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Bioinformatic Analysis of Glucose Transporters of Gluconobacter oxydans
(2024-12)Gluconobacter oxydans is a gram-negative bacillus whose unique metabolism is frequently exploited in industry and biotechnology for its metabolic byproducts. Glucose is a common carbon source for G. oxydans and is incompletely ... -
Vital Signs: A Digital Humanities Project Exploring the Impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on the Chippewa Valley
(2024-04)“Vital Signs: The Chippewa Valley 1918 Influenza Project” is a digital humanities resource exploring the impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on Northwestern Wisconsin. This poster explores a collaborative local history ... -
College Students’ Achievement Pressures and Well-Being : Preliminary Findings
(2024-04)Mental health concerns among college students have been on the rise over the last decade. In a recent survey of over 90,000 U.S. college students, 41% of the students reported symptoms of depression and 36% reported symptoms ... -
Strategic Policymaking in Totalitarian Governments : A Pathway to Survivability in the Modern World
(2024-04)This project investigates the driving factors of policy and decision-making in totalitarian regimes and the implications for the survival and longevity of dictatorships in the modern era. This is relevant, as it addresses ... -
Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo in Wisconsin: Population Characteristics and Contributions to Bowfishing Harvest
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2025-01)Bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) and smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) are native to the midwestern USA and receive little management attention due to their status as non-game fishes. As a result, little is known ...