472030205 12197 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95| Essential title (Politics, U.S.)" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/4/2004 Madam president: women blazing the leadership trail "Clift, Eleanor: Author| Tom Brazaitis: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 041593432X 12199 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $22.95| Price: $22.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/28/2004 "Gender policies in Japan and the United States: comparing women’s movements, rights, and politics" "Gelb, Joyce: Author" "Politics, U.S.| East Asian women" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Text ISBN: 0312293550| ISBN: 0312293569 12201 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Added 2005 (East Asian Women)| Price: $79.95, paper $24.95| Price: $79.95, paper $24.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/28/2004 Mary McLeod Bethune and Black women's political activism "Hanson, Joyce A.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0826214517 12202 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $32.50| Price: $32.50" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/28/2004 "The rise of the new woman: the women's movement in America, 1875-1930" "Matthews, Jean V.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, Inc." 2003 Text ISBN: 1566635012 12203 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95| Essential title (Politics, U.S.)" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 1/28/2004 Everybody's paid but the teacher: the teaching profession and the women's movement "Carter, Patricia A.: Author" Education New York: Teachers College Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0807742074| ISBN: 0807742066 12204 eng "Added 2004 (Education)| Price: $56.00, paper $24.95| Price: $56.00, paper $24.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/30/2004 The science education of American girls: a historical perspective "Tolley, Kim: Author" Education New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415934729| ISBN: 0415934737 12206 eng "Added 2004 (Education)| Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $137.36, paper $36.95| Price: $137.36, paper $36.95| Essential title (Education)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/30/2004 Disciplining feminism: from social activism to academic discourse "Messer-Davidow, Ellen: Author" Education "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0822328291| ISBN: 0822328437 12207 eng "Added 2004 (Education)| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/30/2004 A separate sisterhood: women who shaped southern education in the progressive era "Reynolds, Katherine C.: Author| Schramm, Susan L.: Author" Education "History of schools and schooling, vol. 26." New York: Peter Lang 2002 Text ISBN: 0820456845 12208 eng Added 2004 (Education)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/30/2004 "Same, different, equal: rethinking single-sex schooling" "Salomone, Rosemary C.: Author" Education "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0300098758| ISBN: 0300108311 12209 eng "Added 2004 (Education)| Price: $35.00, paper $21.00 | Price: $35.00, paper $21.00 | Essential title (Education)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/30/2004 Common ground or mutual exclusion?: women’s movements and international relations "Braig, Marianne: Editor| Wölte, Sonja: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Zed Books 2002 Text ISBN: 1842771582| ISBN: 1842771590 12212 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/2/2004 Promoting women’s rights: the politics of gender in the European Union "Ellina, Chrystalla A.: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 041594435X| ISBN: 0203506782 12214 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $120.00, ebook $69.95| Price: $120.00, ebook $69.95| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/2/2004 Rising tide: gender equality and cultural change around the world "Inglehart, Ronald: Author| Norris, Pippa: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0521822033| ISBN: 0521529506 12218 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.29| Price: $65.00, paper $22.29| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/2/2004 Rethinking empowerment: gender and development in a global/local world "Parpart, Jane L.: Editor| Rai, Shirin M.: Editor| Staudt, Kathleen A.: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415277698| ISBN: 0203220072 12220 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $150.00, ebook $90.00| Price: $150.00, ebook $90.00| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/2/2004 Disco divas: women and popular culture in the 1970s "Inness, Sherrie A.: Editor" Music| Popular culture Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0812237072| ISBN: 0812218418 12224 eng "Added 2004 (Music)| Added 2004 (Popular culture)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95" "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 Emblems of eloquence: opera and women's voices in seventeenth century Venice "Heller, Wendy Beth: Author" Music Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520209338 12227 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/4/2004 Women's voices across musical worlds "Bernstein, Jane: Editor" Music Boston: Northeastern University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1555535887 12228 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/5/2004 They're playing our songs: women talk about feminist rock music "Savage, Ann: Author" Music "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 2003 Text ISBN: 0275973565 12230 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: $72.95| Price: $72.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/5/2004 Weary throats and new songs: Black women proclaiming God's Word "Brown, Teresa L Fry: Author" Music "Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0687030137 12231 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: paper $24.00| Price: paper $24.00 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/5/2004 "Finding her voice: women in country music, 1800-2000" "Bufwack, Mary: Author| Oermann, Robert: Author" Music "Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0826514324 12232 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/5/2004 The women of country music: a reader "Wolfe, Charles K.: Editor| Akenson, James Edward: Editor" Music Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 2003 Text ISBN: 0813122805 12233 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/5/2004 Music and gender: perspectives from the Mediterranean "Magrini, Tullia: Editor" Music Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0226501655| ISBN: 0226501663 12234 eng "Added 2004 (Music)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.00| Price: $70.00, paper $24.00" "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/5/2004 "Embroidered with gold, strung with pearls: the traditional ballads of Bosnian women" "Vidan , Aida: Author" Music "Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature" 2003 Text ISBN: 0674011074 12235 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/5/2004 "The cantaoras: music, gender and the negotiation identity in flemenco song" "Chuse, Loren: Author" Music New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415943280 12236 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/5/2004 Unsung: a history of women in American music "Ammer, Christine: Author" Music 2d ed "Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, Incorporated" 2001 Text ISBN: 1574670611 12237 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Music) "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/5/2004 The female voice in Sufi ritual: devotional practices of Pakistan and India "Abbas, Shemeem Burney: Author" Music Austin: University of Texas Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0292705158 12238 eng Added 2004 (Music)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 2/5/2004 Positioning gender in discourse: a feminist methodology "Baxter, Judith: Author" Language New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 0333986350 12240 eng Added 2004 (Language)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00| Essential title (Language) "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/6/2004 Same words different language: how men and women misunderstand each other at work and what to do about it "Annis, Barbara: Author" Language Lanham: National Book Network 2003 Text ISBN: 0749924640 12242 eng Added 2004 (Language)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 2/6/2004 Gendering talk "Hopper, Robert: Author" Language East Lansing: Michigan State University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0870136364 12244 eng Added 2004 (Language)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 2/6/2004 Imagining rhetoric: composing women of the early United States "Eldred, Janet Carey: Author| Mortensen, Peter: Author" Language Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0822941821 12245 eng Added 2004 (Language)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95 "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 2/6/2004 Born to rebel: the life of Harriet Boyd Hawes "Allsebrook, Mary: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Rev. ed Oxford: Oxbow Books 2002 Text ISBN: 1842170414 12246 eng Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Gender and the archaeology of death "Arnold, Bettina: Editor| Wicker, Nancy L.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0759101361| ISBN: 075910137X 12247 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $79.00, paper $32.95| Price: $79.00, paper $32.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women in ancient America "Bruhns, Karen O.: Author| Stothert, Karen E.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0806131691| ISBN: 12248 eng Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Women and men in the pre-Hispanic Southwest: labor, power and prestige" "Crown, Patricia L.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0933452748| ISBN: 0933452179 12249 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $60.00, paper $29.95| Price: $60.00, paper $29.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Gender and material culture in archaeological perspective "Donald, Moira: Editor| Hurcombe, Linda: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2000 Text ISBN: 0312223986 12250 eng Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Reader in gender archaeology "Hays-Gilpin, Kelley: Editor| Whitley, David S.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415173590| ISBN: 0415173604| ISBN: 12251 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $155.00, paper $44.95| Price: $155.00, paper $44.95| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology)" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict: the kinship of women "Lapsley, Hilary: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 1999 Text ISBN: 1558491813| ISBN: 155849295X| ISBN: 12252 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $45.00, paper $24.95| Price: $45.00, paper $24.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Black feminist anthropology: theory, politics, praxis, and poetics" "McClaurin, Irma: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813529255| ISBN: 0813529263 12253 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $55.00, paper $22.00| Price: $55.00, paper $22.00| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology)" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 In pursuit of gender: worldwide archaeological approaches "Nelson, Sarah M.: Editor| Rosen-Ayalon, Myriam: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0759100861| ISBN: 075910087X 12254 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $92.00, paper $34.95| Price: $92.00, paper $34.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Sexual revolutions: gender and labor at the dawn of agriculture "Peterson, Jane: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0759102562| ISBN: 0759102570 12255 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Gender archaeology "Sørensen, Marie Louise: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Cambridge: Polity Press| Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2000 Text ISBN: 0745620140| ISBN: 0745620159 12256 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $83.95, paper $32.95| Price: $83.95, paper $32.95| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology)" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Among stone giants: the life of Katherine Routledge and her remarkable expedition to Easter Island "Van Tilburg, JoAnne: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Scribner 2003 Text ISBN: 074324480X| ISBN: 12257 eng Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $27.00| Price: $27.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Gender issues in ethnography "Warren, Carol A.: Author| Hackney, Jennifer K.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology 2d ed "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2000 Text ISBN: 0761917160| ISBN: 0761917179 12258 eng "Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $43.95, paper $18.95| Price: $43.95, paper $18.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Gender and archaeology "Wright, Rita P.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0812215745| ISBN: 12260 eng Added 2004 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $22.50| Price: paper $22.50 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 "Medicine and the making of Roman women: gender, nature, and authority from Celsus to Galen" "Flemming, Rebecca: Author" Antiquity New York: Oxford University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0199240027 12261 eng Added 2004 (Antiquity)| Price: $145.00| Price: $145.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/8/2004 Odd girl out: the hidden culture of aggression in girls "Simmons, Rachel: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Harcourt 2003 Text ISBN: 0156027348 12262 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 "Odd girl speaks out: girls write about bullies, cliques, popularity, and jealousy" "Simmons, Rachel: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: Harcourt 2004 Text ISBN: 0156028158 12263 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Girl making: a cross-cultural ethnography on the processes of growing up female "Bloustien, Geraldine: Author" Girls and girlhood "New York: Berghahn Books, Inc." 2003 Text ISBN: 1571814256| ISBN: 1571814264 12264 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $69.95, paper $25.00| Price: $69.95, paper $25.00" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Delinquents and debutantes: twentieth century American girls' cultures "Inness, Sherrie A.: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: New York University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0814737641| ISBN: 081473765X 12265 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.00| Price: $65.00, paper $22.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 "Yell-oh girls!: emerging voices explore culture, identity, and growing up Asian American" "Nam, Vickie: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: HarperTrade 2001 Text ISBN: 0060959444 12266 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Growing up girls: popular culture and the construction of identity "Mazzarella, Sharon R.: Editor| Pecora, Norma Odom: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: P. Lang 1999 Text ISBN: 0820440213| ISBN: 0585392706 12267 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $29.95, ebook $31.95| Price: paper $29.95, ebook $31.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Beyond appearance: a new look at adolescent girls "Johnson, Norine G.: Editor| Roberts, Michael C.: Editor| Worell, Judith: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association" 1999 Text ISBN: 1557985820 12268 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 "The girl's own: cultural histories of the Anglo-American girl, 1830-1915" "Nelson, Claudia: Editor| Vallone, Lynne: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Collingdale, Pennsylvania: DIANE Publishing Company" 1999 Text ISBN: 0788167413 12269 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 "Between femininities: ambivalence, identity, and the education of girls" "Gonick, Marnina: Author" Girls and girlhood Albany: State University of New York Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0791458296| ISBN: 079145830X 12270 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $49.50, paper $19.95| Price: $49.50, paper $19.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Ophelia speaks: adolescent girls write about their search for self "Shandler, Sara: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: HarperTrade 1999 Text ISBN: 0060952970 12271 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Reviving Ophelia: saving the selves of adolescent girls "Pipher, Mary Bray: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Ballantine Books 1999 Text ISBN: 0345915496 12272 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Raising their voices: the politics of girls' anger "Brown, Lyn Mikel: Author" Girls and girlhood "Cambridge, Massachussetts: Harvard University Press" 1998 | 1999 Text ISBN: 0674838718| ISBN: 0674747216 12273 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $28.00, paper $17.95| Price: $28.00, paper $17.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 How young ladies became girls: the Victorian origins of American girlhood "Hunter, Jane: Author" Girls and girlhood "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0300092636 12274 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $24.00| Price: $24.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 The body project: an intimate history of American girls "Brumberg, Joan Jacobs: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Vintage Books 1998 Text ISBN: 0679735291 12275 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/9/2004 Future girl: young women in the twenty-first century "Harris, Anita: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415947014| ISBN: 0415947022 12277 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $85.00, paper $21.95| Price: $85.00, paper $21.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/11/2004 "Writing out of place: regionalism, women, and American literary culture" "Fetterley, Judith: Author| Pryse, Marjorie: Author" "Literature, U.S." Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0252072588 12278 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/11/2003 Kissing the mango tree: Puerto Rican women rewriting American literature "Rivera, Carmen S.: Author" "Literature, U.S." "Houston, Texas: Arte Publico Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1558853774 12279 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/11/2003 Breaking open: reflections on Italian American women's writing "Mannino, Mary Ann: Editor| Vitiello, Justin: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 1557532435 12280 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $31.95| Price: paper $31.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/11/2003 The bust guide to the new girl order "Karp, Marcelle: Editor| Stoller, Debbie: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: Penguin Books 1999 Text ISBN: 0140277749 12281 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/11/2004 Cholas: Latino girls and gangs "Harris, Mary G.: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: AMS Press 1988 Text ISBN: 040419429X 12282 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $42.50| Price: $42.50| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/11/2004 "Daughters of suburbia: growing up white, middle class, and female" "Kenny, Lorraine Delia: Author" Girls and girlhood "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0813528526| ISBN: 0813528534| ISBN: 0585387591 12283 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95, ebook $50.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/11/2004 Twenty-first century feminist classrooms: pedagogies of identity and difference "MacDonald, Amie A.: Editor| Sánchez-Casal, Susan: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Text ISBN: 0312295332| ISBN: 0312295340 12284 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Teaching feminist activism: strategies from the field "Naples, Nancy A.: Editor| Bojar, Karen: Editor" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 041593186X| ISBN: 0415931878 12285 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $85.00, paper $22.95| Price: $85.00, paper $22.95" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Race in the college classroom: Pedagogy and politics "Reddy, Maureen T.: Editor| TuSmith, Bonnie: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 081353108X| ISBN: 0813531098 12286 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Learning as political act: struggles for learning and learning from struggles "Segarra, José A.: Editor| Dobles, Ricardo R.: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Educational Review" 1999 Text ISBN: 0916690350 12287 eng Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95 "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Making space: merging theory and practice in adult education "Sheared, Vanessa: Editor| Sissel, Peggy A.: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 2001 Text ISBN: 0897896009| ISBN: 0897896017| ISBN: 0313002894 12288 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $115.00, paper $39.95, ebook $87.95| Price: $115.00, paper $39.95, ebook $87.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 "Women, education, and the self: a Foucauldian perspective" "Tamboukou, Maria: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan" 2003 Text ISBN: 1403901236| ISBN: 0230513948 12289 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $89.95, ebook $90.50| Price: $89.95, ebook $90.50" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 Inner lives: voices of African American women in prison "Johnson, Paula C.: Author| Logan, Joyce A.: Author" Women of color New York: New York University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0814742548| ISBN: 0814742556 12290 eng "Added 2004 (Women of color)| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 Black women in the field: experiences understanding ourselves and others through qualitative research "Generett, Gretchen Givens: Editor| Baynes, Rhonda: Editor" Women of color "Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 1572734833| ISBN: 1572734841 12291 eng "Added 2004 (Women of color)| Price: $39.50, paper $18.95| Price: $39.50, paper $18.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 Sister circle: Black women and work "Harley, Sharon: Editor| Black Women and Work Collective: Editor" "McKay, Nellie Y.: Foreword" Women of color| Labor "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813530601| ISBN: 081353061X 12292 eng "Added 2004 (Women of color)| Added 2005 (Labor)| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00| Price: $60.00, paper $22.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/13/2004 "Gender, development, and globalization: economics as if all people mattered" "Beneria, Lourdes: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415927064| ISBN: 0415927072 12293 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $120.00, paper $33.95| Price: $120.00, paper $33.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/14/2004 "Mainstreaming gender, democratizing the state?: institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women" "Rai, Shirin M.: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Manchester University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0719059771| ISBN: 1417590408 12294 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95, ebook $74.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95, ebook $74.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/14/2004 Singular women: writing the artist "Frederickson, Kristen: Editor| Webb, Sarah E.: Editor" Visual arts Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520231643| ISBN: 0520231651 12295 eng "Added 2004 (Visual arts)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/14/2004 Feminine persuasion: art and essays on sexuality "Stirratt, Betsy: Editor| Johnson, Catherine: Editor" Visual arts Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0253215897 12296 eng Added 2004 (Visual arts)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/14/2004 New pythian voices: women building political capital in NGOs in the Middle East "Magno, Cathryn S.: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415935172 12297 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/14/2004 "Women, art, and technology" "Malloy, Judy: Editor| Bentson, Pat: Editor" Visual arts| Technology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0262134241 12298 eng Added 2004 (Visual arts)| Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: $42.00| Price: $42.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine.| Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/18/2004 Women artists of the American West "Ressler, Susan R.: Editor" Visual arts "Jefferson, North Carolina.: McFarland and Co." 2003 Text ISBN: 078641054X 12299 eng Added 2004 (Visual arts)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/14/2004 "Trading gazes: Euro-American women photographers and Native North Americans, 1880-1940" "Bernardin, Susan: Author" Visual arts "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0813531691| ISBN: 0813531705 12301 eng "Added 2004 (Visual arts)| Price: $60.00, paper $30.00| Price: $60.00, paper $30.00" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/14/2004 Women seeing women: a pictorial history of women's photography from Julia Margaret Cameron to Annie Liebovitz "Schirmer, Lothar: Editor" Visual arts New York: Norton 2003 Text ISBN: 039305778X 12302 eng Added 2004 (Visual arts)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/14/2004 "Women artists and the decorative arts, 1880-1935: the gender of ornament" "Elliott, Bridget: Editor| Helland, Janice: Editor" Visual arts "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2002 Text ISBN: 0754605965 12303 eng Added 2004 (Visual arts)| Price: $109.95| Price: $109.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/14/2004 Human rights and gender politics: Asia-Pacific perspectives "Hilsdon, Anne-Marie: Editor| Macintyre, Martha: Editor| Mackie, Vera: Editor| Stivens, Maila: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415191734 12304 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $145.00, paper $44.95| Price: $145.00, paper $44.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/14/2004 The encyclopedia of HIV and AIDS "Watstein, Sarah Barbara: Author| Stratton, Stephen E.: Author" HIV and AIDS New York: Facts on File 2003 Text ISBN: 0816048088 12306 eng Added 2004 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00| Essential title (HIV and AIDS) "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/14/2004 Women's experiences with HIV/AIDS: mending fractured selves "Ciambrone, Desiree: Author" HIV and AIDS| Health New York: Haworth Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0789017571| ISBN: 078901758X 12307 eng "Added 2004 (HIV and AIDS)| Added 2004 (Health)| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library.| Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 Reducing the odds: preventing perinatal transmission of HIV in the United States "Stoto, Michael A.: Editor| Almario, Donna A.: Editor| McCormick, Marie C.: Editor" HIV and AIDS "Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0309062861 12308 eng Added 2004 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/14/2004 "Mothers and sons: feminism, masculinity, and the struggle to raise our sons" "O'Reilly, Andrea: Editor" Family New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415924898| ISBN: 0415924901| ISBN: 058545194X 12310 eng "Added 2004 (Family)| Price: $90.95, paper $25.95, ebook $23.95| Price: $90.95, paper $25.95, ebook $23.95" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 2/14/2004 Mothers and children: feminist analyses and personal narratives "Chase, Susan E.: Author| Rogers, Mary F.: Author" Family "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0813528755| ISBN: 0813528763 12312 eng "Added 2004 (Family)| Price: $55.00, paper $25.00| Price: $55.00, paper $25.00" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 2/14/2004 "Feminism in modern Japan: citizenship, embodiment, and sexuality" "Mackie, Vera C.: Author" "History, International" New York: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0521820189| ISBN: 0521527198 12313 eng "Added 2004 (History, International)| Price: $75.00, paper $28.00| Price: $75.00, paper $28.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "The nation and its ""new"" women: the Palestinian women's movement, 1920-1948" "Fleischmann, Ellen: Author" "History, International" Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520237897| ISBN: 0520237900 12314 eng "Added 2004 (History, International)| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/14/2004 "The selected papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: volume 3, National protection for citizens, 1873-1880" "Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: Author| Anthony, Susan B.: Author| Gordon, Ann D.: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0813523192 12315 eng Added 2004 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/15/2004 Women in medicine: an encyclopedia "Windsor, Laura Lynn: Author" Reference "Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO" 2002 Text ISBN: 1576073920 12317 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Historical dictionary of the lesbian liberation movement: still the rage "Myers, JoAnne: Author" Reference| Lesbian studies "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0810845067 12318 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Added 2005 (Reference)| Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $82.00| Price: $82.00 "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 2/15/2004 Encyclopedia of women in the American West "Bakken, Gordon Morris: Editor| Farrington, Brenda: Editor" Reference "Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage" 2003 Text ISBN: 076192356X 12319 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $145.00| Price: $145.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Women and equality in the workplace: a reference handbook "Giele, Janet Zollinger: Author| Stebbins, Leslie F.: Author" Reference "Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO" 2003 Text ISBN: 1576079376| ISBN: 1576079384 12320 eng "Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $45.00, ebook $50.00| Price: $45.00, ebook $50.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 International encyclopedia of marriage and family "Ponzetti, James J., Jr.: Editor" Reference 2d ed New York: Macmillan Reference USA 2003 Text 4 volumes ISBN: 0028656725| ISBN: 0028658833 12323 eng "Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $475.00, ebook $522.50| Price: $475.00, ebook $522.50| Essential title (Reference)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 "Contemporary Chicana and Chicano art: artists, works, culture, and education" "Keller, Gary D.: Author" Reference "Tempe, Ariz.: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe" 2002 Text 2 volumes ISBN: 1931010110| ISBN: 1931010129 12324 eng "Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $160.00, paper $120.00| Price: $160.00, paper $120.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Information sources in women's studies and feminism "Olson, Hope A.: Editor" Reference München: K.G. Saur 2002 Text ISBN: 3598244401 12325 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $89.00| Price: $89.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Who's who in contemporary women's writing "Miller, Jane Eldridge: Editor" Reference New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415159806| ISBN: 0415159814 12326 eng "Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $88.95, paper $14.95| Price: $88.95, paper $14.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Women in higher education: an encyclopedia "Martínez Alemán, Ana M.: Editor| Renn, Kristen A.: Editor" Reference| Education "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2002 Text ISBN: 1576076148 12327 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Added 2004 (Education)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00| Essential title (Reference)| Essential title (Education) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning. | Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/15/2004 Contemporary American women fiction writers: an a-to-z guide "Champion, Laurie: Editor| Austin, Rhonda: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313316279| ISBN: 9780313316272 12328 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $106.95| Price: $106.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Contemporary American women poets: an A-to-Z guide "Cucinella, Catherine: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313317836 12329 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $103.95| Price: $103.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Greenwood encyclopedia of women's issues worldwide "Walter, Lynn: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2003 Text 6 volumes ISBN: 0313327874 12330 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $550.00| Price: $550.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 Encyclopedia of women's health issues "Gay, Kathlyn: Author" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Oryx Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 157356303X 12331 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $86.95| Price: $86.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 "Domestic devils, battlefield angels: the radicalism of American womanhood, 1830-1865" "Cutter, Barbara: Author" "History, U.S." "DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0875803180 12332 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Price: $44.00| Price: $44.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/12/2004 "Cherokee women in crisis: Trail of Tears, Civil War, and allotment, 1838-1907" "Johnston, Carolyn: Author" "History, U.S." Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press 2003 Text ISBN: 081731332X| ISBN: 081735056X 12333 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Price: $53.00, paper $29.95| Price: $53.00, paper $29.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/12/2004 Women during the Civil War: an encyclopedia "Harper, Judith E.: Author" "History, U.S.| Reference" New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415955742| ISBN: 0203500555 12334 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $59.95, ebook $125.00| Price: $59.95, ebook $125.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/12/2004 "Signatures of citizenship: petitioning, antislavery, and women's political identity" "Zaeske, Susan: Author" "History, U.S.| Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0807827592| ISBN: 0807854263| ISBN: 0807863289 12335 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $55.00, paper $19.95, ebook $49.95| Price: $55.00, paper $19.95, ebook $49.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/12/2004 Jewish American women's history: a reader "Nadell, Pamela S.: Editor" "History, U.S." New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 081475807X| ISBN: 0814758088 12336 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.00| Price: $70.00, paper $24.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/12/2004 Asian/Pacific Islander American women: a historical anthology "Hume, Shirley: Editor| Nomura, Gail M.: Editor" "History, U.S.| Women of color" New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0814736327| ISBN: 0814736335 12337 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Added 2004 (Women of color)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.00| Price: $65.00, paper $24.00| Essential title (Women of color)" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 "Women and the historical enterprise in America: gender, race, and the politics of memory, 1880-1945" "Des Jardins, Julie: Author" "History, U.S.| Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0807827967| ISBN: 0807854751| ISBN: 0807861529 12338 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95, ebook $45.00| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95, ebook $45.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/12/2004 A companion to American women's history "Hewitt, Nancy A.: Editor" "History, U.S." "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2002 Text ISBN: 0631212523| ISBN: 140512685X| ISBN: 1405123052 12340 eng "Added 2004 (History, U.S.)| Price: $173.95, paper $41.95, ebook $85.00| Price: $173.95, paper $41.95, ebook $85.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/12/2004 Diaries of girls and women: a midwestern American sampler "Bunkers, Suzanne L.: Editor" Girls and girlhood Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0299172201| ISBN: 0299172244 12342 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/12/2004 Dilemmas of desire: teenage girls talk about sexuality "Tolman, Deborah L.: Author" Girls and girlhood "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2002 | 2005 Text ISBN: 0674008952| ISBN: 0674018567 12343 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $26.95, paper $15.95| Price: $26.95, paper $15.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/12/2004 Fasting girls: the history of anorexia nervosa "Brumberg, Joan Jacobs: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Vintage Books 2000 Text ISBN: 0375724486 12344 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/12/2004 Girl culture "Greenfield, Lauren: Author" Girls and girlhood San Francisco: Chronicle Books 2002 Text ISBN: 0811837904 12345 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/12/2004 Within her power: propertied women in colonial Virginia "Sturtz, Linda L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415928559| ISBN: 0415928826 12347 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $100.00, paper $26.95| Price: $100.00, paper $26.95| Essential title (Politics, U.S.)" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/12/2004 "Unknown tongues: Black women's political activism in the antebellum era, 1830-1860" "Tate, Gayle T.: Author" "Politics, U.S." East Lansing: Michigan State University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0870136534 12348 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $28.95| Price: $28.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/12/2004 Inventing a voice: the rhetoric of American first ladies of the twentieth century "Wertheimer, Molly Meijer: Editor" "Politics, U.S." Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers 2004 Text ISBN: 0742529703| ISBN: 0742529711 12349 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $69.00, paper $44.95| Price: $69.00, paper $44.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/12/2004 Chicana feminisms: a critical reader "Arredondo, Gabriela F.: Editor" Women of color "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0822331055| ISBN: 0822331411 12351 eng "Added 2004 (Women of color)| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 Gender talk: the struggle for women's equality in African American communities "Cole, Johnnetta: Editor| Guy-Sheftall, Beverly: Editor" Women of color New York: Ballantine Books 2003 Text ISBN: 034545412X| ISBN: 0345454138 12352 eng "Added 2004 (Women of color)| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95| Essential title (Women of color)" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 Voicing Chicana feminisms: young women speak out on sexuality and identity "Hurtado, Aida: Editor" Women of color New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0814735738| ISBN: 0814735746 12353 eng "Added 2004 (Women of color)| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2004 Women in higher education: empowering change "DiGeorgio-Lutz, JoAnn: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 2002 Text ISBN: 0897898877| ISBN: 0313012962 12355 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $85.95, ebook $71.45| Price: $85.95, ebook $71.45" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 "The teacher's body: embodiment, authority, and identity in the academy" "Freedman, Diane P.: Editor| Holmes, Martha Stoddard: Editor" Feminist pedagogy Albany: State University of New York Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0791457656| ISBN: 0791457664| ISBN: 1417500921 12356 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $65.50, paper $21.95, ebook $65.50| Price: $65.50, paper $21.95, ebook $65.50" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/13/2004 Teaching community: a pedagogy of hope "Hooks, Bell: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415968178| ISBN: 0415968186 12357 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $95.00, paper $17.95| Price: $95.00, paper $17.95" "Pressley, Lauren: Wake Forest University. Reynolds Library." 2/13/2004 "Twenty thousand roads: women, movement, and the west" "Scharff, Virginia: Author" "Politics, U.S." Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520212126 | ISBN: 0520237773 | ISBN: 1417525363 12359 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $55.00, paper $19.95, ebook $49.95| Price: $55.00, paper $19.95, ebook $49.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/12/2004 Wifework: what marriage really means for women "Maushart, Susan: Author" Family New York: Bloomsbury Publishing 2002 Text ISBN: 1582342024| ISBN: 1582342768 12360 eng "Added 2004 (Family)| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95| Essential title (Family)" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 2/16/2004 Flat broke with children: women in the age of welfare reform "Hays, Sharon: Author" Family| Sociology New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195132882| ISBN: 0195176014 12361 eng "Added 2004 (Family)| Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $35.00, paper $16.95| Price: $35.00, paper $16.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center. | Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library" 2/16/2004 "Women, family, and work: writings on the economics of gender" "Moe, Karine S.: Editor" Family| Labor "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing" 2003 Text ISBN: 0631225765| ISBN: 0631225773 12362 eng "Added 2004 (Family)| Added 2004 (Labor)| Price: $97.95, paper $44.95| Price: $97.95, paper $44.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library. | Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/19/2004 The continuum complete international encyclopedia of sexuality "Francoeur, Robert T.: Editor| Noonan, Raymond J.: Editor" Reference New York: Continuum 2004 Text ISBN: 0826414885 12363 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $250.00| Price: $250.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/15/2004 The emerging lesbian: female same-sex desire in modern China "Sang, Tze-lan D.: Author" Lesbian studies Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0226734781| ISBN: 0226734803 12364 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $45.00, paper $17.00| Price: $45.00, paper $17.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Naked in the promised land: a memoir "Faderman, Lillian: Author" Lesbian studies Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0618128751| ISBN: 0299200140| ISBN: 0618414703 12365 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $26.00, paper $19.95, ebook $26.00| Price: $26.00, paper $19.95, ebook $26.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Making girls into women: American women's writing and the rise of lesbian identity "Kent, Kathryn R.: Author" Lesbian studies Durham: Duke University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 082233030X| ISBN: 0822330164 12366 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Unpacking queer politics: a lesbian feminist perspective "Jeffreys, Sheila: Author" Lesbian studies "Malden, MA: Blackwell" 2003 Text ISBN: 0745628370| ISBN: 0745628389 12367 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 "An archive of feelings: trauma, sexuality, and lesbian public cultures" "Cvetkovich, Ann: Author" Lesbian studies Durham: Duke University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0822330768| ISBN: 0822330881 12368 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Marriage and same-sex unions: a debate "Wardle, Lynn D.: Editor" Lesbian studies "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 2003 Text ISBN: 027597653X| ISBN: 0313016224 12369 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $49.95, ebook $49.50| Price: $49.95, ebook $49.50" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 "Psychological perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual experiences" "Garnets, Linda D.: Editor| Kimmel, Douglas C.: Editor" Lesbian studies New York: Columbia University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0231124120| ISBN: 0231124139| ISBN: 0231504942 12370 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $73.50, paper $36.00, ebook $62.50| Price: $73.50, paper $36.00, ebook $62.50| Essential title (Lesbian studies)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 "Girls on the verge: debutante dips, gang drive-bys, and other initiations" "Vida, Vendela: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: St. Martin's Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0312200447| ISBN: 0312263287| ISBN: 031227436x 12371 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $19.95, paper $11.95, ebook $11.95| Price: $19.95, paper $11.95, ebook $11.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/16/2004 The girls report: what we know and need to know about growing up female "Phillips, Lynn: Author| National Council for Research on Women Staff: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: National Council for Research on Women 1998 Text ISBN: 1880547244 12372 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/16/2004 Driving the state: families and public policy in central Mexico "Byrnes, Dolores M.: Author" Latin American women "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0801441293| ISBN: 0801488591 12373 eng "Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Women of Chiapas: making history in times of struggle and hope "Eber, Christine Engla: Editor| Kovic, Christine Marie: Editor" Latin American women New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415945569| ISBN: 0415945577 12374 eng "Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $85.00, paper $24.95| Price: $85.00, paper $24.95" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Ancient Maya gender identity and relations "Gustafson, Lowell S.: Editor| Trevelyan, Amelia M.: Editor" Latin American women "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 2002 Text ISBN: 089789877X 12375 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $98.95| Price: $98.95 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo "Herrera, Hayden: Author" Latin American women New York: Perennial 2002 Text ISBN: 0060085894 12376 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Latin American women) "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Thunderweavers Tejedoras de rayos "Herrera, Juan Felipe: Author" Latin American women "Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0816519862 12377 eng| spa Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 "Going all the way: teenage girls' tales of sex, romance, and pregnancy" "Thompson, Sharon: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Hill and Wang 1996 Text ISBN: 0809015994 12378 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/16/2004 Sin puertas visibles: an anthology of contemporary poetry by Mexican women No visible doors: an anthology of contemporary poetry by Mexican women "Hofer, Jen: Editor" Latin American women "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0822957981 12379 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $22.50| Price: paper $22.50| Essential title (Latin American women) "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Gender and power in pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica "Joyce, Rosemary A.: Author" Latin American women "Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0292740646| ISBN: 0292740654 12380 eng "Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $40.00, paper $21.95| Price: $40.00, paper $21.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Frida Kahlo "Kahlo, Frida: Author| Lozano, Luis-Martín: Author" Latin American women Boston: Bulfinch Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0821227661 12381 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Entry denied: controlling sexuality at the border "Luibhéid, Eithne: Author" Latin American women "Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0816638039| ISBN: 0816638047 12382 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $60.00 paper $20.00| Price: $60.00 paper $20.00 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Beauty is convulsive: the passion of Frida Kahlo "Maso, Carole: Author" Latin American women New York: Counterpoint Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1582430896 12383 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $24.00| Price: $24.00 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 "In praise of black women. volume 1, Ancient African queens" "Schwarz-Bart, Simone: Author| Schwarz-Bart, André: Author" Antiquity Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0299172503 12384 eng Added 2004 (Antiquity)| Price: $60.00| Price: $60.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/16/2004 "Working women in Mexico City: public discourses and material conditions, 1879-1931" "Porter, Susie S.: Author" Latin American women "Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0816522685 12386 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Women in contemporary Mexican politics "Rodríguez, Victoria Elizabeth: Author" Latin American women "Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0292771258| ISBN: 0292771274 12387 eng "Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $50.00, paper $22.95, ebook $50.00| Price: $50.00, paper $22.95, ebook $50.00| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 Women of maize: indigenous women and the Zapatista rebellion "Rovira, Guiomar: Author" Latin American women London: Latin American Bureau 2000 Text ISBN: 1899365303 12388 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $16.96| Price: $16.96 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 Genders in production: making workers in Mexico's global factories "Salzinger, Leslie: Author" Latin American women "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0520224949| ISBN: 0520235398 12389 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $60.00 paper $21.95| Price: $60.00 paper $21.95 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 "Everyday life and politics in nineteenth century Mexico: men, women, and war" "Wasserman, Mark: Author" Latin American women "Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0826321704| ISBN: 0826321712 12390 eng Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: $39.95; $23.95| Price: $39.95; $23.95 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/16/2004 "La Malinche, sus padres y sus hijos" "Glantz, Margo: Editor" Latin American women Miami: Alfaguara 2001 Text ISBN: 9681908090 12394 spa Added 2004 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 2/16/2004 "A desire for women: relational psychoanalysis, writing, and relationships between women" "Juhasz, Suzanne: Author" Lesbian studies "New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0813532736| ISBN: 0813532744 12396 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.00| Price: $60.00, paper $24.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 The literature of lesbianism: a historical anthology from Ariosto to Stonewall "Castle, Terry: Editor" "Lesbian studies| Literature, British" New York: Columbia University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0231125100| ISBN: 0231125119 12397 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Essential title (Lesbian studies)| Essential title (Literature, British)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "Entertaining lesbians: celebrity, sexuality, and self-invention" "Gever, Martha: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415944791| ISBN: 0415944805 12398 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $85.00, paper $18.95| Price: $85.00, paper $18.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Singing in the fire: stories of women in philosophy "Alcoff, Linda Martin: Editor" Philosophy "Lanham, Massachusetts: Rowman and Littlefield" 2003 Text ISBN: 0742513823| ISBN: 0742513831 12401 eng "Added 2004 (Philosophy)| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95" "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 2/16/2004 "Black like us: a century of lesbian, gay and bisexual African American fiction" "Carbado, Devon W.: Editor| McBride, Dwight A.: Editor| Weise, Donald: Editor" Lesbian studies San Francisco: Cleis Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1573441082 12402 eng Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95| Essential title (Lesbian studies) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 The Cambridge companion to Simone de Beauvoir "Card, Claudia: Editor" Philosophy New York: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0521790964| ISBN: 0521794293 12403 eng "Added 2004 (Philosophy)| Price: $80.00, paper $27.99| Price: $80.00, paper $27.99" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 2/16/2004 "Our place on campus: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender services and programs in higher education" "Sanlo, Ronni: Editor| Rankin, Sue: Editor| Schoenberg, Robert: Editor" Lesbian studies "Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313314063 12404 eng Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $65.95| Price: $65.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Handbook of lesbian and gay studies "Richardson, Diane: Editor| Seidman, Steven: Editor" Lesbian studies "Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE" 2002 Text ISBN: 0761965114 12405 eng Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00| Essential title (Lesbian studies) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Queering India: same-sex love and eroticism in Indian culture and society "Vanita, Ruth: Editor" Lesbian studies New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415929490| ISBN: 0415929504 12406 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $95.95, paper $29.95| Price: $95.95, paper $29.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 Equality for same-sex couples: the legal recognition of gay partnerships in Europe and the United States "Merin, Yuval: Author" Lesbian studies "Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0226520315| ISBN: 0226520323 12407 eng "Added 2004 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $75.00, paper $28.00| Price: $75.00, paper $28.00| Essential title (Lesbian studies)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/16/2004 My sisters' voices: teenage girls of color speak out "Jacob, Iris: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Henry Holt and Company 2002 Text ISBN: 080506821X 12408 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/16/2004 Ordinary lessons: girlhoods of the 1950s "Franzosa, Susan Douglas: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: Peter Lang Publishing 1999 Text ISBN: 0820436690 12409 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $32.95| Price: paper $32.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/16/2004 Pretty in punk: girls' gender resistance in a boys' subculture "Leblanc, Lauraine: Author" Girls and girlhood "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1999| 2004 Text ISBN: 0813526507| ISBN: 0813526515 12411 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/16/2004 Tidal wave: how women changed America at century's end "Evans, Sara M.: Author" "Feminist movements in the United States| History, U.S." New York: Free Press 2003 Text ISBN: 074325502X 12412 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Added 2005 (History, U.S.)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/17/2004 Women's studies on its own: a next wave reader in institutional change "Wiegman, Robyn: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "Durham, North Carolina: Duke Univeristy Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0822329506| ISBN: 0822329867 12413 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library." 2/17/2004 Radically speaking: feminism reclaimed "Bell, Diane: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States| Feminist theory "North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Spinifex" 1996 Text ISBN: 1875559388 12414 eng Added 2004 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Added 2007 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $39.50| Price: paper $39.50 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library.| Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/17/2004 Words of fire: an anthology of African American feminist thought "Guy-Sheftall, Beverly: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States| Feminist theory New York: The New Press 1995 Text ISBN: 1565842561 12415 eng Added 2004 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Added 2007 (Feminist theory)| Price: $21.95| Price: $21.95| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States) "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library.| Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/17/2004 The science glass ceiling: women scientists and the struggle to succeed "Rosser, Sue: Author" Science New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415945127| ISBN: 0415945135 12416 eng "Added 2004 (Science)| Price: $125.00, paper $27.95| Price: $125.00, paper $27.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/17/2004 Freeing the female body: inspirational icons "Mangan, J. A.: Editor| Hong, Fan: Editor" Sports London: Frank Cass Publishers 2001 Text ISBN: 0714650889| ISBN: 0714681296 12417 eng "Added 2004 (Sports)| Price: $125.00, paper $38.95| Price: $125.00, paper $38.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/17/2004 Women sport and society in modern China: holding up more than half the sky "Jinxia, Dong: Author" Sports London: Frank Cass Publishers 2002 Text ISBN: 0714652350| ISBN: 0714682144 12418 eng "Added 2004 (Sports)| Price: $114.95, paper $40.95| Price: $114.95, paper $40.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/17/2004 A game for rough girls?: a history of women's football in Britain "Williams, Jean: Author" Sports New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415263379| ISBN: 0415263387 12419 eng "Added 2004 (Sports)| Price: $150.00, paper $43.95| Price: $150.00, paper $43.95" "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 3/8/2004 The politics of women's biology "Hubbard, Ruth: Author" Science "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0813514894 12420 eng Added 2004 (Science)| Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00| Essential title (Science) "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/17/2004 Feminist social and political theory: contemporary debates and dialogues "McLaughlin, Janet: Author" Feminist theory New York: Palgrave 2003 Text ISBN: 0333968107| ISBN: 0333968115 12421 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist theory)| Price: $95.00, paper $30.95| Price: $95.00, paper $30.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/17/2004 The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies "Harding, Sandra: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415945003| ISBN: 0415945011 12422 eng "Added 2004 (Feminist theory)| Price: $105.95, paper $31.95| Price: $105.95, paper $31.95| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/17/2004 Promiscuities: the secret struggle for womanhood "Wolf, Naomi: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Ballantine Books 1998 Text ISBN: 0449907643 12423 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/17/2004 "Schoolgirls: young women, self-esteem, and the confidence gap" "Orenstein, Peggy: Author| American Association of University Women: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Random House 1995 Text ISBN: 0385425767 12424 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/17/2004 "The secret lives of girls: what good girls really do -- sex play, aggression, and their guilt" "Lamb, Sharon: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Free Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0743233069 12425 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: ebook $24.00| Price: ebook $24.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/17/2004 "Urban girls: resisting stereotypes, creating identities" "Leadbeater, Bonnie J. Ross: Editor| Way, Niobe: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: New York University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0814751075| ISBN: 0814751083 12426 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $65.00, paper $28.00| Price: $65.00, paper $28.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/17/2004 Voices of a generation: teenage girls report about their lives today "Haag, Pamela: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Marlowe 1999 Text ISBN: 1569246246 12427 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/17/2004 Wild child: girlhoods in the counterculture "Cain, Chelsea: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: Seal Press 1999 Text ISBN: 158005031X 12428 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/17/2004 Domain errors!: cyberfeminist practices "Fernandez, Maria: Editor| Wilding, Faith: Editor| Wright, Michelle: Editor" Technology "Brooklyn, New York: Autonomedia" 2003 Text ISBN: 1570271410 12430 eng Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: $15.95| Price: $15.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 "Sex/machine: readings in culture, gender, and technology" "Hopkins, Patrick D.: Editor" Technology Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0253334411| ISBN: 0253212308 12431 eng "Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: $49.95, paper $29.95| Price: $49.95, paper $29.95" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/17/2004 Encyclopedia of Russian women's movements "Noonan, Norma C.: Editor| Nechemias, Carol: Editor" "History, International" "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0313304386 12432 eng "Added 2004 (History, International)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/17/2004 Serving our country: Japanese American women in the military during World War II "Moore, Brenda L.: Author" Military "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0813532787| ISBN: 0813535220 12433 eng "Added 2004 (Military)| Price: $22.00, ebook $60.00| Price: $22.00, ebook $60.00" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/18/2004 "Camp all-American, Hanoi Jane, and the high and tight: gender, folklore, and changing military culture" "Burke, Carol: Author" Military| Anthropology and archaeology Boston: Beacon Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0807046604| ISBN: 0807046590 12436 eng "Added 2004 (Military)| Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $26.00, paper $18.00| Price: $26.00, paper $18.00| Essential title (Military)" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/18/2004 Women warriors: a history "Jones, David E: Author" Military "Dulles, Virginia: Potomac Books, Incorporated" 2000 Text ISBN: 157488106x| ISBN: 1574882066 12437 eng "Added 2004 (Military)| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/18/2004 "Women, technology, and the myth of progress" "Leonard, Eileen B.: Author" Technology "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 2002 Text ISBN: 0130985953 12438 eng Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: $32.40| Price: $32.40 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/18/2004 Gender and technology: a reader "Lerman, Nina: Editor| Oldenziel, Ruth: Editor| Mohun, Arwen: Editor" Technology "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0801872596 12439 eng Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/18/2004 Pandora's box: feminism confronts reproductive technology "Lublin, Nancy: Author" Technology "Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Incorporated" 1998| 1997 Text ISBN: 0847686361| ISBN: 084768637X| ISBN: 0585121753 12440 eng "Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: $80.00, paper $14.95, ebook $76.00| Price: $80.00, paper $14.95, ebook $76.00" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/18/2004 Sisters of Salome "Bentley, Toni: Author" Theatre and dance "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0300090390| ISBN: 0803262418 12442 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $32.00, paper $16.95| Price: $32.00, paper $16.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 "The resurrection of Mary Magdalene: legends, apocrypha, and the Christian testament" "Schaberg, Jane: Author" Religion New York: Continuum 2002 Text ISBN: 0826413838| ISBN: 0826416454 12443 eng "Added 2004 (Religion)| Price: $35.00, paper $19.95| Price: $35.00, paper $19.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/18/2004 Gender politics in global governance "Meyer, Mary K.: Editor| Prügl, Elisabeth: Editor" "Politics, International" "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 1999 Text ISBN: 0847691608| ISBN: 0847691616 12444 eng "Added 2004 (Politics, International)| Price: $87.00, paper $32.95| Price: $87.00, paper $32.95| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/18/2004 "The power of denial: Buddhism, purity, and gender" "Faure, Bernard: Author" Religion "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0691091706| ISBN: 0691091714 12445 eng "Added 2004 (Religion)| Price: $75.00, paper $32.95| Price: $75.00, paper $32.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/18/2004 "Gesture, gender, nation: dance and social change in Uzbekistan" "Doi, Mary Masayo: Author" Theatre and dance "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey" 2001 Text ISBN: 0897898257 12446 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $96.95| Price: $96.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Gospel women: studies of the named women in the gospels "Bauckham, Richard: Author" Religion "Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company" 2002 Text ISBN: 0802849997 12447 eng Added 2004 (Religion)| Price: paper $24.00| Price: paper $24.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/18/2004 Health of women with intellectual disabilities "Walsh, Patricia: Editor| Heller, Tamar: Editor" Disabilities "Williston, Vermont: Blackwell Science Inc." 2002 Text ISBN: 1405101032 12448 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $53.95| Price: $53.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 The gospel of Mary Magdalene "Leloup, Jean-Yves: Editor" Religion "Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, Limited" 2002 Text ISBN: 0892819111 12449 eng Added 2004 (Religion)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/18/2004 Women and disabilities: it isn't them and us "Hughes, Mona: Author" Disabilities "Sonora, California: Ladybug Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 1889409006 12450 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $18.95| Price: $18.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Women with intellectual disabilities: finding a place in the world "Traustadottir, Rannveig: Editor| Johnson, Kelley: Editor" Disabilities London: Jessica Kingsley Publications 2000 Text ISBN: 1853028460 12451 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $27.95| Price: $27.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Sexuality and women with learning disabilities "McCarthy, Michelle: Author" Disabilities London: Jessica Kingsley 1999 Text ISBN: 1853027308 12452 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Women and spiritual equality in Christian tradition "Ranft, Patricia: Author" Religion New York: Palgrave Macmillan 1998 Text ISBN: 0333749170 12453 eng Added 2004 (Religion)| Price: $87.50| Price: $87.50 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/18/2004 Dancing women: female bodies on stage "Banes, Sally: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415096715| ISBN: 0415111625 12455 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $135.00, paper $44.95| Price: $135.00, paper $44.95| Essential title (Theatre and dance)" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 "Gestures of genius: women, dance, and the body" "Vigier, Rachel: Author" Theatre and dance "Stratford, Ontario: Mercury Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 1551280124 12456 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Serpent of the Nile: women and dance in the Arab world "Buonaventura, Wendy: Author" Theatre and dance London: Saqi Books 1998 Text ISBN: 0863560733 12458 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Choreographing difference: the body and identity in contemporary dance "Albright, Ann Cooper: Author" Theatre and dance "Hanover, New Hampshire: Wesleyan University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0819563218 12459 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Ghosts in the machine: women's voices in research with technology "Yelland, Nicola: Editor| Rubin, Andee: Editor" Technology New York: Peter Lang Publishing 2002 Text ISBN: 0820449113 12460 eng Added 2004 (Technology)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/18/2004 Bridging the gap: a national directory of services for women and girls with disabilities "Rubin, Ellen: Editor| Froschl, Merle: Editor" Disabilities New York: Educational Equity Concepts 1998 Text ISBN: 0931629160 12461 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00| Essential title (Disabilities) "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Women with physical disabilities: achieving and maintaining health and well-being "Krotoski, Danuta M.: Editor| Nosek, Margaret A.: Editor| Turk, Margaret A.: Editor" Disabilities "Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H Brookes Publishing Company" 1996 Text ISBN: 1557662347 12462 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $19.24| Price: $19.24| Essential title (Disabilities) "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 "Women, minorities and persons with disabilities in science and engineering" "Burrelli, Joan| Arena, Carolyn| Shettle, Carolyn| Fort, Deborah" Disabilities "Collingdale, Pennsylvania: DIANE Publishing Company" 1996 Text ISBN: 0788149024 12463 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00| Essential title (Disabilities) "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 The rejected body: feminist philosophical reflections on disability "Wendell, Susan: Author" Disabilities "Florence, Kentucky: Routledge" 1996 Text ISBN: 0415910471 12464 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95| Essential title (Disabilities) "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 "Venus on wheels: two decades of dialogue on disability, biography, and being female in America" "Frank, Gelya: Author" Disabilities "Ewing, New Jersey: University of California Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0520217152| ISBN: 0520217160 12465 eng "Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 "Female forms: experiencing and understanding disability (disability, human rights, and society)" "Thomas, Carol: Author" Disabilities "Berkshire, England: Open University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0335196942| ISBN: 0335196934 12466 eng "Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $90.00, paper $40.95| Price: $90.00, paper $40.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 "Dance, sex, and gender: signs of identity, dominance, defiance, and desire" "Hanna, Judith Lynne: Author" Theatre and dance Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1988 Text ISBN: 0226315517 12467 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $24.00| Price: paper $24.00| Essential title (Theatre and dance) "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 "Dancing class: gender, ethnicity, and social divides in American Dance, 1890-1920" "Tomko, Linda J.: Author" Theatre and dance Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 025333571X| ISBN: 0253213274 12468 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $39.95, paper $18.95| Price: $39.95, paper $18.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 "The passion of music and dance: body, gender and sexuality" "Washabaugh, William: Editor" Theatre and dance Oxford: Berg 1998 Text ISBN: 1859739040| ISBN: 1859739091 12469 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $74.95, paper $29.95| Price: $74.95, paper $29.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Striptease: from gaslight to spotlight "Glasscock, Jessica: Author" Theatre and dance New York: H.M. Abrams 2003 Text ISBN: 0810945444 12470 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 The dance of the rose and the nightingale "Ramazani, Nesta: Author" Theatre and dance "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 081560727X 12471 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Critical gestures: writings on dance and culture "Daly, Ann: Author" Theatre and dance "Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0819565652| ISBN: 0819565660 12472 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 First we take Manhattan: four American women and the New York school of dance criticism "Theodores, Diana: Author" Theatre and dance "Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Publishers" 1996 Text ISBN: 3718658763| ISBN: 3718658860 12473 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $110.00, paper $38.95| Price: $110.00, paper $38.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Dancing desires: choreographing sexualities on and off the stage "Desmond, Jane C.: Editor" Theatre and dance Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0299170500| ISBN: 0299170543 12474 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Strip show: performances of gender and desire "Liepe-Levinson, Katherine: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415173809| ISBN: 0415173817 12475 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $115.00, paper $39.95| Price: $115.00, paper $39.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 A trade like any other: female singers and dancers in Egypt "Nieuwkerk, Karin van: Author" Theatre and dance Austin: University of Texas Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0292787200| ISBN: 0292787235 12476 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $35.00, paper $21.95| Price: $35.00, paper $21.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 "Sacred woman, sacred dance: awakening spirituality through movement and ritual" "Stewart, Iris J.: Author" Theatre and dance "Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International" 2000 Text ISBN: 0892816058 12477 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/18/2004 Latino/a popular culture "Habell-Pallan, Michelle: Editor| Romero, Mary: Editor" Popular culture New York: New York University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0814736246| ISBN: 0814736254 12478 eng "Added 2004 (Popular culture)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 American Indian ballerinas "Livingston, Lili Cockerille: Author" Theatre and dance Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0806131349 12479 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 3/8/2004 Gendering disability "Smith, Bonnie: Editor| Hutchinson, Beth: Editor" Disabilities "Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0813533724| ISBN: 0813533732 12480 eng "Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $62.00, paper $24.95| Price: $62.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Disabilities)" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 "The money shot: trash, class, and the making of TV talk shows" "Grindstaff, Laura: Author" Popular culture Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0226309096| ISBN: 0226309118 12481 eng "Added 2004 (Popular culture)| Price: $65.00, paper $20.00| Price: $65.00, paper $20.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 "Women and the law in the Roman Empire: a sourcebook on marriage, divorce and widowhood" "Grubbs, Judith Evans: Author" Antiquity New York: Routledge 2002 Text ISBN: 0415152402| ISBN: 0415152410| ISBN: 0203442520 12482 eng "Added 2004 (Antiquity)| Price: $115.00, paper $28.95, ebook $115.00| Price: $115.00, paper $28.95, ebook $115.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/18/2004 Having a good cry: effeminate feelings and pop-culture forms "Warhol, Robyn R.: Author" Popular culture Columbus: The Ohio State University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0814209289| ISBN: 0814251080 12483 eng "Added 2004 (Popular culture)| Price: $59.95, paper $22.95| Price: $59.95, paper $22.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 Athena's daughters: television's new women warriors "Early, Frances: Editor| Kennedy, Kathleen: Editor" Popular culture "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0815629680| ISBN: 0815629893 12484 eng "Added 2004 (Popular culture)| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 A woman's guide to coping with disability Resources for Rehabilitation (Organization): Author Disabilities "Winchester, Massachusetts: Resources for Rehabilitation" 2003 Text ISBN: 092971833X 12485 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $46.95| Price: $46.95| Essential title (Disabilities) "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Fantasy girls: gender in the new universe of science fiction and fantasy television "Helford, Elyce Rae: Editor" Popular culture "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2000 Text ISBN: 0847698343| ISBN: 0847698351 12486 eng "Added 2004 (Popular culture)| Price: $75.00, paper $34.95| Price: $75.00, paper $34.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 The warrior women of television: a feminist cultural analysis of the new female body in popular media "Heinecken, Dawn: Author" Popular culture New York: P. Lang 2003 Text ISBN: 0820462195 12487 eng Added 2004 (Popular culture)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2004 Building community: a manual exploring issues of women and disability "Perkins, Tiffany: Author| Rubin, Ellen: Author| Froschl, Merle: Author| Sprung, Barbara: Author" Disabilities New York: Educational Equity Concepts 2001 Text ISBN: 0931629217 12488 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Restricted access: lesbians on disability "Brownworth, Victoria A.: Editor| Raffo, Susan: Editor" Disabilities Seattle: Seal Press 1999 Text ISBN: 158005028X 12489 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $16.95| Price: $16.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Encounters with strangers: feminism and disability "Morris, Jenny: Editor" Disabilities London: Womens Press Ltd 1999 Text ISBN: 0704344009 12490 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $23.00| Price: $23.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Pride against prejudice: transforming attitudes to disability "Morris, Jenny: Author" Disabilities London: Trafalgar Square 1999 Text ISBN: 0704342863 12491 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $12.81| Price: $12.81 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 We can make it: experiences of disabled women in developing countries "Epstein, Susan: Author" Disabilities "Geneva, Switzerland: International Labor Office" 1997 Text ISBN: 9221103277 12492 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $13.50| Price: $13.50 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Women with disabilities: found voices "Willmuth, Mary E.: Editor| Holcomb, Lillian: Editor" Disabilities "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 1560244771| ISBN: 1560230460 12493 eng "Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $74.95, paper $18.95| Price: $74.95, paper $18.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Feminism and disability "Hillyer, Barbara: Author" Disabilities "Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0806125004| ISBN: 0806129794 12494 eng "Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $27.95, paper $8.45| Price: $27.95, paper $8.45" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 Bigger than the sky: disabled women on parenting "Wates, Michelle: Editor" Disabilities Philadelphia: Xlibris Corporation 2003 Text ISBN: 1401096506| ISBN: 1401096492 12495 eng "Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $20.99, paper $30.99| Price: $20.99, paper $30.99" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 The Irish women's movement: from revolution to devolution "Connolly, Linda: Author" "History, International" Dublin: Lilliput Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1843510251 12497 eng "Added 2004 (History, International)| Price: $30.95| Price: $30.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/18/2004 Dinah's daughters: gender and Judaism from the Hebrew Bible to late antiquity "Zlotnick, Helena: Author" Antiquity Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0812236440| ISBN: 0812217977 12498 eng "Added 2004 (Antiquity)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/18/2004 Out of the shadow: a Russian Jewish girlhood on the Lower East Side "Cohen, Rose: Author" Girls and girlhood "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0801431565| ISBN: 0801482682 12499 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $55.00, paper $18.95| Price: $55.00, paper $18.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/18/2004 920 O'Farrell Street: a Jewish girlhood in old San Francisco "Levy, Harriet Lane: Author" Girls and girlhood "Berkeley, California: Heyday Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0930588916 12500 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/18/2004 The woman warrior: memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts "Kingston, Maxine Hong: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Vintage Books 1989 Text ISBN: 0679721886 12501 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/18/2004 From girl to woman: American women's coming-of-age narratives "Rishoi, Christy: Author" Girls and girlhood "Albany, New York: State University of New York Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0791457222 12503 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/18/2004 An intricate weave: women write about girls and girlhood "Miller, Marlene: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Laguna Beach, California: Iris Editions" 1997 Text ISBN: 0945372159 12504 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/18/2004 Gender and the public sector: professionals and managerial change "Barry, Jim: Editor| Dent, Mike: Editor| O'Neill, Maggie: Editor" Management New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415258197 12505 eng Added 2004 (Management)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/19/2004 "Reader in gender, work, and organization" "Ely, Robin J.: Editor| Scully, Maureen: Editor| Foldy, Erica: Editor" Management "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2003 Text ISBN: 1405102551| ISBN: 140510256x 12506 eng "Added 2004 (Management)| Price: $88.95, paper $49.95| Price: $88.95, paper $49.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/19/2004 "The difference ""difference"" makes: women and leadership" "Rhode, Deborah L.: Editor" Management "Stanford, California: Stanford Law and Politics" 2003 Text ISBN: 0804746346| ISBN: 0804746354 12507 eng "Added 2004 (Management)| Price: $45.00, paper $17.95| Price: $45.00, paper $17.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/19/2004 Diversity and entrepreneurship: analyzing successful women entrepreneurs "Smith-Hunter, Andrea: Author" Management "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 2003 Text ISBN: 0761825207 12508 eng Added 2004 (Management)| Price: $57.00| Price: $57.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/19/2004 Organizational behaviour and gender "Wilson, Fiona M.: Author" Management 2d ed "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2003 Text ISBN: 0754609006 12509 eng Added 2004 (Management)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/19/2004 Feminist sociology "Delamont, Sara: Author" Sociology London: Sage 2003 Text ISBN: 0761972544| ISBN: 0761972552 12510 eng "Added 2004 (Sociology)| Price: $98.95, paper $43.95| Price: $98.95, paper $43.95| Essential title (Sociology)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/19/2004 Gendered epidemic: representations of women in the age of AIDS "Roth, Nancy L.: Editor| Hogan, Katie: Editor" HIV and AIDS New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415917840| ISBN: 0415917859 12511 eng "Added 2004 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $135.95, paper $29.95| Price: $135.95, paper $29.95" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/19/2004 Reworking gender: a feminist communicology of organization "Ashcraft, Karen L.: Author| Mumby, Dennis K.: Author" Sociology "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 2004 Text ISBN: 076195354X| ISBN: 0761953558 12512 eng "Added 2004 (Sociology)| Price: $82.95, paper $42.95| Price: $82.95, paper $42.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/19/2004 "Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS: the research, the politics, the women's responses" "White, Edith: Author" HIV and AIDS "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company" 1999 Text ISBN: 0786406941 12513 eng Added 2004 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: paper $39.95| Price: paper $39.95 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/19/2004 "Women and AIDS: negotiating safer practices, care, and representation" "Roth, Nancy L.: Editor| Fuller, Linda K.: Editor" HIV and AIDS "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0789060140| ISBN: 1560238828 12514 eng "Added 2004 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/19/2004 Drive: women's true stories from the open road "Goode, Jennie: Editor" Geography and travel New York: Seal Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1580050662 12515 eng Added 2004 (Geography and travel)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/19/2004 Expat: women's true tales of life abroad "De Tessan, Christina Henry: Editor" Geography and travel New York: Seal Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1580050700 12516 eng Added 2004 (Geography and travel)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/19/2004 Latina health in the United States: a public health reader "Aguirre-Molina, Marilyn: Editor| Molina, Carlos W.: Editor" Health San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2003 Text ISBN: 0787965790 12517 eng Added 2004 (Health)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 Mappings: feminism and the cultural geographies of encounter "Friedman, Susan Stanford: Author" Geography and travel| Feminist theory Princeton: Princeton University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0691058040| ISBN: 1400811678 12518 eng "Added 2004 (Geography and travel)| Added 2007 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $82.50| Price: paper $24.95, ebook $82.50| Essential title (Geography and travel)" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library.| Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/19/2004 "Women, health, and nation: Canada and the United States since 1945" "Feldberg, Georgina: Editor" Health Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0773525009| ISBN: 0773525017 12520 eng "Added 2004 (Health)| Price: $75.00, paper $22.95| Price: $75.00, paper $22.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 From nowhere to everywhere: lesbian geographies "Valentine, Gill: Editor" Geography and travel New York: Haworth Press| New York: Harrington Park Press 2000| 2003 Text ISBN: 1560231327| ISBN: 1560231270 12521 eng "Added 2004 (Geography and travel)| Price: $39.95, paper $ 19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $ 19.95" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/19/2004 Mother's milk: breastfeeding controversies in American culture "Hausman, Bernice L.: Author" Health New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415966566| ISBN: 0415966574 12522 eng "Added 2004 (Health)| Price: $90.95, paper $27.95| Price: $90.95, paper $27.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 "Women and health: power, technology, inequality, and conflict in a gendered world" "Ratcliff, Kathryn Strother: Author" Health Boston: Allyn and Bacon 2002 Text ISBN: 0205305970 12524 eng Added 2004 (Health)| Price: paper $38.40| Price: paper $38.40 "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 Ancient Maya women "Ardren, Traci: Editor" Antiquity| Anthropology and archaeology "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0759100098| ISBN: 0759100106 12525 eng "Added 2004 (Antiquity)| Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $82.00, paper $32.95| Price: $82.00, paper $32.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans.| Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/19/2004 The greatest experiment ever performed on women: exploding the estrogen myth "Seaman, Barbara: Author" Health New York: Hyperion 2003 Text ISBN: 0786868538| ISBN: 0786887346 12526 eng "Added 2004 (Health)| Price: $24.95, paper $13.95| Price: $24.95, paper $13.95| Essential title (Health)" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 Making babies: is there a right to have children? "Warnock, Mary: Author" Health New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0192805002| ISBN: 0192803344 12527 eng "Added 2004 (Health)| Price: $35.00, paper $15.95| Price: $35.00, paper $15.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 2/19/2004 The hidden assembly line: gender dynamics of subcontracted work in a global economy "Balakrishnan, Radhika: Editor" Labor "Bloomfield, Connecticut: Kumarian Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1565491408| ISBN: 1565491394 12528 eng "Added 2004 (Labor)| Price: $58.00, paper $21.95| Price: $58.00, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/19/2004 The globalized woman: reports from a future of inequality "Wichterich, Christa: Author" Labor London: Zed Books 2000 Text ISBN: 1856497402| ISBN: 1856497410 12529 eng "Added 2004 (Labor)| Price: $70.00, paper $25.00| Price: $70.00, paper $25.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/19/2004 "Ianfu, the comfort women of the Japanese Imperial Army of the Pacific War: broken silence" "Schmidt, David Andrew: Author" East Asian women "Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0773478256 12530 eng Added 2004 (East Asian Women)| Price: $109.95| Price: $109.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Gender and home-based employment "Hennon, Charles B.: Editor| Loker, Suzanne: Editor| Walker, Rosemary: Editor" Labor "Westport, Connecticut: Auburn House" 2000 Text ISBN: 0865692718 12531 eng Added 2004 (Labor)| Price: $105.00| Price: $105.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/19/2004 "Global woman: nannies, maids, and sex workers in the new economy" "Ehrenreich, Barbara: Editor| Hochschild, Arlie Russell: Editor" Labor New York: Metropolitan Books 2002 Text ISBN: 08050699x| ISBN: 0805075097 12532 eng "Added 2004 (Labor)| Price: $26.00, paper $15.00| Price: $26.00, paper $15.00| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/19/2004 "Glass ceilings and bottomless pits: women's work, women's poverty" "Albelda, Randy: Author| Tilly, Chris: Author" Labor Boston: South End Press 1997 Text ISBN: 089608566x| ISBN: 0896085651 12533 eng "Added 2004 (Labor)| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/19/2004 Introduction to feminist legal theory "Chamallas, Martha: Author" Law 2d ed New York: Aspen Publishers 2003 Text ISBN: 0735526486 12534 eng Added 2004 (Law)| Price: paper $44.00| Price: paper $44.00| Essential title (Law) "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "From child sexual abuse to adult sexual risk: trauma, revictimization, and intervention" "Koenig, Linda J: Author" Sexual abuse "Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association" 2004 Text ISBN: 1591470307 12536 eng Added 2004 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/19/2004 Sexual exploitation in schools: how to spot it and stop it "Shoop, Robert J.: Author" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0761938443| ISBN: 0761938451 12538 eng "Added 2004 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $61.95, paper $27.95| Price: $61.95, paper $27.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/19/2004 Heartbreakers: women and violence in contemporary culture and literature "Hendin, Josephine: Author" Mass media| Popular culture New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 0312237006| ISBN: 1403971323 12539 eng "Added 2004 (Mass media)| Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Price: $29.95, $21.95| Price: $29.95, $21.95" "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/19/2004 A companion to media studies "Valdivia, Angharad N: Author" Mass media "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing" 2003 Text ISBN: 063122601X 12540 eng Added 2004 (Mass media)| Price: $131.95| Price: $131.95 "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 2/19/2004 She who changes: re-imagining the divine in the world "Christ, Carol P.: Author" Spirituality New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Text ISBN: 1403960836| ISBN: 1403966699 12541 eng "Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95" "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/19/2004 Soul talk: the new spirituality of African American women "Hull, Akasha Gloria: Author" Spirituality "Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions" 2001 Text ISBN: 089281943X 12542 eng Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/19/2004 "Daughters of the goddess: studies of healing, identity, and empowerment" "Griffin, Wendy: Editor" Spirituality "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 074250347X| ISBN: 0742503488 12543 eng "Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95" "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/19/2004 The book of the goddess past and present: an introduction to her religion "Olson, Carl: Editor" Spirituality "Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1577662733 12545 eng Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95| Essential title (Spirituality) "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/19/2004 "The goddess: power, sexuality, and the feminine divine" "Husain, Shahrukh: Author" Spirituality "Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 047208934X 12546 eng Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/19/2004 At the root of this longing: reconciling a spiritual hunger and a feminist thirst "Flinders, Carol Lee: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1999 Text ISBN: 006251315X 12547 eng Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/19/2004 The dance of the dissident daughter: a woman's journey from Christian tradition to the sacred feminine "Kidd, Sue Monk: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 2002 Text ISBN: 006064589X 12548 eng Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: $13.95| Price: $13.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/19/2004 My soul is a witness: African American women's spirituality "Wade-Gayles, Gloria: Editor" Spirituality Boston: Beacon Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0807009237 12549 eng Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/19/2004 White fire: a portrait of women spiritual leaders in America "Drucker, Malka: Author" Spirituality "Woodstock, Vermont: Skylight Paths Publishing" 2002 Text ISBN: 1893361640 12550 eng Added 2004 (Spirituality)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/19/2004 "Performing women: female characters, male playwrights, and the modern stage" "Cima, Gay Gibson: Author" Theatre and dance "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 1993 Text ISBN: 0801483379 12551 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/19/2004 Rank ladies: gender and cultural hierarchy in American vaudeville "Kibler, M. Alison: Author" Theatre and dance Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0807848123 12553 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/19/2004 The Routledge reader in gender and performance "Goodman, Lizbeth: Editor| De Gay, Jane: Editor" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415165822| ISBN: 0415165830 12554 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $135.00, paper $46.95| Price: $135.00, paper $46.95| Essential title (Theatre and dance)" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/19/2004 Gender and literacy on stage in early modern England "Sanders, Eve Rachele: Author" Theatre and dance "Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0521582342 12555 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $90.00| Price: $90.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 "The changing room: sex, drag and theatre" "Senelick, Laurence: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 041510078X| ISBN: 0415159865 12556 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $150.00, paper $45.95| Price: $150.00, paper $45.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Women in Russian theatre: the actress in the Silver Age "Schuler, Catherine: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415111056| ISBN: 0415143977 12557 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $125.00, paper $46.95| Price: $125.00, paper $46.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Women in dramatic place and time: contemporary female characters on stage "Cousin, Geraldine: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415067340 12558 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $44.95| Price: paper $44.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 "The first English actresses: women and drama, 1660-1700" "Howe, Elizabeth: Author" Theatre and dance "Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press" 1992 Text ISBN: 0521422108 12560 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $37.99| Price: paper $37.99 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Stages of life: transcultural performance and identity in U.S. Latina theater "Sandoval-Sánchez, Alberto: Author" Theatre and dance Tucson: University of Arizona Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0816518289| ISBN: 0816518297 12562 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $45.00, paper $21.95| Price: $45.00, paper $21.95| Essential title (Theatre and dance)" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Women stage directors speak: exploring the influence of gender on their work "Daniels, Rebecca: Author" Theatre and dance "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company" 2000 Text ISBN: 0786409657 12563 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Re-dressing the canon: essays on theater and gender "Solomon, Alisa: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 041515720X 12564 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Actresses on the Victorian stage: feminine performance and the Galatea myth "Marshall, Gail: Author" Theatre and dance "Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press" 1998| 2006 Text ISBN: 0521620163| ISBN: 0521027462 12565 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $80.00, paper $36.99| Price: $80.00, paper $36.99" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 "Passion made public: Elizabethan lyric, gender, and performance" "Henderson, Diana E.: Author" Theatre and dance Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0252064607 12569 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 An anthology of women's travel writing "Foster, Shirley: Editor| Mills, Sara: Editor" Geography and travel Manchester: Manchester University Press| New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Text ISBN: 0719050170| ISBN: 0719050189 12570 eng "Added 2004 (Geography and travel)| Price: $79.95, paper $29.95| Price: $79.95, paper $29.95" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/20/2004 "Women, gays, and the constitution: the grounds for feminism and gay rights in culture and law" "Richards, David A. J.: Author" Law Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0226712079 12571 eng Added 2004 (Law)| Price: paper $27.00| Price: paper $27.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/20/2004 "Real choices: feminism, freedom, and the limits of law" "Jamieson, Beth Kiyoko: Author" Law University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0271021365| ISBN: 0271022868 12572 eng "Added 2004 (Law)| Price: $41.00, paper $25.95| Price: $41.00, paper $25.95" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/20/2004 "Pleasure zones: bodies, cities, spaces" "Bell, David: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Syracuse University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0815628978| ISBN: 0815628986 12573 eng "Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Space invaders: race, gender and bodies out of place" "Puwar, Nirmal: Author" Transnational feminism UK: Berg Press 2004 Text ISBN: 1859736548| ISBN: 1859736599 12574 eng "Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $74.95, paper $24.95| Price: $74.95, paper $24.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Women, population and global crisis: a political-economic analysis" "Bandarage, Asoka: Author" Transnational feminism London: Zed Books 1997 Text ISBN: 1856494284 12575 eng "Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $69.95, paper $25.00| Price: $69.95, paper $25.00" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Cartographies of diaspora: contesting identities "Brah, Avtar: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415121256| ISBN: 0415121264 12576 eng "Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Culture, globalization and the world-system: contemporary conditions for the representation of identity" "King, Anthony D.: Editor" Transnational feminism "Binghamton: Department of Art and Art History, State University of New York at Binghamton" 1991 Text ISBN: 0962189928 12577 eng Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 "Discrepant dislocations: feminism, theory, and postcolonial histories" "John, Mary E.: Author" Transnational feminism Ohio: netLibrary Incorporated| Berkeley: UC Press 1996 Text ISBN: 058507027X 12578 eng Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: ebook $55.00| Price: ebook $55.00 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Migrant women: crossing boundaries and changing identities "Buijs, Gina: Editor" Transnational feminism UK: Berg Publishers 1993 Text ISBN: 085496729X| ISBN: 0854968695 12579 eng "Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $71.95, paper $24.95| Price: $71.95, paper $24.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 The sexual abuse victim and sexual offender treatment planner "Budrionis, Rita: Author| Jongsma, Arthur E.: Author" Sexual abuse "Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons" 2003 Text ISBN: 0471219797 12580 eng Added 2004 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/20/2004 Remapping the home front: locating citizenship in British women's Great War fiction "Cohen, Debra Rae: Author" "Literature, British" Boston: Northeastern University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 155553533X| ISBN: 1555535321 12581 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $47.50, paper $18.95| Price: $47.50, paper $18.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 New feminist stories of child sexual abuse: sexual scripts and dangerous dialogues "Reavey, Paula: Editor| Warner, Sam: Editor" Sexual abuse London: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415259436| ISBN: 0415259444 12582 eng "Added 2004 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $150.00, paper $51.95| Price: $150.00, paper $51.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/20/2004 "Women, authorship, and literary culture, 1690-1740" "Prescott, Sarah: Author" "Literature, British" "Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan" 2003 Text ISBN: 1403903239 12583 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "Elusive equality: women's rights, public policy, and the law" "Mezey, Susan Gluck: Author" Law "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2003 Text ISBN: 1588261514| ISBN: 158826176X 12584 eng "Added 2004 (Law)| Price: $57.00, paper $24.50| Price: $57.00, paper $24.50| Essential title (Law)" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/20/2004 Trans-status subjects: gender in the globalization of South and Southeast Asia "Sarker, Sonia: Editor| De, Esha Niyogi: Editor" Transnational feminism North Carolina: Duke University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0822329557| ISBN: 0822329921 12585 eng "Added 2004 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $79.95, $22.95| Price: $79.95, $22.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2004 Women's autobiography: war and trauma "Stewart, Victoria: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Text ISBN: 1403903069 12586 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $95.00| Price: $95.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Child pornography: an Internet crime "Taylor, Maxwell: Author| Quayle, Ethel: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Brunner-Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 1583912436| ISBN: 1583912444 12587 eng "Added 2004 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $78.95, paper $29.95| Price: $78.95, paper $29.95" "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 2/20/2004 Sexual deviance: issues and controversies "Ward, Tony D.: Editor| Laws, Richard: Editor| Hudson, Stephen M.: Editor" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2003 Text ISBN: 0761927328 12588 eng Added 2004 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $92.95| Price: $92.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/20/2004 Lewd and notorious: female transgression in the eighteenth century "Kittredge, Katharine: Editor" "Literature, British" "Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 047211090X 12590 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Visible women: essays on feminist legal theory and political philosophy "James, Susan: Editor| Palmer, Stephanie: Editor" Law "Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing" 2002 Text ISBN: 1841131954 12591 eng Added 2004 (Law)| Price: $60.00| Price: $60.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/20/2004 Women in the world's legal professions "Schultz, Ulrike: Editor| Shaw, Gisela: Editor" Law "Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing" 2003 Text ISBN: 1841133191| ISBN: 1841133205 12592 eng "Added 2004 (Law)| Price: $116.00, paper $62.00| Price: $116.00, paper $62.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/20/2004 "Pregnant bodies, fertile minds: gender, race, and the schooling of pregnant teen" "Luttrell, Wendy: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415931886| ISBN: 0415931894 12593 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $85.00, paper $23.95| Price: $85.00, paper $23.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Feminist perspectives on social research "Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Janice: Editor| Yaiser, Michelle L.: Editor" Sociology New York: Oxford University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0195171748| ISBN: 0195158113 12594 eng "Added 2004 (Sociology)| Price: $72.00, paper $44.25| Price: $72.00, paper $44.25| Essential title (Sociology)" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/20/2004 Beyond comparison: sex and discrimination "Macklem, Timothy: Author" Sociology New York: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0521826829| ISBN: 0521534151 12595 eng "Added 2004 (Sociology)| Price: $75.00, paper $27.99| Price: $75.00, paper $27.99" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/20/2004 Building movement bridges: the Coalition of Labor Union Women "Roth, Silke: Author" Sociology "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 2003 Text ISBN: 0313316325 12596 eng Added 2004 (Sociology)| Price: $72.00| Price: $72.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 2/20/2004 "Debating gender in early modern England, 1500-1700" "Malcolmson, Cristina: Editor| Suzuki, Mihoko: Editor" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Text ISBN: 0312294573 12597 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Young women and the body: a feminist sociology "Frost, Liz: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Palgrave 2001 Text ISBN: 0333740890| ISBN: 0333740904| ISBN: 0333985419 12600 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $99.95, paper $32.95, ebook $78.00| Price: $99.95, paper $32.95, ebook $78.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 "Young, white, and miserable: growing up female in the fifties" "Breines, Wini: Author" Girls and girlhood Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0226072614 12601 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Wild horses: an 1890s girlhood in New Mexico "Henderson, Eva Pendleton: Author" Girls and girlhood "Santa Fe, New Mexico: Sunstone Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0865343365 12602 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Matched pairs: gender and intertextual dialogue in eighteenth century fiction "Bartolomeo, Joseph F.: Author" "Literature, British" Newark: University of Delaware Press| London: Associated University Presses 2002 Text ISBN: 0874137993| ISBN: 0585439192 12603 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $44.50, ebook $44.50| Price: $44.50, ebook $44.50" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Jane Austen and the theatre "Byrne, Paula: Author" "Literature, British" New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1852853867 12604 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 We want to be known: learning from adolescent girls "Hubbard, Ruth: Editor| Barbieri, Maureen: Editor| Power, Brenda Miller: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Portland, Maine: Stenhouse" 1998 Text ISBN: 1571100792 12605 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $18.50| Price: paper $18.50 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 The war-time journal of a Georgia girl "Andrews, Eliza F.: Author" Girls and girlhood Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1997 Text ISBN: 080325931x 12606 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Women and comedy: rewriting the British theatrical tradition "Carlson, Susan: Author" Theatre and dance Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1991 Text ISBN: 0472101870 12608 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $60.00| Price: $60.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Slut!: growing up female with a bad reputation "Tanenbaum, Leora: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Seven Stories Press| New York: HarperTrade 2004| 2000 Text ISBN: 1888363940| ISBN: 0060957409 12609 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $23.95, paper $13.00| Price: $23.95, paper $13.00" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 George Eliot and the British Empire "Henry, Nancy: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press| Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521808456| ISBN: 0521027918 12614 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "Selma, Lord, Selma: girlhood memories of the civil-rights days" "Webb, Sheyann: Author| Nelson, Rachel West: Author| Sikora, Frank: Author" Girls and girlhood Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0817308989| ISBN: 0585141118 12615 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $15.95, ebook $15.95| Price: paper $15.95, ebook $15.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Contemporary feminist theatres: to each her own "Goodman, Lizbeth: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1993 Text ISBN: 0415073065 12616 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $45.95| Price: paper $45.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 "Women, reading, and piety in late medieval England" "Erler, Mary C.: Author" "Literature, British" "Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press| New York: Cambridge University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0521812216| ISBN: 0521024579 12617 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00, paper $37.99| Price: $75.00, paper $37.99" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "Running for their lives: girls, cultural identity, and stories of survival" "Inness, Sherrie A.: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2000 Text ISBN: 0847698505| ISBN: 0847698513 12618 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $80.00, paper $18.95| Price: $80.00, paper $18.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 "West End women: women and the London stage, 1918-1962" "Gale, Maggie B.: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415084954| ISBN: 0415084962 12619 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $135.00, paper $37.95| Price: $135.00, paper $37.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 A problem like Maria: gender and sexuality in the American musical "Wolf, Stacy Ellen: Author" Theatre and dance| Lesbian studies Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0472097725| ISBN: 0472067729 12621 eng "Added 2003 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $70.00, paper $20.95| Price: $70.00, paper $20.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Multicolored memories of a Black southern girl "Oliver, Kitty: Author" Girls and girlhood Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 2001 Text ISBN: 0813122082 12622 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 "Sightlines: race, gender, and nation in contemporary Australian theatre" "Gilbert, Helen: Author" Theatre and dance Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1998 Text ISBN: 047209677X| ISBN: 0472066773 12623 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $65.00, paper $26.95| Price: $65.00, paper $26.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 "Speaking volumes: women, reading and speech in the age of Austen" "Michaelson, Patricia Howell: Author" "Literature, British" "Stanford, California: Stanford University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0804740755| ISBN: 080475117X 12624 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Languages of theatre shaped by women "De Gay, Jane: Author| Goodman, Lizbeth: Author" Theatre and dance "Bristol, England: Intellect" 2003 Text ISBN: 1871516781 12628 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 A girl's life online "Tarbox, Katherine: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Dutton/Plume 2004 Text ISBN: 0452286611 12629 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $13.00| Price: paper $13.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 "Jo's girls: tomboy tales of high adventure, true grit, and real life" "McEwen, Christian: Editor" Girls and girlhood Boston: Beacon Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0807062111 12630 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $19.00| Price: paper $19.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Incidents in the life of a slave girl "Jacobs, Harriet A.: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Simon and Schuster 2003 Text ISBN: 0743460561 12631 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $12.00| Price: paper $12.00| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Staging domesticity: household work and English identity in Early Modern drama "Wall, Wendy: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521808499 12632 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $110.00| Price: $110.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Homegirls in the public sphere "Miranda, Marie: Author" Girls and girlhood Austin: University of Texas Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0292705468| ISBN: 0292701926| ISBN: 0292798547 12633 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95, ebook $45.00| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95, ebook $45.00" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Recording women: a documentation of six theatre productions "Cousin, Geraldine: Author" Theatre and dance "Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic| Abingdon, Virginia: Marston" 2000 Text ISBN: 905755092X 12634 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Women's poetry and religion in Victorian England: Jewish identity and Christian culture "Scheinberg, Cynthia: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521811120 12635 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Don't call us out of name: the untold lives of women and girls in poor America "Dodson, Lisa: Author" Girls and girlhood Boston: Beacon Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0807042099| ISBN: 0807042064 12636 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $18.00, ebook $24.00| Price: paper $18.00, ebook $24.00" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Feminist theatre practice: a handbook "Aston, Elaine: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415139244| ISBN: 0415139252 12637 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $125.00, paper $33.95| Price: $125.00, paper $33.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Staging femininities: performance and performativity "Harris, Geraldine: Author" Theatre and dance "Manchester, England: Manchester University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0719052637 12638 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 The difference: discovering the hidden ways we silent girls: finding alternatives that can give them a voice "Mann, Judy: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Warner Books 1996 Text ISBN: 0446671185 12639 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Telling tales: gender and narrative form in Victorian literature and culture "Langland, Elizabeth: Author" "Literature, British" "Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 081420905X 12641 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $44.95| Price: $44.95| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 In the presence of audience: the self in diaries and fiction "Martinson, Deborah: Author" "Literature, British" "Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0814209521 12642 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Bodily knowledge: learning about equity and justice with adolescent girls "Oliver, Kimberly L.: Author| Lalik, Rosary Macedo: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Peter Lang Publishing 2000 Text ISBN: 0820444588 12643 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 A sourcebook of feminist theatre and performance: on and beyond the stage "Martin, Carol: Editor" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415106443| ISBN: 0415106451 12645 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $135.00, paper $44.95| Price: $135.00, paper $44.95| Essential title (Theatre and dance)" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 An introduction to feminism and theatre "Aston, Elaine: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415087694 12646 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $37.95| Price: paper $37.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 "Taking the field: women, men and sports" "Messner, Michael A.: Author" Sports "St. Paul, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0816634491 12647 eng Added 2004 (Sports)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/20/2004 American masculinities: a historical encyclopedia "Carroll, Bret E.: Editor" Reference "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2004 Text ISBN: 0761925406 12649 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $180.00| Price: $180.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/20/2004 Bibliographic guide to Chicana and Latina narrative "Leonard, Kathy S.: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood" 2003 Text ISBN: 0313319871 12650 eng Added 2004 (Reference)| Price: $81.95| Price: $81.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/20/2004 "Women, theatre and performance: new histories, new historiographies" "Gale, Maggie B.: Editor| Gardner, Viv: Editor" Theatre and dance "Manchester, England: Manchester University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0719057132 12652 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Acting out: feminist performances "Hart, Lynda: Editor| Phelan, Peggy: Editor" Theatre and dance Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0472064797 12654 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Performing feminisms: feminist critical theory and theatre "Case, Sue-Ellen: Editor" Theatre and dance "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0801839696 12655 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $20.95| Price: paper $20.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Charlotte Brontë: the imagination in history "Glen, Heather: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0198187610| ISBN: 0199272557 12656 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $120.00, paper $32.50| Price: $120.00, paper $32.50" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Feminism and theatre "Case, Sue-Ellen: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Methuen 1988 Text ISBN: 0416015018 12657 eng Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Staging Hong Kong: gender and performance in transition "Lilley, Rozanna: Author" Theatre and dance Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0824821637| ISBN: 0824821645 12658 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $28.00, paper $15.00| Price: $28.00, paper $15.00" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Shakespeare's domestic economies: gender and property in early modern England "Korda, Natasha: Author" "Literature, British" Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press| netLibrary 2002 Text ISBN: 0812236637| ISBN: 0585436274 12659 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $49.95, ebook $49.95| Price: $49.95, ebook $49.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Woman's theatrical space "Scolnicov, Hanna: Author" Theatre and dance "Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press" 1994 Text ISBN: 051394678| ISBN: 0521616085 12660 eng "Added 2004 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $70.00, paper $32.99| Price: $70.00, paper $32.99" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2004 Becoming George: the life of Mrs. W. B. Yeats "Saddlemyer, Ann: Author" "Literature, British" Oxford: Oxford University Press| New York: Oxford University Press 2002| 2004 Text ISBN: 0198112327| ISBN: 0199269211 12662 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $45.00, paper $33.00| Price: $45.00, paper $33.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Victorian literature and the anorexic body "Silver, Anna Krugovoy: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521816025| ISBN: 0521025516 12663 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00, paper $37.99| Price: $75.00, paper $37.99" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "Disabled, female, and proud!: stories of ten women with disabilities" "Rousso, Harilyn: Author| O'Malley, Susan Gushee: Author| Severance, Mary: Author" Disabilities "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group" 1993 Text ISBN: 0897893581 12666 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $18.95| Price: $18.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Barrier free: serving young women with disabilities "Marks, Linda: Author" Disabilities "Newton, Massachusetts: WEEA Equity Resource Center" 1991 Text ISBN: 0318Y09961 12667 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $12.00| Price: $12.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Vocational rehabilitation for women with disabilities "Stace, Shelia: Author" Disabilities "Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office" 1986 Text ISBN: 9221057232 12668 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $9.00| Price: $9.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Hidden sisters: women and girls with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region United Nations; Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: Author Disabilities New York: United Nations 1995 Text ISBN: 0317Y93954 12670 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $10.00| Price: $10.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 Across borders: women with disabilities working together "Dredger, Diane: Editor| Feika, Irene: Editor| Batres, Eileen Giron: Editor" Disabilities "Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Gynergy Ragweed Books" 1996 Text ISBN: 092188138X 12671 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $14.95| Price: $14.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2004 "Dido's daughters: literacy, gender, and empire in early modern England and France" "Ferguson, Margaret W.: Author" "Literature, British" Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0226243117| ISBN: 0226243125 12673 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $65.00, paper $25.00| Price: $65.00, paper $25.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 The marked body: domestic violence in mid-nineteenth century literature "Lawson, Kate: Author| Shakinovsky, Lynn: Author" "Literature, British" "Albany, New York: State University of New York Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0791453758| ISBN: 0791453766| ISBN: 0585478775 12674 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $59.50, paper $19.95, ebook $59.50| Price: $59.50, paper $19.95, ebook $59.50" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Feminist metafiction and the evolution of the British novel "Peters, Joan Douglas: Author" "Literature, British" "Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida" 2002 Text ISBN: 0813024315 12676 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Hamlet's mother and other women "Heilbrun, Carolyn G.: Author" "Literature, British" 2d ed New York: Columbia University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0231071779 12677 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00| Essential title (Literature, British)" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "The limits of the human: fictions of anomaly, race, and gender in the long eighteenth century" "Nussbaum, Felicity: Author" "Literature, British" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press| New York: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0521811678| ISBN: 0521016428 12678 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00, paper $27.00| Price: $75.00, paper $27.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 "Women, writing, and fetishism, 1890-1950: female cross-gendering" "Taylor, Clare L.: Author" "Literature, British" Oxford: Oxford University Press| New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0199244103 12679 eng "Added 2004 (Literature, British)| Price: $110.00| Price: $110.00" "DuBose, Stefanie: East Carolina University. Library Services. Joyner Library." 2/20/2004 Smart and sassy: the strengths of inner city Black girls "Stevens, Joyce West: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Oxford University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0195121643| ISBN: 0195121651 12683 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $34.50, paper $23.95| Price: $34.50, paper $23.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 "Delinquent daughters: protecting and policing adolescent female sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920" "Odem, Mary E.: Author" Girls and girlhood Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0807822159| ISBN: 0807845280| ISBN: 080786367X 12684 eng "Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $59.95, paper $19.95, ebook $59.95| Price: $59.95, paper $19.95, ebook $59.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Fast girls: teenage tribes and the myth of the slut "White, Emily: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Penguin 2003 Text ISBN: 0425191761 12685 eng Added 2004 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2004 Hiratsuka Raicho and early Japanese feminism "Tomida, Hiroko: Author" East Asian women Boston: Brill Academic Publishers 2004 Text ISBN: 9004132988 12687 eng Added 2004 (East Asian Women)| Price: $180.00| Price: $180.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 Gender of national literature: Heian texts in the emergence of Japanese modernity "Yoda, Tomiko: Author| Chow, Rey: Editor| Harootunian, H. D.: Editor" East Asian women "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 082233187X| ISBN: 082233237X 12688 eng "Added 2004 (East Asian Women)| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 "Bodies of evidence: women, society, and detective fiction in 1990s Japan" "Seaman, Amanda C.: Author" East Asian women "Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0824827368| ISBN: 0824828062 12689 eng "Added 2004 (East Asian Women)| Price: $50.00, paper $20.00| Price: $50.00, paper $20.00" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 Gender and power in the Japanese visual field "Bryson, Norman: Editor| Mostow, Joshua: Editor| Graybill, Marybeth: Editor" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0824825721 12690 eng Added 2004 (East Asian Women)| Price: $39.00| Price: $39.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 "Women with visible and invisible disabilities: multiple intersections, multiple issues, multiple therapies" "Banks, Martha E.: Editor| Kaschak, Ellyn: Editor" Disabilities "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press, Inc." 2003 Text ISBN: 0789019361| ISBN: 078901937X 12691 eng "Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $69.95, paper $39.95| Price: $69.95, paper $39.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/17/2004 "Women, disability, and identity" "Hans, Asha: Editor| Patri, Annie: Editor" Disabilities "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2003 Text ISBN: 8178291762 12692 eng Added 2004 (Disabilities)| Price: $63.95| Price: $63.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2004 "Worldviews, religion, and the environment: a global anthology" "Foltz, Richard C.: Editor" Ecofeminism "Belmont, California: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning" 2003 Text ISBN: 053459607X 12694 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $76.95| Price: paper $76.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/26/2004 Return blessings: ecofeminist liturgies renewing the earth "Neu, Diann L.: Author" Ecofeminism "Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0829814868 12695 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $18| Price: paper $18 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/26/2004 Main currents in western environmental thought "Hay, Peter R.: Author" Ecofeminism Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0253340535| ISBN: 0253215110 12696 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $59.95, paper $19.95| Price: $59.95, paper $19.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/26/2004 "Ecology, spirituality and education: curriculum for relational knowing" "Riley-Taylor, Elaine: Author" Ecofeminism "Series: Counterpoints, Vol. 201." New York: Peter Lang 2002 Text ISBN: 0820455431 12698 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/26/2004 Sacred longings: the ecological spirit and global culture "Grey, Mary C.: Author" Ecofeminism "London: SCM Press| Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg Fortress Press" 2003| 2004 Text ISBN: 0800636473 12699 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $19| Price: paper $19| Essential title (Ecofeminism) "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/26/2004 The deep ecology movement: an introductory anthology "Drengson, Alan R.: Editor| Inoue, Yuichi: Editor" Ecofeminism "Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books" 1995 Text ISBN: 1556431988 12701 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 The green studies reader: from Romanticism to ecocriticism "Coupe, Laurence: Editor" Ecofeminism New York: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415204062| ISBN: 0415204070 12704 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $150.00, paper $39.95| Price: $150.00, paper $39.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 Eco-phenomenology: back to the earth itself "Brown, Charles S.: Editor| Toadvine, Ted: Editor" Ecofeminism Albany: State University of New York Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0791456218| ISBN: 0791456226 12707 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $68.50, paper $29.95| Price: $68.50, paper $29.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 Ecology and religion: ecological spirituality in cross-cultural perspective "Kinsley, David R.: Author" Ecofeminism "Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 1995 Text ISBN: 0131385127 12710 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $65.00| Price: paper $65.00 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 Sacred Gaia: holistic theology and earth system science "Primavesi, Anne: Author" Ecofeminism London: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415188334| ISBN: 0415188342 12712 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $110, paper $33.95| Price: $110, paper $33.95| Essential title (Ecofeminism)" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 "Liberating faith: religious voices for justice, peace, and ecological wisdom" "Gottlieb, Roger S.: Editor" Ecofeminism "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2003 Text ISBN: 0742525341| ISBN: 074252535X 12715 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $82.50, paper $47.95| Price: $82.50, paper $47.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 Deep ecology and world religions: new essays on sacred grounds "Barnhill, David Landis: Editor| Gottlieb, Roger S.: Editor" Ecofeminism Albany: State University of New York Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0791448835| ISBN: 0791448843 12716 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $65.50, paper $29.95| Price: $65.50, paper $29.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 Strengthening women's voices: building women communicators for environment conservation "Moscoso, Mildred: Editor" Ecofeminism Singapore: Eastern Universities Press 2003 Text ISBN: 9812102361 12718 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $28| Price: paper $28 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 "The greening of theology: the ecological models of Rosemary Radford Ruether, Joseph Sittler, and Juergen Moltmann" "Bouma-Prediger, Steven: Author" Ecofeminism New York: Oxford University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 078850164X 12720 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $35| Price: paper $35 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/27/2004 The green halo: a bird's-eye view of ecological ethics "Kohak, Erazim V.: Author" Ecofeminism Chicago: Open Court 2000 Text ISBN: 0812694112 12721 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 Connection on the ice: environmental ethics in theory and practice "Clayton, Patti H.: Author" Ecofeminism Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1566396158| ISBN: 1566396166 12722 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $80.50, paper $26.95| Price: $80.50, paper $26.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 "Ecofeminism and globalization: exploring culture, context, and religion" "Eaton, Heather: Editor| Lorentzen, Lois Ann: Editor" Ecofeminism "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2003 Text ISBN: 0742526976| ISBN: 0742526984 12723 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $82.50; paper $29.95 | Price: $82.50; paper $29.95 | Essential title (Ecofeminism) "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 A companion to environmental philosophy "Jamieson, Dale: Editor" Ecofeminism Reprint "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2003 Text ISBN: 1557869103| ISBN: 140510659X 12724 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $131.95, paper $39.95| Price: $131.95, paper $39.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 Chinnagounder's challenge: the question of ecological citizenship "Curtin, Deane W.: Author" Ecofeminism Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999| 2001 Text ISBN: 0253213304 12725 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 Christianity and ecology: seeking the well-being of earth and humans "Hessel, Dieter T.: Editor| Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Editor" Ecofeminism "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University, Center for the Study of World Religions" 2000 Text ISBN: 0945454198| ISBN: 0945454201 12728 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $40.95, paper $28.50| Price: $40.95, paper $28.50" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 American literary environmentalism "Mazel, David: Author" Ecofeminism Athens: University of Georgia Press 2000 Text ISBN: 082032180X 12730 eng Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $40| Price: $40 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 Called to healing: reflections on the power of Earth's stories in women's lives "Troy-Smith, Jean: Author" Ecofeminism "Albany: State University of New York Press| Boulder, Colorado: netLibrary" 1996 Text ISBN: 079142975X | ISBN: 0791429768 12731 eng "Added 2004 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $20.50, paper $19.95| Price: $20.50, paper $19.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/28/2004 Country women cope with hard times: a collection of oral histories "Walker, Melissa: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Columbia: University of South Carolina 2004 Text ISBN: 1570035245 12737 eng "Added 2005 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/3/2005 "Farm women: work, farm, and family in the United States" "Rosenfeld, Rachel: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina 1985 Text ISBN: 0608052205 12738 eng "Added 2005 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: paper $114.00| Price: paper $114.00| Essential title (Agriculture, U.S.)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/3/2005 Harvest of hope: family farming/farming families "Garkovich, Lorraine: Author| Bokemeier, Janet L.: Author| Foote, Barbara: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 1995 Text ISBN: 0813119219 12739 eng "Added 2005 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/3/2005 "Women working the NAFTA food chain: women, food and globalization" "Barndt, Deborah: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Toronto: Second Story Press| Toronto: Sumach 1999 Text ISBN: 1896764193| ISBN: 189454935x 12741 eng "Added 2005 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: paper $16.95, paper $19.95| Price: paper $16.95, paper $19.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/3/2005 Women and sustainable agriculture: interviews with 14 agents of change "Anderson, Anna: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland" 2004 Text ISBN: 0786417471 12742 eng "Added 2005 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/3/2005 Land and schooling: transferring wealth across generations "Quisumbing, Maria Agnes R.: Author| Estudillo, Jonna P.: Author| Otsuka, Keijiro: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University" 2003 Text ISBN: 080187842x 12743 eng "Added 2005 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $58.00| Price: $58.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/3/2005 Gender relations and agricultural innovations in northern Ghana "Padmanabhan, Martina Aruna: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Munster, Germany: Lit| Piscataway, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers" 2003 Text ISBN: 3825863689 12744 eng "Added 2005 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/3/2005 Ungendering civilization "Pyburn, K. Anne: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415260574| ISBN: 0415260582| ISBN: 12745 eng "Added 2005 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $115.00, paper $37.95| Price: $115.00, paper $37.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/8/2005 Gender in archaeology: analyzing power and prestige "Nelson, Sarah M.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology 2d ed "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0759104956| ISBN: 0759104964 12746 eng "Added 2005 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/8/2005 Gender and anthropology "Mascia-Lees, Frances E.: Author| Black, Nancy J.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 1577660668 12747 eng Added 2005 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $12.50| Price: paper $12.50| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology) "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/8/2005 Ruth Landes: a life in anthropology "Cole, Sally C.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0803215223| ISBN: 0803203365 12748 eng "Added 2005 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $55.00, ebook $55.00| Price: $55.00, ebook $55.00" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/8/2005 Gender and qualitative methods "Järviluoma, Helmi: Author| Moisala, Pirkko: Author| Vilkko, Anni: Author" Anthropology and archaeology London: Sage 2003 Text ISBN: 076196584X| ISBN: 0761965858 12750 eng "Added 2005 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $129.00, paper $42.95| Price: $129.00, paper $42.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/8/2005 The satirical gaze: prints of women in late eighteenth-century England "McCreery, Cindy: Author" Visual arts New York: Oxford University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0199267561 12751 eng Added 2005 (Visual arts)| Price: $119.95| Price: $119.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/12/2005 Speaking for nature: women and ecologies of early modern England "Bowerbank, Sylvia: Author" "Literature, British| Ecofeminism" "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0801878721 12752 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, British)| Added 2005 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library.| Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 1/13/2005 Domesticity and dissent in the seventeenth century: English women's writing and the public sphere "Gillespie, Katharine: Author" "Literature, British" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 052183063X 12753 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 1/13/2005 "The feminization debate in eighteenth-century Britain: literature, commerce and luxury" "Clery, E. J.: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 033377731X| ISBN: 0333777328 12754 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, British)| Price: $95.00, paper $29.95| Price: $95.00, paper $29.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 1/13/2005 Gothic and gender: an introduction "Heiland, Donna: Author" "Literature, British" "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2004 Text ISBN: 0631200495| ISBN: 0631200509 12755 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, British)| Price: $86.95, paper $31.95| Price: $86.95, paper $31.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 1/13/2005 Anxious parents: a history of modern childrearing in America "Stearns, Peter N.: Author" Family New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0814798292| ISBN: 0814798497 12756 eng "Added 2005 (Family)| Price: $65.00, paper $20.00| Price: $65.00, paper $20.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 1/14/2005 The contemporary American family: a dialectical perspective on communication and relationships "Sabourin, Theresa Chandler: Author" Family "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2003 Text ISBN: 0761924450| ISBN: 0761924469 12757 eng "Added 2005 (Family)| Price: $69.95, paper $34.95| Price: $69.95, paper $34.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 1/14/2005 The family in the modern age: more than a llifestyle choice "Berger, Brigette: Author" Family "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 0765801213 12758 eng Added 2005 (Family)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 1/14/2005 The future of the family "Moynihan, Daniel P.: Editor| Smeeding, Timothy M.: Editor| Rainwater, Lee: Editor" Family New York: Russell Sage Foundation 2004 Text ISBN: 0871546256| ISBN: 0871546280 12759 eng "Added 2005 (Family)| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 1/14/2005 How families still matter: a longitudinal study of youth in two generations "Bengtson, Vern L.: Author| Biblarz, Timothy J.: Author| Roberts, Robert E. L.: Author" Family Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 052180423X| ISBN: 0521009545 12760 eng "Added 2005 (Family)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.99| Price: $70.00, paper $24.99| Essential title (Family)" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 1/14/2005 The mommy myth: the idealization of motherhood and how it has undermined women "Douglas, Susan J.: Author| Michaels, Meredith W.: Author" Family| Mass media| Popular culture New York: Free Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0743260465 12761 eng Added 2005 (Family)| Added 2005 (Mass media)| Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Popular culture) "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library. | Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 1/14/2005 "New family values: liberty, equality, diversity" "Struening, Karen: Author" Family "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 0742512304| ISBN: 0742512312 12762 eng "Added 2005 (Family)| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Family)" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 1/14/2005 A new look at Black families "Willie, Charles Vert: Author| Reddick, Richard J.: Author" Family 5th ed "Walnut Creek, California: Altamira Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0759102414| ISBN: 0759102422| ISBN: 058546622X 12763 eng "Added 2005 (Family)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95, ebook $70.00| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95, ebook $70.00" "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 1/14/2005 Working in a 24/7 economy: challenges for American families "Presser, Harriet B.: Author" Family New York: Russell Sage Foundation 2003 Text ISBN: 087154671X 12764 eng Added 2005 (Family)| Price: Paper $16.95| Price: Paper $16.95 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 1/14/2005 "Women and guerrilla movements: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas, Cuba" "Kampwirth, Karen: Author" "Politics, International" "Companion vol. to Feminism and the legacy of revolution: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas" University Park: Pennsylvania State University 2002 Text ISBN: 0271021853| ISBN: 0271022515 12765 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $35.00, paper $24.00| Price: $35.00, paper $24.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/15/2005 "Feminism and the legacy of revolution: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas" "Kampwirth, Karen: Author" "Politics, International| History, International" Companion vol. to Women and guerrilla movements Athens: Ohio University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0896802396 12768 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Added 2006 (History, International)| Price: $28.00| Price: $28.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/19/2005 The curious feminist: searching for women in a new age of empire "Enloe, Cynthia H.: Author" "Politics, International" Berkeley: University of California Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0520242351| ISBN: 0520243811| ISBN: 1417545097 12769 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95. ebook $50.00| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95. ebook $50.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/19/2005 "After the revolution: gender and democracy in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala" "Luciak, Ilja A.: Author" "Politics, International" "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0801867800| ISBN: 0801876419 12770 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: paper $27.95, ebook $26.00| Price: paper $27.95, ebook $26.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/20/2005 "Sharpened edge: women of color, resistance and writing" "Athey, Stephanie: Editor" Women of color "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 2003 Text ISBN: 0275959872 12773 eng Added 2005 (Women of color)| Price: $82.95| Price: $82.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library" 1/20/2005 Byzantine women and their world "Kalavrezou, Ioli: Author" Visual arts "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 1891771280 12774 eng Added 2005 (Visual arts)| Price: paper $40.00 | Price: paper $40.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/23/2005 "Saints, sinners, and sisters: gender and northern art in medieval and early modern Europe" "Carroll, Jane Louise: Editor| Stewart, Alison G.: Editor" Visual arts "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2003 Text ISBN: 0754605892 12775 eng Added 2005 (Visual arts)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 1/23/2005 Gender in applied communication contexts "Buzzanell, Patrice M.: Editor| Sterk, Helen M.: Editor" Language "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2004 Text ISBN: 0761928642| ISBN: 0761928650 12776 eng "Added 2005 (Language)| Price: $93.95, paper $47.95| Price: $93.95, paper $47.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 1/24/2005 Gendered discourses "Sunderland, Jane: Author" Language New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 1403913455| ISBN: 1403913447 12777 eng "Added 2005 (Language)| Price: $79.95, paper $26.95| Price: $79.95, paper $26.95| Essential title (Language)" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 1/24/2005 "Love, tears, and the male spectator" "MacKinnon, Kenneth: Author" Popular culture "Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0838639550 12779 eng Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Price: $41.50| Price: $41.50| Essential title (Popular culture) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/24/2005 Action chicks: new images of tough women in popular culture "Inness, Sherrie A.: Editor" Popular culture| Mass media New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 1403964033| ISBN: 1403963967 12781 eng "Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Added 2005 (Mass media)| Price: $75.00, paper $18.95| Price: $75.00, paper $18.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 1/24/2005 "Women, men and language: a sociolinguistic account of gender differences in language" "Coates, Jennifer: Author" Language 3d ed Harlow: Longman 2004 Text ISBN: 0582771862 12782 eng Added 2005 (Language)| Price: $42.60| Price: $42.60| Essential title (Language) "Porter, G. Margaret: University of Notre Dame. Hesburgh Library." 1/24/2005 "Serial monogamy: soap opera, lifespan, and the gendered politics of fantasy" "Scodari, Christine: Author" Popular culture "Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 1572735554| ISBN: 1572735562 12783 eng "Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Price: $49.95, paper $22.95| Price: $49.95, paper $22.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/24/2005 MeXicana encounters: the making of social identities on the borderlands "Fregoso, Rosa Linda: Author" Popular culture| Latin American women "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0520229975| ISBN: 0520238907 12784 eng "Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Added 2005 (Latin American Women)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 1/24/2005 Soap opera "Hobson, Dorothy: Author" Popular culture Cambridge: Polity 2003 Text ISBN: 0745626548| ISBN: 0745626556 12785 eng "Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/24/2005 Velvet barrios: popular culture and Chicana/o sexualities "Gaspar de Alba, Alicia: Editor" Popular culture New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Text ISBN: 1403960968| ISBN: 1403960976 12786 eng "Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Price: $99.95, paper $30.95| Price: $99.95, paper $30.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/24/2005 The spectacular modern woman: feminine visibility in the 1920s "Conor, Liz: Author" Popular culture Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0253343917| ISBN: 0253216702 12787 eng "Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/24/2005 "Goddesses and monsters: women, myth, power, and popular culture" "Caputi, Jane: Author" Popular culture Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0299196208| ISBN: 0299196240 12788 eng "Added 2005 (Popular culture)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/24/2005 Conversations with American women writers "Johnson, Sarah Anne: Author" "Literature, U.S." "Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England" 2004 Text ISBN: 1584653485 12789 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 "Poets in the public sphere: the emancipatory project of American women's poetry, 1800-1900" "Bennett, Paula Bernat: Author" "Literature, U.S." "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0691026459| ISBN: 0691026440 12790 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 Middlebrow moderns: popular American women writers of the 1920s "Botshon, Lisa: Editor| Goldsmith, Meredith: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Boston: Northeastern University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1555535577| ISBN: 1555535569 12791 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $50.00, paper $22.50| Price: $50.00, paper $22.50" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 Crazy Woman Creek: women rewrite the American West "Collier, Gaydell M.: Editor| Curtis, Nancy: Editor| Hasselstrom, Linda M.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Boston: Houghton Mifflin 2004 Text ISBN: 0618249338 12792 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 Classic African American women's narratives "Andrews, William L.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195141350 12793 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $26.95 | Price: paper $26.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 Shaking the tree: a collection of new fiction and memoir by Black women "Danquah, Meri Nana-Ama: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: W.W. Norton 2003 Text ISBN: 9780393050677| ISBN: 9780393325805 12794 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95| Price: $24.95, paper $14.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 Listen here: women writing in Appalachia "Ballard, Sandra L.: Editor| Hudson, Patricia L.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 2003 Text ISBN: 0813190665 12795 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 Reading U.S. Latina writers: remapping American literature "Quintana, Alvina E.: Editor" "Literature, U.S." New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Text ISBN: 0312294131| ISBN: 1403969450 12796 eng "Added 2005 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/25/2005 "New perspectives on environmental justice: gender, sexuality, and activism" "Stein, Rachel: Editor" Winona LaDuke: Foreword Ecofeminism "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0813534267| ISBN: 0813534275 12797 eng "Added 2005 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $62, paper $24.95| Price: $62, paper $24.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 1/25/2005 "Separate roads to feminism: Black, Chicana, and White feminist movements in America's second wave" "Roth, Benita: Author" "History, U.S.| Feminist movements in the United States| Women of color" New York: Cambridge University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0521822602| ISBN: 0521529727 12798 eng "Added 2005 (History, U.S.)| Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Added 2006 (Women of color)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.99| Price: $65.00, paper $24.99| Essential title (History, U.S.)| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United Sta" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/26/2005 Our mothers' war: American women at home and at the Front during World War II "Yellin, Emily: Author" "History, U.S.| Military" New York: Simon & Schuster 2005 Text ISBN: 0743245164 12799 eng "Added 2005 (History, U.S.)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 1/26/2005 A history of women in the United States: state-by-state reference "Weatherford, Doris L.: Editor" "History, U.S.| Reference" "Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Academic Reference" 2004 Text 4 volumes ISBN: 071725805X 12800 eng "Added 2005 (History, U.S.)| Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $399.00| Price: $399.00| Essential title (Reference)" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/26/2005 Out in public: configurations of women's bodies in nineteenth-century America "Piepmeier, Alison: Author" "History, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0807829048| ISBN: 0807855693 12801 eng "Added 2005 (History, U.S.)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 1/26/2005 "Political women: the women's movement, political institutions, the battle for women's suffrage and the ERA" "Jeydel, Alana S.: Author" "History, U.S.| Feminist movements in the United States" New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415346606| ISBN: 0203335317 12802 eng "Added 2005 (History, U.S.)| Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $115.00, ebook $115.00| Price: $115.00, ebook $115.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library. | Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 1/26/2005 Making God laugh: human arrogance and ecological humility "Primavesi, Anne: Author" Ecofeminism "Santa Rosa, California: Polebridge Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0944344690 12804 eng Added 2005 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $18| Price: paper $18 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 1/26/2005 Food for thought: the debate over eating meat "Sapontzis, S. F.: Editor" Ecofeminism "Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books" 2004 Text ISBN: 1591021189 12805 eng Added 2005 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $20| Price: paper $20 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 1/26/2005 "Integrating ecofeminism, globalization, and world religions" "Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Author" Ecofeminism Series: Nature's meaning "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2005 Text ISBN: 0742535290| ISBN: 0742535304 12806 eng "Added 2005 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $66, paper $21.95| Price: $66, paper $21.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 1/26/2005 "Women without class: girls, race, and identity" "Bettie, Julie: Author" Latin American women| Girls and girlhood Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520226216| ISBN: 0520235428| ISBN: 0585465924 12808 eng "Added 2005 (Latin American Women)| Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95, ebook $49.95| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95, ebook $49.95| Essential title (Latin American women)" "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library.| Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 1/26/2005 Gender and U.S. immigration: contemporary trends "Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette: Author" Latin American women Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520225619| ISBN: 0520237390 12809 eng "Added 2005 (Latin American Women)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 1/26/2005 "Puro border: dispatches, snapshots and graffiti" "Crosthwaite, Luis Humberto: Author" Latin American women "El Paso, Texas: Cinco Puntos Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0938317598 12810 eng Added 2005 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $18.05| Price: paper $18.05 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 1/26/2005 Women writing resistance: essays on Latin American and the Caribbean "Browdy de Hernandez, Jennifer: Author" Latin American women "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0896087085 12811 eng Added 2005 (Latin American Women)| Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Vega Garcia, Susan A.: Iowa State University. Parks Library." 1/26/2005 Mothers and daughters in post-revolutionary Mexican literature "Hurley, Teresa M.: Author" Latin American women "Rochester, N.Y.: Tamesis" 2003 Text ISBN: 1855660903 12812 eng Added 2005 (Latin American Women)| Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 1/26/2005 Behind the smoke and mirrors: research from the Mexican Migration Project "Durand, Jorge: Editor| Massey, Douglas S.: Editor" Latin American women New York: Russell Sage Foundation 2004 Text ISBN: 0871542889 12813 eng Added 2005 (Latin American Women)| Price: $42.50| Price: $42.50 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 1/26/2005 "The time divide: work, family, and gender inequality" "Jacobs, Jerry A.: Author| Gerson, Kathleen: Author" Sociology| Labor "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0674011538| ISBN: 0674018397 12815 eng "Added 2005 (Sociology)| Added 2005 (Labor)| Price: $47.50, paper $19.95| Price: $47.50, paper $19.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/26/2005 Necessary dreams: ambition in women's changing lives "Fels, Anna: Author" Sociology New York: Pantheon Books 2004 Text ISBN: 0679442448| ISBN: 0679758887 12817 eng "Added 2005 (Sociology)| Price: $24.95, paper $14.00| Price: $24.95, paper $14.00" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/26/2005 "Personal and political: feminisms, sociology and family lives" "David, Miriam E.: Author" Sociology "Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom: Trentham" 2003 Text ISBN: 1858563054 12818 eng Added 2005 (Sociology)| Price: paper $32.50| Price: paper $32.50 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/26/2005 Engendering the social: feminist encounters with sociological theory "Marshall, Barbara: Author| Witz, Anne: Author" Sociology New York: Open University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0335212700| ISBN: 0335212697 12819 eng "Added 2005 (Sociology)| Price: $120.00, paper $37.95| Price: $120.00, paper $37.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/26/2005 Women don't ask: negotiation and the gender divide "Babcock, Linda: Author| Laschever, Sara: Author" Management "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 069108940X 12820 eng Added 2005 (Management)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/26/2005 Competing devotions: career and family among women executives "Blair-Loy, Mary: Author" Management "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0674010892| ISBN: 0674018167 12821 eng "Added 2005 (Management)| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/26/2005 Encyclopedia of American women in business: from colonial times to the present "Krismann, Carol H.: Author" Management "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2004 Text 2 volumes ISBN: 0313327572 12823 eng Added 2005 (Management)| Price: $175.00| Price: $175.00 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/26/2005 "Women in management worldwide: facts, figures, and analysis" "Davidson, Marilyn J.: Editor| Burke, Ronald, J.: Editor" Management "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2004 Text ISBN: 0754608379 12824 eng Added 2005 (Management)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/26/2005 The boundaries of her body: the troubling history of women's rights in America "Rowland, Debran: Author" "History, U.S.| Law" "Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, Incorporated" 2005 Text ISBN: 1572483687 12826 eng "Added 2005 (History, U.S.)| Added 2005 (Law)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95| Essential title (Law)" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library.| Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 1/27/2005 Transforming the faith of our fathers: the women who changed American religion "Braude, Ann: Editor" Religion New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 1403964602 12827 eng Added 2005 (Religion)| Price: $27.95| Price: $27.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 1/27/2005 Between Sundays: Black women and everyday struggles of faith "Frederick, Marla F.: Author" Religion Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520233921 | ISBN: 0520233948 12828 eng Added 2005 (Religion)| Price: $50.00; paper $19.95| Price: $50.00; paper $19.95 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 1/27/2005 Women in Daoism "Despeux, Catherine: Author| Kohn, Livia: Author" Religion "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Three Pines Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 1931483019 12829 eng Added 2005 (Religion)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 1/27/2005 Second sex "De Beauvoir, Simone: Author" "Parshley, H.M.: Translator" Philosophy "New York: Alfred A. Knopf," 1993 Text ISBN: 0679420169 12830 eng Added 2005 (Philosophy)| Price: $24.00| Price: $24.00| Essential title (Philosophy) "Roberts, Lisa A.: California State University, Sacramento. University Library-North." 1/27/2005 "Mapping women, making politics: feminist perspectives on political geography" "Staeheli, Lynn A.: Editor| Kofman, Eleonore: Editor| Peake, Linda: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415934486| ISBN: 0415934494| ISBN: 0203328515 12833 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $140.00, paper $40.95, ebook $28.95| Price: $140.00, paper $40.95, ebook $28.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/28/2005 "The violent woman: femininity, narrative, and violence in contemporary American cinema" "Neroni, Hilary: Author" Film and television studies Albany: State University of New York Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0791463834| ISBN: 0791463842 12834 eng "Added 2005 (Film and television studies)| Price: $73.50, paper $22.95| Price: $73.50, paper $22.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 1/28/2005 A new Kabbalah for women "Besserman, Perle: Author" Spirituality New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403964297 12835 eng Added 2005 (Spirituality)| Price: $21.95| Price: $21.95 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 1/28/2005 "Hollywood divas, indie queens, and tv heroines: contemporary screen images of women" "Kord, Susanne: Author| Krimmer, Elisabeth: Author" Film and television studies "Landham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2004 Text ISBN: 0742537080| ISBN: 0742537099 12836 eng "Added 2005 (Film and television studies)| Price: $62.00, paper $19.95| Price: $62.00, paper $19.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 1/28/2005 "Theory of the image: capitalism, contemporary film, and women" "Kibbey, Ann: Author" Film and television studies Bloomington: University of Indiana Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0253344697| ISBN: 0253217466 12837 eng "Added 2005 (Film and television studies)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 1/28/2005 "Women and the law: leaders, cases, and documents" "Kuersten, Ashlyn K.: Author" Law "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2003 Text ISBN: 0874368782 12838 eng Added 2005 (Law)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 1/28/2005 Katharine Hepburn: star as feminist "Britton, Andrew: Author" Film and television studies New York: Columbia University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0231132778 12841 eng Added 2005 (Film and television studies)| Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 1/28/2005 "Truth, autonomy, and speech: feminist theory and the First Amendment" "Williams, Susan Hoffman: Author" "Law| Politics, U.S." New York: New York University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0814793592| ISBN: 1417588411 12842 eng "Added 2005 (Law)| Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $50.00, ebook $50.00| Price: $50.00, ebook $50.00" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library.| Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 1/28/2005 A companion to feminist geography "Nelson, Lise: Author| Seager, Joni: Author" Geography and travel| Ecofeminism Series: Blackwell companions to geography; 6. "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers" 2004 Text ISBN: 1405101865 12845 eng Added 2005 (Geography and travel)| Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $139.95| Price: $139.95| Essential title (Geography and travel) "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library.| Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 1/28/2005 Jane Austen in the classroom: viewing the novel/reading the film "Flavin, Louise: Author" Film and television studies New York: P. Lang 2004 Text ISBN: 0820468118 12846 eng Added 2005 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 1/28/2005 "Gender, genre, and identity in women's travel writing" "Siegel, Kristi: Author" Geography and travel New York: P. Lang 2004 Text ISBN: 0820449059 12847 eng Added 2005 (Geography and travel)| Price: 32.95| Price: 32.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 1/28/2005 Jazzwomen: conversations with twenty-one musicians "Enstice, Wayne: Author| Stockhouse, Janis: Author" Music Book plus compact disc Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0253344360 12848 eng Added 2005 (Music)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/28/2005 Black and white women's travel narratives: antebellum explorations "Fish, Cheryl J.: Author" Geography and travel Gainesville: University Press of Florida 2004 Text ISBN: 081302711X 12849 eng Added 2005 (Geography and travel)| Price: 59.95| Price: 59.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 1/28/2005 Alien woman: the making of Lt. Ripley "Gallardo C., Ximena: Author| Smith, C. Jason: Author" Film and television studies New York: Continuum 2004 Text ISBN: 0826415695| ISBN: 0826415709 12850 eng "Added 2005 (Film and television studies)| Price: $85.00, paper $19.95| Price: $85.00, paper $19.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 1/28/2005 Muslim women sing: Hausa popular song "Mack, Beverly B.: Author" Music Book plus compact disc Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0253345049| ISBN: 0253217296 12854 eng "Added 2005 (Music)| Price: $60.00, paper $27.95| Price: $60.00, paper $27.95" "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 1/28/2005 Late-Medieval German women's poetry: secular and religious songs "Classen, Albrecht: Author" Music Translated from the original German. "Rochester, New York: D.S. Brewer" 2004 Text ISBN: 1843840219 12855 eng Added 2005 (Music)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 1/28/2005 New historical anthology of music by women "Briscoe, James: Editor" Music Rev. ed. of Historical anthology of music by women Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0253216834 12857 eng Added 2005 (Music)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 1/28/2005 Girls rock!: fifty years of women making music "Carson, Mina Julia: Author| Lewis, Tisa: Author| Shaw, Susan: Author" "Baumgardner, Jennifer: Foreword| Richards, Amy: Foreword" Music Lexington: University Press of Kentucky 2004 Text ISBN: 0813123100 12860 eng Added 2005 (Music)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 1/28/2005 Fine and dandy: the life and work of Kay Swift "Ohl, Vicki" Music "New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0300102615 12861 eng Added 2005 (Music)| Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00 "Vick, Liza: Harvard University. Loeb Music Library." 1/28/2005 "Check it while I wreck it: Black womanhood, hip hop culture, and the public sphere" "Pough, Gwendolyn: Author" Music| Popular culture Boston: Northeastern University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 1555536085| ISBN: 1555536077 12862 eng "Added 2005 (Music)| Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/28/2005 "Scandal of the state: women, law, citizenship in postcolonial India" "Sunder Rajan, Rajeswari: Author" "Politics, International" "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0822330350| ISBN: 0822330482 12863 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/29/2005 The changing politics of gender equality in Britain "Breitenbach, Esther: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave 2002 Text ISBN: 0333803043 12865 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/29/2005 Women's movements facing the reconfigured state "Banaszak, Lee Ann: Editor| Beckwith Karen: Editor| Rucht, Dieter: Editor" "Politics, International| Feminist movements in the United States" Power and the state. New York: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 052181278X| ISBN: 0521012198 12866 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $75.00, paper $26.00| Price: $75.00, paper $26.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library. | Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 1/29/2005 Politics of piety: the Islamic revival and the feminist subject "Mahmood, Saba: Author" "Politics, International" "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0691086958 12867 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/29/2005 "The intimate economies of Bangkok: tomboys, tycoons, and Avon ladies in the global city" "Wilson, Ara: Author" | Anthropology and archaeology Berkeley: University of California Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0520237838| ISBN: 0520239687 12868 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/29/2005 Developing power: how women transformed international development "Fraser, Arvonne S.: Author| Tinker, Irene: Author" "Politics, International" The politics of development. New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York 2004 Text ISBN: 1558614842| ISBN: 1558614850 12869 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $65.00, paper $26.95| Price: $65.00, paper $26.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/29/2005 Feminist postcolonial theory: a reader "Lewis, Reina: Author| Mills, Sara: Author" | Feminist theory New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415942748| ISBN: 0415942756 12870 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $104.95, paper $37.95| Price: $104.95, paper $37.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 1/29/2005 Gender and civil society: transcending boundaries "Howell, Jude: Author| Mulligan, Diane: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415335744| ISBN: 0203420403 12871 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $131.95, ebook $90.00| Price: $131.95, ebook $90.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/29/2005 Sites of violence: gender and conflict zones "Giles, Wenona Mary: Editor| Hyndman, Jennifer: Editor" | Anthropology and archaeology Berkeley: University of California Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0520230728| ISBN: 0520237919| ISBN: 159734902X 12873 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95, ebook $15.95| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95, ebook $15.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/29/2005 "Post-Soviet women encountering transition: nation building, economic survival, and civic activism" "Kuehnast, Kathleen R.: Author| Nechemias, Carol: Author" "Politics, International" "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0801879183 12875 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/29/2005 Condi: The Condoleezza Rice Story "Felix, Antonia: Author" "Politics, U.S." Updated and rev. ed New York: Newmarket Press 2/28/2005 Text ISBN: 1557046751 12876 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/29/2005 Promises of empowerment: women in Asia and Latin America "Smith, Peter H.: Author| Troutner, Jennifer L.: Author| Hunefeldt, Christine: Author" "Politics, International" "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2004 Text ISBN: 0742529231 12877 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $72.00| Price: $72.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/29/2005 "Women, politics, and American society" "McGlen, Nancy E.: Author| O'Connor, Karen: Author| Van Assendelft, Laura: Author| Gunther-Canada, Wendy: Author" "Politics, U.S." 4th ed New York: Longman 2004 Text ISBN: 0321202317 12878 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $63.00| Price: paper $63.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 1/29/2005 A path toward gender equality: state feminism in Japan "Kobayashi, Yoshie: Author" "Politics, International| East Asian women" New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 041594788X 12879 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/29/2005 Sexual harassment and the law: the Mechelle Vinson case. "Cochran III, Augustus B.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2004 Text ISBN: 0700613226| ISBN: 0700613234 12880 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $29.95, paper $14.95| Price: $29.95, paper $14.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/29/2005 Women and power on Capitol Hill: reconstructing the Congressional Women's Caucus "Gertzog, Irwin N.: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2004 Text ISBN: 1588262839 12883 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/29/2005 Sex and difference in ancient Greece and Rome "Golden, Mark: Editor| Toohey, Peter: Editor" Antiquity Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0748613196| ISBN: 074861320X 12886 eng "Added 2005 (Antiquity)| Price: $75.00, paper $37.00| Price: $75.00, paper $37.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/29/2005 "The Georgetown ladies' social club: power, passion, and politics in the nation's capital" "Heymann, C. David: Author" "Politics, U.S." Reprint ed New York: Atria Books 2004 Text ISBN: 0743428579 12887 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 1/29/2005 "Woman's voice, woman's place: Lucy Stone and the birth of the woman's rights movement" "Million, Joelle: Author" "Politics, U.S." London: Praeger 2003 Text ISBN: 027597877X 12888 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/29/2005 Citizen Bacchae: women's ritual practice in ancient Greece "Goff, Barbara E.: Author" Antiquity Berkeley: University of California Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0520239989| ISBN: 1417545135 12889 eng "Added 2005 (Antiquity)| Price: $60.00, ebook $60.00| Price: $60.00, ebook $60.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/29/2005 Gender and technology "Sweetman, Caroline: Editor" Technology "Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxfam Publishing" 1999 Text ISBN: 0855984228 12892 eng Added 2005 (Technology)| Price: $14.50| Price: $14.50| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 1/29/2005 Cyberfeminism: next protocols "Reiche, Claudia: Editor| Kuni, Verena: Editor" Technology "Brooklyn, New York: Autonomedia" 2004 Text ISBN: 1570271496 12893 eng Added 2005 (Technology)| Price: $15.95| Price: $15.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 1/29/2005 Gender inclusive game design "Ray, Sheri Graner: Author" Technology "Hingham, Massachusetts: Charles River Media" 2003 Text ISBN: 1584502398 12894 eng Added 2005 (Technology)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 1/29/2005 Gender and computers: understanding the digital divide "Cooper, Joel: Author| Weaver, Kimberlee D.: Author" Technology "Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates" 2003 Text ISBN: 0805844260| ISBN: 0805844279| ISBN: 141060893X 12895 eng "Added 2005 (Technology)| Price: $49.95, paper $21.50, ebook $55.00| Price: $49.95, paper $21.50, ebook $55.00| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 1/29/2005 "Human perspectives in the internet society: culture, psychology and gender" "Morgan, K.: Editor" Technology Boston: WIT Press 2004 Text ISBN: 1853127264 12896 eng Added 2005 (Technology)| Price: $256.00| Price: $256.00 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 1/29/2005 TechnoFeminism "Wajcman, Judy: Author" Technology "Oxford, United Kingdom: Polity Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 074563043X| ISBN: 0745630448 12897 eng "Added 2005 (Technology)| Price: $54.95, paper $19.95| Price: $54.95, paper $19.95| Essential title (Technology)" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 1/29/2005 The last queens of Egypt "Ashton, Sally-Ann: Author" Antiquity "White Plains, New York: Longman Publishing Group" 2003 Text ISBN: 0582772109 12898 eng Added 2005 (Antiquity)| Price: $27.95| Price: $27.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/29/2005 The complete guide to mental health for women "Slater, Lauren: Editor| Daniel, Jessica Henderson: Editor| Banks, Amy Elizabeth: Editor" Mental health and psychology| Reference| Health Boston: Beacon Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0807029254 12899 eng Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Added 2006 (Reference)| Added 2007 (Health)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Mental health and psychology) "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library.| Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning. | Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 1/29/2005 Women and mental health "Kohen, Dora: Editor" Mental health and psychology Philadelphia: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415188849| ISBN: 0415188857 12900 eng "Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: $78.95, paper $33.95| Price: $78.95, paper $33.95| Essential title (Mental health and psychology)" "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 The women's concise guide to emotional well-being "Carlson, Karen J.: Author| Eisenstat, Stephanie A.: Author| Ziporyn, Terra Diane: Author" Mental health and psychology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0674954904| ISBN: 0674954912 12901 eng "Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: $39.95, paper $14.95| Price: $39.95, paper $14.95| Essential title (Mental health and psychology)" "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 Women's mental health services: a public health perspective "Levin, Bruce Lubotsky: Editor| Blanch, Andrea K.: Editor| Jennings, Ann: Editor" Mental health and psychology "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1998 Text ISBN: 0761905081| ISBN: 076190509X 12904 eng "Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: $129.00, paper $64.95| Price: $129.00, paper $64.95" "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 In and out of our right minds: the mental health of African American women "Robinson-Brown, Diane: Editor| Keith, Verna: Editor" Mental health and psychology New York: Columbia University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0231113781| ISBN: 023111379X | ISBN: 0231509006 12905 eng "Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: $69.50, paper $27.50, ebook $62.50| Price: $69.50, paper $27.50, ebook $62.50" "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 Mental health issues for sexual minority women: redefining women's mental health "Hughes, Tonda L.: Editor| Smith, Carrol: Editor| Dan, Alice J.: Editor" Mental health and psychology New York: Harrington Park Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1560233117 12906 eng Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: paper $19.95 | Price: paper $19.95 "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 "Women, health, and the mind" "Sherr, Lorraine: Editor| St. Lawrence, Janet S.: Editor" Mental health and psychology "Chichester, New York: Wiley" 2000 Text ISBN: 0471998796 12910 eng Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: paper $75.00| Price: paper $75.00 "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 Women's mental health: a comprehensive textbook "Kornstein, Susan G.: Editor| Clayton, Anita H.: Editor" Mental health and psychology New York: Guilford Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1572306998| ISBN: 1593851448 12911 eng "Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: $78.00, paper $38.00| Price: $78.00, paper $38.00| Essential title (Mental health and psychology)" "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 Women of ancient Greece "Brule, Pierre: Author" Antiquity Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0748616438 12915 eng Added 2005 (Antiquity)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/29/2005 "The militant suffrage movement: citizenship and resistance in Britain, 1860-1930" "Mayhall, Laura E. Nym: Author" "History, International" New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195159934 | ISBN: 0195185633 12917 eng "Added 2005 (History, International)| Price: $52.00, ebook $45.00| Price: $52.00, ebook $45.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/30/2005 "The truest form of patriotism: pacifist feminism in Britain, 1870-1902" "Brown, Heloise: Author" "History, International" New York: Manchester University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0719065305| ISBN: 0719065313 12918 eng "Added 2005 (History, International)| Price: $75.00, paper $26.95| Price: $75.00, paper $26.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/30/2005 Veiled threat: the hidden power of the women of Afghanistan "Armstrong, Sally: Author" "History, International" New York: Four Walls Eight Windows 2002 Text ISBN: 1568582528 12920 eng "Added 2005 (History, International)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/30/2005 Women for Afghan women: shattering myths and claiming the future "Mehta, Sunita: Editor" "History, International" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Text ISBN: 1403960178 12921 eng "Added 2005 (History, International)| Price: paper $13.95| Price: paper $13.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/30/2005 Historical dictionary of feminism "Boles, Janet K.: Author" Feminist theory 2d ed "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0810849461 12922 eng Added 2005 (Feminist theory)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 1/30/2005 Women in the Middle Ages: an encyclopedia "Wilson, Katharina M.: Author| Margolis, Nadia: Author" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2004 Text 2 volumes ISBN: 0313330166 12924 eng Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $199.95| Price: $199.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 The new Harvard guide to women's health "Carolson, Karen J.: Author| Eisenstat, Stephanie A.: Author| Ziporyn, Diane: Author" Reference| Health "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0674012828| ISBN: 0674013433 12926 eng "Added 2005 (Reference)| Added 2005 (Health)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Reference)| Essential title (Health)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 1/30/2005 "Encyclopedia of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history in America" "Stein, Marc: Author" Reference| Lesbian studies New York: Charles Scribner's Sons/Thompson Gale 2004 Text 3 volumes ISBN: 0684312611 12927 eng Added 2005 (Reference)| Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $440.00| Price: $440.00| Essential title (Reference)| Essential title (Lesbian studies) "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 1/30/2005 The gay and lesbian atlas "Gates, Gary J.: Author| Ost, Jason: Author" Reference| Lesbian studies| Geography and travel "Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0877667217 12928 eng Added 2005 (Reference)| Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2006 (Geography and travel)| Price: paper $49.50| Price: paper $49.50| Essential title (Reference)| Essential title (Lesbian studies)| Essential title (Geography and travel) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning. | Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 1/30/2005 Changing corporate America from inside out: lesbian and gay workplace rights "Raeburn, Nicole C.: Author" Lesbian studies Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0816639981| ISBN: 081663999X 12929 eng "Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $68.95, paper $22.95| Price: $68.95, paper $22.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 "Handbook of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender administration and policy" "Swan, Wallace: Author" Reference| Lesbian studies New York: Marcel Dekker| London: Taylor and Francis 2004 Text ISBN: 0824747917| ISBN: 082475087X 12930 eng "Added 2005 (Reference)| Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $175.00, ebook $175.00| Price: $175.00, ebook $175.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 The globalization of sexuality "Binnie, Jon: Author" Lesbian studies "Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE" 2004 Text ISBN: 0761959351| ISBN: 076195936X 12931 eng "Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $129.00, paper $42.95| Price: $129.00, paper $42.95" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 1/30/2005 Women in prison: a reference handbook "Banks, Cyndi: Author" Reference "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2003 Text ISBN: 1576079295| ISBN: 1576079309 12932 eng "Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $45.00, ebook $50.00| Price: $45.00, ebook $50.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Encyclopedia of rape "Smith, Merril D.: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0313326878 12933 eng Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Warrior poet: a biography of Audre Lord "De Veaux, Alexis: Author" Lesbian studies New York: W.W. Norton 2004 Text ISBN: 0393019543 12934 eng Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Encyclopedia of feminist literature "Whitson, Kathy J.: Author" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0313327319 12935 eng Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Legalizing gay marriage "Mello, Michael: Author" Lesbian studies Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 159213078X| ISBN: 1592130798 12936 eng "Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $68.50, paper $22.95| Price: $68.50, paper $22.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 "Men and masculinities: a social, cultural, and historical encyclopedia" "Kimmel, Michael S.: Author| Aronson, Amy: Author" Reference "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2004 Text 2 volumes ISBN: 1576077748| ISBN: 1576077756 12938 eng "Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $225.00, ebook $280.00| Price: $225.00, ebook $280.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Baby steps: how lesbian alternative insemination is changing the world "Agigian, Amy: Author" Lesbian studies "Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0819566306 12939 eng "Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper, $17.95| Price: paper, $17.95" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 1/30/2005 "Sapphic primitivism: productions of race, class, and sexuality in key works of modern fiction" "Hackett, Robin: Author" Lesbian studies "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0813533465| ISBN: 0813533473 12940 eng "Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $60.00, paper $21.95| Price: $60.00, paper $21.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Gay and lesbian aging: research and future directions "Herdt, Gilbert H.: Author| De Vries, Brian: Author" Lesbian studies| Aging New York: Springer Publishing Co. 2004 Text ISBN: 0826122345 12941 eng Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2005 (Aging)| Price: $45.95| Price: $45.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 1/30/2005 Encyclopedia of women and Islamic cultures "Joseph, Suad: Author| Najmabadi, Afsaneh: Author" Reference Boston: Brill 2003 Text ISBN: 9004132473 12942 eng Added 2005 (Reference)| Price: $249.00| Price: $249.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Ageing in a gendered world: women's issues and identities International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women: Author Aging "Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: INSTRAW" 1999 Text ISBN: 9211270545 12945 eng Added 2005 (Aging)| Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 1/30/2005 Aging mothers and their adult daughters: a study in mixed emotions "Fingerman, Karen L.: Author" Aging New York: Springer 2001 Text ISBN: 0826113796 12947 eng Added 2005 (Aging)| Price: $38.95| Price: $38.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 1/30/2005 Writing margins: the textual construction of gender in Heian and Kamakura Japan "Kawashima, Terry: Author" East Asian women "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Asia Center" 2001 Text ISBN: 0674005163 12949 eng Added 2005 (East Asian Women)| Price: $39.50| Price: $39.50 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/30/2005 "Creating socialist women in Japan: gender, labour and activism, 1900-1937" "Mackie, Vera: Author" East Asian women "Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0521551374| ISBN: 0521523257 12951 eng "Added 2005 (East Asian Women)| Price: $75.00, paper $34.99| Price: $75.00, paper $34.99" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/30/2005 Constructing opportunity: American women educators in early Meiji Japan "Eder, Elizabeth: Author" East Asian women "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc." 2003 Text ISBN: 0739106406 12952 eng Added 2005 (East Asian Women)| Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/30/2005 In changing times: gay men and lesbians encounter HIV/AIDS "Gagnon, John H.: Editor| Nardi, Peter M.: Editor| Levine, Martin P.: Editor" HIV and AIDS Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0226278565| ISBN: 0226278573 12953 eng "Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $70.00, paper $22.00| Price: $70.00, paper $22.00" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 1/30/2005 Being positive: the lives of men and women with HIV "Klitzman, Robert: Author" HIV and AIDS Chicago: Ivan R. Dee 1997 Text ISBN: 1566631645 12954 eng Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $26.00| Price: $26.00 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 1/30/2005 Women at the crossroads: a prostitute community's response to AIDS in urban Senegal "Renaud, Michelle Lewis: Author" HIV and AIDS Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach 1997 Text ISBN: 9056995308| ISBN: 9056995316 12955 eng "Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $120.00, paper $35.95| Price: $120.00, paper $35.95" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 1/30/2005 Latina lesbian writers and artists "Costa, Maria Dolores: Editor" Lesbian studies "Binghamton, New York: Harrington Park Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 1560232781| ISBN: 156023279X 12956 eng "Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 1/30/2005 Teaching and social justice: integrating multicultural and feminist theories in the classroom "Enns, Carolyn Zerbe: Editor| Sinacore, Ada L.: Editor" Feminist pedagogy "Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association" 2004 Text ISBN: 1591471672 12958 eng Added 2005 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 1/31/2005 Sexual politics in Indonesia "Wieringa, Saskia: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave/Macmillan 2002 Text ISBN: 0333987187 12960 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $115.00| Price: $115.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 "Feminist futures: re-imagining women, culture and development" "Bhavnani, Kum-Kum: Author| Foran, John: Author| Kurian, Priya A.: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Zed Books 2003 Text ISBN: 1842770284| ISBN: 1842770292 12961 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 "Taking back the streets: women, youth, and direct democracy" "Kaplan, Temma: Author" "Politics, International" "Political activity in Argentina, Chile, Spain." Berkeley: University of California Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0520226712| ISBN: 0520236491 12962 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 "The politics of inclusion and empowerment: gender, class, and citizenship" "Andersen, John: Author| Siim, Birte: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 1403932387| ISBN: 1403990018 12963 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $75.00, ebook $76.60| Price: $75.00, ebook $76.60" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 Women making constitutions: new politics and comparative perspectives "Dobrowolsky, Alexandra Z.: Author| Hart, Vivien: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Text ISBN: 1403903611 12965 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $105.00| Price: $105.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 "Gender, social inequalities, and aging" "Calasanti, Toni M.: Author| Slevin, Kathleen F.: Author" Aging "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2001 Text ISBN: 0759101868 12971 eng "Added 2005 (Aging)| Price: paper, $27.95| Price: paper, $27.95| Essential title (Aging)" "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 1/31/2005 The making of elite women: revolution and nation building in Eritrea "Müller, Tanja R.: Author" "Politics, International" Boston: Brill 2005 Text ISBN: 9004142878 12974 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $38.00| Price: $38.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 "Learning to be old: gender, culture, and aging" "Cruikshank, Margaret: Author" Aging "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 2003 Text ISBN: 0847698483| ISBN: 0847698491 12976 eng "Added 2005 (Aging)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 1/31/2005 Women as they age "Garner, J. Dianne: Author| Mercer, Susan O.: Author" Aging 2d ed New York: Haworth Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0789011255| ISBN: 0789011263 12980 eng "Added 2005 (Aging)| Price: $69.95, paper $24.95| Price: $69.95, paper $24.95| Essential title (Aging)" "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 1/31/2005 Masculine/feminine: practices of difference(s) "Richard, Nelly: Author" "Politics, International" Feminism in Chile. Durham: Duke University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0822333023| ISBN: 0822333147 12981 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $69.95, paper $19.95| Price: $69.95, paper $19.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 Women with disabilities aging well: a global view "Walsh, Patricia Noonan: Author| LeRoy, Barbara: Author" Aging| Disabilities "Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H. Brookes Pub." 2004 Text ISBN: 1557667152 12983 eng Added 2005 (Aging)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library.| Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/31/2005 "Irish women and nationalism: soldiers, new women and wicked hags" "Ryan, Louise: Author| Ward, Margaret: Author" "Politics, International" Dublin: Irish Academic Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0716527669| ISBN: 0716527677 12985 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Price: $69.50, paper $30.00| Price: $69.50, paper $30.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 1/31/2005 With all our strength: the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan "Brodsky, Anne E.: Author" "Politics, International| History, International" New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415934923| ISBN: 0415950597| ISBN: 0203500695 12986 eng "Added 2005 (Politics, International)| Added 2006 (History, International)| Price: $26.95, paper $32.95, ebook $25.00| Price: $26.95, paper $32.95, ebook $25.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 1/31/2005 Feminism and the state in modern Japan Monash Asia Institute: Author East Asian women "Clayton, Australia: Monash Asia Institute" 1995 Text ISBN: 0732606454 12988 eng Added 2005 (East Asian Women)| Price: $12.00| Price: $12.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/31/2005 "Linking visions: feminist bioethics, human rights, and the developing world" "Tong, Rosemarie: Editor| Donchin, Anne: Editor| Dodds, Susan: Editor" Health "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers" 2004 Text ISBN: 074253278X| ISBN: 0742532798 12989 eng "Added 2005 (Health)| Price: $75.00, paper $27.95| Price: $75.00, paper $27.95" "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 1/31/2005 Working with families in the era of HIV/AIDS "Pequegnat, Willo: Editor| Szapocznik, Jose: Editor" HIV and AIDS "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2000 Text ISBN: 0761922164| ISBN: 0761922172 12991 eng "Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $93.95, paper $42.95| Price: $93.95, paper $42.95" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 1/31/2005 "Women's health: readings on social, economic, and political issues" "Worcester, Nancy: Editor| Whatley, Mariamne H.: Editor" Health 4th ed "Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co" 2004 Text ISBN: 075750809x 12992 eng Added 2005 (Health)| Price: $23.95| Price: $23.95 "Krikos, Linda A.: Ohio State University. University Libraries." 1/31/2005 "Transnational America: feminisms, diasporas, neoliberalisms" "Grewal, Inderpal: Author" Transnational feminism "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2005-06 Text ISBN: 0822335328| ISBN: 0822335441 12994 eng "Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Essential title (Transnational feminism)" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 1/31/2005 Workable sisterhood: the political journey of stigmatized women with HIV/AIDS "Berger, Michele Tracy: Author" HIV and AIDS "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0691118531 12995 eng Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 1/31/2005 HIV and AIDS in Africa: beyond epidemiology "Kalipeni, Ezekiel: Editor| Craddock, Susan: Editor| Oppong, Joseph R.: Editor| Ghosh, Jayati: Editor" HIV and AIDS "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2003 Text ISBN: 0631223576 12996 eng Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $41.95| Price: $41.95 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 1/31/2005 "Made in India: decolonizations, queer sexualities, trans/national projects" "Bhaskaran, Suparna: Author" Transnational feminism New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 1403967261| ISBN: 1403960208 12997 eng "Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $75.00, paper $22.95| Price: $75.00, paper $22.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 1/31/2005 Troubling the angels: women living with HIV/AIDS "Lather, Patricia Ann: Author| Smithies, Chris: Author" HIV and AIDS "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0813390168 12998 eng Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: paper $28.00| Price: paper $28.00 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 1/31/2005 Women's experiences with HIV/AIDS: an international perspective "Long, Lynellyn D.: Author| Ankrah, E. Maxine: Author" HIV and AIDS New York: Columbia University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0231106041| ISBN: 023110605X 12999 eng "Added 2005 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: $52.00, paper $27.00| Price: $52.00, paper $27.00| Essential title (HIV and AIDS)" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Reference Services, Merill-Cazier Library." 1/31/2005 Consuming fashion: adorning the transnational body "Brydon, Anne: Editor| Niessen, Sandra: Editor" Transnational feminism New York: Berg Publishers 1998 Text ISBN: 1859739695| ISBN: 1859739695 13000 eng "Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $55.00, paper $29.95| Price: $55.00, paper $29.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 1/31/2005 "Transnational women's activism: the United States, Japan, and Japanese immigrant communities in California, 1859-1920" "Yasutake, Rumi: Author" Transnational feminism| East Asian women New York: New York University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0814797032 13001 eng Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch.| Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/31/2005 "Women, gender, and transnational lives: Italian workers of the world" "Gabaccia, Donna R.: Editor| Iacovetta, Franca: Editor" Transnational feminism Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0802084621| ISBN: 0802036112 13002 eng "Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $70.00, paper $29.95| Price: $70.00, paper $29.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 1/31/2005 "Transnational Asia Pacific: gender, culture and the public sphere" "Lim, Shirley Geok-lin: Editor" Transnational feminism Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0252068092| ISBN: 0252024923 13003 eng "Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $37.00, paper $19.00| Price: $37.00, paper $19.00" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 1/31/2005 What's love got to do with it?: transnational desires and sex tourism in the Dominican Republic "Brennan, Denise: Author" Transnational feminism "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0822332973| ISBN: 0822332590 13004 eng "Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 1/31/2005 Globalizing women: transnational feminist networks "Moghadam, Valentine M.: Author" Transnational feminism "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0801880246| ISBN: 0801880238 13006 eng "Added 2005 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $49.95, paper $18.95| Price: $49.95, paper $18.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 1/31/2005 "Rising suns, rising daughters: gender, class and power in Japan" "Liddle, Joanna: Author| Nakajima, Sachiko: Author" East Asian women London: Zed Books 2001 Text ISBN: 1856498786| ISBN: 1856498794 13009 eng "Added 2005 (East Asian Women)| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/31/2005 In other words: women directors speak "Manfull, Helen: Author" Theatre and dance "Lyme, New Hampshire: Smith and Kraus" 1999 Text ISBN: 1575251027 13010 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Something in the way she moves: dancing women from Salome to Madonna "Buonaventura, Wendy: Author" Theatre and dance "Cambridge, Massachusetts: DaCapo Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0306813483 13011 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $26.00| Price: paper $26.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Latin American women on/in stages "Milleret, Margo: Author" Theatre and dance Albany: State University of New York Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0791462218 13012 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Holy terrors: Latin American women perform "Taylor, Diana: Editor| Costantino, Roselyn: Editor" Theatre and dance "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0822332272| ISBN: 082233240X 13014 eng "Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "Better a shrew than a sheep: women, drama, and the culture of jest in early modern England" "Pamela Allen, Brown: Author" Theatre and dance "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0801440246| ISBN: 0801488362 13016 eng "Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $49.95, paper $11.49| Price: $49.95, paper $11.49" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Games and play in the theater of Spanish American women "Larson, Catherine: Author" Theatre and dance "Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0838755690 13017 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $45.00| Price: paper $45.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "Mary Magdalene and the drama of saints: theater, gender, and religion in late medieval England" "Coletti, Theresa: Author" Theatre and dance Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0812238001 13018 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "Performing marginality: humor, gender, and cultural critique" "Gilbert, Joanne R.: Author" Theatre and dance Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0814328032 13019 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Gender and realism in plays and performances by women "Hurley, Leslie Crawford: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Peter Lang 2003 Text ISBN: 0820445975 13021 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "Reclaiming class: women, poverty, and the promise of higher education in America" "Adair, Vivyan C.: Editor| Dahlberg, Sandra L.: Editor" Education Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1592130216| ISBN: 1592130224 13022 eng "Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $74.50, paper $26.95| Price: $74.50, paper $26.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 Medea's daughters: forming and performing the woman who kills "Jones, Jennifer" Theatre and dance Columbus: Ohio State University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 081420936X| ISBN: 0814251145 13023 eng "Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $48.95, paper $23.95, ebook $9.95| Price: $48.95, paper $23.95, ebook $9.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Sistahs in college: making a way out of no way "Johnson-Bailey, Juanita: Author" Education "Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing" 2001 Text ISBN: 1575240742 13024 eng Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $23.00| Price: $23.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 Women and disability: the double handicap "Deegan, M.J.: Editor| Brooks, N. A.: Editor" Disabilities "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books" 1984 Text ISBN: 0887380174 13025 eng Added 2005 (Disabilities)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/31/2005 Voices made flesh: performing women's autobiography "Miller, Lynn C.: Editor| Taylor, Jacqueline: Editor| Carver, M. Heather: Editor" Theatre and dance Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0299184242 13026 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "Women in British romantic theatre: drama, performance, and society, 1790-1840" "Burroughs, Catherine B.: Author" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0521662249| ISBN: 0521032431 13029 eng "Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $90.00, paper $37.99| Price: $90.00, paper $37.99" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "Contradictions in women's education: traditionalism, careerism, and community at a single-sex college" "Bank, Barbara J.: Author| Yelon, Harriet M.: Author" Education New York: Teachers College Press 2003 Text ISBN: 080774364X| ISBN: 0807743631 13030 eng "Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $60.00, paper $27.95 | Price: $60.00, paper $27.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 Women and playwriting in nineteenth-century Britain "Davis, Tracy C.: Editor| Donkin, Ellen: Editor" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0521659825 13031 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $32.99| Price: paper $32.99 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Separate by degree: women students' experiences in single-sex and coeducational colleges "Miller-Bernal, Leslie: Author" Education "History of schools and schooling, vol. 9" New York: Peter Lang 2000 Text ISBN: 082044412X 13032 eng Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $29.95 | Price: $29.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 The Cambridge companion to modern British women playwrights "Aston, Elaine: Editor| Reinelt, Janelle: Editor" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0521594227| ISBN: 0521595339 13033 eng "Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $75.00, paper $27.99| Price: $75.00, paper $27.99| Essential title (Theatre and dance)" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Identity and difference in higher education: 'outsiders within' "Anderson, Pauline: Author| Williams, Jenny: Author" Education "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2001 Text ISBN: 0754611582 13034 eng Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $109.95| Price: $109.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 Contemporary Black and Asian women playwrights in Britain "Griffin, Gabriele: Author" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0521817250 13035 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 Without a net: the female experience of growing up working class "Tea, Michelle: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 1580051030 13036 eng Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 1/31/2005 "Feminist views on the English stage: women playwrights, 1990-2000" "Aston, Elaine: Author" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 052180003X 13038 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "Women, modernism, and performance" "Farfan, Penny: Author" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0521837804 13039 eng Added 2005 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 1/31/2005 "All about the girl: culture, power, and identity" "Harris, Anita: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415946999| ISBN: 0415947006 13040 eng "Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $85.00, paper $23.95| Price: $85.00, paper $23.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 1/31/2005 "Young femininity: girlhood, power and social change" "Aapola, Sinikka: Author| Gonick, Marnina: Author| Harris, Anita: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 0333965116| ISBN: 0333965124 13041 eng "Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $79.95, paper $26.95| Price: $79.95, paper $26.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 1/31/2005 "Female gladiators: gender, law, and contact sport in America" "Fields, Sarah K.: Author" Sports Champaign: University of Illinois Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0252029585 13042 eng Added 2005 (Sports)| Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 1/31/2005 "Some wore bobby sox: the emergence of teenage girls' culture, 1920-1945" "Schrum, Kelly: Author" Girls and girlhood| Popular culture New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004| 2006 Text ISBN: 140396176X| ISBN: 1403973970 13043 eng "Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 1/31/2005 Under her skin: how girls experience race in America "Makhijani, Pooja: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 1580051170 13044 eng Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 1/31/2005 "Gender, teaching, and research in higher education: challenges for the 21st century" "Howie, Gillian: Author| Tauchert, Ashley: Author" Education "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2002 Text ISBN: 0754614786 13046 eng Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 "Jewish girls coming of age in America, 1860-1920" "Klapper, Melissa R.: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: New York University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0814747809 13047 eng Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 1/31/2005 Shut out: low income mothers and higher education in post-welfare America "Polakow, Valerie: Editor| Butler, Sandra S.: Editor| Deprez, Luisa Stormer: Editor" Education Albany: State University of New York Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0791461254| ISBN: 0791461262 13048 eng "Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $75.50, paper $24.95| Price: $75.50, paper $24.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 Women in the barracks: the VMI case and equal rights "Strum, Philippa: Author" Education Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2002 Text ISBN: 0700611649| ISBN: 0700613366 13049 eng "Added 2005 (Education)| Price: $34.95, paper $19.95| Price: $34.95, paper $19.95| Essential title (Education)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 1/31/2005 White girl: a story of school desegregation "Silverstein, Clara: Author" Girls and girlhood Athens: University of Georgia Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0820326623 13050 eng Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $22.95| Price: $22.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 1/31/2005 "Women with disabilities: essays in psychology, policy, and politics" "Fine, Michelle: Editor| Asch, Adrienne: Editor" Disabilities Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0877226695 13051 eng Added 2005 (Disabilities)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 1/31/2005 Rattlesnake Mesa: stories from a native American childhood "Weber, EdNah New Rider: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Lee and Low Books 2004 Text ISBN: 1584302313 13052 eng Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $18.95| Price: $18.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/1/2005 "Mystics, mavericks, and merrymakers: an intimate journey among hasidic girls" "Levine, Stephanie Wellen: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: New York University Press 2003| 2004 Text ISBN: 081475192X| ISBN: 0814751970 13054 eng "Added 2005 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $55.00, paper $17.95| Price: $55.00, paper $17.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/1/2005 Women and media in the Middle East: power through self-expression "Sakr, Naomi: Editor" Mass media| Middle Eastern women London: I.B. Tauris 2004 Text ISBN: 1850434859| ISBN: 1850435456 13055 eng "Added 2005 (Mass media)| Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $69.50, paper $27.50| Price: $69.50, paper $27.50" "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch.| Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/1/2005 "Gender and candidate communication: videoStyle, webStyle, newsStyle" "Bystrom, Diane G.: Author" Mass media New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415946824| ISBN: 0415946832 13056 eng "Added 2005 (Mass media)| Price: $80.00, paper $29.93| Price: $80.00, paper $29.93" "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 2/1/2005 Critical readings: media and gender "Carter, Cynthia: Author| Steiner, Linda: Author" Mass media Maidenhead: Open University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 033521097X 13057 eng Added 2005 (Mass media)| Price: paper $39.95| Price: paper $39.95 "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch. | Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/1/2005 Mixed media: feminist presses and publishing politics "Murray, Simone: Author" Mass media London: Pluto Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0745320163| ISBN: 0745320155 13059 eng "Added 2005 (Mass media)| Price: $85.00, paper $26.95| Price: $85.00, paper $26.95| Essential title (Mass media)" "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 2/1/2005 "Governing child sexual abuse: negotiating the boundaries of public and private, law and science" "Ashenden, Samantha: Author" Sexual abuse London: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415158931| ISBN: 041515894X 13061 eng "Added 2005 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $145.00, paper $46.95| Price: $145.00, paper $46.95| Essential title (Sexual abuse)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/1/2005 Unequal freedom: how race and gender shaped American citizenship and labor "Glenn, Evelyn Nakano: Author" Labor "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0674007328| ISBN: 0674013727 13064 eng "Added 2005 (Labor)| Price: $55.00, paper $20.50| Price: $55.00, paper $20.50" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/1/2005 Perspectives on female sex offending: a culture of denial "Denov, Myriam S.: Author" Sexual abuse "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2004 Text ISBN: 0754635651 13065 eng Added 2005 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/1/2005 Women and workplace discrimination: overcoming barriers to gender equality "Gregory, Raymond F.: Author" Labor "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0813531365| ISBN: 0813531373 13066 eng "Added 2005 (Labor)| Price: $59.00, paper $23.95| Price: $59.00, paper $23.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/1/2005 The other women's movement: workplace justice and social rights in modern America "Cobble, Dorothy Sue: Author" Labor "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0691123683 13067 eng Added 2005 (Labor)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/1/2005 Rosie's mom: forgotten women workers of the First World War "Brown, Carrie: Author" Labor Boston: Northeastern University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1555535356 13069 eng Added 2005 (Labor)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00| Essential title (Labor) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/1/2005 Assessment of partner violence: a handbook for researchers and practitioners "Rathus, Jill H.: Author| Feindler, Eva L.: Author" Sexual abuse "Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association" 2004 Text ISBN: 1591470056 13070 eng Added 2005 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95| Essential title (Sexual abuse) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/1/2005 Dangerous families: queer writing on surviving "Sycamore, Matt Bernstein: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Harrington Park Press 2004 Text ISBN: 1560234210| ISBN: 1560234229 13071 eng "Added 2005 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $34.95, paper $17.95| Price: $34.95, paper $17.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/1/2005 Sexualized violence against women and children: a psychology and law perspective "Cling, B.J.: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Guildford Press 2004 Text ISBN: 1593850611 13072 eng Added 2005 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00| Essential title (Sexual abuse) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/1/2005 Women's mental health in primary care "Zerbe, Kathryn J.: Author" Mental health and psychology Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders 1999 Text ISBN: 0721672396 13074 eng Added 2005 (Mental Health)| Price: paper $39.00| Price: paper $39.00 "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 2/1/2005 "Equal rites, unequal outcomes: women in American research universities" "Hornig, Lilli S.: Editor" Science New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003 Text ISBN: 0306473518 13075 eng Added 2005 (Science)| Price: paper $42.50| Price: paper $42.50 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/1/2005 Women and science: social impact and interaction "Scheffield, Suzanne: Author" Science "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2004 Text ISBN: 1851094601 13076 eng Added 2005 (Science)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Miller, Jeannie P.: Texas A and M University. Library Annex." 2/1/2005 "The changing of the guard: lesbian and gay elders, identity and social change" "Rosenfield, Dana: Author" Lesbian studies Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1592130305| ISBN: 1592130313 13081 eng "Added 2005 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $59.50, paper $18.95| Price: $59.50, paper $18.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/2/2005 "Race, gender, and leadership: re-envisioning organizational leadership from the perspectives of African American women executives" "Parker, Patricia Sue: Author" Management "Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum" 2004 Text ISBN: 080584919X| ISBN: 1410611256 13089 eng "Added 2006 (Management)| Price: $49.95, ebook $59.95| Price: $49.95, ebook $59.95" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/23/2006 Her place at the table: a woman's guide to negotiating five key challenges to leadership success "Kolb, Deborah M.: Author| Williams, Judith: Author| Frohlinger, Carol: Author" Management San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2004 Text ISBN: 0787972142 13090 eng Added 2006 (Management)| Price: $27.95| Price: $27.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/23/2006 Supporting women's career and advancement challenges and opportunities "Burke, Ronald J.: Author| Mattis, Mary C.: Author" Management "Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar" 2005 Text ISBN: 1843766337| ISBN: 1845423453 13091 eng "Added 2006 (Management)| Price: $125.00, ebook $125.00| Price: $125.00, ebook $125.00" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library" 1/23/2006 "Dancing on the glass ceiling : women, leadership, and technology" "Olcott, Don: Author| Hardy, Darcy W.: Author" Management "Madison, Wisconsin: Atwood Pub." 2005 Text ISBN: 1891859595 13092 eng Added 2006 (Management)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library." 1/23/2006 International handbook of women and small business entrepreneurship "Fielden, Sandra L.: Editor| Davidson, Marilyn: Editor" Management "Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar" 2005 Text ISBN: 1843760126| ISBN: 1845425588 13093 eng "Added 2006 (Management)| Price: $165.00, ebook $165.00| Price: $165.00, ebook $165.00" "Mohler, Elizabeth: Wichita State University. Ablah Library" 1/23/2006 Critical perspectives in rural gender issues "Little, Jo: Editor| Morris, Carol: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754635171 13094 eng "Added 2006 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Women in agriculture in the Middle East "Motzafi-Haller, Pnina: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754619206 13095 eng "Added 2006 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 "Women of the Northern Plains: gender and settlement on the homestead frontier, 1870-1930" "Handy-Marchello, Barbara: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0873515218 13096 eng "Added 2006 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $32.95| Price: $32.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Power and gender in European rural development "Goverde, Henri: Editor| De Haan, Henk: Editor| Baylina, Mireia: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Burlington, Vermont : Ashgate" 2004 Text ISBN: 0754640205 13097 eng "Added 2006 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $94.95| Price: $94.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Opposing currents: the politics of water and gender in Latin America "Bennett, Vivienne: Editor: Davila-Poblete, Sonia: Editor| Nieves Rico, Maria: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0822958546 13098 eng "Added 2006 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Sister societies: women's antislavery organizations in antebellum America "Salerno, Beth A.: Author" "History, U.S." DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0875803385 13099 eng "Added 2006 (History, U.S.)| Price: $38.00| Price: $38.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 1/23/2006 Gender and land reform: the Zimbabwe experience "Goebel, Allison: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Montreal, Quebec: McGill-Queen's University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0773528423 | ISBN: 0773529071 13100 eng "Added 2006 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: Not given, paper $22.95| Price: Not given, paper $22.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Women and patriotism in Jim Crow America "Morgan, Francesca: Author" Transnational feminism Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0807829684| ISBN: 0807856304 13101 "Added 2006 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $59.95, paper $21.95| Price: $59.95, paper $21.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 1/23/2006 Their right to speak: women's activism in the Indian and slave debates "Portnoy, Alisse: Author" "History, U.S." "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0674019229 13102 eng "Added 2006 (History, U.S.)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 1/23/2006 Restoring women's history through historic preservation "Dubrow, Gail Lee: Editor| Goodman, Jennifer: Editor" "History, U.S." "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0801870526 13103 eng "Added 2006 (History, U.S.)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 1/23/2006 The Columbia Documentary History of American Women since 1941 "Sigerman, Harriet: Editor" "History, U.S." New York: Columbia University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0231116985 13104 eng "Added 2006 (History, U.S.)| Price: $83.00| Price: $83.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 1/23/2006 The Aunt Lute anthology of U.S. women writers "Hogeland, Lisa Maria: Editor| Klages, Mary: Editor" "Literature, U.S." vol. 1 (17th through 19th centuries) San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books 2004 Text ISBN: 1879960680 13106 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $45.00| Price: paper $45.00| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/29/2006 Breaking the rule of cool: interviewing and reading women beat writers "Grace, Nancy McCampbell: Author | Johnson, Ronna: Author" "Literature, U.S." Jackson: University Press of Mississippi 2004 Text ISBN: 1578066530| ISBN: 1578066549 13111 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $48.00, paper $20.00| Price: $48.00, paper $20.00" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 1/29/2006 Women at the center: life in a modern matriarchy "Sanday, Peggy R.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0801440041| ISBN: 0801489067 13112 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $38.95, paper $19.95| Price: $38.95, paper $19.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/30/2006 Ambiguous images: gender and rock art "Hays-Gilpin, Kelley: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0759100640 | ISBN: 0759100659 13113 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/30/2006 "Reading Benedict/reading Mead: feminism, race, and imperial visions" "Janiewski, Dolores E.: Author| Banner, Lois W.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0801879744| ISBN: 0801879752 13114 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/30/2006 Gender's place: feminist anthropologies of Latin America "Montoya, Rosario: Editor| Frazier, Lessie Jo: Editor| Hurtig, Janise: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Text ISBN: 1403960399| ISBN: 1403960402 13116 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $89.95, paper $29.95| Price: $89.95, paper $29.95| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology)" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 1/30/2006 "Revisionary rhetoric, feminist pedagogy, and multigenre texts" "Jung, Julie: Author" Feminist pedagogy Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0809326108 13117 eng Added 2006 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: paper $28.50| Price: paper $28.50 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 1/31/2006 Sista talk: the personal and the pedagogical "Brock, Rochelle: Author" Feminist pedagogy New York: Peter Lang 2005 Text ISBN: 0820449539 13118 eng Added 2006 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 1/31/2006 Why are we reading Ovid's handbook on rape?: teaching and learning at a women's college "Kahn, Madeleine: Author" Feminist pedagogy "Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Publishers" 2005 Text ISBN: 1594511020| ISBN: 1594511039 13119 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist pedagogy)| Price: $72.00, paper $28.95| Price: $72.00, paper $28.95" "Robb, Amy: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 1/31/2006 "Grains from grass: aging, gender, and famine in rural Africa" "Cliggett, Lisa: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0801443660 | ISBN: 0801472830 13120 eng "Added 2006 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $54.95, paper $19.95| Price: $54.95, paper $19.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Bananeras: women transforming the banana unions of Latin America "Frank, Dana: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0896087565| ISBN: 0896087557 13121 eng "Added 2006 (Agricultural [Development], International)| Price: $40.00, paper $12.00| Price: $40.00, paper $12.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 1/30/2004 Women in archaeology "Claassen, Cheryl: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0812215095 13124 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 Women in prehistory: North America and Mesoamerica "Claassen, Cheryl: Editor| Joyce, Rosemary: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1994 Text ISBN: 0812216024 13125 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 Feminist anthropology: a reader "Lewin, Ellen: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell" 2006 Text ISBN: 14058101954| ISBN: 1405101962 13126 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $94.95, paper $46.95| Price: $94.95, paper $46.95| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology)" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 Writing women's worlds: Bedouin stories "Abu-Lughod, Lila: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Berkeley: University of California Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0520083040 13127 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 Gender and archaeology: contesting the past "Gilchrist, Roberta: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1999 Text ISBN: 0415215994| ISBN: 0415216001 13128 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $115.00, paper $34.95| Price: $115.00, paper $34.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 What this awl means: feminist archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota village "Spector, Janet: Author" Anthropology and archaeology St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press 1993 Text ISBN: 0873512782 13129 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 Excavating women: a history of women in European archaeology "Díaz-Andreu García, Margarita: Editor| Sørensen, Marie Louise Stig: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1998 Text ISBN: 0415157609 13131 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $135.00| Price: $135.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 Neither man nor woman: the hijras of India "Nanda, Serena: Author" Anthropology and archaeology 2d ed "Belmont, California: Wadsworth" 1999 Text ISBN: 0534509037 13132 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $33.95| Price: paper $33.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 "Home truths: gender, domestic objects and everyday life" "Pink, Sarah: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Berg 2004 Text ISBN: 1859736866| ISBN: 1859736912 13133 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $85.00, paper $25.95| Price: $85.00, paper $25.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society "Abu-Lughod, Lila: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Updated 2d ed Berkeley: University of California Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0520224736 13134 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library" 2/2/2006 "Nisa, the life and words of a !Kung woman" "Shostak, Marjorie: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 1981| 2000 Text ISBN: 0674624858| ISBN: 0674004329 13136 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $28.00, paper $19.95| Price: $28.00, paper $19.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 "Relocating gender in Sikh history: transformation, meaning and identity" "Jakobsh, Doris R.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Oxford University Press 2003| 2005 Text ISBN: 0195663152| ISBN: 0195679199 13137 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Return to Nisa "Shostak, Marjorie: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2000| 2002 Text ISBN: 0674003233| ISBN: 0674008294 13139 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $27.50, paper $18.95| Price: $27.50, paper $18.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Gender in cross-cultural perspective "Brettell, Caroline: Author| Sargent, Carolyn Fishel: Author" Anthropology and archaeology 4th ed "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall" 2005 Text ISBN: 0131849719 13140 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $57.20| Price: paper $57.20| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology) "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 After kinship "Carsten, Janet: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Cambridge University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0521661986| ISBN: 0521665701 13141 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.99| Price: $70.00, paper $24.99" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Women of color and the reproductive rights movement "Nelson, Jennifer: Author" Women of color| Feminist movements in the United States| Sociology New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0814758215| ISBN: 0814758274| ISBN: 1417568666 13143 eng "Added 2006 (Women of color)| Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.00, ebook $60.00| Price: $55.00, paper $21.00, ebook $60.00" "Redfern, Bernice. San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library| Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library.| Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/2/2006 "Intertwined lives: Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, and their circle" "Banner, Lois W.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Vintage Books 2004 Text ISBN: 0679776125| ISBN: 13144 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Empowering women of color "Gutierrez, Lorraine M.: Author| Lewis, Edith Anne: Author" Women of color New York: Columbia University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 0231101163| ISBN: 0231101171 13145 "Added 2006 (Women of color)| Price: $72.00, paper $29.00| Price: $72.00, paper $29.00" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Martin Luther King Jr. Library" 2/2/2006 From oppression to grace: women of color and their dilemmas within the academy "Mizelle, Nathalie: Author| Beery, Theodorea R.: Author" Women of color "Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing" 2005 Text ISBN: 1579221106| ISBN: 1579221114 13146 "Added 2006 (Women of color)| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State Unversity. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library" 2/2/2006 "Peruvian street lives: culture, power, and economy among market women of Cuzco" "Seligmann, Linda J.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0252029011| ISBN: 0252071670 13147 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $45.00, paper $20.00| Price: $45.00, paper $20.00" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Calling in the soul: gender and the cycle of life in a Hmong village "Symonds, Patricia V.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Seattle: University of Washington Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0295983396 | ISBN: 13148 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology) "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Kinship & gender: an introduction "Stone, Linda: Author" Anthropology and archaeology 3d ed "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 081334302X 13149 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $29.00| Price: paper $29.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Chopsticks only work in pairs: gender unity and gender equality among the Lahu of southwest China "Du, Shanshan: Author" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Columbia University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0231119569 | ISBN: 0231119577 13150 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $74.50, paper $28.50| Price: $74.50, paper $28.50" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Gendered modernities: ethnographic perspectives "Hodgson, Dorothy Louise: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Palgrave 2001 Text ISBN: 0312238789| ISBN: 0312240139 13151 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $97.94, paper $26.95| Price: $97.94, paper $26.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Gender rituals: female initiation in Melanesia "Lutkehaus, Nancy.: Editor| Roscoe, Paul Bernard: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology New York: Routledge 1995 Text ISBN: 0415911079 13152 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $32.95| Price: paper $32.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Beyond the second sex: new directions in the anthropology of gender "Sanday, Peggy Reeves.: Editor| Goodenough, Ruth Gallagher: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0812213033| ISBN: 13153 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $22.50| Price: paper $22.50 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 The female circumcision controversy: an anthropological perspective "Gruenbaum, Ellen: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0812217462 13154 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $26.50| Price: paper $26.50 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Beyond the frame: women of color and visual representation "Davis, Angela Y.: Editor| Tadier, Neferti X.M.: Editor" Women of color New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403965331 13155 eng Added 2006 (Women of color)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library" 2/3/2006 Knowing what we know: African American women's experience of violence and violation "Garfield, Gail: Author" Women of color "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813536596| ISBN: 081353660x 13156 "Added 2006 (Women of color)| Price: $62.00, paper $22.95| Price: $62.00, paper $22.95| Essential title (Women of color)" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library." 2/3/2006 Wonder women: feminisms and superheroes "Robinson, Lillian S.: Author" Popular culture New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415966310| ISBN: 0415966329 13160 eng "Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $95.00, paper $21.95| Price: $95.00, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/5/2006 Women and the media: diverse perspectives "Carilli, Theresa: Editor| Campbell, Jane: Editor" Popular culture| Mass media "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 2005 Text ISBN: 0761830405 13161 eng Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: paper $39.95| Price: paper $39.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library. | Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/5/2006 Watching daytime soap operas: the power of pleasure "Spence, Louise: Author" Popular culture "Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0819567647| ISBN: 0819567655 13162 eng "Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $60.00, paper $22.95| Price: $60.00, paper $22.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/5/2006 Television after TV: essays on a medium in transition "Spigel, Lynn: Editor| Olsson, Jan: Editor" Popular culture Durham: Duke University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 082233383X| ISBN: 0822333937 13165 eng "Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/5/2006 Venus in the dark: blackness and beauty in popular culture "Hobson, Janell: Author" Popular culture New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415974011 | ISBN: 041597402X 13166 eng "Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $95.00, paper $24.95| Price: $95.00, paper $24.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/5/2006 Loca motion: the travels of Chicana and Latina popular culture "Habell-Pall'an, Michelle: Author" Popular culture New York: New York University 2005 Text ISBN: 0814736629| ISBN: 0814736637 13168 eng "Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/5/2006 "Mediating the family: gender, culture and representation" "Tincknell, Estella: Author" Popular culture London: Hodder Arnold 2005 Text ISBN: 0340740809 13169 eng Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: paper $35.00| Price: paper $35.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/5/2006 "Visual habits: nuns, feminism, and American postwar popular culture" "Sullivan, Rebecca: Author" Popular culture Buffalo: University of Toronto Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0802037763| ISBN: 0802039359 13170 eng "Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/5/2006 Nuclear summer: the clash of communities at the Seneca women's peace encapment "Kransniewicz, Louise: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Cornell University Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0801499380 13171 eng Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95 "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library" 2/5/2006 From abortion to reproductive freedom: transforming a movement "Fried, Marlene G.: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States Boston: South End Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0896083888| ISBN: 089608387X 13172 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $35.00, paper $18.00| Price: $35.00, paper $18.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/5/2006 Undivided rights: women of color organizing for reproductive justice "Sillimen, Jael: Author" Feminist movements in the United States| Women of color "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0896087301| ISBN: 0896087298 13175 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Added 2007 (Women of color)| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Essential title (Feminist movements in the United States)" "Barnes, Sherri: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/5/2006 Feminist organizations: harvest of the new women's movement "Feree, Myra M: Editor| Patricia Y Martin: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 1566392292 13176 eng Added 2006 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/5/2006 "Women, gender and work: what is equality and how do we get there?" "Loutfi, Martha Fetherolf: Editor" Labor Geneva: International Labour Office 2001 Text ISBN: 9221113868 13177 eng Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/6/2006 United apart: gender and the rise of craft unionism "DeVault, Ileen A.: Author" Labor "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0801427681| ISBN: 0801489261 13178 eng "Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: $55.00, paper $20.95| Price: $55.00, paper $20.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/6/2006 Women at work: an economic perspective "Boeri, Tito: Editor| Del Boca, Daniela: Editor| Pissarides, Christopher: Editor" Labor New York: Oxford University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0199281874| ISBN: 0199281882 13179 eng "Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: $99.00, paper $45.00| Price: $99.00, paper $45.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/6/2006 Suburban sweatshops: the fight for immigrant rights "Gordon, Jennifer: Author" Labor "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 067401524X| ISBN: 0674024044 13181 eng "Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: $27.95, paper $16.95| Price: $27.95, paper $16.95| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/6/2006 Tales from the boom-boom room: women vs. Wall Street "Antilla, Susan: Author" Labor "Princeton, New Jersey: Bloomberg Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 1576600785 13183 eng Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: $26.95| Price: $26.95| Essential title (Labor) "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/6/2006 Selling women short: the landmark battle for workers' rights at Wal-Mart "Featherstone, Liza: Author" Labor New York: Basic Books 2004 Text ISBN: 0465023150| ISBN: 0465023169 13184 eng "Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: $25.00, paper $14.95| Price: $25.00, paper $14.95| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/6/2006 Women in politics: outsiders or insiders "Whitaker, Lois Duke: Author" "Politics, U.S." 4th ed "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 2005 Text ISBN: 0131345044 13185 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $66.20| Price: paper $66.20" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/6/2006 Beautiful necessity: the art and meaning of women's altars "Turner, Kay: Author" Spirituality New York: Thames & Hudson 1999 Text ISBN: 0500281505 13186 eng Added 2006 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/6/2006 Dance of the spirit: the seven stages of women's spirituality "Harris, Maria: Author" Spirituality New York: Bantam 1991 Text ISBN: 0553353063 13187 eng Added 2006 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/6/2006 Goddesses and the divine feminine: a Western religious history "Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Author" Ecofeminism| Spirituality Berkeley: University of California Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0520231465| ISBN: 0520250052 13188 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Added 2006 (Spirituality)| Price: $27.50, paper $16.95| Price: $27.50, paper $16.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library.| Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/6/2006 The Haraway reader "Haraway, Donna Jeanne: Author" Science| Ecofeminism New York: Routledge 2003 Text ISBN: 0415966884| ISBN: 0415966892 13189 eng "Added 2006 (Science)| Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $105, paper $28.95| Price: $105, paper $28.95| Essential title (Science)" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library.| Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/7/2006 Beyond epistemology: a pragmatist approach to feminist science studies "Clough, Sharyn: Author" Science "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers" 2003 Text ISBN: 0742514641| ISBN: 074251465X 13191 eng "Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/7/2006 "Discovering reality: feminist perspectives on epistemology, metaphysics, methodology, and philosophy of science" "Harding, Sandra G.: Editor| Hintikka, Merrill B.: Editor" Science 2d ed New York: Kluwer Academic 2003 Text ISBN: 1402013191 13193 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95| Essential title (Science) "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/7/2006 Philosophies of science/feminist theories "Duran, Jane: Author" Science "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0813333253 13194 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $33.00| Price: paper $33.00 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/7/2006 Myths of gender: biological theories about women and men "Fausto-Sterling, Anne: Author" Science 2d ed New York: BasicBooks 1992 Text ISBN: 0465047920 13195 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/7/2006 "An ethics of becoming: configurations of feminine subjectivity in Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, and George Eliot" "Cho, Sonjeong: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415975379 13196 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 The Victorian woman question in contemporary feminist fiction "King, Jeannette: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403917272 13197 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 The new woman and the empire "Jusova, Iveta: Author" "Literature, British" Columbus: Ohio State University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0814210058 13198 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: paper $39.95| Price: paper $39.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "British women writers and race, 1788-1818: narrations of modernity" "Wright, Eamon: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403945497 13199 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "The language of the eyes: science, sexuality, and female vision in English literature and culture, 1670-1927" "Ogden, Daryl: Author" "Literature, British" New York: State University of New York Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0791464997| ISBN: 0791465004 13200 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95| Price: $75.00, paper $24.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 Women's writing in English: early modern England "Demers, Patricia: Author" "Literature, British" Toronto: Toronto University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0802087108| ISBN: 0802086640 13201 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $65.00, paper $32.95| Price: $65.00, paper $32.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "Women in the seventeenth-century Quaker community: a literary study of political identities, 1650-1700" "Gill, Cathie: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754639851 13202 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $94.95| Price: $94.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 Two Irelands: literary feminisms north and south "Pelan, Rebecca: Author" "Literature, British" "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 081563059X 13203 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 Rhetorical women: roles and representations "Miller, Hildy: Editor| Bridwell-Bowles, Lillian: Editor" "Literature, British| Literature, U.S." Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press 2005 Text ISBN: 081731458X| ISBN: 0817351833 13204 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Added 2007 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $60.00, paper $25.00| Price: $60.00, paper $25.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library.| Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/8/2006 The professionalization of women writers in eighteenth-century Britain "Schellenberg, Betty A.: Author" "Literature, British" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0521850606 13205 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "Writing diaspora: South Asian women, culture, and ethnicity" "Hussain, Yasmin: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754641139 13206 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "Women, reading, and the cultural politics of early modern England" "Snook, Edith: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754652564 13207 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 British women writers and the French Revolution "Craciun, Adriana: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403902356 13208 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "British women's writing in the long eighteenth century: authorship, politics and history" "Batchelor, Jennie: Editor| Kaplan, Cora: Editor" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 140394931X 13209 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "Boys in khaki, girls in print: women's literary responses to the Great War, 1914-1918" "Potter, Jane: Author" "Literature, British" Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0199279861 13210 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $99.00| Price: $99.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 "First-person anonymous: women writers and Victorian print media, 1830-70" "Easley, Alexis: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2004 Text ISBN: 0754630560 13211 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/8/2006 Sexing the body : gender politics and the construction of sexuality "Fausto-Sterling, Anne: Author" Science New York : Basic Books 2000 Text ISBN: 0465077145 13214 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $21.00| Price: paper $21.00 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library" 2/9/2006 "Feminism in twentieth-century science, technology, and medicine" "Creager, Angela N. H.: Editor| Lunbeck, Elizabeth.: Editor| Schiebinger, Londa L: Editor" Science Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0226120236| ISBN: 0226120244 13215 eng "Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $75.00, paper $23.00| Price: $75.00, paper $23.00" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 Feminist interventions in ethics and politics: feminist ethics and social theory "Andrew, Barbara S.: Editor| Keller, Jean: Editor| Schwartzman, Lisa H.: Editor" Ecofeminism| Feminist theory Series: Feminist constructions. "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield" 2005 Text ISBN: 0742542688| ISBN: 0742542696 13216 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $82.50, paper $29.95| Price: $82.50, paper $29.95| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library.| Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/9/2006 Feminist theory: a philosophical anthology "Cudd, Ann E.: Author| Andreasen, Robin O.: Author" Feminist theory Oxford: Blackwell 2005 Text ISBN: 1405116609 | ISBN: 1405116617 13218 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $94.95, paper $39.95| Price: $94.95, paper $39.95| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/9/2006 Pinay power peminist critical theory: theorizing the Filipina American experience "De Jesus, Melinda L.: Author" Feminist theory New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415949823| ISBN: 0415949831 13219 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $95.00, paper $27.95| Price: $95.00, paper $27.95| Essential title (Feminist theory)" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/9/2006 Theorizing feminisms: a reader "Hackett, Elizabeth: Author| Haslanger, Sally Anne: Author" Feminist theory New York: Oxford University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0195150090 13220 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $49.95| Price: paper $49.95| Essential title (Feminist theory) "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/9/2006 Gender inequality: feminist theories and politics "Lorber, Judith: Author" Feminist theory 3d ed Los Angeles: Roxbury Pub. 2005 Text ISBN: 1931719527 13221 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $39.95| Price: paper $39.95 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/9/2006 Love and politics: women politicians and the ethics of care "Mackay, Fiona: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Continuum 2001 Text ISBN: 0826447821| ISBN: 082644783X 13222 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $120, paper $60.00| Price: $120, paper $60.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/9/2006 Feminist science studies: a new generation "Mayberry, Maralee: Editor| Subramaniam, Banu: Editor| Weasel, Lisa H.: Editor" Science New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415926955| ISBN: 0415926963 13223 eng "Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $95.99, paper $27.95| Price: $95.99, paper $27.95" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 The gender and science reader "Lederman, Muriel: Editor| Bartsch, Ingrid: Editor" Science New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415213576| ISBN: 0415213584 13224 eng "Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95| Price: $124.95, paper $36.95" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 "Sex, gender, and science" "Hird, Myra J.: Author" Science New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2004 Text ISBN: 1403921768| ISBN: 1403921776 13225 eng "Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $95.00, paper $31.95| Price: $95.00, paper $31.95" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 "Secrets of life, secrets of death: essays on language, gender, and science" "Keller, Evelyn Fox: Author" Science New York: Routledge 1992 Text ISBN: 0415905257 13226 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $28.95| Price: paper $28.95 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 A feeling for the organism: the life and work of Barbara McClintock "Keller, Evelyn Fox: Author" Science 10th anniversary ed New York: Henry Holt & Company 1984 Text ISBN: 0805074589 13227 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 The gender of science "Kourany, Janet A.: Author" Science "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 2002 Text ISBN: 0133479722 13228 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $52.40| Price: paper $52.40 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 "Men, women, and the birthing of modern science" "Zinsser, Judith P.: Editor" Science DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0875803407 13229 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $38.00| Price: $38.00 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/9/2006 "The death of nature: women, ecology, and the scientific revolution" "Merchant, Carolyn: Author" Science| Ecofeminism Reprint New York: Harper & Row "1989, 1990" Text ISBN: 0062505955 13230 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95| Essential title (Science)| Essential title (Ecofeminism) "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library.| Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/9/2006 Women scientists in America: struggles and strategies to 1940 "Rossiter, Margaret W.: Author" Science "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1984 Text ISBN: 0801825091 13231 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $21.95| Price: paper $21.95| Essential title (Science) "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/10/2006 Women's work: gender equality vs. hierarchy in the life sciences "Smith-Doerr, Laurel: Author" Science "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2004 Text ISBN: 1588262642 13232 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $49.95| Price: $49.95 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/10/2006 Women in science: career processes and outcomes "Xie, Yu: Author| Shauman, Kimberlee A.,: Author" Science 1st Harvard University Press paperback ed "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0674018591 13233 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/10/2006 "Liberating economics: feminist perspectives on families, work, and globalization" "Barker, Drucilla K.: Author| Feiner, Susan F.: Author" Labor Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0472098438| ISBN: 0472068431 13237 eng "Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/10/2006 "Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature" "Haraway, Donna Jeanne: Author" Science New York: Routledge 1991 Text ISBN: 0415903874 13238 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $26.95| Price: $26.95 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/10/2006 ModestWitness@SecondMillennium.FemaleManMeetsOncoMouse: feminism and technoscience "Haraway, Donna Jeanne: Author" Science New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415912458 13239 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95| Essential title (Science) "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/10/2006 "Primate visions: gender, race, and nature in the world of modern science" "Haraway, Donna Jeanne: Author" Science New York: Routledge 1989 Text ISBN: 0415902940 13241 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95| Essential title (Science) "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/10/2006 The world's women 2005: progress in statistics United Nations: Author Reference New York: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2006 Text ISBN: 9211614821 13242 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/11/2006 What women watched: daytime television in the 1950s "Cassidy, Marsha Francis: Author" Film and television studies| Popular culture Austin: University of Texas Press 2005 Text ISBN: 029270626X| ISBN: 0292706278| ISBN: 0292796943 13243 eng "Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95, ebook $55.00| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95, ebook $55.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/11/2006 Black women in America "Hine, Darlene Clark: Editor" Reference 2d ed New York: Oxford University Press 2005 Text 3 volumes ISBN: 0195156773 13244 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $325.00| Price: $325.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 "Inventing television culture: men, women, and the box" "Thumim, Janet: Author" Film and television studies| Popular culture New York: Oxford University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0198742231 13245 eng Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Added 2006 (Popular culture)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/11/2006 Gender and Spanish cinema "Marsh, Steven: Author| Nair, Parvati: Author" Film and television studies New York: Berg 2004 Text ISBN: 1859737862| ISBN: 1859737919 13246 eng "Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: $95.00, paper $28.50| Price: $95.00, paper $28.50" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 Claire Denis "Mayne, Judith: Author" Film and television studies Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0252029917| ISBN: 0252072383 13247 eng "Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: $35.00, paper $16.50| Price: $35.00, paper $16.50" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 Feminism in literature: a Gale critical companion "Bomarito, Jessica: Editor| Hunter, Jeffrey W.: Editor" Reference Detroit: Thomson Gale 2005 Text 6 volumes ISBN: 0787675733| ISBN: 1414405200 13248 eng "Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $895.00, ebook $935.00| Price: $895.00, ebook $935.00| Essential title (Reference)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 "History, films, women, and Freud's uncanny" "Linville, Susan E.: Author" Film and television studies Austin: University of Texas Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0292702604| ISBN: 0292702698 13251 eng "Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 Women's studies: a recommended bibliography "Krikos, Linda A.: Editor| Ingold, Cindy: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited" 2004 Text ISBN: 1563085666 13252 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $120.00| Price: $120.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 Feminist film studies: writing the woman into cinema "McCabe, Janet: Author" Film and television studies New York: Wallflower 2004 Text ISBN: 1904764037 13253 eng Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 Francophone women film directors: a new guide "Pallister, Janet: Author| Hottell, Ruth: Author" Film and television studies 2d ed "Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0838637361 13254 eng Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 The women who knew too much: Hitchcock and feminist film theory "Modleski, Tania: Author" Film and television studies 2d ed New York: Routledge 2005 Text eng ISBN: 0415973627 13255 eng Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95| Essential title (Film and television studies) "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 Historical dictionary of women in Sub-Saharan Africa "Sheldon, Kathleen E.: Author" Reference "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0810853310 13256 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 Framing female lawyers: women on trial in film "Lucia, Cynthia A.: Author" Film and television studies Austin: University of Texas Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0292706499| ISBN: 0292706502| ISBN: 0292797036 13257 eng "Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: $55.00, paper $29.95, ebook $55.00| Price: $55.00, paper $29.95, ebook $55.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 Historical dictionary of lesbian literature "Miller, Meredith: Author" Reference| Lesbian studies "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0810849410 13258 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 Spirituality and ideology in Black women's film and literature "Ryan, Judylyn S.: Author" Film and television studies Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0813923697| ISBN: 0813923700 13259 eng "Added 2006 (Film and television studies)| Price: $49.50, paper $17.50| Price: $49.50, paper $17.50" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/11/2006 "Women and education in Iran and Afghanistan : an annotated bibliography of sources in English, 1975-2003" "Shavarini, Mitra K.: Author| Robison, Wendy R.: Author" Reference "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0810851024 13260 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 Encyclopedia of women's autobiography "Boynton, Victoria: Editor| Malin, Jo: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0313327378| ISBN: 0313060762 13261 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $249.95; ebook $274.95| Price: $249.95; ebook $274.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 "Encyclopedia Latina : history, culture, and society in the United States" "Stavans, Ilan: Author| Augenbraum, Harold: Author" Reference "Danbury, Connecticut : Grolier Academic Reference" 2005 Text 4 volumes ISBN: 0717258157 13262 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $449.00| Price: $449.00 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/11/2006 Latinas in the United States: a historical encyclopedia "Ruiz, Vicki: Editor| Sánchez-Korrol, Virginia: Editor" Reference Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0253346800 13263 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $260.00| Price: $260.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning." 2/11/2006 A companion to gender history "Meade, Teresa A.: Editor| Wiesner, Merry E.: Editor" Reference "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publications" 2004 Text ISBN: 0631223932 | ISBN: 1405149604| ISBN: 1405128895 13265 eng "Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $149.95, paper $41.95| Price: $149.95, paper $41.95| Essential title (Reference)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/12/2006 A companion to gender studies "Essed, Philomena: Editor| Goldberg, David Theo: Editor| Kobayashi, Audrey Lynn: Editor" Reference "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Inc." 2005 Text ISBN: 0631221093| ISBN: 9780631221098 13266 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $144.95| Price: $144.95| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/12/2006 "American women modernists: the legacy of Robert Henri, 1910-1945" "Wardle, Marian: Editor" Visual arts "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813536839| ISBN: 0813536847 13267 eng "Added 2006 (Visual arts)| Price: $68.00, paper $34.95| Price: $68.00, paper $34.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/12/2006 Notable American women: a biographical dictionary completing the twentieth century "Ware, Susan: Editor| Braukman, Stacy Lorraine: Editor" Reference "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belnap Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 067401488X 13268 eng Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00| Essential title (Reference) "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/12/2006 "Poverty in the United States: an encyclopedia of history, politics, and policy" "Mink, Gwendolyn: Editor| O'Connor, Alice: Editor" Reference "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2004 Text 2 volumes ISBN: 1576075974| ISBN: 1576076083 13269 eng "Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $185.00, ebook $200.00| Price: $185.00, ebook $200.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/12/2006 Creating their own image: the history of African-American women artists "Farrington, Lisa E.: Author" Visual arts New York: Oxford University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 019516721X 13270 eng Added 2006 (Visual arts)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/12/2006 Encyclopedia of women's health "Loue, Sana: Editor| Sajatovic, Martha: Editor| Armitage, Keith B.: Editor" Reference New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 2004 Text ISBN: 0306480735| ISBN: 0306481138 13271 eng "Added 2006 (Reference)| Price: $250.00, ebook $250.00| Price: $250.00, ebook $250.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/12/2006 Critical voices: women and art criticism in Britain 1880-1905 "Clarke, Meaghan: Author" Visual arts "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754608158 13272 eng Added 2006 (Visual arts)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/12/2006 Into performance: Japanese women artists in New York "Yoshimoto, Midori: Author" Visual arts "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813535204| ISBN: 0813535212 13273 eng "Added 2006 (Visual arts)| Price: $68.00, paper $29.95| Price: $68.00, paper $29.95" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/12/2006 Reclaiming female agency: feminist art history after postmodernism "Broude, Norma: Editor| Garrard, Mary D.: Editor" Visual arts Berkeley: University of California Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0520242513| ISBN: 0520242521 13275 eng "Added 2006 (Visual arts)| Price: $70.00, paper $39.95| Price: $70.00, paper $39.95| Essential title (Visual arts)" "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/12/2006 Ascent of woman: a history of the suffragette movement. "Phillips, Melanie: Author" "Politics, U.S." London: Abacus 2005 Text ISBN: 0349116601 13280 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2006 Breaking the political glass ceiling: women and congressional elections. "Palmer, Barbara: Author| Simon, Dennis: Author" "Politics, U.S." London: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415950872| ISBN: 0415950880 13281 "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $80.00, paper $24.95| Price: $80.00, paper $24.95" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2006 Changing the face of power: women in the U.S. senate. "Mara, Melina: Author" "Politics, U.S." Austin: University of Texas Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0292709757 13282 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2006 "From welfare to workfare: the unintended consequences of liberal reform, 1945-1965." "Mittelstadt, Jennifer: Author" "Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0807855871 13283 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2006 Gender and elections: shaping the future of American politics. "Carroll, Susan J.: Editor| Fox, Richard L: Editor" "Politics, U.S." New York: Cambridge University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0521844924| ISBN: 0521606705 13284 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.99| Price: $65.00, paper $22.99" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/13/2006 "Governing codes: gender, metaphor, and political identity." "Anderson, Karrin Vasby: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books" Text 2005 ISBN: 0739110225| ISBN: 073911199X 13285 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $70.00, paper $28.95| Price: $70.00, paper $28.95" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2006 Impact of women in congress "Dodson, Debra L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Oxford University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0198296746| ISBN: 0198296738 13286 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $95.00, paper $35.00| Price: $95.00, paper $35.00" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2006 It takes a candidate: why women don't run for office "Lawless, Jennifer L.: Author| Fox, Richard L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0521857457| ISBN: 052167414X 13287 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.99| Price: $65.00, paper $22.99" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/13/2006 "Leaving women behind: modern families, outdated laws" "Strassel, Kimberly A.: Author| Colgan, Celeste: Author | Goodman, John C.: Author" "Politics, U.S.| Labor" "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield" 2006 Text ISBN: 0742545458 13288 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $21.95| Price: $21.95" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/13/2006 Pregnancy and power: a short history of reproductive politics in America. "Solinger, Rickie: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: New York University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0814798276 13289 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $27.95| Price: $27.95" "Kendall, Susan L: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/13/2006 "Queer migrations: sexuality, U.S. citizenship, and border crossings" "Luibheid, Eithne: Editor| Cantu, Lionel: Editor" Lesbian studies Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0816644659 | ISBN: 0816644667 13292 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/13/2006 Same-sex cultures and sexualities: an anthropological reader "Robertson, Jennifer Ellen: Editor" Lesbian studies| Anthropology and archaeology "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, Inc." 2005 Text ISBN: 0631232990| ISBN: 0631233008 13293 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $86.95, paper $33.95| Price: $86.95, paper $33.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/13/2006 Sappho in the Holy Land: lesbian existence and dilemmas in contemporary Israel "Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava: Editor| Shadmi, Erella: Editor" Lesbian studies Albany: State University of New York Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0791463176| ISBN: 0791463184| ISBN: 1423743687 13294 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $89.50, paper $27.95, ebook $89.50| Price: $89.50, paper $27.95, ebook $89.50" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 2/13/2006 With her machete in her hand: reading Chicana lesbians "Esquibel, Catriona Rueda: Author" Lesbian studies Austin: University of Texas Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0292709714| ISBN: 0292712758 13295 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $50,00, paper $19.95| Price: $50,00, paper $19.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/13/2006 Secret service: untold stories of lesbians in the military "Gershick, Zsa Zsa: Author" Lesbian studies Los Angeles: Alyson Books 2005 Text ISBN: 1555837484 13296 eng Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/13/2006 Moving beyond G.I. Jane: women and the U.S. military "Zeigler, Sara L.: Author| Gunderson, Gregory G.: Author" Military "Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America" 2005 Text ISBN: 0761830936 13301 eng Added 2006 (Military)| Price: paper $30.00| Price: paper $30.00 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/13/2006 Feminism and philosophy of science "Potter, Elizabeth: Author" Feminist theory| Philosophy New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415266521 | ISBN: 041526653X 13302 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Added 2007 (Philosophy)| Price: $95.00, paper $26.95| Price: $95.00, paper $26.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library.| River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 2/14/2006 Feminist frameworks: building theory on violence against women "Price, Lisa S.: Author" Feminist theory "Halifax, Nova Scotia: Fernwood" 2005 Text ISBN: 1552661571 13303 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $10.36| Price: paper $10.36 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/14/2006 Split decisions: how and why to take a break from feminism "Halley, Janet E.: Author" Feminist theory "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0691127379 13304 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/14/2006 Going public: feminism and the shifting boundaries of the private sphere "Scott, Joan Wallach: Author | Keates, Debra: Author" Feminist theory "Feminist theory, women in public life" Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2005 Text ISBN: 025202964X | ISBN: 025207209X 13305 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $50.00, paper $25.00| Price: $50.00, paper $25.00" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/14/2006 "Feminism and ""race""" "Bhavnani, Kum-Kum: Author" Feminist theory New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0198782365 13306 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $45.00| Price: paper $45.00| Essential title (Feminist theory) "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/14/2006 Women and media: international perspectives "Ross, Karen: Editor| Byerly, Carolyn M.: Editor" Mass media Oxford: Blackwell 2004 Text ISBN: 1405116099 13307 eng Added 2006 (Mass media)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95| Essential title (Mass media) "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia Branch." 2/14/2006 Republican women: feminism and conservatism from suffrage through the rise of the new right. "Rymph, Catherine E.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0807829846| ISBN: 0807856525 13315 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95" "Susan L. Kendall: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library" 2/15/2006 Untidy origins: a story of woman's rights in antebellum New York "Ginzberg, Lori D. : Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Hill and Wang 2005 Text ISBN: 0807829471| ISBN: 0807856088 13316 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/15/2006 "What women really want: how American women are quietly erasing political, racial, class, and religious lines to change the way we live." "Lake, Celinda: Author | Conway, Kellyanne: Author | Whitney, Catherine: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Free Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0743273826 13317 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $26.00| Price: $26.00" "Susan L. Kendall: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library" 2/15/2006 Where women run: gender and party in the American states. "Sanbonmatsu, Kira: Author" "Politics, U.S." Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0472099345| ISBN: 0472069349 13318 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95| Price: $70.00, paper $24.95" "Susan L. Kendall: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library" 2/15/2006 Feminist international relations: an unfinished journey "Sylvester, Christine: Author" "Politics, International" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0521791774| ISBN: 052179627X| ISBN: 0511019351 13319 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $85.00, paper $29.99, ebook $75.00| Price: $85.00, paper $29.99, ebook $75.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/15/2006 Women and political participation: a reference handbook "Burrell, Barbara: Author" "Politics, U.S." "Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO" 2005 Text ISBN: 1851095926| ISBN: 1851095977 13320 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $60.00, ebook $65.00| Price: $60.00, ebook $65.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/15/2006 Sex & money: feminism and political economy in the media "Meehan, Eileen R.: Editor| Riordan, Ellen: Editor" Mass media Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0816637873 13325 eng Added 2006 (Mass media)| Price: $67.50| Price: $67.50 "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 2/15/2006 "Women, media, and politics" "Norris, Pippa: Author" Mass media New York: Oxford University Press 1997 Text ISBN: 0195105672 13326 eng Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Pete, Sara: Olympia Timberland Library, Olympia branch." 2/15/2006 Feminist media studies "Zoonen, Liesbet van: Author" Mass media "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 1994 Text ISBN: 0803985533| ISBN: 0803985541 13327 "Added 2006 (Mass media)| Price: $74.50, paper $39.95| Price: $74.50, paper $39.95" "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch." 2/15/2006 Allies in healing: when the person you love was sexually abused as a child "Davis, Laura: Author" Sexual abuse New York: HarperPerennial 1991 Text ISBN: 0060968834 13330 eng Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/15/2006 The Blackwell guide to feminist philosophy "Alcoff, Linda: Editor| Kittay, Eva Feder: Editor" Reference| Philosophy "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing" 2006 Text ISBN: 0631224270| ISBN: 0631224289 13331 eng "Added 2006 (Reference)| Added 2007 (Philosophy)| Price: $86.95, paper $36.95| Price: $86.95, paper $36.95| Essential title (Philosophy)" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning.| River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 2/15/2006 Just sex?: the cultural scaffolding of rape "Gavey, Nicola: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415310717| ISBN: 0415310725 13333 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/15/2006 "Evolution, gender, and rape" "Travis, Cheryl Brown: Editor" Sexual abuse "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0262201437| ISBN: 0262700905 13334 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $62.00, paper $28.00| Price: $62.00, paper $28.00| Essential title (Sexual abuse)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/15/2006 "Violence and the body: race, gender, and the state" "Aldama, Arturo J.: Editor" Sexual abuse Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 025334171X| ISBN: 0253215595 13335 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95" "Pete, Sara: Timberland Regional Library, Olympia branch. | Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/15/2006 Female genital cutting: cultural conflict in the global community "Boyle, Elizabeth Heger: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0801870631| ISBN: 080188263X| ISBN: 13337 eng "Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $37.00, paper $22.00| Price: $37.00, paper $22.00" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/16/2006 Women and politics in Chile "Franceschet, Susan: Author" "Politics, International" "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2005 Text ISBN: 1588263169 13338 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $42.96| Price: $42.96" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/16/2006 Feminist dilemmas in fieldwork "Wolf, Diane L.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1996 Text ISBN: 0813384990 13339 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $33.00| Price: paper $33.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/16/2006 Rethinking Islam and liberal democracy: Islamist women in Turkish politics "Arat, Yesim: Author" "Politics, International" Albany: State University of New York Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0791464652 13340 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $55.00, paper 18.95| Price: $55.00, paper 18.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library| Atlanta, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library" 2/16/2006 "Fulbe voices: marriage, Islam, and medicine in Northern Cameroon" "Regis, Helen A.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0813338166 13341 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/16/2006 "Daughters of Tunis: women, family, and networks in a Muslim city" "Holmes-Eber, Paula: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0813339448 13342 eng Added 2006 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: paper $18.00| Price: paper $18.00 "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/16/2006 "Shifting body politics: gender, nation, state in Pakistan" "Rouse, Shahnaz J.: Author" "Politics, International" New Delhi: Women Unlimited 2004 Text ISBN: 8188965030 13343 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $19.95| Price: $19.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library" 2/16/2006 "Feminist politics, activism and vision: local and global challenges" "Ricciutelli, Luciana: Editor| Miles, Angela: Editor| McFadden, Margaret: Editor" "Politics, International" "Toronto, Ontario: Inanna Publications and Education" 2005 Text ISBN: 184277350X | ISBN: 1842773518 13344 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $79.95, paper $26.95| Price: $79.95, paper $26.95| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library" 2/16/2006 "Sharing power: women, parliament, democracy" "Tremblay, Manon: Editor| Galligan, Yvonne: Editor" "Politics, International" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754640892 13345 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library" 2/16/2006 Women war and peace in south asia: beyond victimhood to agency "Manchanda, Rita: Editor" "Politics, International" "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage" 2001 Text ISBN: 0761995390 13346 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $78.95| Price: $78.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/16/2006 Women's access to political power in post-communist Europe "Matland, Richard E.: Editor| Montgomery, Kathleen A.: Editor" "Politics, International" New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0199246858| ISBN: 0199246866 13347 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $129.95, paper $45.00| Price: $129.95, paper $45.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library" 2/16/2006 Engendering citizenship in Egypt: the history and society of the modern Middle East "Botman, Selma: Author" "Politics, International" New York: Columbia University Press 1999 Text ISBN: 023111298X| ISBN: 0231112998 13348 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $77.50, paper $26.00| Price: $77.50, paper $26.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/16/2006 "Women's lives, men's laws." "MacKinnon, Catharine A.: Author" "Politics, U.S.| Law| Sexual abuse" "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap" 2005 Text ISBN: 0674015401 13349 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Added 2007 (Law)| Added 2007 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95" "Susan L. Kendall: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library. | Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 "Women and the United States constitution: history, interpretation, and practice." "Schwarzenbach, Sibyl A.: Editor| Smith, Patricia: Editor" "Politics, U.S." New York: Columbia University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0231128924| ISBN: 0231128932| ISBN: 0231502966 13350 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $75.00, paper $27.50, ebook $64.50| Price: $75.00, paper $27.50, ebook $64.50" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/16/2006 Earning more and getting less: why successful wives can't buy equality "Tichenor, Veronica Janis: Author" Family "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813536782| ISBN: 0813536790 13351 eng "Added 2006 (Family)| Price: $62.00, paper $22.95| Price: $62.00, paper $22.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/16/2006 "Gender and American politics: women, men, and the political process" "Tolleson-Rinehart, Sue: Author" "Politics, U.S." 2d ed "Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe" 2005 Text ISBN: 076561569X 13353 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $80.95| Price: $80.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/16/2006 The difference women make: the policy impact of women in Congress "Swers, Michele L.: Author" "Politics, U.S." Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0226786471| ISBN: 02226786498 13355 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $50.00, paper $18.00| Price: $50.00, paper $18.00" "Kendall, Susan L.: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 8/25/2003 Family communication "Segrin, Chris: Author| Flora, Jeanne: Author" Family "Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates" 2005 Text ISBN: 0805847970| ISBN: 0805847987| ISBN: 1410611159 13356 eng "Added 2006 (Family)| Price: $125.00, paper $59.95, ebook $145.00| Price: $125.00, paper $59.95, ebook $145.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/16/2006 Good parents or good workers?: how policy shapes families' daily lives "Berrick, Jill Duerr: Editor| Fuller, Bruce: Editor" Family New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403969647 13357 eng Added 2006 (Family)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 2/16/2006 "Handbook of contemporary families: considering the past, contemplating the future" "Coleman, Marilyn: Editor| Ganong, Lawrence H.: Editor" Family "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2004 Text ISBN: 0761927131 13358 eng Added 2006 (Family)| Price: $130.00| Price: $130.00 "Shelton, Diana: University of Wyoming. Coe Library." 2/16/2006 "Marriage, a history: from obedience to intimacy, or how love conquered marriage" "Coontz, Stephanie: Author" Family New York: Penguin Group 2005 Text ISBN: 067003407X| ISBN: 014303667X 13359 eng "Added 2006 (Family)| Price: $25.95, paper $16.00| Price: $25.95, paper $16.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/16/2006 War on the family: mothers in prison and the families they leave behind "Golden, Renny: Author" Family New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415946700| ISBN: 0415946719 13360 eng "Added 2006 (Family)| Price: $95.00, paper $24.95| Price: $95.00, paper $24.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/16/2006 Edgework: critical essays on knowledge and politics "Brown, Wendy: Author" Feminist theory "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0691123608| ISBN: 0691123616 13361 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $55.00, paper $22.95| Price: $55.00, paper $22.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 Feminist methodologies for critical researchers: bridging differences "Sprague, Joey: Author" Feminist theory "Women's studies methodology, sociology methodology" "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0759109028 | ISBN: 0759109036 13362 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 "Just advocacy?: women's human rights, transnational feminisms, and the politics of representation" "Hesford, Wendy S : Editor | Kozol, Wendy: Editor" Feminist theory| Transnational feminism "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813535883 | ISBN: 0813535891 13363 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $62.00, paper $24.95| Price: $62.00, paper $24.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library.| Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/16/2006 International law : modern feminist approaches "Buss, Doris: Editor | Manji, Ambreena S: Editor" Feminist theory Feminist jurisprudence "Portland, Oregon: Hart" 2005 Text ISBN: 1841134279 13364 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $45.00| Price: paper $45.00 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 Clinical manual of women's mental health "Burt, Vivien K.: Author| Hendrick, Victoria C.: Author" Mental health and psychology "Arlington, Virginia: American Psychiatric Publishing" 2005 Text ISBN: 1585621862 13365 eng Added 2006 (Mental Health)| Price: paper $45.95| Price: paper $45.95 "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 "Gender & sexuality: critical theories, critical thinkers" "Beasley, Chris: Author" Feminist theory "Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE" 2005 Text ISBN: 0761969780 | ISBN: 0761969799 13366 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $82.95, paper $19.95| Price: $82.95, paper $19.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 Postcolonial imagination and feminist theology "Kwok, Pui-lan: Author" Feminist theory "Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0664228836 13367 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $16.47| Price: paper $16.47 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 Contemporary French feminism "Oliver, Kelly: Editor | Walsh, Lisa: Editor" Feminist theory New York: Oxford University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0199248346 13368 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $36.57| Price: paper $36.57 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 Inclusive feminism: a third wave theory of women's commonality "Zack, Naomi: Author" Feminist theory "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc." 2005 Text ISBN: 074254298X| ISBN: 0742542998 13369 eng "Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.95| Price: $65.00, paper $22.95" "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 Feminism after Bourdieu "Adkins, Lisa: Editor | Skeggs, Beverley: Editor" Feminist theory "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing" Text ISBN: 1405123958 13370 eng Added 2006 (Feminist theory)| Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95 "Bates, Aryana: Highline Community College Library." 2/16/2006 "Women, gender, and world politics: perspectives, policies, and prospects" "Beckman, Peter R.: Editor| D'Amico, Francine: Editor" "| History, International" Companion to introductory international relations texts with essays by frminist scholars. "Westport, Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey" 1994 Text ISBN: 0897893050| ISBN: 0897893069 13371 eng "Price: $83.95, paper $31.95| Price: $83.95, paper $31.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/16/2006 (Un)thinking citizenship: feminist debates in contemporary South Africa "Gouws, Amanda: Editor" "Politics, International" South African women's lived experience of citizenship. "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754638782 13373 "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/16/2006 Science as social knowledge: values and objectivity in scientific inquiry "Longino, Helen E.: Author" Science "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1990 Text ISBN: 0691020515 13374 eng Added 2006 (Science)| Price: paper $23.95| Price: paper $23.95| Essential title (Science) "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/16/2006 Gay and lesbian families "Burns, Kate: Editor" Lesbian studies "Farmington Hills, Michigan: Greenhaven Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0737723742 | ISBN: 0737723750 13376 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $28.70, paper $19.95| Price: $28.70, paper $19.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planniing" 2/16/2006 "The long arc of justice: lesbian and gay marriage, equality, and rights" "Mohr, Richard D.: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Columbia University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0231135203 | ISBN: 0231509448 13377 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $22.95, ebook $22.95| Price: $22.95, ebook $22.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/16/2006 "Lives of lesbian elders: looking back, looking forward" "Clunis, D. Merilee: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Haworth Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0789023334 | ISBN: 0789023342 13378 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $29.95, paper $16.95| Price: $29.95, paper $16.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/16/2006 Women and politics in Latin America "Craske, Nikki: Author" "Politics, International" "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0813526922| ISBN: 0813526930 13379 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Price: $59.00, paper $22.95| Price: $59.00, paper $22.95" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/16/2006 "Standing out, standing together: the social and political impact of gay-straight alliances" "Miceli, Melinda: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415950910| ISBN: 0415950929 13380 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $90.00, paper $24.95| Price: $90.00, paper $24.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/16/2006 Women together/women apart: portraits of lesbian Paris "Latimer, Tirza True: Author" Lesbian studies "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813535948 | ISBN: 0813535956 13382 eng "Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Ariel, Joan: University of California, Systemwide Library Planning" 2/16/2006 Lesbian couples: a guide to creating healthy relationships "Clunis, D. Merilee| Green, G. Dorsey: Authors" Lesbian studies "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 1580051316 13383 eng Added 2006 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library." 2/16/2006 Gender and human rights politics in Japan: global norms and domestic networks "Chan-Tiberghien, Jennifer: Author" "Politics, International| East Asian women" "Stanford, California: Stanford University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 080475022X 13384 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $48.00| Price: $48.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University, Swilley Library| Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/16/2006 "Women, the state, and political liberalization: Middle Eastern and North African experiences" "Brand, Laurie A.: Author" "Politics, International| Middle Eastern women" New York: Columbia University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0231112661| ISBN: 023111267X 13385 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, International)| Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $77.50, paper $27.00| Price: $77.50, paper $27.00" "Mosby, Anne Page: Mercer University, Swilley Library.| Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/16/2006 Representing rape: language and sexual consent "Ehrlich, Susan: Author" Sexual abuse New York: Routledge 2001 Text ISBN: 0415205212| ISBN: 0415205220 13388 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $145.00, paper $45.95| Price: $145.00, paper $45.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 Rethinking rape "Cahill, Ann J.: Author" Sexual abuse Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0801437946 | ISBN: 0801487188 13389 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $39.95, paper $21.95| Price: $39.95, paper $21.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 Sourcebook on violence against women "Renzetti, Claire M.: Editor| Edleson, Jeffrey L.: Editor| Bergen, Raquel Kennedy: Editor" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2001 Text ISBN: 0761920048 | ISBN: 0761920056 13390 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $117.00, paper $69.95| Price: $117.00, paper $69.95| Essential title (Sexual abuse)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 Child sexual assault: feminist perspectives "Cox, Pat: Editor| Kershaw, Sheila: Editor| Trotter, Joy: Editor" Sexual abuse New York: Palgrave 2000 Text ISBN: 0333771532 13391 eng Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $105.00| Price: $105.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 A natural history of rape: biological bases of sexual coercion "Thornill, Randy: Author| Palmer, Craig: Author" Sexual abuse "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0262201259| ISBN: 0262700832 13392 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $50.00, paper $22.00| Price: $50.00, paper $22.00| Essential title (Sexual abuse)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 "Dangerous relationships: pornography, misogyny, and rape" "Russell, Diana E.H.: Author" Sexual abuse "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1998 Text ISBN: 0761905243| ISBN: 0761905251 13393 eng "Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $119.00, paper $43.95| Price: $119.00, paper $43.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 Transforming a rape culture "Buchwald, Emilie: Editor| Fletcher, Pamela R.: Editor| Roth, Martha: Editor" Sexual abuse Rev. ed "Minneapolis, Minnesota: Milkweed Editions" 2005 Text ISBN: 1571312692 13394 eng Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 Violence against women: the bloody footprints "Bart, Pauline B.: Editor| Moran, Eileen Geil: Editor" Sexual abuse "Newbury Park, California: Sage" 1993 Text ISBN: 0803950454 13395 eng Added 2006 (Sexual abuse)| Price: paper $56.95| Price: paper $56.95 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/16/2006 Lesbian and bisexual women's mental health "Mathy, Robin M.: Editor| Kerr, Shelly K.: Editor" Mental health and psychology "Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0789026813| ISBN: 0789026821 13397 eng "Added 2006 (Mental Health)| Price: $34.95, paper $19.95| Price: $34.95, paper $19.95" "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 2/17/2006 Impersonal passion: language as affect "Riley, Denise: Author" Language "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 082233500X| ISBN: 0822335123 13398 eng "Added 2006 (Language)| Price: $69.95, paper $19.95| Price: $69.95, paper $19.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/17/2006 Handbook of girls' and women's psychological health "Worell, Judith: Editor| Goodheart, Carol D.: Editor" Mental health and psychology| Health New York: Oxford University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 019516203X | ISBN: 1423733827 13399 eng "Added 2006 (Mental Health)| Added 2007 (Health)| Price: $59.50, ebook $57.50| Price: $59.50, ebook $57.50| Essential title (Mental health and psychology)" "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library.| Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 2/17/2006 Language and woman's place: text and commentaries "Lakoff, Robin Tolmach: Author| Bucholtz, Mary: Editor" Language Rev. and exp. New York: Oxford University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0195167570 13400 eng Added 2006 (Language)| Price: $27.50| Price: $27.50 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/17/2006 Survivor rhetoric: negotiations and narrativity in abused women's language "Winkelmann, Carol Lea: Editor| Shearer-Cremean, Christine: Editor" Language "Toronto, Ontario: Toronto University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0802089739| ISBN: 0802086411 13401 eng "Added 2006 (Language)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/17/2006 Language and gender "Eckert, Penelope: Author| McConnell-Ginet, Sally: Author" Language Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0521652839| ISBN: 0521654262 13402 eng "Added 2006 (Language)| Price: $75.00, paper $39.99| Price: $75.00, paper $39.99" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/17/2006 Getting even: why women don't get paid like men-- and what to do about it "Murphy, Evelyn F.: Author| Graff, E.J.: Author" Labor New York: Simon and Schuster 2005 Text ISBN: 074325466X 13406 eng Added 2006 (Labor)| Price: $15.00| Price: $15.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/17/2006 Traveling women: narrative visions of early America "Imbarrato, Susan Clair: Author" Geography and travel Athens: Ohio University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 082141674X 13408 eng Added 2006 (Geography and travel)| Price: $42.95| Price: $42.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/17/2006 Solo: on her own adventure "Rogers, Susan Fox: Author" Geography and travel 2d ed "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 1580051375 13409 eng Added 2006 (Geography and travel)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/17/2006 "Geographies of Muslim women: gender, religion, and space" "Falah, Ghazi-Walid: Editor | Nagel, Caroline Rose: Editor" Geography and travel New York : The Guilford Press 2005 Text ISBN: 1593851839 | ISBN: 1572301341 13410 eng "Added 2006 (Geography and travel)| Price: $64.00, paper $32.00| Price: $64.00, paper $32.00" "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/17/2006 "Playing nice and losing: the struggle for control of women's intercollegiate athletics, 1960-2000" "Wushanley, Ying: Author" Sports "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 081563045X 13411 eng Added 2006 (Sports)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/18/2006 Breaking into baseball: women and the national pastime "Ardell, Jean Hastings: Author" Sports Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0809326272 13412 eng Added 2006 (Sports)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/18/2006 Just for fun: the story of AAU women's basketball "Ikard, Robert W: Author" Sports Fayetteville : University of Arkansas Press 2005 Text ISBN: 155728783X 13413 eng Added 2006 (Sports)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/18/2006 A place on the team: the triumph and tragedy of Title IX "Suggs, Welch" Sports "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0691117691| ISBN: 0691128855 13414 eng "Added 2006 (Sports)| Price: $27.95, paper $14.95| Price: $27.95, paper $14.95" "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/18/2006 Making ends meet: how single mothers survive welfare and low-wage work "Edin, Kathryn: Author| Lein, Laura: Author" Sociology New York: Russell Sage Foundation 1997 Text ISBN: 0871542293| ISBN: 087154234X 13416 eng "Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $42.40, paper $19.95| Price: $42.40, paper $19.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 "The politics of women's bodies: sexuality, appearance, and behavior" "Weitz, Rose: Editor" Sociology New York: Oxford University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0195149777 13417 eng Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: paper $28.95| Price: paper $28.95 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 "Unbearable weight: feminism, Western culture, and the body" "Bordo, Susan: Author" Sociology 10th anniversary ed Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520240545 13418 eng Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Sociology) "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 Convicted survivors: the imprisonment of battered women who kill "Leonard, Elizabeth Dermody: Author" Sociology Albany: State University of New York Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0791453278| ISBN: 0791453286 13425 eng "Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $57.50, paper $19.95| Price: $57.50, paper $19.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 Promises I can keep: why poor women put motherhood before marriage "Edin, Kathryn: Author| Kefalas, Maria: Author" Sociology Berkeley: University of California Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0520241134| ISBN: 0520248198 13426 eng "Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95| Price: $24.95, paper $16.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 "Black sexual politics: African Americans, gender, and the new racism" "Hill Collins, Patricia: Author" Sociology| Women of color New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 041595150X 13429 eng Added 2006 (Sociology)| Added 2007 (Women of color)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center.| Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2006 Modernizing women: gender and social change in the Middle East "Moghadam, Valentine M.: Author" Sociology| Middle Eastern women 2d ed "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2003 Text ISBN: 1588261956| ISBN: 1588261719 13430 eng "Added 2006 (Sociology)| Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $55.00, paper $22.50| Price: $55.00, paper $22.50| Essential title (Middle Eastern women)" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center.| Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/18/2006 "Under attack, fighting back: women and welfare in the United States" "Abramovitz, Mimi: Author" Sociology New York: Monthly Review Press 2000 Text ISBN: 1583670084 13433 eng Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 Reading the women of the Bible "Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone: Author" Religion New York: Schocken Books 2002 Text ISBN: 0805211829 13435 eng Added 2006 (Religion)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 2/18/2006 "The female offender: girls, women, and crime" "Chesney-Lind, Meda: Author| Pasko, Lisa: Author" Sociology 2d ed "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2004 Text ISBN: 0761929789| ISBN: 0761924051 13440 eng "Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $78.95, paper $37.95| Price: $78.95, paper $37.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 "Making it in the ""free world"": women in transition from prison" "O'Brien, Patricia: Author" Sociology Albany: State University of New York Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0791448614 | ISBN: 0791448622 13441 eng "Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $57.50, paper $21.95| Price: $57.50, paper $21.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 Sisters: the lives of America's suffragists "Baker, Jean H.: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Hill and Wang 2005 Text ISBN: 0809095289| ISBN: 0809087030 13442 eng "Added 2006 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $25.00, paper $16.00| Price: $25.00, paper $16.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/18/2006 Working against odds: stories of disabled women's work lives "Mason, Mary Grimley: Author" Disabilities| Labor Boston: Northeastern University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 155553631X | ISBN: 1555536301 13443 eng "Added 2006 (Disabilities)| Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $50.00, paper 19.95| Price: $50.00, paper 19.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library.| Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/18/2006 Women's influence on classical civilization "McHardy, Fiona: Editor| Marshall, Eireann: Editor" Antiquity New York: Routledge 2004 Text ISBN: 0415309573| ISBN: 0415309581| ISBN: 0203209656 13444 eng "Added 2006 (Antiquity)| Price: $97.00, paper $33.95, ebook $67.99| Price: $97.00, paper $33.95, ebook $67.99" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans" 2/18/2006 "Women's work: the first 20,000 years : women, cloth, and society in early times" "Barber, Elizabeth Wayland: Author" Antiquity New York: W.W. Norton 1994 Text ISBN: 0393313484 13445 eng Added 2006 (Antiquity)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/18/2006 Amazon grace: re-calling the courage to sin big "Daly, Mary: Author" Ecofeminism 1st ed New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 Text ISBN: 1403968535 13449 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95| Essential title (Ecofeminism) "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 "Policing the national body: sex, race, and criminalization" "Silliman, Jael: Editor| Bhattacharjee, Anannya: Editor" Sociology "Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0896086615| ISBN: 0896086607 13451 eng "Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00| Price: $40.00, paper $18.00" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 "Killing the black body: race, reproduction, and the meaning of liberty" "Roberts, Dorothy: Author" Sociology New York: Vintage 1999 Text ISBN: 0679758690 13453 eng Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 Developing ecofeminist theory: the complexity of difference "Cudworth, Erika: Author" Ecofeminism New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403941157 13455 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Introducing ecofeminist theologies "Eaton, Heather: Author" Ecofeminism "Series: Introductions in feminist theology, Vol. 12." New York: Continuum 2005 Text ISBN: 0567082075 13456 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Just ecological integrity: the ethics of maintaining planetary life "Miller, Peter: Editor | Westra, Laura: Editor" Ecofeminism "Series: Studies in social, political, and legal philosophy." "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield" 2002 Text ISBN: 0742512851| ISBN: 0742512851 13457 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $88, paper $27.95| Price: $88, paper $27.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Mother / nature: popular culture and environmental ethics "Roach, Catherine M.: Author" Ecofeminism Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0253341787| ISBN: 0613916239| ISBN: 0253215625 13458 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $55, library binding $30.35, paper $19.95| Price: $55, library binding $30.35, paper $19.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 A political theology of nature "Scott, Peter: Author" Ecofeminism "Series: Cambridge studies in Christian doctrine, 9. New edition" "Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0521641659| ISBN: 0521527171 13459 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $75, paper $29.99| Price: $75, paper $29.99" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Radical ecology: the search for a livable world "Merchant, Carolyn: Author" Ecofeminism 2d ed New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415935784 13460 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Ecofeminism) "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Readings from the perspective of Earth "Habel, Norman C.: Editor" Ecofeminism "Series: The Earth Bible, 1." "Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 1841270849 13461 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $28.00| Price: paper $28.00 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 "The tangled roots of feminism, environmentalism, and Appalachian literature" "Engelhardt, Elizabeth S. D.: Author" Ecofeminism Series: Ohio University Press series in ethnicity and gender in Appalachia. Ohio University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0821415093| ISBN: 0821415107 13462 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95| Price: $49.95, paper $24.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Undomesticated ground: recasting nature as feminist space "Alaimo, Stacy: Author" Ecofeminism "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0801437350| ISBN: 0801486432 13463 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $57.95, paper $20.95| Price: $57.95, paper $20.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Women and the environment United Nations Environment Programme: Author Ecofeminism Series: UNEP Policy. | .pdf ebook: http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=468&ArticleID=4488&|=en New York: United Nations Publications 2005 Text ISBN: 9280724428 13464 eng| fre| spa "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $25.00, ebook free | Price: $25.00, ebook free" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 The cosmos as the primary sacrament: the horizon for an ecological sacramental theology "McDougall, Dorothy C.: Author" Ecofeminism New York: Peter Lang 2003 Text ISBN: 0820467146 13465 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $61.95| Price: $61.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Feminist poetics of the sacred: creative suspicions "Devlin-Glass, Frances: Editor| McCredden, Lyn: Editor" Ecofeminism Series: American Academy of Religion cultural criticism. New York: Oxford University Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0195144694 13466 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $35| Price: paper $35 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Rapunzel's daughters: what women's hair tells us about women's lives "Weitz, Rose: Author" Sociology "New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux" 2005 Text ISBN: 0374529426 13467 eng Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 Women and goddesses in myth and sacred text: an anthology "Agha-Jaffar, Tamara: Editor" Ecofeminism New York: Pearson Education 2005 Text ISBN: 032124432X 13468 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $25.80| Price: paper $25.80 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 A roof over my head: homeless women and the shelter industry "Williams, Jean Calterone: Author" Sociology Boulder: University Press of Colorado 2003 Text ISBN: 0870817310 13469 eng Added 2006 (Sociology)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/18/2006 "Alternative femininities: body, age, and identity" "Holland, Samantha: Author" Aging New York: Berg 2004 Text ISBN: 1859738036| ISBN: 1859738087 13470 eng "Added 2006 (Aging)| Price: $95.00, paper $27.95| Price: $95.00, paper $27.95" "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 2/19/2006 For my next act...: women scripting life after fifty "Baar, Karen: Author" Aging "Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale" 2004 Text ISBN: 1579546870 13471 eng Added 2006 (Aging)| Price: $33.95| Price: $33.95| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 2/19/2006 "Menopause, postmenopause, and ageing" "Keith, Louis G.: Editor" Aging London: Royal Society of Medicine Press 2005 Text ISBN: 1853156604 13472 eng Added 2006 (Aging)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library" 2/19/2006 Wising up: ritual resources for women of faith in their journey of aging "Black, Kathy: Editor| Elkins, Heather Murray: Editor" Aging "Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0829816844 13476 eng Added 2006 (Aging)| Price: $25.00| Price: $25.00 "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 2/19/2006 The breaking point: how female midlife crisis is transforming today's women "Shellenbarger, Sue: Author" Aging New York: Henry Holt 2005 Text ISBN: 0805077111 13478 eng Added 2006 (Aging)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00| Essential title (Aging) "Scott, Sharon: University of California, Riverside. Library." 2/19/2006 Bad girls of Japan "Bardsley, Jan: Editor| Miller, Laura: Editor" East Asian women New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403969469 13479 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $26.95| Price: $26.95 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 Cooperation over conflict: the women's movement and the state in contemporary Japan "Murase, Miriam: Author" East Asian women New York: Taylor and Francis 2005 Text ISBN: 041597657X 13480 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 Objects of discourse: memoirs by women of heian Japan "Wallace, John R.: Author" East Asian women Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies 2005 Text ISBN: 1929280343 13482 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 The tea ceremony and women's empowerment in modern Japan: bodies re-presenting the past "Kato, Etsuko: Author" East Asian women New York: Taylor and Francis 2004 Text ISBN: 0415317037 13484 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $115.00| Price: $115.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 Vicarious language: gender and linguistic modernity in Japan "Inoue, Miyako: Author" East Asian women Berkeley: University of California Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0520245849| ISBN: 0520245857 13486 eng "Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 Gender and development: the Japanese experience in comparative perspective "Murayama, Mayumi: Editor" East Asian women New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 Text ISBN: 1403949441 13487 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $90.00| Price: $90.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 Gendering modern Japanese history "Molony, Barbara: Editor| Uno, Kathleen: Editor" East Asian women Boston: Harvard University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0674017803 13488 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $60.00| Price: $60.00| Essential title (East Asian women) "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 "Environmental ethics, ecological theology, and natural selection" "Sideris, Lisa H.: Author" Ecofeminism New York: Columbia University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0231126603| ISBN: 0231126611 13489 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $72, paper $28.50| Price: $72, paper $28.50" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Environmental philosophy: from animal rights to radical ecology "Zimmerman, Michael: Editor| Callicott, J. Baird: Editor" Ecofeminism 4th ed "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall" 2004 Text ISBN: 0131126954 13490 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $62| Price: paper $62 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Globalisation and women in the Japanese workforce "Bishop, Beverley: Author" East Asian women New York: Taylor and Francis 2004 Text ISBN: 041534249X 13491 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $115.00| Price: $115.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2006 Foundations of environmental philosophy: a text with readings "Kaufman,Frederik A.: Author" Ecofeminism Boston: McGraw-Hill 2003 Text ISBN: 0767419804 13492 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $63.75| Price: paper $63.75 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 Gaia and God: an ecofeminist theology of Earth healing "Ruether, Rosemary R.: Author" Ecofeminism Reprint ed San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1994 Text ISBN: 0060669675 13493 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95| Essential title (Ecofeminism) "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 "Gender, ethnicity, and religion: views from the other side" "Ruether, Rosemary Radford: Editor" Ecofeminism "Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress" 2002 Text ISBN: 0800635698 13494 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $19| Price: paper $19 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/19/2006 "Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven : women in ancient Egypt" "Capel, Anne K.: Editor| Markoe, Glenn: Editor" Antiquity New York : Hudson Hills Press in association with Cincinnati Art Museum 1996 Text ISBN: 1555951295 13496 eng Added 2006 (Antiquity)| Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00 "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/20/2006 "The shield of the weak : feminism and the State in Uruguay, 1903-1933" "Ehrick, Christine: Author" "History, International" Albuquerque :; University of New Mexico Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0826334687 13497 eng "Added 2006 (History, International)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/20/2006 Colonizing sex: sexology and social control in modern Japan "Fruhstuck, Sabine: Author" East Asian women Berkeley: University of California Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0520235479| ISBN: 0520235487 13498 eng "Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/20/2006 Woman critiqued: translated essays on Japanese women's writing "Copeland, Rebecca: Editor" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0824829581| ISBN: 0824830385 13499 eng "Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $60.00, paper $27.00| Price: $60.00, paper $27.00" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/20/2006 "Japanese women emerging from subservience, 1868-1945" "Daniels, Gordon: Editor| Tomida, Hiroko: Editor" East Asian women Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2005 Text ISBN: 1901903184 13500 eng Added 2006 (East Asian Women)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/20/2006 Geographies of girlhood: identities in-between "Bettis, Pamela: Editor| Adams, Natalie G.: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates" 2005 Text ISBN: 0805846735| ISBN: 0805846743 13501 eng "Added 2006 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $89.95, paper $32.50| Price: $89.95, paper $32.50| Essential title (Girls and girlhood)" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2006 A woman's guide to living with HIV infection "Clark, Rebecca A.: Author| Maupin, Robert T.: Author| Hammer, Jill Hayes: Author" HIV and AIDS| Health Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0801879132| ISBN: 0801879140 13503 eng "Added 2006 (HIV and AIDS)| Added 2006 (Health)| Price: $45.00, paper $15.95| Price: $45.00, paper $15.95| Essential title (HIV and AIDS)" "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/20/2006 "Relative intimacy: fathers, adolescent daughters, and postwar American culture" "Devlin, Rachel: Author" Girls and girlhood Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0807829463| ISBN: 0807856053 13504 eng "Added 2006 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95| Price: $49.95, paper $19.95" "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2006 Women's emancipation movements in the nineteenth century: a European perspective "Paletschek, Sylvia: Editor| Pietrow-Ennker, Bianka: Editor" "History, International" "Stanford, California : Stanford University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0804754942 13505 eng "Added 2006 (History, International)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/20/2006 Seven going on seventeen: tween studies in the culture of girlhood "Mitchell, Claudia: Editor| Reid-Walsh, Jacqueline: Editor" Girls and girlhood New York: Peter Lang 2005 Text ISBN: 0820467715 13506 eng Added 2006 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $34.95| Price: paper $34.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2006 Women and the state in modern Indonesia "Blackburn, Susan: Author" "History, International" Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0521842255 13507 eng "Added 2006 (History, International)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00" "Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/20/2006 "Interfaces: women, autobiography, image, performance" "Smith, Sidonie: Editor| Watson, Julia: Editor" Theatre and dance Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0472068148 13508 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Hypocrite in a pouffy white dress: tales of growing up groovy and clueless "Gilman, Susan Jane: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Warner Books 2005 Text ISBN: 0446679496 13509 eng Added 2006 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $12.95| Price: paper $12.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2006 "The essential daughter: changing expectations for girls at home, 1797 to the present" "Collins, Mary: Author" Girls and girlhood "Westport, Connecticut : Praeger" 2002 Text ISBN: 0275978362 13510 eng Added 2006 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $43.95| Price: $43.95 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2006 The psychological development of girls and women: rethinking change in time "Greene, Sheila: Author" Girls and girlhood New York: Routledge 2003 | 2004 Text ISBN: 0415178614| ISBN: 0415178622 13511 eng Added 2006 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: $75.00. paper $26.95| Price: $75.00. paper $26.95| Essential title (Girls and girlhood) "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2006 Girlhood: redefining the limits "Jiwani, Yasmin: Editor| Steenbergen, Candis: Editor| Mitchell, Claudia: Editor" Girls and girlhood "Montreal, New York: Black Rose Books" 2006 Text ISBN: 155164276X 13512 eng Added 2006 (Girls and girlhood)| Price: paper $26.99| Price: paper $26.99 "Williamson, Victoria Shwonek: University of California, San Diego. Social Sciences and Humanities Library." 2/20/2006 "Dancing fear & desire: race, sexuality and imperial politics in Middle Eastern dance" "Karayanni, Stavros Stavrou: Author" Theatre and dance "Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0889204543 13513 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $19.00| Price: paper $19.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 "Intercultural communication and creative practice: music, dance, and women's cultural identity" "Lengel, Laura: Editor" Theatre and dance "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers" 2004 Text ISBN: 0275982408 13514 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $97.95| Price: $97.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Women's intercultural performance "Holledge, Julie: Author" Theatre and dance London: Routledge 2000 Text ISBN: 0415173795 13515 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $41.95| Price: paper $41.95| Essential title (Theatre and dance) "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Casting gender: women and performance in intercultural contexts "Lengel, Laura: Editor| Warren, John T.: Editor" Theatre and dance New York: Peter Lang 2005 Text ISBN: 0820474193 13516 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Flesh for fantasy: producing and consuming exotic dance "Egan, R. Danielle: Editor| Frank, Katherine: Editor| Johnson, Lisa: Editor" Theatre and dance New York : Thunder’s Mouth Press 2006 Text ISBN: 1560257210 13517 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Performing Cuba: (Re)writing gender identity and exile across genres "Berenschot, Denis Jorge: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Peter Lang 2005 Text ISBN: 0820474401 13518 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $60.95| Price: $60.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Women’s theatre writing in Victorian Britain "Newey, Katherine: Author" Theatre and dance "Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan" 2005 Text ISBN: 140394332X 13519 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Actresses and whores: on stage and in society "Pullen,Kirsten: Author" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0521833418| ISBN: 0521541026 13520 eng "Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.99| Price: $60.00, paper $24.99" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Women direct Shakespeare in America: productions from the 1990s "Taylor, Nancy: Author" Theatre and dance "Madison, Wisconsin: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0838640494 13521 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $49.50| Price: $49.50 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Ms-Directing Shakespeare: women direct Shakespeare "Schafer, Elizabeth: Author" Theatre and dance New York: St. Martin's Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0312227469 13522 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Women on stage in Stuart drama "Tomlinson, Sophie: Author" Theatre and dance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0521811112 13523 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $85.00| Price: $85.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Transforming Shakespeare: contemporary women’s re-visions in literature and performance "Novy, Marianne: Editor" Theatre and dance New York: Palgrave 2000 Text ISBN: 0312235097 13525 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $26.95| Price: paper $26.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Ecological politics: ecofeminists and Greens "Gaard, Greta: Author" Ecofeminism Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 1566395690| ISBN: 1566395704 13526 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $64.50, paper $26.95| Price: $64.50, paper $26.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/20/2006 This elusive land: women and the Canadian environment "Hessing, Melody: Editor| Ragion, Rebecca: Editor| Sandilands, Catriona: Editor" Ecofeminism New edition Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press "2004, 2005" Text ISBN: 0774811064| ISBN: 0774811072 13527 eng "Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: $85, paper $34.95| Price: $85, paper $34.95" "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/20/2006 Baakisimba: gender in the music and dance of the Baganda people of Uganda "Nannyonga-Tamusuza,Sylvia A.: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Routledge 8/30/2005 Text ISBN: 0415967767 13528 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 "Performing women in the middle ages: sex, gender, and the Iberian lyric" "Filios, Denise K.: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 140396730X 13529 eng Added 2006 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/20/2006 Webs of power: notes from the global uprising Starhawk: Author Ecofeminism "Gabriola Island, British Columbia: New Society" 2002 Text ISBN: 0865714568 13531 eng Added 2006 (Ecofeminism)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Glass, Betty J.: University of Nevada, Reno. Getchell Library." 2/20/2006 "Global feminism : transnational women's activism, organizing, and human rights" "Ferree, Myra Marx: Editor| Tripp, Aili Mari: Editor" Transnational feminism New York : New York University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0814727352| ISBN: 0814727360 13532 eng "Added 2006 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $65.00, paper $23.00| Price: $65.00, paper $23.00" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2006 "Women, migration and citizenship: making local, national and transnational connections" "Tastsoglou, Evangelia: Editor| Dobrowolsky, Alexandra Z.: Editor" Transnational feminism| Geography and travel "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2006 Text ISBN: 0754643794 13533 eng Added 2006 (Transnational feminism)| Added 2007 (Geography and travel)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch.| Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/20/2006 Transnational migration and the politics of identity "Thapan, Meenakshi: Editor" Transnational feminism "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2005 Text ISBN: 0761934243| ISBN: 0761934251 13534 eng "Added 2006 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $69.95, paper $27.95| Price: $69.95, paper $27.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2006 When women come first: gender and class in transnational migration "George, Sheba Mariam: Author" Transnational feminism "Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press" 2005-07 Text ISBN: 0520243188| ISBN: 0520243196 13535 eng "Added 2006 (Transnational feminism)| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95" "Nataraj, Lalitha: Chula Vista Public Library. South Branch." 2/20/2006 "Latin American women dramatists: theater, texts, and theories" "Larson, Catherine: Author | Vargas, Margarita: Author" Latin American women| Theatre and dance Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0253334616| ISBN: 0253212405 13537 eng "Added 2006 (Latin American Women)| Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network.| King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/23/2006 Latin American women's writing: feminist readings in theory and crisis "Jones, Anny Brooksbank: Author | Davies, Catherine: Author" Latin American women New York: Clarendon Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0198715129 13538 eng Added 2006 (Latin American Women)| Price: $59.00| Price: $59.00| Essential title (Latin American women) "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/23/2006 A woman's gaze: Latin American women artists "Agosin, Marjorie: Author" Latin American women "Fredonia, New York: White Pine Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 1877727857 13539 eng Added 2006 (Latin American Women)| Price: $20.00| Price: $20.00| Essential title (Latin American women) "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/23/2006 Muchachas no more: household workers in Latin America and the Caribbean "Chaney, Elsa: Author | Castro, Mary Garcia: Author | Smith, Margo L.: Author" Latin American women Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1989 Text ISBN: 0877225710 13540 eng Added 2006 (Latin American Women)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/23/2006 Uprooted women: migrant domestics in the Caribbean "Aymer, Paula L.: Author" Latin American women "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 1997 Text ISBN: 0275958833 13541 eng Added 2006 (Latin American Women)| Price: $93.95| Price: $93.95 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/23/2006 The gendered worlds of Latin American women workers: from household and factory to the union hall and ballot box "French, John D.: Author | James, Daniel: Author" Latin American women "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 1997 Text ISBN: 0822320002| ISBN: 0822319969 13542 eng Added 2006 (Latin American Women)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Hootman, Jennifer: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Minitex, Library Information Network." 2/23/2006 "Steam laundries: gender, technology, and work in the United States and Great Britain, 1880-1940" "Mohun, Arwen: Author" Technology "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 1999 | 2003 Text ISBN: 0801860024| ISBN: 0801872464 13543 eng "Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $103.00, paper $25.00| Price: $103.00, paper $25.00" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 "Virtual ethnicity : race, resistance and the World Wide Web" "Leung, Linda: Author" Technology "Burlington, Vermont : Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754643034 13544 eng Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $94.95| Price: $94.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 Gender and the digital economy : perspectives from the developing world "Ng, Cecilia: Editor| Mitter, Swasti: Editor" Technology "Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications" 2005 Text ISBN: 0761934103 13545 eng Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $54.95| Price: $54.95| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 "Gender, ethics and information technology" "Adam, Alison: Author" Technology New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403915067| ISBN: 0230000525 13546 eng "Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $79.95, ebook $80.00| Price: $79.95, ebook $80.00" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 "Librarians, literacy, and the promotion of gender equity" "Farmer, Lesley S.J: Author" Technology "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company" 2005 Text ISBN: 0786423447 13547 eng Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 Donna Haraway : live theory "Schneider, Joseph" Technology New York: Continuum 2005 Text ISBN: 0826462782 13549 eng Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95| Essential title (Technology) "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 "Figures of fantasy : Internet, women, and cyberdiscourse" "Paasonen, Susanna" Technology New York: Peter Lang 2005 Text ISBN: 0820476072 13550 eng Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 "Removing barriers: women in academic science, technology, engineering, and mathematics" "Bystydzienski, Jill M.: Editor| Bird, Sharon R.: Editor" Technology Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0253346797| ISBN: 0253218179 13551 eng "Added 2006 (Technology)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95" "Barrick, Kelly: Yale University. Library." 2/25/2006 Daring to educate: the legacy of the early Spelman College presidents "Watson, Yolanda L.: Author| Gregory, Sheila T.: Author" "Cole, Johnetta B.: Foreword" Education "Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing" 2005 Text ISBN: 1579221084| ISBN: 1579221092 13552 eng "Added 2006 (Education)| Price: $65.00, paper $29.95 | Price: $65.00, paper $29.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/28/2006 "History of immigrant female students in Chicago public schools, 1900-1950" "Robinson, Stephanie Nicole: Author" Education "History of schools and schooling, no. 36" New York: Peter Lang 2004 Text ISBN: 0820467200 13553 eng Added 2006 (Education)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/28/2006 Seattle's women teachers of the interwar years: shapers of a livable city "Pieroth, Doris Hinson: Author" Education Seattle: University of Washington Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0295984457 13554 eng Added 2006 (Education)| Price: $30.00| Price: $30.00| Essential title (Education) "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/28/2006 Women in college: shaping new feminine identities "Komarovsky, Mirra: Author" Education "Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press" 1984| 2004 Text ISBN: 0759107254 | ISBN: 0759107262 13558 eng "Added 2006 (Education)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/28/2006 "Women's education in the United States, 1780-1840" "Nash, Margaret A.: Author" Education New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 140396937X | ISBN: 1403969388 13559 eng "Added 2006 (Education)| Price: $89.95, paper $30.95| Price: $89.95, paper $30.95| Essential title (Education)" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/28/2006 "Looking good: college women and body image, 1875-1930" "Lowe, Margaret A.: Author" Education Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2003 | 2005 Text ISBN: 080187209X| ISBN: 0801882745 13560 eng "Added 2006 (Education)| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00" "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/28/2006 The Prentice Hall anthology of African American women's literature "Lee, Valerie: Editor" "Literature, U.S." "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall" 2006 Text ISBN: 0130485462 13562 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: paper $71.00| Price: paper $71.00| Essential title (Literature, U.S.)" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 "Women write: a mosaic of women's voices in fiction, poetry, memoir, and essay" "Cahill, Susan Neunzig: Author" "Literature, U.S.| Literature, British" New York: New American Library 2004 Text ISBN: 0451211219 13563 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, U.S.)| Added 2006 (Literature, British)| Price: paper $14.00| Price: paper $14.00" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library.| Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 2/28/2006 Filthy fictions: Asian American literature by women "Chiu, Monica: Author" "Literature, U.S." "Walnut Creek, California, AltaMira Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0759104557| ISBN: 0759104565 13564 eng "Added 2006 (Literature, U.S.)| Price: $69.00 paper $24.95| Price: $69.00 paper $24.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 A bad woman feeling good: blues and the women who sing them "Jackson, Buzzy: Author" Music New York: W.W. Norton 2005 Text ISBN: 0393059367 13565 eng Added 2006 (Music)| Price: $25.95| Price: $25.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 Cinderella's big score: women of the punk and indie underground "Raha, Maria: Author" Music "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 1580051162 13566 eng Added 2006 (Music)| Price: paper $17.95| Price: paper $17.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 Electric ladyland: women and rock culture "Rhodes, Lisa: Author" Music Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0812238400| ISBN: 081221899X 13567 eng "Added 2006 (Music)| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95| Price: $59.95, paper $24.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 "Go, girl, go!: the women's revolution in music" "Dickerson, James: Author" Music New York: Schirmer Trade Books 2005 Text ISBN: 082567316X 13568 eng Added 2006 (Music)| Price: $24.95| Price: $24.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 "Mozart's women: his family, his friends, his music" "Glover, Jane: Author" Music New York: HarperCollins 2005 Text ISBN: 0060563508| ISBN: 0060563516 13569 eng "Added 2006 (Music)| Price: $27.95, paper $15.95| Price: $27.95, paper $15.95" "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 Musical voices of early modern women: many-headed melodies "LaMay, Thomasin K.: Editor" Music "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2005 Text ISBN: 0754637425 13570 eng Added 2006 (Music)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 Women composers and music technology in the United States: crossing the line "Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth: Author" Music "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2006 Text ISBN: 0754604616 13572 eng Added 2006 (Music)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 2/28/2006 University and college women's center :a journey toward equity "Davie, Sharon L.: Editor" Education "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313291292 13573 eng Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00 "Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 3/3/2006 "Hot and bothered: women, medicine, and menopause in modern America" "Houck, Judith A.: Author" Health "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0674018966 13574 eng Added 2006 (Health)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95| Essential title (Health) "Kruse, Carrie: University of Wisconsin--Madison. College Library." 3/3/2006 "Race, gender, and the politics of skin tone" "Hunter, Margaret L.: Author" Women of color New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415946085 13577 eng Added 2007 (Women of color)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/5/2007 Critical race feminism: a reader "Wing, Adrien Katherine: Editor" Women of color 2d ed New York: New York University Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0814793940 13578 eng Added 2007 (Women of color)| Price: paper $26.00| Price: paper $26.00 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/5/2007 "Domestic violence at the margins: readings on race, class, gender, and culture" "Sokoloff, Natalie J.: Editor| Pratt, Christina: Editor" Women of color "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813535697| ISBN: 0813535700 13580 eng "Added 2007 (Women of color)| Price: $70.00, paper $29.95| Price: $70.00, paper $29.95| Essential title (Women of color)" "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/18/2006 Wheat and woman "Binnie-Clark, Georgina: Author" "Agriculture, U.S." Toronto: University of Toronto 2007 Text ISBN: 0802038131 13584 eng "Added 2007 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Effects of gender inequality in resource ownership and access on household welfare and food security in Kenya "Marinda, Pamela: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Peter Lang 2006 Text ISBN: 0820498785 13585 eng "Added 2007 (Agrigultural [development], International)| Price: paper $47.95| Price: paper $47.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Rural gender relations: issues and case studies "Bock, Bettina: Editor| Shortall, Sally: Editor" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Cambridge, Massachusetts: CABI" 2006 Text ISBN: 0851990304 13586 eng "Added 2007 (Agrigultural [development], International)| Price: $100.00| Price: $100.00| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Rice plus: widows and economic survival in rural Cambodia "Lee, Susan Hagood: Author" "Agrigultural [development], International" New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415977002 13587 eng "Added 2007 (Agrigultural [development], International)| Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 "Work, family, and faith: rural southern women in the twentieth century" "Walker, Melissa: Editor| Sharpless, Rebecca: Editor" "Agriculture, U.S." Columbia: University of Missouri 2006 Text ISBN: 0826216293 13588 eng "Added 2007 (Agriculture, U.S.)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Feminism and the biological body "Birke, Lynda I. A.: Author" Science "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2000 Text ISBN: 0813528232 13589 eng Added 2007 (Science)| Price: paper $22.00| Price: paper $22.00 "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/16/2007 Science and social inequality: feminist and postcolonial issues "Harding, Sandra: Author" Science Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0252030605| ISBN: 0252073045 13590 eng "Added 2007 (Science)| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00" "Manoff, Marlene: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library." 2/16/2007 Womanist reader "Phillips, Layli: Editor" Women of color New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415954118 13591 eng Added 2007 (Women of color)| Price: paper $33.95| Price: paper $33.95 "Redfern, Bernice: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/19/2007 "From Black power to hip hop: racism, nationalism, and feminism" "Hill Collins, Patricia: Author" Sociology Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 1592130917| ISBN: 1592130925 13593 eng "Added 2007 (Sociology)| Price: $59.50, paper $19.95| Price: $59.50, paper $19.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/19/2007 Feminist foundations: toward transforming sociology "Myers, Kristen A.: Editor| Anderson, Cynthia D.: Editor| Risman, Barbara J.: Editor" Sociology Gender & Society reader "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 1998 Text ISBN: 0761907858| ISBN: 0761907866 13595 eng "Added 2007 (Sociology)| Price: $125.00, paper $59.95| Price: $125.00, paper $59.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/19/2007 Institutional ethnography: a sociology for people "Smith, Dorothy E.: Author" Sociology The Gender lens series "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0759105014| ISBN: 0759105022 13596 eng "Added 2007 (Sociology)| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95| Price: $72.00, paper $26.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 2/19/2007 Victims as offenders: the paradox of women's violence in relationships "Miller, Susan L.: Author" Sociology "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813536707| ISBN: 0813536715 13597 eng "Added 2007 (Sociology)| Price: $62.00, paper $22.95| Price: $62.00, paper $22.95" "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center" 2/19/2007 Remaking women: feminism and modernity in the Middle East "Abu-Lughod, Lila: Editor" Middle Eastern women "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 1998 Text ISBN: 0691057915| ISBN: 0691057923 13598 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $95.00, paper $24.95| Price: $95.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Middle Eastern women)" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/21/2007 Islam and feminisms: an Iranian case-study "Afshar, Haleh: Author" Middle Eastern women New York: St. Martin's Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0312222203 13599 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: paper $32.95| Price: paper $32.95 "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/21/2007 Women and goddess traditions: in antiquity and today "King, Karen L.: Editor" Spirituality London: Continuum 1997 Text ISBN: 0800629191 13601 eng Added 2007 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $39.95| Price: paper $39.95 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries" 2/22/2007 "Secularism, gender, and the state in the Middle East: the Egyptian women's movement" "Al-Ali, Nadje Sadig: Author" Middle Eastern women Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0521780225| ISBN: 0521785049| ISBN: 0511034806 13604 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $85.00, paper $32.99, ebook $24.00| Price: $85.00, paper $32.99, ebook $24.00" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library" 2/23/2007 Opening the gates: an anthology of Arab feminist writing "Badran, Margot: Editor| Cooke, Miriam: Editor" Middle Eastern women 2d ed Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0253217032 13605 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: paper $27.95| Price: paper $27.95 "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library" 2/23/2007 "Egypt as a woman: nationalism, gender, and politics" "Baron, Beth: Author" Middle Eastern women Berkeley: University of California Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0520238575| ISBN: 0520251547| ISBN: 1598755277 13606 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95, ebook $15.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95, ebook $15.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library" 2/23/2007 Women in Iran from 1800 to the Islamic Republic "Beck, Lois: Editor| Nashat, Guity: Editor" Middle Eastern women Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0252029372| ISBN: 0252071891 13607 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $45.00, paper $20.00| Price: $45.00, paper $20.00" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library" 2/23/2007 "Where human rights begin: health, sexuality, and women in the new millennium" "Chavkin, Wendy: Editor| Chesler, Ellen: Editor" "Politics, International" "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University" 2005 Text ISBN: 0813536561| ISBN: 081353657X 13608 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $62.00, paper $23.95| Price: $62.00, paper $23.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/23/2007 Negotiating citizenship: migrant women in Canada and the global system "Stasiulis, Daiva K.: Author| Bakan, Abigail B.: Author" "Politics, International" Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0802079156| ISBN: 0333689607 13609 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/23/2007 Women and media: a critical introduction "Byerly, Carolyn M.: Author| Ross, Karen: Author" Mass media "Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers" 2006 Text ISBN: 1405116064| ISBN: 1405116072 13610 eng "Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $84.95, paper $34.95| Price: $84.95, paper $34.95" "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/23/2007 Engaging modernity: Muslim women and the politics of agency in postcolonial Niger "Alidou, Ousseina: Author" "Politics, International" Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0299212106 13611 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/23/2007 "From the revolution to the maquiladoras: gender, labor, and globalization in Nicaragua" "Méndez, Jennifer Bickham: Author" "Politics, International" "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0822335522| ISBN: 0822335654 13612 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95| Price: $79.95, paper $22.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/23/2007 Women's roles and statuses the world over "Hepburn, Stephanie: Author| Simon, Rita J.: Author" "Politics, International" "Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books" 2006 Text ISBN: 0739113569| ISBN: 0739113577 13613 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $50.05, paper $25.00| Price: $50.05, paper $25.00| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/23/2007 Are women human?: and other international dialogues "MacKinnon, Catharine A.: Author" "Politics, International| Sexual abuse" "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University" 2006 Text ISBN: 0674021878 13614 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Added 2007 (Sexual abuse)| Price: $24.15| Price: $24.15" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Clarke, Kim: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Wilson Library." 2/23/2007 Women's organizations and democracy in South Africa: contesting authority "Hassim, Shireen: Author" "Politics, International| History, International" Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0299213803| ISBN: 0299213846 13615 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Added 2007 (History, International)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/23/2007 "Gender quotas, parity reform, and political parties in France" "Opello, Katherine A.R.: Author" "Politics, International" "Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books" 2005 Text ISBN: 0739108522| ISBN: 0739113100 13616 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.95| Price: $65.00, paper $22.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/23/2007 Global dimensions of gender and carework "Zimmerman, Mary K.: Editor| Litt, Jacquelyn S.: Editor| Bose, Christine E.: Editor" "Politics, International" "Stanford, California: Stanford Social Sciences" 2006 Text ISBN: 0804753237| ISBN: 0804753245 13617 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/23/2007 "Women, poverty, and AIDS: sex, drugs, and structured violence" "Farmer, Paul: Author| Connors, Margaret: Author| Simmons, Janie: Author" HIV and AIDS 2d ed "Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 1567513468 13620 eng Added 2007 (HIV and AIDS)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Shrode, Flora: Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library." 2/24/2007 A history of women's seclusion in the Middle East: the veil in the looking glass "Chamberlin, Ann: Author" Middle Eastern women New York: Haworth Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0789029836| ISBN: 0789029843 13623 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $39.95, paper $24.95| Price: $39.95, paper $24.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/25/2007 "Women and globalization in the Arab Middle East: gender, economy, and society" "Doumato, Eleanor Abdella: Editor| Posusney, Marsha Pripstein: Editor" Middle Eastern women "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2003 Text ISBN: 1588261106| ISBN: 1588261342 13624 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $59.95, paper $22.50| Price: $59.95, paper $22.50" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/25/2007 "Veil: modesty, privacy, and resistance" "El Guindi, Fadwa: Author" Middle Eastern women New York: Berg 1999 Text ISBN: 1859739242| ISBN: 1859739297 13625 "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $99.00, paper $30.95| Price: $99.00, paper $30.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/25/2007 Glorious eccentrics: modernist women painting and writing "Caws, Mary Ann: Author" Visual arts New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 Text ISBN: 1403965951 13627 eng Added 2007 (Visual arts)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/25/2007 Graffiti women: street art from five continents "Ganz, Nicholas: Author" Visual arts New York: Abrams 2006 Text ISBN: 0810957477 13628 eng Added 2007 (Visual arts)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/25/2007 Local/global: women artists in the nineteenth century "Cherry, Deborah: Editor| Helland, Janice: Editor" Visual arts "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2006 Text ISBN: 0754631974 13629 eng Added 2007 (Visual arts)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/25/2007 Women artists at the millennium "Armstrong, Carol M.: Editor| Zegher, M. Catherine de: Editor" Visual arts "Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 026201226X 13630 eng Added 2007 (Visual arts)| Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00 "Johnson, Cynthia: University of California, Irvine." 2/25/2007 Women transforming Congress "Rosenthal, Cindy Simon: Author" "Politics, U.S." Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 2002 Text ISBN: 0806134550 | ISBN: 0806134968 | ISBN: 0806180439 13631 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $32.95, paper $29.95, ebook $32.95| Price: $32.95, paper $29.95, ebook $32.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/26/2007 "Latina politics, Latino politics: gender, culture, and political participation in Boston" "Hardy-Fanta, Carol: Author" "Politics, U.S." Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1993 Text ISBN: 1566390311| ISBN: 156639032X 13632 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $71.50, paper $27.95| Price: $71.50, paper $27.95" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/26/2007 Las Tejanas: 300 years of history "Acosta, Teresa Palomo: Author| Winegarten, Ruthe: Author" "Politics, U.S." 1st ed Austin: University of Texas Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0292747101| ISBN: 0292705271| ISBN: 0292797699 13633 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $45.00, paper $22.95, ebook $45.00| Price: $45.00, paper $22.95, ebook $45.00" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/26/2007 Freedom's daughters: the unsung heroines of the civil rights movement from 1830 to 1970 "Olson, Lynne: Author" "Politics, U.S." New York: Scribner 2001 Text ISBN: 0684850125| ISBN: 0684850133 13634 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, U.S.)| Price: $30.00, paper $16.00| Price: $30.00, paper $16.00| Essential title (Politics, U.S.)" "Duesterhoeft, Diane: St. Mary's University. Blume Library." 2/26/2007 Red velvet seat: women's writings on the first fifty years of cinema "Lant, Antonia: Editor" Film and television studies New York: Verso 2006 Text ISBN: 1844671194| ISBN: 1859847226 13635 eng "Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $94.95, paper $39.95| Price: $94.95, paper $39.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Marked women: prostitutes and prostitution in the cinema "Campbell, Russell: Author" Film and television studies Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0299212505| ISBN: 0299212548 13636 eng "Price: $65.00, paper $24.95| Price: $65.00, paper $24.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Detecting men: masculinity and the Hollywood detective film "Gates, Philippa: Author" Film and television studies Albany: State University of New York Press 2006 Text ISBN: 079146135| ISBN: 0791468143 13637 eng "Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $89.50, paper $29.95| Price: $89.50, paper $29.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Pictures of girlhood: modern female adolescence on film "Hentges, Sarah: Author" Film and television studies "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland" 2006 Text ISBN: 0786424028 13638 eng Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $32.00| Price: $32.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Framed: women in law and film "Kamir, Orit: Author" Film and television studies "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0822336367| ISBN: 0822336243 13639 eng "Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95| Price: $84.95, paper $23.95" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Women filmmakers in early Hollywood "Maher, Karen Ward: Author" Film and television studies "Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0801884365 13640 eng Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $44.95| Price: $44.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Modern Amazons: warrior women on screen "Mainon, Dominique: Author| Ursini, James: Author" Film and television studies "Pompton Plains, New Jersey: Limelight Editions" 2006 Text ISBN: 0879103272 13641 eng Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Killing the Indian maiden: images of Native American women in film "Marubbio, M. Elise: Author" Film and television studies Lexington: University of Kentucky Press 2006 Text ISBN: 081312414X 13642 eng Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $50.00| Price: $50.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 "Images of women in East German cinema, 1972-1982: socialist models, private dreamers and rebels" "Rinke, Andrea" Film and television studies "Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0773456848 13643 eng Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $119.00| Price: $119.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Misfit sisters: screen horror as female rites of passage "Short, Sue: Author" Film and television studies New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 Text ISBN: 0230000207 13644 eng Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Into the vortex: female voice and paradox in film "Sjogren, Britta H.: Author" Film and television studies Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0252030281| ISBN: 0252072677 13645 eng "Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00| Price: $40.00, paper $20.00" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 "Feminist film theorists: Laura Mulvey, Kaja Silverman, Teresa de Lauretis, Barbara Creed" "Chaudhuri, Shohini: Author" Film and television studies New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415324327| ISBN: 0415324335 13646 eng "Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: $90.00, paper $23.95| Price: $90.00, paper $23.95| Essential title (Film and television studies)" "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 Sex and the cinema "Krzywinska, Tanya: Author" Film and television studies New York: Wallflower 2006 Text ISBN: 1904764738 13647 eng Added 2007 (Film and television studies)| Price: paper $25.00| Price: paper $25.00 "Broidy, Ellen: University of California, Los Angeles. Young Research Library." 2/26/2007 The selected papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony "Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: Author | Anthony, Susan B.: Author | Gordon, Ann D.: Editor" Feminist movements in the United States "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2006 Text "vol. 4 (When clowns make laws for queens, 1880 to " ISBN: 0813523206 13650 eng Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $70.00| Price: $70.00 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/26/2007 The feminization of agriculture?: economic restructuring in rural Latin America "Deere, Carmen Diana" "Agrigultural [development], International" "Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development" 2005 Text ISBN: 9290850493 13651 eng "Added 2007 (Agrigultural [development], International)| Price: paper $12.00| Price: paper $12.00| Essential title (Agrigultural [development], International)| Essential title ()" "Stewart, Linda: Cornell University. Mann Library." 8/25/2003 Shattering the glass: the remarkable history of women's basketball "Grundy, Pamela: Author| Shackelford, Susan: Author" Sports New York: New Press 2005 Text ISBN: 1565848225| ISBN: 0807858293 13652 eng "Added 2007 (Sports)| Price: $26.95, paper $19.95| Price: $26.95, paper $19.95" "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/26/2007 Sporting equality: Title IX thirty years later "Simon, Rita James: Editor" Sports "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers" 2005 Text ISBN: 076580848X 13653 eng Added 2007 (Sports)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95| Essential title (Sports) "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/26/2007 When the girls came out to play: the birth of American sportswear "Warner, Patricia Campbell: Author" Sports Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 2006 Text ISBN: 1558495487| ISBN: 1558495495 13654 eng "Added 2007 (Sports)| Price: $80.00, paper $24.95| Price: $80.00, paper $24.95" "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/26/2007 Feminist sport studies: sharing experiences of joy and pain "Markula, Pirkko: Editor" Sports Albany: State University of New York Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0791465292| ISBN: 0791465306 13655 eng "Added 2007 (Sports)| Price: $74.50, paper $24.95| Price: $74.50, paper $24.95" "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/26/2007 Women and sports in the United States: a documentary reader "O'Reilly, Jean: Editor| Cahn, Susan K.: Editor" Sports Boston: Northeastern University Press 2007 Text ISBN: 1555536719 13656 eng Added 2007 (Sports)| Price: paper $27.00| Price: paper $27.00 "Fore, Janet: Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.). Cushwa-Leighton Library." 2/26/2007 Feminist forerunners: new womanism and feminism in the early twentieth century "Marso, Lori Jo: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Chicago: Pandora 2003 Text ISBN: 0863584241 13657 eng Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/26/2007 Different wavelengths: studies of the contemporary women's movement "Reger, Jo: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Routledge 2005 Text ISBN: 0415948789| ISBN: 0415948797 13658 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $85.00, paper $27.95| Price: $85.00, paper $27.95" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/26/2007 "Skeptical feminism: activist theory, activist practice" "Dever, Carolyn: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0816642524| ISBN: 0816642532 13660 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00| Price: $60.00, paper $20.00" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/26/2007 U.S. women's movement in global perspective "Banaszak, Lee Ann: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield" 2006 Text ISBN: 0742519317| ISBN: 0742519325 13661 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $72.00, paper $27.95| Price: $72.00, paper $27.95" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/26/2007 Language and gender: an advanced resource book "Sutherland, Jane: Author" Language New York: Routledge Text ISBN: 0415311039 13666 eng Added 2007 (Language)| Price: $110.00| Price: $110.00 "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/26/2007 "Gender, conflict and migration" "Behera, Navnita Chadha: Author" "Politics, International" "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2006 Text vol. 3 (Women and migration in Asia) ISBN: 0761934545| ISBN: 0761934553 13667 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $39.06, paper $17.79| Price: $39.06, paper $17.79" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/26/2007 On language and sexual politics "Cameron, Deborah: Author" Language New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415373433| ISBN: 0415373441 13668 eng "Added 2007 (Language)| Price: $125.00, paper $34.95| Price: $125.00, paper $34.95" "Bruxvoort, Diane: University of Houston. M.D. Anderson Library." 2/26/2007 Poison woman: figuring female transgression in modern Japanese culture "Marran, Christine: Author" East Asian women Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2007 Text ISBN: 0816647267 | ISBN: 0816647275 13670 eng "Added 2007 (East Asian women)| Price: $67.50, paper $22.50| Price: $67.50, paper $22.50" "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/26/2007 "In the beginning, woman was the sun: the autobiography of a Japanese feminist" "Hiratsuka, Raicho: Author" "Craig, Teruko: Translator" East Asian women New York: Columbia University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0231138121 13671 eng Added 2007 (East Asian women)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/26/2007 "Sirens of the western shore: the westernesque femme fatale, translation, and vernacular style in modern Japanese literature" "Levy, Indra: Author" East Asian women New York: Columbia University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0231137869 13672 eng Added 2007 (East Asian women)| Price: $40.00| Price: $40.00 "Matoush, Toby: San Jose State University. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library." 2/26/2007 "Pin-up grrrls: feminism, sexuality, popular culture" "Buszek, Maria Elena: Author" Popular culture "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0822337347| ISBN: 0822337460 13673 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95| Price: $89.95, paper $24.95| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Feminism in popular culture "Hollows, Joanne: Editor| Moseley, Rachel: Editor" Popular culture New York: Berg 2006 Text ISBN: 1845202228| ISBN: 1845202236 13674 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $89.95, paper $29.95| Price: $89.95, paper $29.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Redesigning women: television after the network era "Lotz, Amanda D.: Author" Popular culture Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0252030672| ISBN: 025207310x 13675 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $50.00, paper $25.00| Price: $50.00, paper $25.00| Essential title (Popular culture)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 American sweethearts: teenage girls in twentieth-century popular culture "Nash, Ilana: Author" Popular culture Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0253346592| ISBN: 0253218020 13677 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95| Price: $50.00, paper $21.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 The feminist bestseller: from Sex and the single girl to Sex and the city "Whelehan, Imelda: Author" Popular culture New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403911215| ISBN: 1403911223 13678 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $85.00, paper $26.95| Price: $85.00, paper $26.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Women and the politics of place "Harcourt, Wendy: Editor| Escobar, Arturo: Editor" "Politics, International" "Bloomfield, Connecticut: Kumarian Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 1565492080| ISBN: 1565492072 13679 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Price: $48.00, paper $24.95| Price: $48.00, paper $24.95| Essential title (Politics, International)" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library." 2/26/2007 "Flapper: a madcap story of sex, style, celebrity, and the women who made America modern" "Zeitz, Joshua: Author" Popular culture New York: Crown Publishers 2006 Text ISBN: 1400080533| ISBN: 1400080541 13680 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $24.95, paper $13.95| Price: $24.95, paper $13.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 "A feeling of belonging: Asian American women's public culture, 1930-1960" "Lim, Shirley Jennifer: Author" "Popular culture| History, U.S." New York: New York University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0814751938| ISBN: 0814751946 13681 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Added 2007 (History, U.S.)| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00| Price: $65.00, paper $21.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library.| Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/26/2007 I'm no angel: the blonde in fiction and film "Tremper, Ellen: Author" Popular culture Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0813925215| ISBN: 0813925207 13682 eng "Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $55.00, paper $20.00| Price: $55.00, paper $20.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 What would Murphy Brown do?: how the women of prime time changed our lives "Klein, Allison: Author" Popular culture "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 1580051715 13683 eng Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 The once and future goddess: a sweeping visual chronicle of the sacred female and her reemergence in the cultural mythology of our time "Gadon, Elinor: Author" Spirituality San Francisco: HarperCollins 1989 Text ISBN: 0062503545 13684 eng Added 2007 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $29.00| Price: paper $29.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries" 2/26/2007 "Secret ingredients: race, gender, and class at the dinner table" "Inness, Sherrie A.: Author" Popular culture New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 Text ISBN: 1403970084 13685 eng Added 2007 (Popular culture)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 "In the wake of the goddesses: women, culture and the biblical transformation of pagan myth" "Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone: Author" Spirituality New York: Ballantine Text ISBN: 0449907465 13686 eng Added 2007 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $19.00| Price: paper $19.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries" 2/26/2007 Featuring females: feminist analyses of media "Cole, Ellen: Editor| Daniel, Jessica Henderson: Editor" Mass media "Woodbridge, Virginia: American Psychological Association" 2005 Text ISBN: 1591472784 13687 eng Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $69.95| Price: $69.95 "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/26/2007 News and sexuality: media portraits of diversity "Castañeda, Laura: Editor| Campbell, Shannon B.: Editor" Mass media "Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications" 2006 Text ISBN: 1412909988| ISBN: 1412909996 13689 eng "Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $80.95, paper $36.95| Price: $80.95, paper $36.95" "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/26/2007 Gender and the media "Gill, Rosalind: Author" Mass media Cambridge: Polity Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0745612733| ISBN: 0745619150 13690 eng "Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $59.95, paper $ 24.95| Price: $59.95, paper $ 24.95" "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/26/2007 Gendering labor history "Kessler-Harris, Alice: Author" Labor Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2007 Text ISBN: 0252031490| ISBN: 0252073932 13691 eng "Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $65.00, paper $25.00| Price: $65.00, paper $25.00| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 From marriage to the market: the transformation of women's lives and work "Thistle, Susan: Author" Labor Berkeley: University of California Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0520245903| ISBN: 0520246462 13692 eng "Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Essential title (Labor)" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Understanding the gender gap: an economic history of American women "Goldin, Claudia: Author" Labor Oxford: Oxford University Press 1990 Text ISBN: 0195072707 13693 eng Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: paper $41.25| Price: paper $41.25 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Is the goddess a feminist?: the politics of South Asian goddesses "Hiltebeitel, Alf: Editor| Erndl, Kathleen M.: Editor" Spirituality New York: New York University Press 2000 Text ISBN: 0814736181| ISBN: 081473619X 13696 eng "Added 2007 (Spirituality)| Price: $65.00, paper $22.00| Price: $65.00, paper $22.00" "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/26/2007 Breaking out of the pink-collar ghetto: policy solutions for non-college women "Mastracci, Sharon H.: Author" "Marshall, Ray: Foreword" Labor "Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe" 2004 Text ISBN: 0765613557| ISBN: 0765613565 13697 eng "Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $73.95, paper $29.95| Price: $73.95, paper $29.95" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Longing for darkness: Tara and the black madonna "Galland, China: Author" Spirituality New York: Penguin 1991 Text ISBN: 0140121846 13698 eng Added 2007 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $16.00| Price: paper $16.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries." 2/26/2007 The bellwomen: the story of the landmark AT&T sex discrimination case "Stockford, Marjorie A.: Author" Labor "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 0813534283 13699 eng Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $25.95| Price: $25.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Descent to the goddess: A way of initiation for women "Perera, Sylvia Brinton: Author" Spirituality Toronto: Inner City Books 1991 Text ISBN: 0919123058 13700 eng Added 2007 (Spirituality)| Price: paper $20.00| Price: paper $20.00 "Russo, Stacy: Chapman University. Leatherby Libraries" 2/26/2007 "Not working: Latina immigrants, low-wage jobs, and the failure of welfare reform" "Marchevsky, Alejandra: Author| Theoharis, Jeanne: Author" Labor New York: New York University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 081475709X| ISBN: 0814757103 13701 eng "Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $75.00, paper $22.00| Price: $75.00, paper $22.00" "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Blue-collar women at work with men: negotiating the hostile environment "Greene, Jeanie Ahearn: Author" Labor "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger" 2006 Text ISBN: 0275977366 13702 eng Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 Selling women short: gender and money on Wall Street "Roth, Louise Marie: Author" Labor "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0691126437 13703 eng Added 2007 (Labor)| Price: $27.95| Price: $27.95 "Gilley, Jennifer: Pennsylvania State University. New Kensington Library." 2/26/2007 "Single by chance, mothers by choice: how women are choosing parenthood without marriage and creating the new American family" "Hertz, Rosanna: Author" Family New York: Oxford University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0195179903 13704 eng Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $26.00| Price: $26.00| Essential title (Family) "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/26/2007 The forbidden modern: civilization and veiling "Göle, Nilüfer: Author" Middle Eastern women Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0472066308 13705 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: paper $18.95| Price: paper $18.95 "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 "Islam, gender, & social change" "Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck: Editor| Esposito, John L.: Editor" Middle Eastern women New York: Oxford University Press 1998 Text ISBN: 0195113578 13706 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: paper $27.50| Price: paper $27.50 "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Gendering the Middle East: emerging perspectives "Kandiyoti, Deniz: Editor" Middle Eastern women New York: Syracuse University Press 1996 Text ISBN: 0815626959| ISBN: 0815603398 13708 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Women in the Middle East: past and present "Keddie, Nikki R.: Author" Middle Eastern women "Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0691116105| ISBN: 0691128634 13709 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95| Price: $60.00, paper $24.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 The flying camel: essays on identity by women of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish heritage "Khazzoom, Loolwa: Editor" Middle Eastern women New York: Seal Press 2003 Text ISBN: 1580050956 13710 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Go your own way: women travel the world solo "Conlon, Faith: Author| Emerick, Ingrid: Author| De Tessan, Christina Henry: Author" Geography and travel "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2007 Text ISBN: 1580051995 13711 eng Added 2007 (Geography and travel)| Price: paper $15.95 | Price: paper $15.95 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/27/2007 "Women and the politics of travel, 1870-1914" "Anderson, Monica: Author" Geography and travel "Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0838640915 13712 eng Added 2007 (Geography and travel)| Price: $49.50| Price: $49.50 "Ladenson, Sharon: Michigan State University. Main Library." 2/27/2007 Social history of women and gender in the modern Middle East "Meriwether, Margaret Lee: Editor| Tucker, Judith E: Editor" Middle Eastern women "Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press" 1999 Text ISBN: 0813321011 13713 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: paper $32.00| Price: paper $32.00| Essential title (Middle Eastern women) "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 "Gendered paradoxes: women's movements, state restructuring, and global development in Ecuador" "Lind, Amy: Author" "Politics, International| History, International" University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0271025441 13714 eng "Added 2007 (Politics, International)| Added 2007 (History, International)| Price: $55.00| Price: $55.00" "Tang, Florence: Mercer University. Swilley Library.| Phelps, Connie: University of New Orleans." 2/27/2007 Jewish feminism in Israel: some contemporary perspectives "Misra, Kalpana: Editor| Rich, Melanie S.: Editor" Middle Eastern women "Hanover, New Hampshire: Brandeis University Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 1584653248| ISBN: 1584653256 13715 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "Wortman, Sue. University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Women in Iran from the rise of Islam to 1800 "Nashat, Guity, : Editor| Beck, Lois: Editor" Middle Eastern women Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2003 Text ISBN: 0252028392| ISBN: 0252071212 13718 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $43.00, paper $19.00| Price: $43.00, paper $19.00" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Women’s rights in the Middle East and North Africa: citizenship and justice "Nazir, Sameena: Editor| Tomppert, Leigh: Editor" Middle Eastern women New York: Freedom House 2005 Text ISBN: 0742549917| ISBN: 0742549925 13719 "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95| Price: $75.00, paper $29.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 On shifting ground: Muslim women in the global era "Nouraie-Simone, Fereshteh: Editor" Middle Eastern women New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York 2005 Text ISBN: 1558615148| ISBN: 155861513X 13720 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $65.00, paper $18.95| Price: $65.00, paper $18.95| Essential title (Middle Eastern women)" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Women and the political process in twentieth-century Iran "Paidar, Parvin: Author" Middle Eastern women New York: Cambridge University Press 1995 Text ISBN: 0521473403| ISBN: 052159572X 13721 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $105.00, paper $39.99| Price: $105.00, paper $39.99" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Women in Islam and the Middle East: a reader "Roded, Ruth: Editor" Middle Eastern women New York: I.B. Tauris 1999 Text ISBN: 1860643086| ISBN: 1845113853 13722 "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $69.95, paper $27.95| Price: $69.95, paper $27.95| Essential title (Middle Eastern women)" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Palestinian women: patriarchy and resistance in the West Bank "Rubenberg, Cheryl: Author" Middle Eastern women "Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers" 2001 Text ISBN: 155587956X 13723 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95 "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 "Feminists who changed America, 1963-1975" "Love, Barbara J.: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2006 Text ISBN: 025203189X 13726 eng Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $80.00| Price: $80.00 "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/27/2007 Not my mother's sister: generational conflict and third-wave feminism "Henry, Astrid: Author" Feminist movements in the United States Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0253344549| ISBN: 025321713X| ISBN: 0253111226 13728 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95, ebook $45.00| Price: $45.00, paper $19.95, ebook $45.00" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/27/2007 "Living for the revolution: black feminist organizations, 1968-1980" "Springer, Kimberly: Author" Feminist movements in the United States "Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 082233481X| ISBN: 0822334933 13729 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95| Price: $74.95, paper $21.95" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/27/2007 Trouble between us: an uneasy history of white and black women in the feminist movement "Breines, Winifred: Author" Feminist movements in the United States New York: Oxford University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0195179048| ISBN: 1429402911 13730 eng "Added 2007 (Feminist movements in the United States)| Price: $29.95, ebook $29.95| Price: $29.95, ebook $29.95" "Gratz, Erin: University of La Verne. Wilson Library." 2/27/2007 Arab women: between defiance and restraint "Sabbagh, Suha: Editor" Middle Eastern women New York: Olive Branch Press 1996 Text ISBN: 156656199X| ISBN: 1566561876 13731 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $39.95, paper $18.95| Price: $39.95, paper $18.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Women in Iran "Shahidian, Hammed" Middle Eastern women vol. 1 (Emerging voices in the women's movement) "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2002 Text ISBN: 0313323454 13733 eng Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $81.95| Price: $81.95 "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Gender and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the politics of women’s resistance "Sharoni, Simona: Author" Middle Eastern women "Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press" 1995 Text ISBN: 0815626436| ISBN: 0815602995 13734 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $39.95, paper $17.95| Price: $39.95, paper $17.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 2/27/2007 Feminism and ancient philosophy "Ward, Julie K.: Author" Philosophy New York: Routledge 1996 Text ISBN: 0415916011| ISBN: 041591602X 13735 eng "Added 2007 (Philosophy)| Price: $100.00, paper $27.95| Price: $100.00, paper $27.95" "River, Sandy: Texas Tech. University. Architecture Library." 2/27/2007 "Feminist anthropology: past, present, and future" "Geller, Pamela: Editor| Stockett, Miranda K.: Editor" Anthropology and archaeology Philadephia: University of Pennsylvania 2006 Text ISBN: 0812239407 13737 eng Added 2007 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $47.50| Price: $47.50| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology) "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/1/2006 Female circumcision: multicultural perspectives "Abusharaf, Rogaia Mustafa: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0812239245 13738 eng Added 2007 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95| Essential title (Anthropology and archaeology) "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Gender in ancient Cyprus: narratives of social change on a Mediterranean island "Bolger, Diane R.: Author" Anthropology and archaeology "Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press" 2003 Text ISBN: 0759104298| ISBN: 0759104301 13739 eng "Added 2007 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $70.00, paper $36.95| Price: $70.00, paper $36.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/2/2006 Treading the bawds: actresses and playwrights on the late-Stuart stage "Bush-Bailey, Gilli: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Manchester University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0719072506 13741 eng Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $74.95| Price: $74.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/27/2007 "Feminist futures?: theatre, performance, theory" "Aston, Elaine: Editor| Harris, Geraldine: Editor" Theatre and dance New York: Palgrave Macmillian 2006 Text ISBN: 1403945322 13742 eng Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/27/2007 "Staging motherhood: British women playwrights, 1956-present" "Komporaly, Jozefina: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2007 Text ISBN: 1403999090 13743 eng Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $74.95| Price: $74.95 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/27/2007 Wayward women: sexuality and agency in a New Guinea society "Wardlow, Holly: Author" Anthropology and archaeology Berkeley: University of California Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0520245598 | ISBN: 0520245601 13744 eng "Added 2007 (Anthropology and archaeology)| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95| Price: $55.00, paper $21.95" "Wavle, Elizabeth M.: Elmira College. Gannett-Tripp Library." 2/7/2004 Women in American theatre "Chinoy, Helen Krich: Editor| Jenkins, Linda Walsh: Editor" Theatre and dance 3d rev. ed New York: Theatre Communications Group 2006 Text ISBN: 1559362634 13745 eng Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95| Essential title (Theatre and dance) "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/27/2007 "Fatal desire: women, sexuality, and the English stage, 1660-1720" "Marsden, Jean I.: Author" Theatre and dance "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0801444470 13746 eng Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/27/2007 Women writing plays: three decades of the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize "Greene, Alexis: Editor" "Kilgore, Emilie S.: Foreword| Norman, Marsha: Introduction" Theatre and dance Austin: University of Texas Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0292713258| ISBN: 0292713290 13748 eng "Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/27/2007 As she likes it: Shakespeare's unruly women "Gay, Penny: Author" Theatre and dance Gender and Performance Series London: Routledge 1994 Text ISBN: 0415096952| ISBN: 0415096960 13749 eng "Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $135.00, paper $41.95| Price: $135.00, paper $41.95" "King, Diana: University of California, Los Angeles. Arts Library." 2/27/2007 First ladies and the press: the unfinished partnership of the media age "Beasley, Maurine H.: Author" Mass media "Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0810123126 13750 eng Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: paper $22.95| Price: paper $22.95 "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/27/2007 "Theatre under Louis XIV: cross-casting and the performance of gender in drama, ballet and opera" "Prest, Julia: Author" Theatre and dance New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2006 Text ISBN: 1403975183 13752 eng Added 2007 (Theatre and dance)| Price: $65.00| Price: $65.00 "King, Diana: University of California, Davis. Shields Library" 2/27/2007 "Mothers and daughters: connection, empowerment, and transformation" "O'Reilly, Andrea: Editor| Abbey, Sharon: Editor" Family "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield" 2000 Text ISBN: 0847694860| ISBN: 0847694879 13753 eng "Price: $83.00, paper $28.95| Price: $83.00, paper $28.95" Vanette Schwartz: Illinois State University. Milner Library. 2/27/2007 Parenting and professing: balancing family work with an academic career "Bassett, Rachel Hile: Author" Family "Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0826514774| ISBN: 0826514782 13754 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $69.95, paper $24.95| Price: $69.95, paper $24.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/27/2007 Gender and newsroom cultures: identities at work "Bruin, Marjan de: Editor| Ross, Karen: Editor" Mass media "Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press" 2004 Text ISBN: 1572735880 | ISBN: 1572735899 13756 eng "Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: $62.50, paper $27.50| Price: $62.50, paper $27.50" "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/28/2007 Journalistas: 100 years of the best writing by women journalists "Mills, Eleanor: Editor" "Wolf, Naomi: Introduction" Mass media New York: Carroll & Graf 2006 Text ISBN: 0786716673 13757 eng Added 2007 (Mass media)| Price: paper $14.95| Price: paper $14.95 "Higgins, Shana: University of Redlands. Armacost Library." 2/28/2007 "American feminism: key source documents, 1848-1920" "Beer, Janet: Editor| Ford, Anne-Marie: Editor| Joslin, Katherine: Editor" "History, U.S." New York: Routledge 2003 Text 4 volumes ISBN: 0415219450 13759 eng "Added 2007 (History, U.S.)| Price: $1,190.00| Price: $1,190.00" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/28/2007 They fought for the Motherland: Russia's women soldiers in World War I and the Revolution "Stoff, Laurie: Author" Military Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2006 Text ISBN: 0700614850 13760 eng Added 2007 (Military)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/28/2007 "Before they could vote: American women's autobiographical writing, 1819-1919" "Smith, Sidonie: Editor| Watson, Julia: Editor" "History, U.S." Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0299220508| ISBN: 0299220540 13761 eng "Added 2007 (History, U.S.)| Price: $75.00, paper $26.95| Price: $75.00, paper $26.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/28/2007 "Learning to stand & speak: women, education, and public life in America's Republic" "Kelley, Mary: Author" "History, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2006 Text ISBN: 080783064X 13762 eng "Added 2007 (History, U.S.)| Price: $39.95| Price: $39.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/28/2007 Mysteries of sex : tracing women and men through American history "Ryan, Mary P: Author" "History, U.S." Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0807830623 13763 eng "Added 2007 (History, U.S.)| Price: $37.50| Price: $37.50" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/28/2007 "Women at war: Iraq, Afghanistan, and other conflicts" "Wise, James E.: Author| Baron, Scott: Author" Military "Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 1591149398 13764 eng Added 2007 (Military)| Price: $29.95| Price: $29.95| Essential title (Military) "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/28/2007 "To be useful to the world: women in revolutionary America, 1740-1790" "Gundersen, Joan R: Author" "History, U.S." Rev. ed Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0807856975 13765 eng "Added 2007 (History, U.S.)| Price: paper $24.95| Price: paper $24.95" "Grim, Jessica: Oberlin College. Library." 2/28/2007 One of the guys: women as aggressors and torturers "McKelvey, Tara: Author" Military "Emeryville, California: Seal Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 1580051960 13766 eng Added 2007 (Military)| Price: paper $15.95| Price: paper $15.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/28/2007 Gender and the military: women in the armed forces of Western democracies "Carreiras, Helena: Author" Military New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415383587 13769 eng Added 2007 (Military)| Price: $125.00| Price: $125.00| Essential title (Military) "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/28/2007 "Women in the British Army: war and the gentle sex, 1907-1948" "Noakes, Lucy: Author" Military New York: Routledge 2006 Text ISBN: 0415390567| ISBN: 0415390575 13770 eng "Added 2007 (Military)| Price: $120.00, paper $33.95| Price: $120.00, paper $33.95" "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/17/2004 Women on the Civil War battlefront "Hall, Richard: Author" Military Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2006 Text ISBN: 0700614370 13773 eng Added 2007 (Military)| Price: $34.95| Price: $34.95 "Macicak, Susan: University of Texas at Austin. Libraries." 2/28/2007 African American family life: ecological and cultural diversity. "McLoyd, Vonnie C.: Editor Hill, Nancy E.: Editor| Dodge, Kenneth A.: Editor" Family New York: Guilford Press 2005 Text ISBN: 1572309954| ISBN: 1593854676 13774 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $40.00, paper $26.00| Price: $40.00, paper $26.00| Essential title (Family)" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 American families past and present: social perspectives on transformations "Ross, Susan M.: Author" Family "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0813538173 | ISBN: 0813538181 13776 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $68.00, paper $25.95| Price: $68.00, paper $25.95| Essential title (Family)" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 Black families at the crossroads: challenges and prospects "Johnson, Leanor Boulin: Author| Staples, Robert: Author" Family 2d ed San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2005 Text ISBN: 0787972223| ISBN: 0787976318 13777 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: paper $42.00, ebook $42.00| Price: paper $42.00, ebook $42.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 Changing rhythms of American family life "Bianchi, Suzanne M.: Author| Robinson, John P.: Author| Milkie, Melissa A.: Author" Family New York: Russell Sage Foundation 2006 Text ISBN: 087154136X 13778 eng Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $37.50| Price: $37.50 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 Fractured generations: crafting a family policy for twenty-first-century America "Carlson, Allan C.: Author" Family "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers" 2005 Text ISBN: 0765802759 13779 eng Added 2007 (Family)| Price: paper $29.95| Price: paper $29.95 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 "Hitting home: feminist ethics, women's work, and the betrayal of ""family values""" "Albrecht, Gloria H.: Author" Family New York: Continuum 2002 Text ISBN: 0826414427| ISBN: 0826416500 13780 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $22.95, paper $12.95| Price: $22.95, paper $12.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 "Marriage, work, and family life in comparative perspective: Japan, South Korea, and the United States" "Tsuya, Noriko O.: Author| Bumpass, Larry L.: Author" Family Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2004 Text ISBN: 082482508X | ISBN: 0824827759 13781 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $55.00, paper $23.00| Price: $55.00, paper $23.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 Mending broken families: social policies for divorced families : how effective are they? "Douglas, Emily M.: Author" Family "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers" 2006 Text ISBN: 0742542769| ISBN: 0742542777 13782 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 "The place of families: fostering capacity, equality, and responsibility" "McClain, Linda C.: Author" Family "Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0674019105 13784 eng Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 Putting children first: how low-wage working mothers manage child care "Chaudry, Ajay: Author" Family New York: Russell Sage Foundation 2004 Text ISBN: 0871541718| ISBN: 0871541726 13785 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95| Price: $39.95, paper $19.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 "Race, work, and family in the lives of African Americans" "Durr, Marlese: Author| Hill, Shirley A.: Author" Family "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers" 2006 Text ISBN: 0742534669| ISBN: 0742534677 13786 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95| Price: $80.00, paper $29.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 Unsung heroines: single mothers and the American dream "Sidel, Ruth: Author" Family "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0520238265| ISBN: 0520247728 13787 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $45.00, paper $17.95| Price: $45.00, paper $17.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 2/28/2007 African-American women's health and social issues "Collins, Catherine Fisher.: Author" Health 2d ed "Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers" 2006 Text ISBN: 0275980820 13788 eng Added 2007 (Health)| Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95 "Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 3/1/2007 "Our bodies, ourselves: menopause" Boston Women's Health Book Collective: Author Health New York: Simon & Schuster 2006 Text ISBN: 0743274873 13789 eng Added 2007 (Health)| Price: paper $15.00| Price: paper $15.00 "Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 3/1/2007 Women and art in South Africa "Arnold, Marion I.: Author" African women New York: Palgrave MacMillan 1997 Text ISBN: 0312165862 13791 eng Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $90.00| Price: $90.00 "Tompkins, Heather: Carleton College. Library" 3/1/2007 "The politics of (m)othering: womanhood, identity, and resistance in African literature" "Nnaemeka, Obioma: Editor" African women New York: Routledge 1997 Text ISBN: 0415137896| ISBN: 041513790X 13792 eng "Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $135.00, paper $39.95| Price: $135.00, paper $39.95" "Tompkins, Heather: Carleton College. Library" 3/1/2007 "Motherlands: Black women's writing from Africa, the Caribbean, and South Asia" "Nasta, Susheila: Editor" African women "New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press" 1992 Text ISBN: 0813517818| ISBN: 0813517826 13793 eng "Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $45.00, paper $17.95| Price: $45.00, paper $17.95| Essential title (African women)" "Tompkins, Heather: Carleton College. Library" 3/1/2007 "Autobiography and gender in early modern literature: reading women's lives, 1600-1680" "Seelig, Sharon Cadman: Author" "Literature, British" Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0521856957 13794 eng "Added 2007 (Literature, British)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 3/1/2007 "Folklore in British literature: naming and narrating in women's fiction, 1750-1880" "Wakefield, Sarah R.: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Peter Lang 2006 Text ISBN: 082046340X 13795 eng "Added 2007 (Literature, British)| Price: $64.95| Price: $64.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 3/1/2007 The posthumous voice in women's writing from Mary Shelley to Sylvia Plath "Raymond, Claire: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2006 Text ISBN: 0754655350 13796 eng "Added 2007 (Literature, British)| Price: $99.95| Price: $99.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 3/1/2007 "Creating the fictional female detective: the sleuth heroines of British women writers, 1890-1940" "Kungl, Carla T.: Author" "Literature, British" "Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Co." 2006 Text ISBN: 0786425288 13797 eng "Added 2007 (Literature, British)| Price: paper $32.00| Price: paper $32.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 3/1/2007 "Domestic modernism, the interwar novel, and E.H. Young" "Briganti, Chiara: Author| Mezei, Kathy: Author" "Literature, British" "Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate" 2006 Text ISBN: 075465317X 13798 eng "Added 2007 (Literature, British)| Price: $89.95| Price: $89.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 3/1/2007 "The woman's historical novel: British women writers, 1900-2000" "Wallace, Diana: Author" "Literature, British" New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403903220 13799 eng "Added 2007 (Literature, British)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 3/1/2007 Narrative settlements: geographies of British women's fiction between the wars "Nesbitt, Jennifer Poulos: Author" "Literature, British" Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0802089860 13800 eng "Added 2007 (Literature, British)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00" "Martin, Piper: Wright State University. Paul Laurence Dunbar Library." 3/1/2007 Inside Iran: women's lives "Howard, Jane: Author" Middle Eastern women "Washington, D.C.: Mage Publishers" 2002 Text ISBN: 093421171X| ISBN: 0934211728 13802 eng "Added 2007 (Middle Eastern women)| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95" "Wortman, Sue: University of Michigan. Graduate Library." 3/1/2007 The breast reconstruction guidebook: issues and answers from research to recovery "Steligo, Kathy: Author" Health "2d ed, rev." "San Carlos, California: Carlo Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0966979974 13804 eng Added 2007 (Health)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 3/1/2007 Global prescriptions: gendering health and human rights "Petchesky, Rosalind P: Author" Health London: Zed Books Text 2003 ISBN: 1842770047| ISBN: 1842770071 13805 eng "Added 2007 (Health)| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95| Price: $85.00, paper $29.95" "Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 3/1/2007 Nutritional concerns of women "Klimis-Zacas, Dorothy: Author| Wolinsky, Ira: Author" Health 2d ed "Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press" Text 2004 ISBN: 0849313376 13806 eng Added 2007 (Health)| Price: $79.95| Price: $79.95 "Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 3/1/2007 Reproductive health: women and men's shared responsibility "Anderson, Barbara A: Author" Health "Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers" 2005 Text ISBN: 076372288X 13807 eng Added 2007 (Health)| Price: $37.00| Price: $37.00 "Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 3/1/2007 Caring for women cross-culturally "St. Hill, Patricia F: Author| Lipson, Juliene G: Author| Meleis, Afaf Ibrahim: Author" Health Philadelphia: F.A. Davis 2003 Text ISBN: 0803610041 13809 eng Added 2007 (Health)| Price: $35.95| Price: $35.95 "Rushton, Erin: Binghamton University. Library." 3/1/2007 The women's movement today: an encyclopedia of third-wave feminism. "Heywood, Leslie: Editor" Reference "Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press" 2005 Text 2 volumes ISBN: 0313331332 13810 eng Added 2007 (Reference)| Price: $199.95| Price: $199.95| Essential title (Reference) "Booth, Char: Ohio University. Library." 3/1/2007 Women's mental health: a life-cycle approach "Romans, Sarah E.: Author| Seeman, M. V.: Author" Mental health and psychology Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006 Text ISBN: 0781751292 13813 eng Added 2007 (Mental health and psychology)| Price: $59.95| Price: $59.95 "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 1/29/2005 "Reproductive rights in a global context: South Africa, Uganda, Peru, Denmark, United States, Vietnam, Jordan" "Knudsen, Lara M.: Author" "Hartmann, Betsy: Forward" African women "Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0826515274| ISBN: 0826515282 13814 eng "Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95| Price: $69.95, paper $29.95" "Tompkins, Heather: Carleton College. Library." 3/1/2007 Rethinking mental health and disorder: feminist perspectives "Ballou, Mary B.: Author| Brown, Laura S.: Author" Mental health and psychology New York: Guilford Press 2002 Text ISBN: 1572307994 13815 eng Added 2007 (Mental health and psychology)| Price: $42.00| Price: $42.00 "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 2/9/2004 Women and madness "Chesler, Phyllis: Author" Mental health and psychology Rev. ed New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 Text ISBN: 1403968977 13816 eng Added 2007 (Mental health and psychology)| Price: paper $16.95| Price: paper $16.95 "Hollingsworth, Jill: Georgetown University. Lauinger Library." 2/17/2006 Women and resistance in South Africa "Walker, Cherryl: Author" African women "Reprint, with new introd. Originally published: South Africa: David Philip Publishers" New York: Monthly Review Press 1992 Text ISBN: 0853458294| ISBN: 0853458308 13817 eng "Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $45.00, paper $22.00| Price: $45.00, paper $22.00" "Tompkins, Heather: Carleton College. Library." 3/1/2007 "States and women's rights: the making of postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco" "Charrad, Mounira: Author" African women Berkeley: University of California Press 2001 Text ISBN: 0520073231| ISBN: 0520225767 13818 eng "Added 2007 (African women)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "Tompkins, Heather: Carleton College. Library." 3/1/2007 Doméstica: immigrant workers cleaning and caring in the shadows of affluence "Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette: Author" Sociology "Berkeley, California: University of California Press" 2007 Text ISBN: 0520251717 13820 eng Added 2007 (Sociology)| Price: paper $21.95 | Price: paper $21.95 "Kimura, Sherise: University of San Francisco. Gleeson Library/Geschke Center." 3/1/2007 "Contacts desired: gay and lesbian communications and community, 1940s-1970s" "Meeker, Martin: Author" Lesbian studies Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0226517349| ISBN: 0226517357 13821 eng "Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $75.00, paper $25.00| Price: $75.00, paper $25.00" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 Gay marriage: for better or for worse?: what we've learned from the evidence "Eskridge, William N.: Author| Spedale, Darren R.: Author" Lesbian studies Oxford: Oxford University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0195187512| ISBN: 0195326970 13822 eng "Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95| Price: $29.95, paper $19.95" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 Different daughters: a history of the Daughters of Bilitis and the rise of the lesbian rights movement "Gallo, Marcia M.: Author" Lesbian studies New York: Carroll and Graf Publishers 2006 Text ISBN: 0786716347 13823 eng Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $25.95| Price: $25.95| Essential title (Lesbian studies) "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 Intersections between feminist and queer theory "Richardson, Diane: Editor| McLaughlin, Janice: Editor| Casey, Mark E.: Editor" Lesbian studies "Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan" 2006 Text ISBN: 1403945314 13824 eng Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper $74.95| Price: paper $74.95 "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 "Tommy boys, lesbian men, and ancestral wives: female same-sex practices in Africa" "Morgan, Ruth: Author| Wieringa, Saskia: Author" Lesbian studies "Johannesburg, South Africa: Jacana Media" 2005 Text ISBN: 1770090932 13826 eng Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper $19.95| Price: paper $19.95 "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 Cases and materials on feminist jurisprudence: taking women seriously "Becker, Mary: Author| Bowman, Cynthia G.: Author| Nourse, Victoria F.: Author| Yurack, Kimberly A.: Author" Law 3d ed "Eagan, Minnesota: West Publishing" 2006 Text ISBN: 0314163670 13827 eng Added 2007 (Law)| Price: $110.00| Price: $110.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 2/19/2004 "The heart has its reasons: young adult literature with gay/lesbian/queer content, 1969-2004" "Michael, Cart: Author| Jenkins, Christine: Author" Lesbian studies "Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0810850710 13828 eng Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: paper $42.00| Price: paper $42.00 "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 Queer images: a history of gay and lesbian film in America "Benshoff, Harry M.: Author| Griffin, Sean: Author" Lesbian studies "Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers" 2006 Text ISBN: 0742519716| ISBN: 0742519724 13829 eng "Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $79.00, paper $24.95| Price: $79.00, paper $24.95" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 "Feminism confronts homo economicus: gender, law, and society" "Fineman, Martha: Editor| Dougherty, Terence: Editor" Law "Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press" 2005 Text ISBN: 0801443113| ISBN: 0801489415 13830 eng "Added 2007 (Law)| Price: $60.00, paper $29.95| Price: $60.00, paper $29.95" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 3/1/2007 Feminist legal theory: a primer "Levit, Nancy: Author| Verchick, Robert R. M.: Author" "Minow, Martha: Foreword" Law New York: New York University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0814751989| ISBN: 0814751997 13832 eng "Added 2007 (Law)| Price: $65.00, paper $20.00| Price: $65.00, paper $20.00| Essential title (Law)" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 3/1/2007 "Gender and law: theory, doctrine, commentary" "Bartlett, Katharine T.: Author| Rhode, Deborah L.: Author" Law 4th ed New York: Aspen Publishers 2006 Text ISBN: 0735557411 13833 eng Added 2007 (Law)| Price: $109.00| Price: $109.00| Essential title (Law) "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 3/1/2007 The gender of constitutional jurisprudence "Baines, Beverley: Editor| Rubio-Marín, Ruth: Editor" Law New York: Cambridge University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0521823366| ISBN: 052153027X 13834 eng "Added 2007 (Law)| Price: $85.00, paper $34.99| Price: $85.00, paper $34.99" "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 3/1/2007 "Legal feminism: activism, lawyering, and legal theory" "Scales, Ann: Author" Law New York: New York University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0814798454 13835 eng Added 2007 (Law)| Price: $35.00| Price: $35.00 "Adams Brooks, Megan: Wellesley College. Library." 3/1/2007 The women of Karbala: ritual performance and symbolic discourses in modern Shi'i Islam "Aghaie, Kamran Scot: Author" Religion Austin: University of Texas Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0292709366| ISBN: 0292709595 13836 eng "Added 2007 (Religion)| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95| Price: $55.00, paper $24.95" "Holman, Jenifer Smith: University of Wisconsin--La Crosse. Murphy Library." 3/1/2007 Backlash against welfare mothers: past and present "Reese, Ellen: Author" Family Berkeley: University of California Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0520244613| ISBN: 0520244621 13837 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95| Price: $50.00, paper $19.95" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 3/1/2007 "Being together, working apart: dual-career families and the work-life balance" "Schneider, Barbara L.: Editor| Waite, Linda J. : Editor" Family New York: Cambridge University Press 2005 Text ISBN: 0521845718 13838 eng Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $75.00| Price: $75.00 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 3/1/2007 "Intimate friends: women who loved women, 1778-1928" "Vicinus, Martha: Author" Lesbian studies Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0226855635 | ISBN: 0226855643 13839 eng "Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $35.00, paper $27.00| Price: $35.00, paper $27.00" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 Doing without: women and work after welfare reform "Henrici, Jane: Editor" Family "Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press" 2006 Text ISBN: 0816525129 13841 eng Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $45.00| Price: $45.00 "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 3/1/2007 Families across cultures: a 30-nation psychological study "Georgas, James: Editor" Family New York: Cambridge University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0521822971| ISBN: 0521529875 13842 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $99.00, paper $50.00| Price: $99.00, paper $50.00" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 3/1/2007 Families count: effects on child and adolescent development "Clarke-Stewart, Alison: Editor| Dunn, Judy: Editor" Family New York: Cambridge University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0521847532| ISBN: 0521612292 13843 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $80.00, paper $32.99| Price: $80.00, paper $32.99" "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 3/1/2007 Toms and dees: transgender identity and female same-sex relationships in Thailand "Sinnott, Megan: Author" Lesbian studies Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2004 Text ISBN: 0824827414| ISBN: 0824828526 13844 eng "Added 2007 (Lesbian studies)| Price: $55.00, paper $23.00| Price: $55.00, paper $23.00" "Saywell, Lisa: University of Wisconsin—Madison. Memorial Library." 3/1/2007 Forgotten families: ending the growing crisis confronting children and working parents in the global economy "Heymann, Jody: Author" Family New York: Oxford University Press 2006 Text ISBN: 0195156595 13845 eng Added 2007 (Family)| Price: $27.50| Price: $27.50| Essential title (Family) "Schwartz, Vanette: Illinois State University. Milner Library." 3/1/2007 The girls who went away: the hidden history of women who surrendered children for adoption in the decades before Roe v. Wade "Fessler, Ann: Author" Family New York: Penguin Press 2006 Text ISBN: 1594200947| ISBN: 0143038974 13846 eng "Added 2007 (Family)| Price